Meet The Leader

Chapter 1315: Merge World Alliance

Killing Yan Zhi with one punch, breaking through the limit of strength, but Chen Qingdi did not have the slightest pleasure in his eyes.

Yan Zhi died, but Fang Qingteng could not be resurrected, nor could the dead world alliance warriors be resurrected.

Chu Xiu frowned and said, "You are injured."

Chen Qingdi waved his hand and said, "It's okay, I'll leave the rest to you.

Aren't they called Sword Tombs? Well, let's bury them all in the grave! "

Chu Xiu nodded and said, "Don't worry, I'll leave the rest to me."

With that said, Chu Xiu waved his hand, but Tang Ya and the others appeared out of nowhere and began to attack Fengyun Jianzhong.

Chen Qingdi's revenge is over, Chu Wuji's revenge, and his revenge for breaking his southern barbarian branch hall, Chu Xiu has not yet avenged it.

This time the other warriors present did not stop him.

They haven't been dealing with Chu Xiu for a day or two. They know that when Chu Xiu is killing him, they can't stop him.

But seeing a big faction destroyed in Chu Xiu's hands again, they felt a little chill in their hearts.

Since the last time Chu Xiu destroyed the Northern and Southern Buddhist sects, the Kunlun Demon Sect has been keeping a low profile, and even Chu Xiu rarely appears in the arena.

They once thought that Chu Xiu had restrained his temper after stepping into the Heaven and Earth Tongxuan, and devoted himself to the martial arts, just like Ye Shaonan, which also let them breathe a sigh of relief.

But today, Chu Xiu and Chen Qingdi, destroying Fengyun Sword Tomb with absolute power made them feel a little terrified.

Especially those under Chu Xiu's command.

Tang Ya brought very few people this time, only less than a hundred people, all of whom were the warriors who were previously responsible for rotating guards in the lower realm.

But the problem is, the strength of these people is somewhat abnormal.

The weakest ones are actually all in the real dan realm!

Even if it is a big family like Shang Shui Ying's, the real core is also the elder deacon of the family, the backbone, and it turns out that they are placed in the Kunlun Demon Sect, but they are just ordinary disciples? Could it be that these people were secretly cultivated by the Kunlun Demon Sect?

Looking at the people present, Chu Xiu said indifferently: "What are you waiting for if you haven't left yet? If the reception is not good during the extermination period, I won't care about your meals.

Destroying the Fengyun Sword Tomb was not because I was domineering, but because the Fengyun Sword Tomb was too inflated.

Heaven and Earth Tongxuan is the pinnacle? Hehe, a mountain is taller than a mountain, and the real peak is far away.

Everyone is gone, it won't be long before we meet again. "

Chu Xiu said that everyone present was a little puzzled, what is above the peak if not the peak?

Although Chu Xiu stepped into the realm of Martial Immortals, everyone did not dare to ask how Chu Xiu stepped into this realm.

What they care more about is Chu Xiu's last sentence.

What does it mean that they will meet again soon? What exactly is Chu Xiu going to do?

After everyone left nervously, Tang Ya had already settled the battle.

As soon as Yan Zhi died, Fengyun Sword Tomb had no more courage to fight, and Chu Xiu found that he looked down on Fengyun Sword Tomb.

In terms of kendo cultivation, these guys who spend most of their time cultivating in the Fengyun Sword Tomb are indeed extraordinary.

But this also means that what they have experienced is really too little, their mood is a little fragile, and the number of people who surrendered has reached 70%.

These people, Chu Xiu, didn't waste it, and they all went back to build the Nanman Branch Hall.

The triple formation of the Nanman branch hall was destroyed by Yan Zhi before. Master Yuan Ji and Chao Chen thought about the pain and planned to enhance the formation by another level. Therefore, a large number of warriors were needed to provide astral energy and polish the formation at the same time as the formation. Formation materials, etc., these things are just handed over to them.

After everyone was settled, Chu Xiu and Chen Qingdi stepped into the Fengyun Sword Tomb and watched around.

For most Jianghu people, the Fengyun Sword Tomb is indeed mysterious enough, and even most of the strong kendo practitioners will choose to bring their own swords to enter the Fengyun Sword Tomb.

Fengyun Sword Tomb is not the starting point of kendo, but it is the end of kendo.

It's just that when Emperor Chen Qing and Chu Xiu came to the real sword tomb, they were a little disappointed.

Because countless strong swordsmen and broken swords were buried in the sword mound, the power nurtured was indeed extremely astonishing, and the sword energy permeated vertically and horizontally.

However, this power is mixed with too much evil spirit, and there are many magazines. In fact, it is not very suitable for cultivation, and in the eyes of the current Chen Qingdi and Chu Xiu, it is not too strong. They have all seen the place where the rules of the two worlds are distorted in the Luoshen Palace, and a sword mound of wind and clouds will not make them too surprised.

But at this moment, in Chu Xiu's mind, the inner demon suddenly said: "There is something in the deepest part of the sword tomb."

Chu Xiu was stunned, what was buried so deeply? With his current Primordial Spirit power, he couldn't even notice it.

He reached out and grabbed it, and the space was twisted within the rules. In the deepest part of the sword tomb, a black dragon only the size of a thumb and exuding amazing sword energy was taken by Chu Xiu.

