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Chapter 1305: Calculate Tianmen

In the lower world Tianmen, in the deep and dark hall, Jun Wushen was surrounded by strange runes, and those runes poured into his body one by one, pushing his momentum to a peak, and finally digested them all .

Taking a long breath, Jun Wushen's eyes flashed with a cold edge.

Since he was injured by the image left by the lonely and only me a few years ago, it is not until now that he has really recovered to his peak.

Needless to say, the grievance between Tianmen and Dugu Weiwei is a shame!

Even in the end, Tianmen was able to continue to survive, because Dugu Wei I did not kill, as if I saw a dead dog on the side of the road and was too lazy to step on him.

Over the years, all generations of Tianmen sect masters have been ashamed of this matter, and Jun Wushen is naturally the same.

But he also has his own arrogance, because he is stronger than the Tianmen Sect Master five hundred years ago!

Although Tianmen has a channel connecting to the Daluotian, it is equivalent to the Daluo Shrine on the other side, so every generation of Tianmen's sect masters are 100% Martial Immortals, but there are only a handful of people who can reach the sixth level or above. .

And he Jun Wushen, after taking over the sect master of Tianmen, it took only twelve years to go from half-step Martial Immortal to Martial Immortal Seventh Layer!

So he always thought that if it were him five hundred years ago, Tianmen would not be so miserable.

But it is a pity that all his pride was completely shattered under the slap of Dugu but me.

Now I can't even match a mark left by the other party. How strong is Dugu Weiyi five hundred years ago? Simply powerful and unreasonable!

All generations of Tianmen have been able to guarantee the masters of the Martial Immortal realm because Tianmen has a favorable geographical location and can use the power of Daluotian.

However, it is actually very difficult for other warriors in the lower realm to give birth to martial arts. It is not that they are not as good as the warriors of Da Luotian, but because the difference between the vitality of heaven and earth is too great, the warriors of the lower realm are far away from the 'heaven'.

Of course, this is not absolute. Occasionally, there are some warriors who can cross the gap between heaven and man and step into the Martial Immortal. There are almost one or two such people in every generation.

For example, Ye Shaonan and Lao Tianshi of this generation almost all have this qualification.

However, Martial Immortal is Martial Immortal, Dugu Wei I is obviously strong to an abnormal level, Jun Wushen simply doubts that even the legendary Daluotian, there is no such level of powerhouse.

After several years of not going out of Tianmen, Jun Wushen is also ready to go out to have a look.

The nine gods of Tianmen are actually not easy to manage.

Each of them can be said to be unruly people, but they can be honest when their lives are in the hands of the sect master.

But even so, they might cause some trouble.

I closed myself for this period of time, and I don't know if they are honest.

With this kind of thought, Jun Wushen just wanted to go out, but in the dark ceremony behind him, there was a sudden wave of violent fluctuations, which made Jun Wushen's complexion suddenly change.

Although the formation guarded by the sect master of Tianmen is the strongest one, it is also the one with the least riots. This formation will not easily cause riots.

Moreover, the formation riots are also time-sharing. Usually, there may be a small riot every few months, which is because of the change of the spiritual energy on the opposite side, or the riot caused by the loosening of the formation.

There will be a major riot only after an interval of seven or eighty years, but this time, why is it earlier?

At this time, the formation in the palace lit up, and the voice of the fifth Chisong, the first **** of Tianmen, also sounded anxiously.

"The sect master is not good! There has been a strong riot in the five formations, and this time the formation riot is ahead of schedule!"

Jun Wushen took a deep breath and said: "Not five, but six! The formation here is also rioting.

Send the order to let all the Heavenly Gate Gods return to their places, and the Heavenly Gate Gods who have not rioted in other formations, immediately go to help others stabilize the formation.

Tell them to use all their strength to stabilize the formation, and if anyone dares to play those careful thoughts for me at this time, then I will rank as a **** again.

Anyway, in the secret realm of Tianmen, there are more than one or two people waiting to be gods! "

"Yes! Sect Master!"

The fifth Chisong immediately went down to arrange, and Jun Wushen's side immediately started to block the formation with power at the fastest speed.

At this time, on the Daluotian side, it took Chu Xiu seven days to finally stabilize all his strength, and after stepping into the Martial Immortal, he went straight to the second layer of heaven, eliminating the stage of seclusion to stabilize his strength.

But at this time, Chu Xiu squinted his eyes, looking at the formation in front of him constantly.

After stepping into Martial Immortal, Chu Xiu was really able to control the power of rules, so he became more sensitive to the evolution of the power of various rules.

He can now feel that there are some changes on the opposite side of the formation, as if it has become stronger and tougher.

When he was refining those powers, the formation shook for a while, but then a force stopped the shaking. Obviously, as he had guessed, there was someone on the opposite side, and he was 90% sure. You are godless.

