Meet The Leader

Chapter 1306: hit hard

Among the reincarnations of the six realms, the reincarnation of the human world finally made Jun Wushen's iron-like state of mind produce a crack and a trace of panic.

He didn't know what the situation was, and he fell into these six reincarnations inexplicably.

The reincarnation of each life is very real, all kinds of memories, all kinds of emotions impact his state of mind.

In one and two lifetimes, until the ninth and tenth lifetimes, facing these reincarnations, Jun Wushen almost stretched his mind like a thread, no matter how hard those memories were, he couldn't break through them.

He is godless! He is the strongest Jun Wushen among all the sect masters of Tianmen in all dynasties!

Except for the first ancestors who founded Tianmen, none of the subsequent Tianmen sect masters can compare with him.

It is said that masters are lonely, but Jun Wushen was born in a situation where there are not many warriors of the same rank in the lower realm. To this extent, one can imagine how tough his spirit is.

If it is said that Chu Xiu is holding on in this reincarnation, relying on his own will to realize, then Jun Wushen is purely holding on now.

At this time, the reincarnation has been carried out more than 20 times, but Chu Xiu's side has been unable to hold on.

He can't actually feel the state of Jun Wushen clearly now, because after all, it is the space formation method to transmit the power of Yuanshen, so the speed of Yuanshen consumption is faster than when he casts the Six Paths Reincarnation Bracelet under normal circumstances, and now it has arrived. limit.

If it goes on like this, I don't know if Jun Wushen's primordial spirit has collapsed, but he will usher in a backlash on his side.

When his primordial spirit was about to be exhausted, Chu Xiu had to put away the six-path reincarnation bracelet.

I don't know the situation on the other side, and I don't know what state Jun Wushen is in after more than 20 reincarnations.

But it doesn't matter, Chu Xiu still put a nail in Tianmen, and then it will be good to inquire about the news.

And at this time in the lower realm, when Jun Wushen left the more than 20 reincarnations, his spirit had already begun to be in a trance.

In the reincarnation of the six paths, no matter how strong you are, the power of the primordial spirit is useless. What this power tempers is your state of mind and your willpower.

Although Jun Wushen survived, his state is not very good.

And the most important thing is that he is still trying his best to provide power to the formation, but his current consciousness is still in a trance, and Chu Xiu has already stopped to absorb vitality, and the formation is rioting , has recovered.

So in the lower realm, the power condensed in the formation has actually begun to overflow.

Feeling the fluctuation of power, Jun Wushen seemed to have come back to some gods, but it was already too late.


The next moment, a powerful force suddenly erupted, and Jun Wushen was directly blasted out of his hall by the bursting force of the formation, and even the Kunlun Mountains where the entire Tianmen was located gave a huge shock and an avalanche!

At this time, the other gods have already calmed down the formation riot, and seeing the appearance of Jun Wushen, the others rushed over to check the situation.

When they saw Jun Wushen covered in blood, everyone's eyes showed disbelief.

In their eyes, Jun Wushen is a god-like existence, but now, why is their **** so embarrassed?

"Go back to me!"

Jun Wushen shouted, and everyone was stunned for a while, but the next moment, no one dared to stay, and they all returned to their halls.

In front of Jun Wushen, no one dared to disobey his orders.

Holding his chest, Jun Wushen spurted out another mouthful of blood.

Since the last time he left Tianmen, he has been recovering from his injuries.

First, he was injured by Zhong Shenxiu, but luckily it wasn't too serious. As a result, he was just recuperated, and then he was injured by the mark left by Dugu Weiwei.

It took years for him to return to his peak, but he didn't expect that the injury was more serious this time, and it even hurt his origin.

Back then, Zhong Shenxiu told him not to leave the Heavenly Gate for three hundred years. He thought it was a restriction, but now it seems, is this a warning?

Jun Wushen looked at his main hall with a hint of fear in his eyes.

This time, he was injured inexplicably. It must not have gone crazy, but there has been a change in the formation.

This unknown change made a haze appear in his heart.

At this time, on the other side of Daluotian, Chu Xiu had already absorbed the power, and had also restored the power of the primordial spirit that had been consumed before to its peak.

However, he did not stay in the formation for too long. At this time, everyone else should have absorbed their power. If he stayed too long, he might be suspicious.

Sure enough, after Chu Xiu came out, everyone else was already there waiting for him.

After refining the power in the Daluo Shrine, almost everyone's strength has skyrocketed.

Among the other five, Fang Yizhen and Ouyang Sheng entered the first level of Wuxian, and Xu Guishan and Ouyang Sheng both entered the third level of Wuxian.

The most surprising thing is that Yi Guixie has also stepped into the third level of Martial Immortal.

Of course, everyone was just a little surprised and didn't think about it any further.

Yi Guixie has already been a half-step Martial Immortal. He has stayed in this realm for so long, and the accumulation must be very terrifying.

However, after Chu Xiu came out, other people were even more surprised, because Chu Xiu actually stepped into the second level of Martial Immortal.

You must know how long did it take Chu Xiu to step into the half-step Martial Immortal? He didn't even step into the Heaven and Earth Tongxuan Realm for a few years, how deep can his accumulation be? He actually crossed the two heavens directly.