The power above is exactly the same as the power on Yan Zhi. Obviously, he stepped into the realm of Martial Immortal by relying on what was nurtured in the sword mound.

"The power nurtured by this little thing is not strong, can Yan support step into Martial Immortal by relying on it?"

The heart demon said: "Of course it's not it, it should be just a seed, the seed of the sword soul can be transformed into a sword soul by absorbing the powerful sword energy and other powers in the entire Fengyun Sword Tomb."

Raising his eyebrows, Chu Xiu put them away.

Of course, he is not interested in keeping this thing for thousands of years, and then bred what kind of sword soul, but a single seed, it is a good treasure.

At this time, Chen Qingdi suddenly said: "Cult Master Chu, there is something I want to tell you."

Chu Xiu was slightly taken aback, because he felt that Chen Qingdi's tone was a bit wrong.

Chu Xiu and Chen Qingdi had known each other very early. As early as when he was a young hero on the Dragon and Tiger Ranking, he had already known Chen Qingdi.

In addition, he and Xie Xiaolou are friends, so all along, Chen Qingdi still has the feeling of some elders and predecessors, but now Chen Qingdi's tone is very formal, which is different from before.

"If you have something to say, Alliance Leader Chen, please speak directly."

Chen Qingdi let out a long breath and said, "I want to merge the World Alliance into the Kunlun Demon Sect!"

After Chu Xiu heard this, he was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that what Chen Qingdi told him was actually this matter.

You must know that as long as there is Chen Qingdi alone in the Tianxia Alliance, it is enough to develop, and with the relationship between him and Chen Qingdi, the two sides are allies, no matter how the Kunlun Demon Sect develops, it will not endanger the Tianxia Alliance.

So why does Emperor Chen Qing want to merge the World Alliance into the Kunlun Demon Sect?

Chen Qingdi sighed and said: "This time, the breach of the World Alliance is actually a lesson.

I am not as good as you, the leader of Chu, who fights and advances all the way on the rivers and lakes, and there are many strong people around me.

In fact, I am not a qualified leader, because I am too strong, so strong that I have derailed from the Underworld Alliance, making the entire Underworld Alliance dispensable.

But after all, it was the foundation that I built from scratch, and I didn't want to give up, so it became what it is today.

I can deal with the causal opponents I provoked, but the forces under my command cannot.

Among the Kunlun Demon Sect, there are many strong people, and the masters are like clouds. If you rise alone, you can make the entire Kunlun Demon Sect dominate the rivers and lakes, so I say, I am not as good as you.

But I don't want to give up those who live in the world alliance.

In the Kunlun Demon Sect, you give me a hall. From now on, there will be no world alliance in Jianghu, only the world hall under the Kunlun Demon Sect!

Daluotian, if you have any trouble, you can call me to take action, but in normal times, don't expect me to stay in the Kunlun Demon Sect.

How is it, my world alliance, do you accept it? "

Chu Xiu didn't even think about it, a smile suddenly appeared on his face and said: "Of course I have to accept it, from now on, Alliance Master Chen... No, it is Hall Master Chen, and I am a family with the Holy Church, but only a Hall Master. The position is a bit low, after I reorganize the Kunlun Demon Sect, I will re-rank."

With the strength of Emperor Chen Qing, being able to get him to join, Chu Xiu's strength has skyrocketed.

Moreover, although the Tianxia Alliance was born in the grass, it seems that the strength is not strong, but in fact it is because Chen Qingdi is not very concerned.

The foundation of the Tianxia Alliance is too shallow, and it still belongs to the grassy gang, so it lacks cultivation resources, lacks an environment to teach penance, and its strength is low.

This is purely a good thing delivered to the door. If Chu Xiu refuses, then his head will be broken.

I didn't pay attention to the World Alliance before, that was because Chu Xiu was still very disciplined and had a bottom line.

The rabbit doesn't eat the grass at the edge of the nest. He is so familiar with Xie Xiaolou and Chen Qingdi, and it is a bit unkind to annex other people's forces.

But now it was Chen Qingdi who took the initiative to send it to the door, so he was welcome.

Chen Qingdi waved his hand at will and said, "What hall master, Demon Venerable, is just a name, so I don't care about that.

Lu Jianghe has been staring at the positions of the Four Great Demon Lords for hundreds of years, and he is almost obsessed, so you should give it to him.

By the way, what exactly were you conspiring before? Each one is mysterious. "

At that time, Chu Xiu and others were discussing the attack on Tianmen. Chen Qingdi was very interested and did not participate. In fact, he was also curious.

Now that I am my own person, it is no big deal to talk about it.

After Chu Xiu said that he was going to attack Chen Qingdi's eyes suddenly lit up.

Tianmenjun is godless, this name did not frighten Chen Qingdi, but made him a little excited.

To be able to fight against a powerhouse of this level is what Emperor Chen Qing only dreamed of.

"So you are going to start attacking Tianmen after Shang Tianliang and the others leave the customs?"

Chu Xiu squinted his eyes and said: "Don't worry, before attacking Tianmen, you have to use strength.

Within Tianmen, there is also a secret realm for cultivating divine generals, and the force in it is not weak.

I don't want all of the wealth I have accumulated to be still in the deadly battle with Tianmen. "

"Then what are you going to do?"

Chu Xiu looked at the outside world and said indifferently: "There is not a lot of power that can be used in this arena."

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