Meet The Leader

Chapter 130: been played!

What the old man Huang explained made Bai Jihu's eyes suddenly lit up.

He originally just wanted to determine the approximate location of Chu Xiu's last appearance, so that the warriors from the extreme northern snow city could gather together to find it, but he didn't expect this trip to find out all the places Chu Xiu wanted to go. .

Since this Chu Xiu specially prepared the jade pattern to resist the miasma, then he should be planning to enter the state of Chu from the dense forest on the border of Beiyan and Western Chu, so as long as they intercept the search on the border of Beiyan and Western Chu in advance. is enough.

Moreover, Chu Xiu also asked Old Man Huang to adjust his face slightly. Bai Qihu immediately asked Old Man Huang to draw the face that he had adjusted for Chu Xiu. With this portrait, people could use the fastest Speed ​​to the border of Northern Yan, Western Chu, and kill Chu Xiu!

Chu Xiu set up a smoke bomb at the old man Huang's place just in case, but he didn't expect the effect to be so good. Extreme North Piao Xuecheng directly set his sights on Xi Chu, and waited until Chu Xiu fled to Wei County. At the time of the border, the North Piaoxuecheng still found nothing at the border of Western Chu.

In an inn on the border of Western Chu, Meng Yuanlong from Juyi Village came with someone and frowned, "Is there any problem with your news? Is Chu Xiu really planning to flee to Western Chu?"

They have been searching here for many days. It's normal to find Chu Xiu in such a big place, but they haven't found even the slightest trace of it. So this Chu Xiu's ability to hide is too good, right?

Bai Jiehu said with a gloomy expression: "There is definitely no problem! I asked someone to threaten the old man Huang again, and I personally tested the mental pressure with the Frozen Soul God's Eye. The old man Huang didn't lie, and he didn't lie either. courage."

Meng Yuanlong said, "Then why haven't even the slightest trace of Chu Xiu been found?"

Bai Yanhu was at a loss for words, but he still snorted coldly: "Who knows what method or strange secret method Chu Xiu used.

Back then, Tong Kaitai, the 'Heart Hunter Demon', provoked thousands of masters from the Tianshi Mansion on Longhu Mountain to besieged and killed, but didn't he also run away? "

Meng Yuanlong was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, the two were simply incomparable.

There is not much else on the Xichu side, but there are the most undeveloped primitive jungles. Ordinary warriors are easy to get lost when they enter it, and they may even be injured by miasma or some of the poisons. If a warrior escapes into it, let alone Thousands of people are looking for it, even if tens of thousands of people come, it is normal to find no one.

But this is Beiyan. Both the main road and the small road are populated by people. Unless Chu Xiu can be invisible, even if he can't find anyone, he can still find some clues.

At this time, a warrior suddenly walked in and whispered in Meng Yuanlong's ear: "Sir, someone found Chu Xiu's trace on the border of Beiyan and Weijun, and that Chu Xiu... did not disguise, just simply covered it up. Take a look at your face."

Bai Zhuhu's eyes widened when he heard this, while Meng Yuanlong turned his head to look at Bai Zhuhu and sneered, "Bai Shisan, you have been tricked!

That old man did not lie to you, but it was Chu Xiu who lied to you! It was a game from the beginning, and you didn't see it! "

Bai Yanhu's face was green and white, and it was purely coincidental that he could find the trace of old man Huang. People in Fengmanlou refused to tell the news of Chu Xiu. Impossible to find here.

It is precisely because of this that Bai Jihu never thought that Chu Xiu would even set up an illusion in such a place and lead them all to Western Chu, but he himself ran in the direction of Wei County and Dong Qi. go.

But right now he didn't want to lose face in front of Meng Yuanlong, Bai Jihu snorted coldly: "Don't talk about me, you're not much better!

When I said that Chu Xiu was coming to Xichu, didn't you react? Follow me here. "

Meng Yuanlong said lightly: "I'm too lazy to tell you those useless nonsense. If you don't act, then Chu Xiu will really run away and disappear!"

In fact, Meng Yuanlong and Bai Chahu are now useless even if they act now.

Among the forces that were chasing Chu Xiu, the Qinglong Society had too few people, and the Shenwumen was just pretending. The North Piaoxuecheng didn't have many forces in Yandong, and only Juyi Village contributed the most.

As a result, the people from Juyi Village were also taken to the border of Western Chu, which also led to Chu Xiu's easy escape this time. He escaped from Beiyan without encountering any obstacles and entered Shangmang Mountain. among.

Standing outside the border between Beiyan and Shang Mangshan, Meng Yuanlong asked a subordinate with a gloomy expression, "What about Chu Xiu's trace?"

The disciple said cautiously: "The last time I found the traces left by Chu Xiu was on this boundary. Now that two days have passed, Chu Xiu probably has long since escaped into the depths of Shang Mang Mountain."

