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Chapter 1314: Boom!

The same realm, but the power brought by different breakthrough methods is also different.

Chu Xiu's breakthrough speed is very fast, but he rarely has an unstable foundation. That is because Chu Xiu often leapfrog challenges before breaking through, and he is already familiar with this realm.

But Yanzhi is different. He knows nothing about the realm of Martial Immortal. There may be records of Martial Immortal in Fengyun Sword Tomb, but it should not be many, and there is no detailed description or cultivation method at all. It also caused Yan Zhi's current situation. He clearly has the power that the Martial Immortal Realm should have, but he did not really control the state of mind of this power.

At this time, in the midair, the powerful black dragon sword qi in Yan Zhi's hand attacked as if covering the sky and the sun, but Chen Qingdi didn't dodge or dodge, and the punch slammed the sword qi directly down.

Chen Qingdi's inner strength was burning fiercely, and even the surrounding void was distorted.

Those powerful sword qi were first weakened by the real fire of internal force, and the remaining part was directly carried by Chen Qingdi with his physical body.

Most people in Jianghu actually only know that Emperor Chen Qing's power is extremely powerful, but they ignore that Emperor Chen Qing's physical body is also extremely powerful.

It's just that most of the time he hangs and beats others instead of being beaten, so this is often overlooked.

In Yan Zhi's eyes, the sword energy rushed into the sky, the black dragon sword spirit in his hand roared, and the sword fell from the sky. In an instant, all things in the world, any vitality around him, and even a part of the power of the rules, all turned into swords and moved towards Chen Qing. The emperor fell with a bang!

The powerful force of the Martial Immortal Realm twisted the rules, and the power that burst out at that moment caught everyone's attention, and Chen Qingdi was directly blasted out.

But at this time, Chu Xiu could be sure that Yan Zhi had indeed stepped into the Martial Immortal realm by accident.

Although he is a genuine Martial Immortal, the means he uses are all basic ones. He has no magical powers, not even the Martial Skills that Martial Immortals should have, and even his Martial Dao still stays in Heaven and Earth Tongxuan. The level of the realm is only to control the world around him, rather than the skillful use of the power of rules like Martial Immortals.

Although his sword does have the power of rules remaining, it is just some instinct.

Being blasted away by a sword stained with the power of rules, Chen Qingdi just shook his head, as if nothing was wrong, and rushed up again, still with a punch.

Yan Zhi frowned tightly, and the black dragon sword in his hand let go and turned into a black dragon with a hundred feet. As Yan Zhi pinched the seal, the dragon's tail suddenly threw out, like the top of Mount Tai, but it was mixed with boundless sharpness.

Although Yanzhi does not have the martial arts and martial skills that match the martial arts realm, the black dragon sword soul he refined is the condensed true spirit and sword spirit of countless strong swordsmen in the sword mound for thousands of years. In the line of kendo, it is ever-changing.

But Chen Qingdi still fell with a punch. Although his arm was torn apart with bloodstains by the extreme sharpness, his complexion and his fists did not change in the slightest.

Not moving like a mountain.

The tenacity of Chen Qingdi's state of mind and the steadyness of his fists are like a ten thousand zhang mountain, standing on the ground. Unless you can cut this ten thousand zhang mountain completely, otherwise, any damage will not let him shake.

Chu Xiu watched silently below, without the slightest intention to take action.

Although with his current strength, it is very easy to solve Yanzhi, but Fengyun Jianzhong is left to Chen Qingdi to vent his anger, and he has no intention of overstepping.

Moreover, in Chu Xiu's view, Yan Zhi was about to lose because his heart was already in chaos.

With Chen Qingdi's punch, no matter how the Black Dragon Sword Soul in Yan Zhi's hand changed, he couldn't defeat it.

No matter how much the Black Dragon Sword Soul has changed, it is not a martial art.

"Is it enough? Is that all it takes?"

Chen Qingdi stared at Yanzhi coldly. At this moment, the golden and silver internal fire of Chen Qingdi suddenly changed its appearance, and began to bloom with a red glow, which was as dazzling as the sun.

The next moment, Chen Qingdi still fell with a punch, but this punch seemed to pass through countless spaces, and the scorching red glow burned all the power of the rules, ignoring space, ignoring time, punching and falling. , almost in an instant!

There was a loud bang, and Yan Zhi was directly blasted out, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and a look of disbelief appeared in his eyes.

Did you get hurt? He has already stepped into the legendary realm, why is he still no match for Chen Qingdi?

The three generations of their Fengyun Sword Tomb have studied and waited, but they still can't beat Chen Qingdi's punch?

Chu Xiu squinted his eyes below, Chen Qingdi had actually made a breakthrough.

The path taken by Chen Qingdi is different from that of a normal martial artist. No matter how strong his physical cultivation is, it is impossible for him to control the power of rules.

Therefore, there is only one way for him to fight against Martial Immortal, and that is to break the rules with strength.