It's just that the question now is, how should Chu Xiu re-inflict Jun Wushen through the formation?

It is too obvious to directly attack the formation with strength. Whether it can hit Jun Wushen, who is far stronger than him, let's not talk about it. If Dao Zun is disturbed again, it will not be worth the loss.

Touching his chin, Chu Xiu suddenly thought of something, raised his hand, and the light above the six-path reincarnation bracelet flourished. In an instant, the surging power of the primordial spirit spread along the formation.

Power will lead to riots, but the power of Yuanshen is aimed at Jun Wushen himself.

And last time Chu Xiu learned a lot of information about Jun Wushen at the two or five young **** general Xue Wuli in Tianmen.

The Six Paths Buddha's Disillusionment Flower Wheel cultivated by Jun Wushen is like a Buddha but not a Buddha, like a devil but not a devil.

It's just that the kind of illusion that is condensed by the power of pure exercises is like the one who actively motivates his inner demon. Is that kind of illusion stronger than the illusion in the six reincarnation bracelets?

Chu Xiu only hoped that the distance between the two worlds would be shorter, otherwise, his Primordial Spirit's power would be insufficient.

On the Tianmen side, all the power of Jun Wushen poured into the formation, and the surrounding vitality has even been compressed into silk threads by the power of rules. and old-fashioned formations.

But at this moment, the scream of the fifth Akamatsu suddenly came from outside.

Jun Wushen was stunned for a moment, and shouted: "What's the matter? The formation was broken?"

The fifth Chisong said loudly: "The door owner, run away! Zhong Shenxiu has invaded my heavenly gate, and all the gods will not be able to stop even a single move in front of him, run away!"

Jun Wushen's expression suddenly changed, he just took a step, but stopped immediately.

Looking at the hall he was most familiar with, he said coldly, "What kind of evil spirits, please show up to this seat!"

At the moment when the fifth Chisong screamed, Jun Wushen really thought that the gate of heaven was broken.

However, after the fifth Chisong said that Zhong Shenxiu had called at the door, Jun Wushen realized that he should have fallen into an illusion.

Because of Zhong Shenxiu, it is impossible to hit the gate of heaven.

Although he didn't know what exactly Zhong Shenxiu was, he knew that Zhong Shenxiu had his own set of rules of conduct. As long as you didn't touch his rules, he would not take action.

The entire hall was silent, and no one responded to Jun Wushen, but the next moment, everything began to dissipate, replaced by a vast white space.

In this space, the six realms rotate around, the extravagance of Heaven and Humanity, the brutal killing of Asura, the various forms of life in Human Realm, the endless pain of Hell Realm, the wickedness of Hungry Ghost Realm, and the powerless resistance of Animal Realm. Helpless, they were all presented in front of Jun Wushen.

Jun Wushen frowned, he didn't even know how he got into this place.

The only explanation is that the power on the side of the formation is weird, and when all his energy was devoted to repairing the formation, he had unknowingly fallen into an illusion.

Could it be that he has entered into a madness?

When he practiced the Six Paths Buddha's Disillusionment Flower Wheel, he took the initiative to arouse his inner demons, built the six paths of reincarnation with the power of the practice, and put his spirit into it to practice, and finally he practiced this practice.

Could it be that these six reincarnations are also transformed by his spirit?

Before Jun Wushen could react, he had already been thrown into the animal realm!

Putting Jun Wushen into the animal realm was not because Chu Xiu deliberately wanted to humiliate Jun Wushen.

Although he has a mortal hatred with Jun Wushen, Chu Xiu's heart is not so small, and he will use such boring means to humiliate Jun Wushen.

The first is the animal path, because the six-path reincarnation bracelet itself has a strongest order of use.

When Chu Xiu was pulled into the ghost's illusion, the first thing he experienced was the animal way, and after the various ways, what he experienced was the human way.

At that time, the ghosts in the Reincarnation Stone only had, but it was this instinct that digged the loopholes in people's hearts to the maximum extent.

A warrior of such a realm as Chu Xiu is extremely arrogant, even if it is not revealed on the outside, but there must be arrogance in the heart, and it should not be humiliated.

The first to put it into the animal realm is to arouse its anger.

After going through the other five realms, each is different. If you can survive and think that the illusion is over, people at this time are the most relaxed, but this is the most dangerous time.

After countless reincarnations in the human world, huge memories are stuffed into the mind, and those who are not determined are most likely to lose themselves.

After such a set, Chu Xiu almost didn't hold back.

The same is true for Jun Wushen at this time. The reincarnation of the animal realm just made a trace of anger in his eyes, and then after the other five realms, Jun Wushen did not change his face.

But it was not until the end, when the endless cycle of reincarnation began in the human world, that Jun Wushen's complexion finally changed!

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