Could it be that the power in the formation in the center is really so amazing?

Everyone didn't think much about it, and they all congratulated each other regardless of whether there was any hatred between them.

Martial arts have a long way to go, and there may be grievances between them, but at this time, they are all companions, all the way.

At this time, the voice of Dao Zun also rang in the ears of everyone.

"Congratulations to all the little friends who have stepped into Martial Immortals, you can stand on the peak of heaven and man, and control yourself.

The door of the formation has been opened, and you can leave. "

As Dao Zun's voice fell, a formation portal appeared in front of them.

Chu Xiu and others stepped into it, and when they appeared again, they were already outside Zhongzhou.

On the other side of the Eastern Region, people from Ling Xiaozong and Huangtian Pavilion, as well as Lu Fengxian and others are all there.

The most important thing is that Wei Shuya also appeared there, and the power blooming in Wei Shuya at this time is also the realm of Martial Immortal!

In fact, after Wei Shuya came out of Zhongzhou before, it has already attracted a crowd of onlookers.

The situation in Zhongzhou is special, no matter what strength, as long as you enter it without dying, you can gain something.

Therefore, when the real fire refines the spirit realm, and the heaven and earth open to the profound, this is normal.

Heaven and Earth Tongxuan goes in, and Martial Immortal comes out half a step, which is normal.

But without entering the Daluo Shrine, Wei Shuya entered it with the strength of the Heaven and Earth Tongxuan Realm, but came out with the strength of the Martial Immortal Realm, which is a bit terrifying.

However, Chu Xiu was mentally prepared, because Ning Xuanji had told him that as long as Elder Wei passed this test, good luck would come to him.

Although Ning Xuanji didn't say what this good fortune was, it was clear that in terms of Ning Xuanji's strength, from Heaven and Earth Tongxuan to Half-step Martial Immortal, it really wasn't called Good Fortune.

At this time, Wei Shuya's mood was also very excited and complicated.

He also did not expect that he would be able to meet the legendary existence of Ning Xuanji.

But after he woke up, all his impressions of Ning Xuanji were completely shattered.

Although according to the faction, the opponent should be the enemy of the Demon Sect, but he still can't stand it. The immortal Ning Xuanji, who is famous in the lower realms, the legendary figure, turned out to be an old Taoist priest full of vulgar words.

Chu Xiu said hello to everyone. Although they still have a lot to say, some things involve Ning Xuanji and some secrets. Obviously, it is inappropriate to say it here.

Lu Sanjin and other people from Huangtian Pavilion also came to congratulate Chu Xiu at this time.

"Tsk tsk, it's true that people are more popular than the dead, and they all participate in the competition for the Daluo Shrine. I basically like to watch the scenery along the way."

Lu Sanjin's tone contained envy.

Chu Xiu went directly from Heaven and Earth Tongxuan to Wuxian Second Layer, and he just went from the early days of Heaven and Earth Tongxuan to the peak of Heaven and Earth Tongxuan.

The feeling of jealousy is a bit redundant. Now Chu Xiu's achievement is not something he can be jealous of, but he is still very envious.

"This time Huangtian Pavilion is actually very lucky, at least there is no loss, which is very rare."

Lu Sanjin pouted and said, "There are only two or three cats of this size here, and they don't even dare to enter the hinterland of Zhongzhou. If this is lost again, then we will be out of luck."

Hunched in the periphery of Zhongzhou, Zhong Qiushui told Lu Sanjin to do so, and also told him that this was the experience of his predecessors, and it was absolutely safe.

Although it is safe to be safe, Lu Sanjin is still a young generation of warriors after all. Although he usually doesn't care, but in fact, he also has spirit in his heart.

After finally entering Zhongzhou once, he didn't even see the shadow of the Daluo Shrine, which undoubtedly made him a little uncomfortable.

At this time, there were a few people from Ling Xiaozong, and the elder Wu who had stopped Chu Xiu from killing Xuanyuan Wushuang came over and asked anxiously, "Young Master Chu, have you ever seen Wushuang in that fog? "

Chu Xiu said lightly, "I see."

Elder Wu quickly asked, "Where did Wushuang go in the end?"

Chu Xiu spread his hands and said, "How do I know? Finally, I entered the Daluo He Xuanyuan Wushuang did not enter it."

At this time, another elder of Ling Xiaozong came over angrily and said, "But someone has seen Wushuang with you in the end. At that time, he was fighting fiercely with two ancient ancestors, and then you shot and killed them. , where did he go, how could you not know!?"

Chu Xiu's eyes turned cold, and a powerful coercion that belonged to the Martial Immortal powerhouse radiated from his body.

"This elder, please pay attention to your attitude, I am not from your High Heaven Sect!

If it weren't for me, Xuanyuan Wushuang's idiot who didn't know the sky would have been killed by Chen Jiulong and Xu Jiang long ago.

Now that he can't find you, you still want someone from me? Just a joke!

I'm not his Xuanyuan Wushuang's father, could it be that you thought I would protect him all the way to the Daluo Shrine? "

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