Meet The Leader

Chapter 128: upsurge

PS: Thanks to book friends Pa Qiuli and Noreji for their 10,000 starting coins

Chu Xiu can now be sure that the people from Juyi Village, Extreme North Piaoxuecheng and Qinglonghui are all looking for him.

Chu Xiu wasn't sure whether the windy Lu You would reveal the news that he was looking for this old man Huang, so it was always right for him to arrange a smoke bomb here in advance.

In fact, Chu Xiu's guess was not correct. Before the next day, Juyi Village and Jibei Piaoxuecheng joined hands to start arresting Chu Xiu. Anyone who can tell the news of Chu Xiu can get Juyi Village and Jibei. Bounty given by Beipiao Snow City.

Everyone was still puzzled at this time. This 'gorefiend' Chu Xiu was the most famous killer in the helm of the Qinglonghui, and he was on the Dragon Tiger List. Juyi Village and Jibei Piaoxuecheng were so blatant. Wanted Chu Xiu, do you just keep watching?

Only after the incident did everyone hear that the helm of Tiansin was not just watching, but was already searching for Chu Xiu's whereabouts, and the helmsman of Tiansin left a sentence: life or death!

As soon as these words came out, everyone immediately understood what the helmsman of this day meant, and at the same time they shook their heads secretly, thinking that Chu Xiu's courage was really too big, not only offending Juyi Village and Jibei Piaoxuecheng After trying it again and again, in the end, he even betrayed the Azure Dragon Society.

It's just that the only thing that is strange to everyone is the attitude of the Qinglong Club.

Generally, if there is a killer of the Qinglong Association who betrays the Qinglong Association, the helmsman should report it to the headquarters in person, report the reason, and finally remove him from the name before ordering all the killers of the Qinglong Association to hunt down the rebels and let him be on the rivers and lakes. There is no shelter.

But it seems that the helmsman of Tiansin did not report the news of Chu Xiu to the headquarters of the Qinglong Association, but only asked the people of the helm of Tiansin to find Chu Xiu, which seemed a little strange.

In fact, the reason is very simple. After all, it was the helmsman of Heaven who took the lead in calculating Chu Xiu. Although the headquarters of the Qinglong Association would not punish him for such a thing, a dignified helmsman, a master in the realm of the unity of heaven and man, but this kind of Taking the initiative to calculate things about his subordinates is hard to say or not, but he still wants to go back to the headquarters. It is absolutely impossible for the people in the headquarters to know about this kind of thing that affects his reputation in the Azure Dragon Society.

Also, this time robbing Linglong of the Blood Jade is not very in line with the rules of the Azure Dragon Society.

The Qinglong Association is just a killer organization. You can use the power of the Qinglong Association to do other things, but you have to report to the headquarters, and you need the approval of the headquarters before you can do it. The process is quite troublesome.

Most of the helmsmen of the Azure Dragon Society are the same as the local emperor. Of course, they don't like the feeling of being restrained by others, so they do it privately. As long as it's not a big deal, they basically never report to the headquarters.

This kind of thing is the default unspoken rule of the Qinglong Club. You don't want to talk about others, but if the helmsman of Heavenly Sin stabs the matter to the headquarters, he will also be known by the headquarters if he does it privately, and inevitably he will be reprimanded and punished. of.

Now the three families are chasing and killing Chu Xiu together, and the momentum is already extremely amazing. At this time, in Yannan Shenwumen, Yan Tingting took the news sent by the disciples of Shenwumen, her eyes were red, and there was endless hatred in her eyes. Intention and murder come.

Although Yan Tingting in the past was unruly and willful, she was also lively, but now Yan Tingting is thin and depressed.

When the Yue family was destroyed and Yue Luchuan died at the hands of Chu Xiu, Yan Tingting wanted to kill Chu Xiu to avenge her beloved.

However, because of the special nature of the rudder, Yan Huainan did not allow her to find trouble with Chu Xiu.

Although Yan Tingting is the eldest lady of Shenwumen, who would dare to help her without Yan Huainan's instructions?

So Yan Tingting has no strength even if she wants to take revenge. She washes her face with tears all day long, but she has been paying attention to the news of Chu Xiu.

Seeing that Chu Xiu was on the Dragon and Tiger Ranking by destroying the Yue family, and she was still so powerful and famous in Yandong Wulin, she could not wait to kill Chu Xiu now, but unfortunately she did not have the power.

But now that Chu Xiu was wanted by Juyi Village and Jibei Piaoxuecheng, and the news that he was removed from the Qinglong Association, Yan Tingting immediately saw the opportunity.

With the information, Yan Tingting directly knocked on the door of Yan Huainan's closed room.

Everyone in Shenwumen knew that it was a serious matter to disturb the sect master to retreat and rest. Even the elders of Shenwumen were afraid to see Yan Huainan's gloomy face, only Yan Tingting was an exception.

Yan Huainan, the head of Shenwumen's 'Sacred Machines', is a middle-aged man with astonishing momentum.

With the power of one person, Shenwumen has developed from an ordinary small sect to one of the seven sects and eight sects. Yan Huainan himself is also ranked thirty-seventh on the Billboard. Whether it is on the rivers or lakes or among the sects, Yan Huainan is the most famous. Definitely the kind of powerful hero.

