Meet The Leader

Chapter 129: information

One of the most important basic skills of being a Jianghu wind media is to have eyesight, no matter whether you are a master or a rookie in the Jianghu, anyway, as long as you have some fame, you as a Jianghu wind media must recognize each other.

The moment he saw Bai Yanhu, Lu You's heart suddenly froze, he seemed to know what the other party was looking for him for.

Lu You hurriedly put down the jug, trotted over and cupped his hands and said, "I have seen Thirteen Masters below."

There was a hint of coldness in Bai Jihu's eyes: "Do you know me?"

Lu You hurriedly said, "Who knows the name of the Thirteenth Master?"

"Since you know me, you should know what I'm looking for you as a wind media. I heard that you have some deals with that Chu Xiu. I want to know if this Chu Xiu has come to you, you guys. What was the deal, and where did he end up appearing!"

The cold sweat on Lu You's head suddenly flowed down.

He couldn't hide the transaction with Chu Xiu. After all, when he met Chu Xiu, there were so many warriors watching.

It's just that there are some things he really can't say, not because he is afraid of Chu Xiu, but because there are rules of Fengmanlou, and Jianghu wind media also have the rules of Jianghu wind media. If you say it, his reputation will stink. , I can no longer be a wind media in the rivers and lakes in my life.

So Lu You had to bite the bullet and said, "Master Thirteen, please don't embarrass the villain. You know the rules of Fengmanlou, Master Thirteen, and you must not disclose the information that your employer trades."

Bai Qihu sneered: "I'm just a small mediator who spreads gossip, how dare you talk to me about the rules? It's just courting death!

You know my character, some things I don't want to say a second time, let me ask you again, do you say it or not! "

Lu You's expression at this time was almost crying: "Thirteenth Master, if I say it, it will break the rules in the wind media industry. It's not that I don't want to say it, but I really can't say it!"

Bai Jihu snorted coldly, "I won't cry if I don't see the coffin!"

As he said that, the long knife in his hand that seemed to be burning with flames was already unsheathed. Feeling the scorching aura on the blade's edge, Lu You closed his eyes in fright.

That is the fifth-turn treasure 'Yanyi'. It is said that it was made by Bai Jihu accidentally from an extinct volcano in the extreme north and found a strange gold and iron with its own fire pattern. Only the scabbard made of cold iron can keep its firepower from leaking out, and any infuriating energy that is poured into the wings will turn into an extremely powerful flame.

With Lu You's strength, Bai Jihu can be completely chopped into ashes with just one knife!

The identity of the Jianghu wind media is Lu You's job, but if his life is gone, he will not even have the qualification to eat.

In the face of the real threat of death, Lu You couldn't hold it any longer, and was about to tell Chu Xiu's news, but at this moment, a hand fell on Bai Jihu's Yanyi knife. , a gloomy and gloomy icy infuriating burst out, completely freezing the Yan Wing Knife, and dyeing the scarlet color with a layer of ice blue.

Bai Qihu's complexion changed, and he retreated with a knife in his body, looking at the person in front of him with a look of horror: "Qi Yuanli! It's you!"

The person who just shot was dressed like a rich man, with a very lazy temperament. It was the deputy owner of Fengmanlou in Beiyan, the 'Three Eyes God' Qi Yuanli!

The martial artist of Fengmanlou has a very low sense of presence in Beiyan. After all, the other party is only a wind media organization, and he is not famous by force. For example, Qi Yuanli, he has been in Beiyan for so many years, but he has never played a hand. .

However, Qi Yuanli's shot just now made Bai Zhihu feel a great pressure. The pure and powerful Frost Origin Qi has even reached the point where he can easily suppress himself. This Qi Yuanli is probably only one step away from the three realms of contemplation. away!

At this time, Lu You was almost alive, he took a few breaths of excitement, and bowed to Qi Yuanli: "Thank you, the landlord, for helping me!"

Qi Yuanli shook his head helplessly and said, "How many times have I said it, deputy landlord, deputy landlord. Don't always get confused.

But you are a good boy. I have the rules of the wind and the wind, and the wind media of the rivers and lakes naturally have the rules of the wind media of the rivers and lakes. You are not wrong. "

Qi Yuanli looked at Bai Jihu, and said lightly: "Thirteenth Master, I heard what you said before, what I conveyed from Fengmanlou was not gossip, but the situation of the rivers and lakes!

The employer brought money to me to buy news from Fengmanlou, but we turned around and sold his whereabouts by taking advantage of the employer's trust. I couldn't do such a thing that broke the rules.

Extremely North Piaoxuecheng is indeed powerful, but don't think that Feng Manlou has broken his own rules and smashed his own signboard for this! "

Before Bai Chahu wanted to be tough, a small Jianghu wind media was nothing to him.

But now this Qi Yuanli's strength really makes Bai Jihu really unable to see through, he can only snort coldly: "Then what Chu Xiu did, Feng Manlou should know, my Extreme North Piaoxuecheng must have it. Find him!

