Meet The Leader

Chapter 1313: Come out and die!

Most of the top sects are actually reluctant to build in those prosperous places, because such places with many people often affect their cultivation, and it is not a feng shui treasure.

Therefore, most of the sects are located in the middle of famous mountains and rivers, and the location is somewhat remote.

However, the location of Fengyun Sword Tomb is unusually offset, it is not like it is in the mountains, but hidden in the depths of the dense forest of Zeguo.

Looking from a distance, Chen Qingdi and Chu Xiu can already see the appearance of Fengyun Sword Tomb. It is not magnificent and majestic, but the entire sect is wrapped by the surrounding trees and buildings, which looks like a huge tomb. General package.

Chen Qingdi sneered: "Jianzhong Jianzhong, it sounds nice, isn't it a burial ground for people? Don't they like to watch the graves and keep the spirits?

Well, today I let them overdo themselves! "

Chen Qingdi's domineering side is very common, but like now, it is rare to have a side full of rage and murder. Obviously, he can't wait to punch the gang of Fengyun Jianzhong, one by one, They were all thrown into the grave.

When Emperor Chen Qing and Chu Xiu approached, they didn't see the people from Fengyun Jianzhong, but people from other martial arts sects saw a lot.

Shen Baochen, who was sitting in Wangjianlu, the ancestor of Shang Shuiying, Ling Yunzi of Chunyang Daomen, and Lu Changliu, who was in Fortune Daomen, even the old master was supported by the senior Qing at Longhu Mountain. The senior is even older than the old celestial master, not like the old dao boy of the old celestial master, just like an elder.

A lot of other Jianghu sects also came, especially those from Xichu. Ye Shaonan was in retreat, but Donghuang Taiyi came, and even the Xichu royal family sent people to stand behind everyone in a low-key manner. .

Chu Xiu looked at the people present, and said without a smile: "Everyone came to watch the show?"

Chu Xiu Jiwei was still there, and no one in the audience dared to say a word for a while.

Only Lu Changliu sighed: "Cult Master Chu, I actually want to see if this matter can be resolved in a different way.

After all, when will the grievances be reported, Fengyun Jianzhong and Tianxia Alliance, just because of the little bit of quarrel, not even hatred, it is really not worth it.

In recent years, the rivers and lakes have been turbulent, and there have been several battles. This time, if you can't fight, in fact, it's better not to fight. "

Others looked at Lu Changliu with strange expressions.

This man went to retreat many years ago, and now he has reached the realm of Heaven and Earth Tongxuan, but it seems that the closed mind has frozen, how dare he go to persuade Chu Xiu?

In the past, when Chu Xiu was about to destroy the Subhuti Temple, the winner Patriarch and others went to Kunlun to persuade Chu Xiu, but Chu Xiu still left his body bleak and sullen.

Just when everyone thought that Lu Changliu would do the same, Chu Xiu calmly explained it to Lu Changliu.

"Sect Master Lu's words are bad, you also said that this incident was only caused by a trivial quarrel, so what is it that you are chasing after this quarrel?

Not Chen Qingdi, but his Fengyun Sword Tomb!

There is also Yanzhi who has been assigned to the Nanman branch of my Holy Religion. I have not yet settled this account with him.

I, Chu Xiu, are a reasonable person. I won't commit crimes if people don't offend me. Of course, the protagonist of today's shot is not me, but Alliance Leader Chen.

Master Lu teaches you that even if you persuade me, it is useless. On the side of Alliance Leader Chen, can you persuade me? "

When everyone present saw this scene, they were all surprised. When did Chu Xiu's temper become so good, he even gave Lu Changliu a calm explanation.

Of course, Chu Xiu didn't admit that he was afraid of Ning Xuanji.

In Zhongzhou, Ning Xuanji opened a back door for him anyway.

On Daluotian's side, Chu Xiu had no chance to return Ning Xuanji's favor, so here, he could only return this favor to his disciples and grandchildren.

Lu Changliu glanced at Chen Qingdi silently and sighed, but did not continue to persuade him.

Chu Xiu's appearance is still peaceful, but on Chen Qingdi's side, as long as he is not blind, he can feel the powerful murderous intent on Chen Qingdi's body, as if a volcano is about to erupt.

As soon as Chen Qingdi's appearance that strangers should not be approached, Lu Jianghe knew that the other party was already determined to fight Fengyun Jianzhong, and it was useless for anyone to persuade him.

Looking at Fengyun Sword Tomb, Emperor Chen Qing stepped out one step, and the earth trembled with a powerful force like a dragon turning over. The powerful force made the expressions of everyone present suddenly change.

"The little cubs of Fengyun Sword Tomb, come out and die!"

At this moment, the sound was like a thunderous roar, which actually changed the color of the world, and the sky was covered with dark clouds in an instant.

Chu Xiu looked up at the sky, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Chen Qingdi has not made a breakthrough in Zhongzhou, and no one knows where the peak of the road he has taken is.

But after Zhongzhou and his party, his strength has obviously improved.

Although Chen Qingdi is not a Martial Immortal yet, his own strength has reached the level that he can influence some of the rules.