It's just that even if Yan Huainan is strong, he can't be strong when facing his daughter.

Seeing Yan Tingting's appearance, he couldn't help but said helplessly: "Tingting, what's wrong?"

Yan Tingting threw the news in her hand to Yan Huainan, and said with a blank face: "Before you were worried about whether Qinglong would go after Chu Xiu, but now that Chu Xiu has betrayed Qinglong, you should be able to take action, right?"

Yan Huainan took the news and read it again, a strange look suddenly appeared in his eyes.

To be honest, Yan Huainan didn't feel bad about Chu Xiu from the very beginning, and he was even a little grateful to Chu Xiu.

That Yue Luchuan looked like a useless person, except for a good skin, there was no merit at all. In the eyes of a hero like Yan Huainan, he was simply a waste.

It's a pity that there are so many young heroes in Beiyan Land, but none of his daughters likes him, even his daughter like Nie Dongliu can't like him, what else can he do?

If it wasn't for the fear that killing Yue Luchuan would make her daughter hate her for the rest of her life, Yan Huainan would have done it a long time ago, and now Chu Xiu helped him. Although Yan Tingting had been depressed for so long, Yan Huainan believed that the time was right. Dilute everything, sooner or later, her daughter will forget that little white face.

It's just that Yan Huainan didn't expect that his daughter hadn't forgotten the little white face, so Chu Xiu had already caused such a big disturbance. Seeing the news from the intelligence, Yan Huainan even had some appreciation for that Chu Xiu.

People are in the rivers and lakes, either endure or be ruthless.

He Yan Huainan is not the kind of person who endures humiliation and forbearance, but is ruthless and decisive, so he can lead Shenwumen to fight for decades to this scale, ranking one of the seven sects and eight factions.

This Chu Xiu dared to **** things from Juyi Village and Jibei Piaoxuecheng, and even dared to plot against his immediate superior. In Yan Huainan's view, this is already ruthless and decisive enough. If this son can survive this Jie, it will become a great weapon in the future!

Of course, the premise is that the other party can survive this catastrophe. There have always been so many young rookies in the arena, and there are people who are more amazing than Chu Xiu, but there are more people who died halfway.

The genius who can survive is called Renjie, and those who die halfway are just dead people.

Seeing that Yan Huainan didn't speak for a long time, Yan Tingting couldn't help but said anxiously: "Dad! Do you agree to go after Chu Xiu?"

Yan Huainan patted Yan Tingting's head dotingly and said, "Kill, of course, kill, don't worry, I'll let someone tell you to chase and kill Chu Xiu in the land of Yannan."

Hearing what Yan Huainan said, Yan Tingting left with satisfaction.

After Yan Tingting left, a warrior in his thirties walked out from nowhere and asked in confusion, "Master, do you really want to hunt down Chu Xiu in the whole of Yannan? I don't know where Hugh is."

Yan Huainan turned around and snorted coldly: "Chase you ass! Can you use that time to practice? I'm trying to make Tingting happy, are you serious? Spread the news and send some free time. Disciples who can't stop going down the mountain for a few laps, just pretend."

The disciple nodded clearly, this is Yan Huainan's style of doing things.

Although Yan Huainan has indeed spoiled Yan Tingting very much over the years, she has never caused Yan Tingting any trouble. Yan Huainan has always put the interests of Shenwumen first.

At this time, the outside world, with the news of Shenwumen, people on the rivers and lakes were stunned to discover that there are actually four of these big forces in the land of Beiyan that are ranked in the songs of the rivers and are chasing and killing Chu stop.

Being chased and killed by the four major forces at the same time is actually nothing. After all, the fierce and powerful demons in the history of Jianghu can even make the entire Jianghu chase and kill them, but they are also living well.

But the question is what kind of strength is Chu Xiu now? It's just the Inner Astral Realm, and it still belongs to the new generation of Jianghu on the Dragon and Tiger list. The momentum created by this is already big enough.

A few years ago in Western Chu, the rookie 'Heart Hunter Demon' Tong Kaitai killed a hero of the direct line of Zhang's family in the Tianshi Mansion on Longhu Mountain, and also devoured his heart. Considering it as a provocation, he even sent several great masters of the unity of nature and man to hunt him down. Now Chu Xiu's momentum is greater than that of Tong Kaitai. Tong Kaitai provoked one, and Chu Xiu directly provoked four.

At this time, in an unremarkable tavern in Daishan County, Lu You was carrying a small jug, and there were many people from the bottom of the rivers and lakes coming over to report some things to him one by one. some bounty.

Feng Manlou's information is not for nothing, such as Lu You, Jianghu wind media, except for the usual task to inquire about one thing, most of the time they are passively collecting information.

Especially for these bottom-level Jianghu people, a trivial matter in their opinion may be a great news in the eyes of Jianghu wind media like Luyou.

At present, these bottom-level Jianghu people are the informants raised by Lu You. Although most of the information is useless, the number of informants is huge, and they can always get something valuable from them.

At this moment, Bai Jihu walked into the tavern with a gloomy face, and headed straight for Luyou.


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