This time, I thought it was me who spent money to buy news, and told me about your transaction with Na Chuxiu and his latest news. "

Qi Yuanli shook his head and said: "Anything about my Fengmanlou's transaction with my employer will not be used for rumored transactions. If you want to find Chu Xiu, you can bring money. I Fengmanlou dispatched a large number of media to help you find it. You should know the whereabouts of Chu Xiu, we are definitely professional in this."

Hearing what Qi Yuanli said, Bai Jihu was also a little bit hurt: "You have some ready-made news in your hands that you refuse to sell, and you have to send people to search without thinking. This is not taking off your pants and farting, what is it?"

Qi Yuanli shook his head and said, "Rule is a rule, no matter how troublesome it is, you must follow the rules."

Bai Zhuhu snorted coldly. With Qi Yuanli here, he might not be able to ask anything today.

But at this time, he suddenly looked at the low-level warriors who came to report information to Lu You, Bai Qihu directly took out a piece of purple gold and said, "You all know where this kid went with a killer of the Azure Dragon Society recently. Who can provide information, this piece of purple gold belongs to whom."

Looking at Zijin, the eyes of the warriors who were present suddenly lit up, and some of them immediately said: "My lord, I once saw Luyou followed the killer of the Qinglong Society to a broken array mage in Daishan County, my home is nearby, I see it for real!"

"Oh, what time is that?" Bai Jihu asked immediately.

"It was three months ago."

Bai Chuhu frowned when he heard the words, what was the use three months ago? What he wants to know is where Chu Xiu is now.

"What about recently? Then Chu Xiu hasn't been here?"

The martial artist said embarrassedly: "Don't dare to deceive the adults, the villain hasn't gone home at all recently, and naturally he doesn't know the news.

But that Chu Xiu seems to have left something in the old man Huang.

That old man Huang is a broken array mage, and his cultivation base has been abolished, so he can no longer set up arrays, even repairing some low-level arrays is reluctant.

But since Chu Xiu visited once, he seems to have money, and he often buys various materials for repairing the formation in the town, and he is very generous.

Moreover, the old man Huang used to go to the tavern to eat, but now he is paying someone to have it delivered to his door. He seems to be busy with something, and he doesn't even have time to go out to eat, so the villain wonders if Chu Xiu is not. I took something and left it at the old man Huang's place and asked him to help repair it. "

Lu You on the side looked helpless, this was not what he wanted to say, but what others said.

These informants are just people at the bottom of the rivers and lakes who can snoop on news with money, and they are not people who are full of wind. They tell things, of course, they are not breaking the rules.

Moreover, Lu You also looked deeply at this warrior, which was very inconspicuous, but his observational power was extremely high, which was in line with their requirements of Fengmanlou.

Bai Jihu immediately pulled the warrior over and said, "Take me to the old man Huang now, if you really get something, don't worry, Zijin is yours, even if you want the practice, status, or even want You can join the North Piaoxue City!"

The martial artist's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he immediately took Bai Jihu and the others to Huang Laotou's residence.

At this time, the old man Huang was very comfortable. Chu Xiu was generous, but he held a dozen taels of purple gold in his hand.

At his peak, Huang Laotou was an array mage in the innate realm, UU reading www. let alone a dozen taels of purple gold, he arranged some formations for some small sects or small families, and he started with a hundred taels.

It’s just that it’s not as good as before. He hasn’t opened for three years, and he’s been open for three years.

At this moment, Bai Chuhu directly led someone to break into the door. Just as the old man Huang was about to open his mouth to scold him, he saw that the little tricks he had arranged at the door didn't even get close to Bai Chuhu's body, so he was directly attacked. His body protection qi flew away, which made him immediately hold back the words he was about to scold.

He is also a knowledgeable person. Although his cultivation base is now abolished, he can be sure that the powerhouse in front of him is definitely a master above the outer realm!

The martial artist who brought Bai Jiehu said with a ferocious fox: "Old man Huang, this is the Thirteenth Master from the Snow City in the extreme north. The Thirteenth Master wants to ask you something now. If you dare to hide it, you will know the consequences. !"

The old man Huang was shocked when he heard the words. He could only look up to a giant like Piaoxuecheng in the extreme north, not to mention him now, even in its heyday.

"The old man has seen Thirteen Masters."

Bai Qihu waved his hand casually, and said coldly, "Chu Xiu, the killer of the Qinglong Society, has come to you before? When was the last time you saw him?"

The old man Huang hesitated a little, and then said directly: "I have been here. I saw him just two days ago."

Having said that, the old man Huang directly told Bai Jihu all the news between him and Chu Xiu.

He is not Luyou, and he has to be concerned about the rules of Jianghu wind media and Fengmanlou. He is just a half-wasted array mage. In the face of such a powerful existence as the snow city in the extreme north, in addition to honestly explaining, he can also How to do? Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.


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