Inside the Fengyun Sword Tomb, the sound of dragon chants and sword cries resounded through the heavens and the earth.

The Black Dragon Sword Intent slashed through the sky and shattered all the dark clouds in an instant.

Yan Zhi came from the sky, sword energy lingered around his body, stirring the rules, causing the surrounding void to send out a sense of shock.

The winner's ancestor and others looked at Yan Zhi with horrified eyes.

They were still puzzled before, not knowing why Yan Zhi was suddenly so bold as to attack the World Alliance, and even dared to break into the branch hall of the Kunlun Demon Sect.

Now they know that Yan Zhi has actually taken the last step of their dreams!

These warriors in the lower realm, all who have reached the realm of Heaven and Earth Tongxuan, do not want to take that last step.

The only difference is that some people see that the road ahead is gone, and they have given up after many breakthroughs without an inch.

Others are like Ye Shaonan, even if he knows that the future is slim, as long as he has a chance, he will go to the end.

If they had known that Yan Zhi had taken such a step, why would they have come here first, no matter what the cost, they would have to ask how Yan Zhi took this step.

But now, whether it is Yan Zhi or Chen Qingdi, it is obvious that neither side intends to listen to them.

Staring at Emperor Chen Qing, Yan Zhi said coldly, "I thought you would be too scared to show up, but I didn't expect that I looked down on you.

When you were here, you smashed the formation of my Fengyun Sword Tomb with one punch, and stepped on the face of my Fengyun Sword Tomb on the ground.

Another punch hit the patriarch, causing his old man to pass away sadly a year later.

It can be said that without you, I would not be where I am today.

Without your initial actions, the World Alliance would not have collapsed.

Chen Qingdi, do you regret that you were so ruthless when you first shot! "

Chen Qingdi nodded and said in an emotionless voice, "I do regret it."

Everyone present was stunned for a moment. Did Chen Qingdi admit that he was cowardly?

It shouldn't be, based on their understanding of Chen Qingdi, even if the other party really took a step to the top and entered the realm of Martial Immortal, with Chen Qingdi's character, they wouldn't admit it so easily.

The next moment, Chen Qingdi suddenly raised his head, his face already twisted by violent murderous intent.

"I regret it, why didn't I punch the old immortal, why didn't I send you Fengyun Jianzhong and all the **** to the west!"

As Chen Qingdi's voice fell, his fist slammed down, but this punch was like a falling meteor, making a deafening explosion, the space trembled, the vitality in the air It even exploded and dissipated in an instant.

Seeing how powerful Chen Qingdi's punch was, Yan Zhi's expression finally changed.

After refining the power of the sword soul and stepping into the realm of Martial Immortal, Yan Zhi actually didn't notice that he had a feeling of loneliness as a master. A sense of emptiness comes.

Therefore, whether it was when he attacked the Tianxia Alliance or when he attacked Chu Wuji, in fact, Yan Zhi did not use his full strength, but simply used his strength to crush him. Perhaps in his opinion, these people were no longer worthy of his full strength.

That's why Chu Wuji said that he was a frog in the bottom of a well, and that he got the power of the Martial Immortal Realm, but he didn't get the state of mind that the Martial Immortal Realm should have.

In the history of rivers and lakes, even in the lower realm, there will always be one or two people in each generation who have stepped into this realm with their amazing talent and perseverance.

But they paid far more than Yanzhi who took shortcuts.

No matter who Ye Shaonan or Lao Tianshi stepped into this realm, I am afraid they are much more stable than Yan Zhi's state of mind.

Therefore, seeing the power of Chen Qingdi's punch at this time, although the realm is not a Martial Immortal, but the power is already close to Martial Immortal, but Yan Zhi's heart did not encounter the kind of fighting spirit of his opponent. Excited, but a little flustered, as if it was something that was taken away by someone.

The next moment, Yan Zhi raised his eyebrows a little, the black brilliance flowed, and a black long sword turned out from the center of his eyebrows.

The black long sword is in the shape of a dragon, the hilt is the dragon's head, the sword's body is the dragon's body, and the sword's tip is the dragon's tail. UU reading www.

This is a long sword transformed by the sword soul, and its sword intent is so strong that no magic weapon can hold it.

A sword stabbed out, the sound of dragon chants and swords roaring in the sky resounded through the heavens and the earth, and the vitality of the surrounding heaven and earth began to twist, turning into boundless sword energy, and instantly enveloped Chen Qingdi!

There was a sound of sword cries and explosions, and no one could be seen in the entire air, and some were just boundless sword energy.

The expressions of everyone present changed slightly. It was difficult for them to block Yanzhi's sword, but now that countless sword qi has condensed, the power of taking that last step is really so terrifying?

At this moment, Chu Xiu was standing with his hands behind his back, without the slightest worry in his eyes.

Chen Qingdi's previous strength was enough to hang a half-step Martial Immortal, and now Chu Xiu has confidence in him even in the face of a real Martial Immortal.

And although he didn't know how Yan Zhi stepped into the Martial Immortal Realm, he could sense that the breath in Yan Zhi's body seemed a little unstable, as if he didn't fully understand this realm.

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