Seeing that Meng Yuanlong didn't speak, the disciple said cautiously, "Sir, are we still chasing?"

Shang Mang Mountain is so big, even if they throw their entire Juyi Village on Shang Mang Mountain, it is estimated that the hope of finding Chu Xiu is extremely reluctant.

Meng Yuanlong was also entangled in his heart. If he chased after him, Shang Mang Mountain was so big, and all of them were dense forests. Chu Xiu just dug into any corner. How would they know where Chu Xiu was? It's almost a waste of time.

But if they don't pursue it, the outside world will definitely say that both Juyi Village and Jibei Piaoxuecheng have been tricked by a small Inner Astral Martial Artist.

And since they have given Chu Xiu time to escape, that time should be enough for Chu Xiu to refine the blood jade. Even if they find Chu Xiu, they can't get the blood jade. Chu Xiu was just venting his anger, which meant little to them.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly came: "The two Northern Yan factions are added together, can't even one person be found now? It's a joke to even give up halfway!"

The helmsman of Heavenly Sin came from a distance with his hands behind his back, because he couldn't see his expression clearly because he was wearing a mask, but everyone could hear the sarcasm in his tone.

There was a look of anger in Bai Jihu's eyes and said, "Headmaster of Heavenly Sin! How dare you show up? If it wasn't for you, where would there be so much bullshit!"

The helmsman of Tiansin said lightly: "If you can live with treasures, you will be allowed to take it from the snow city in the extreme north, but you will not be allowed to **** it?

Forget it, I'm not here to quarrel with you today. You and I can **** a treasure like Blood Jade Linglong, but it's not the turn of the traitor Chu Xiu to **** it!

You don't want to find that Chu Xiu, but I won't give up. "

Bai Jihu sneered: "When you find someone, it is estimated that the blood jade has been refined. Besides, Shang Mang Mountain is so big, you can't find anyone."

The helmsman of Heavenly Sin took out a box and said, "This one contains Chu Xiu's hair, which I collected from Chu Xiu's residence before.

Give it to Fengmanlou's fortune-telling masters, and let them use this hair as a medium to deduce the approximate position of Chu Xiu. Although it will not be too accurate, at least there is a direction.

It is not that simple to completely refine a treasure like Blood Jade Linglong. Even you and I need a month to refine it, so Chu Xiu estimates that it will take two months or more.

As long as we can find Chu Xiu's position within two months, even if we can't catch him, we can still force him out so that he won't have time to completely refine the blood jade Linglong.

If you agree, the three of us will cooperate temporarily, and together we will pay for Fengmanlou to find a fortune-teller. "

Bai Yanhu thought for a while, then snorted coldly: "I'll pay the money, but you go, I'll just wait for the news here."

The relationship between Jibei Piaoxuecheng and Feng Manlou was not very good. Before, Qi Yuanli even tried to stop him, which cost him his face. Bai Jihu didn't want to deal with Feng Manlou anymore.

Meng Yuanlong on the side also nodded in agreement.

Just when the three parties were about to join forces to hunt down Chu Xiu, Chu Xiu had already escaped into the depths of Shangmang Mountain and found a cave to hide.

This time, Chu Xiu's running was really easy, even easier than the last time he was wanted by Nie Dongliu and others in Linzhong Among them, not only the North Piaoxuecheng and Jucheng The reason why Yizhuang was led by Chu Xiu to the border of Western Chu was because there were not many small sects involved in chasing and killing him this time, or that those small sects and small families no longer dared to participate in this kind of thing. .

When Chu Xiu was hunted down last time, he was just a congenital warrior with no name, or he was only famous among the younger generation, so those small families and small sects dared to follow Juyizhuang's orders to chase and kill him. .

But now Chu Xiu has stepped into the inner realm, ranking 18th on the Dragon and Tiger List, and even slaughtered the Yue family with one person, leading the killer of the Qinglong Society to destroy the Yao family village in front of many Jianghu people, showing himself A powerful record and ruthless means that can fight against the Outer Gang realm warriors.

In the face of such existence, those small families and small sects did not dare to pursue and kill Chu Xiu even if they were ordered by Juyi Village, because that was simply courting death.

In the land of Yandong, the forces with the Outer Astral Martial Artists are actually strong sect families, but even with their strength, they would not dare to provoke Chu Xiu easily.

So don't look at those big devils who have provoked anger and resentment in all corners of the world, but in fact, there are usually many people shouting slogans, but very few people really dare to do it.

Of course, the current Chu Xiu can't reach the level of that kind of big devil, but the power on him is enough to scare away most of the flies.

In the cave, Chu Xiu was not in a hurry to refine the exquisite blood jade. The refining of this kind of treasure took a certain amount of time, so he was going to first go to see what the Buddhist practice in the jade slips of the practice was. Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.


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