You can control the rules, and I can break the rules. In this way, Wu Xian will not have the slightest advantage in front of Emperor Chen Qing.

The inner strength of Chen Qingdi's body was burning extremely, and any power of rules was illusory in front of him, and it was shattered in an instant.

In just a few punches, although Emperor Chen Qing's strength was severely drained, Yan Zhi was already vomiting blood.

Seeing this scene, the others present couldn't help but want to do it.

In fact, their relationship with Fengyun Jianzhong is not so good.

Even among the five sword factions, Fengyun Sword Tomb had very little communication with them.

But the strength that Yan Zhi showed at this time was the realm they dreamed of, so they didn't want Chen Qingdi to kill Yan Zhi, at least they had to leave a living room and ask the other party how he stepped into this realm. .

But at this moment, Chu Xiu waved one hand, and the sword light was twisted in the air, with the meaning of the sword but not the shape of the sword.

In front of everyone's eyes, the earth was directly torn out of a ravine a hundred feet in size, bottomless, like an abyss.

Seeing this scene, feeling that kind of power fluctuation, the expressions of everyone present have changed.

Wuxian! Another martial artist!

Compared with Yan Zhi, Chu Xiu was even stronger, and he was more adept at controlling the power of rules, which made them incomprehensible, but they could clearly feel the power.

For a moment, like the winner's ancestor and others, their eyes were full of unwillingness, and there was even a hint of jealousy.

They have been searching for this realm all their lives and haven't seen the way forward. Now that Yan Zhi has stepped into this realm, it's not a problem. Why does Chu Xiu, a guy younger than Yan Zhi, step into this realm?

Looking at the people present, Chu Xiu smiled and said: "Everyone, I said, this time it is between the world alliance and Fengyun Jianzhong to settle the feud, I will not interfere, but you, don't even think about intervening."

Everyone present silently took back their steps.

They yearn for the power of the legendary Martial Immortal Realm, but they don't want to experience it.

At this time, the only rule that Yan Zhi could rely on was smashed to pieces by Chen Qingdi, and his defeat was decided.

Looking at Emperor Chen Qing in front of him, all the anger, resentment and unwillingness in Yan Zhi's heart flooded into his heart. At that moment, he squeezed the seal in his hand, and the black dragon sword soul suddenly escaped into his eyebrows. In an instant, a pitch-black sword qi lingered around his whole body, and under the sky and screaming, the black sword ray shot up into the sky, and the power skyrocketed several times in an instant.

Chu Xiu glanced at Yan Zhi in surprise.

He really didn't expect that Yan Zhi would go all out.

Although Chen Qingdi had an epiphany before the battle and was able to smash the rules, he could not control the rules.

Therefore, as long as Yan Zhi uses the power of rules to escape, Chen Qingdi's speed in the Martial Immortal Realm will never be able to catch up. Of course, Chu Xiu will definitely intercept it, but who would have thought that Yan Zhi would choose to fight to the death.

Chen Qingdi sneered: "Is this ready to go all out? Or do you think that you can defeat someone with all your effort?

You are not as good as that old guy Zhong Limu, that old guy is quite self-aware, but you can't see yourself clearly. "


Yan Zhi and the sword soul merged into one, and in an instant, the long sword fell, and Yan Zhi's figure turned into a huge black dragon hundreds of meters tall, coming with a monstrous murderous intent, and in an instant, the space was torn apart. The power rules were applied to the extreme, and even Yan Zhi's body had a trace of cracks, which was extremely tragic.

Chen Qingdi let out a sigh of relief, and the crimson internal energy in his body was directly restrained.

The punch fell slowly, and the speed was extremely slow, but in the eyes of everyone, it seemed to be slow motion.

But in fact, it is not slow, but Chen Qingdi's punch is no longer bound by the power of rules.

The sword soul of the black dragon slashed down overwhelmingly, and Chen Qingdi was shrouded in the boundless sharpness.

But all of his strength was introverted in his body, no matter how the sword slashed, the punch fell firmly, as if nothing could stop him.

A trace of crack appeared in Chen Qingdi's but he was unconscious, passing through countless sword qi slashes, and the punch without the slightest qi burst out. The purest power fluctuation!

Time seemed to stop for a moment, and the next moment, suddenly burst out!

Everyone present was stunned and stared at the mid-air. The huge black dragon, which was hundreds of meters tall, shattered inch by inch, and then completely dissipated.

Yan's body turned into a sword soul, but just like the black dragon sword soul, it completely dissipated, and even the corpse was not left behind.

The people below all looked stunned and unacceptable.

This is the legendary Martial Immortal, the realm above the peak, just died like this? How long did it take for the opponent to break through before he died?

Of course, they had never seen the scene where Chu Xiu beheaded Xin Jialuo.

If it is said that who is the Martial Immortal who has fallen the fastest, then Xin Jialuo is estimated to be ranked first in Da Luotian.

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