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Chapter 1318: Revisit the Tianshi Mansion

The Holy Maiden of the Moon Worship Cult can guess that Ye Shaonan and others should find a way to save her when she is in trouble.

But she didn't expect that the person who saved her would be Chu Xiu.

In fact, although there is friendship between the Holy Maiden of the Moon Worship Cult and Chu Xiu, the friendship is not too deep.

Moreover, since Chu Xiu rebuilt the Kunlun Demon Sect in Kunlun Mountain, the two people were no longer of the same level. At this time, seeing that it was Chu Xiu who shot, she still felt a little complicated.

"Don't be stunned, hurry up and receive the inheritance power in the Longevity Gu, otherwise it will be wasted, and you will have experienced such a dangerous situation in vain."

Hearing that, the Holy Maiden of the Moon Worship Cult quickly calmed down and began to absorb the power in the Longevity Gu.

After the Six Paths Reincarnation Bracelet removed all the imprints from the Longevity Gu, the aura of the Holy Maiden of the Moon Worship Cult also began to soar.

The Saintess of the Moon Worship Cult was a warrior of the same era as Chu Xiu. The warriors of that era were not only monsters like Chu Xiu, but also someone like Lu Fengxian.

Even those who are ranked in the dozens of dragon and tiger rankings have already stepped into the true core realm and become the mainstay of various sects.

The strength of the Holy Maiden of the Moon Worship Cult can definitely be ranked in the top ten, but she has always maintained the realm of the unity of heaven and man. From that time on, Chu Xiu felt that something was wrong.

At this time, the aura of the saintess of the Moon Worship Cult went from the unity of heaven and man, to the real alchemy realm, the real fire refining **** realm, and even to the heaven and earth, and then stopped.

Moreover, the aura on her body was not in the slightest vain, on the contrary, it was extremely calm, as if she had stepped into this realm for a long time.

It is the effect of the longevity Gu, which is really amazing. While inheriting strength and martial arts, even the perception of realm can be passed down.

However, the high priest and Donghuang Taiyi, who were normally promoted to the Heaven and Earth Profound Realm, saw that the saintess of the Moon Worship Cult had raised their cultivation level to the level of theirs in an instant, but their expressions did not change.

This kind of thing is not enviable.

After being devoured by the longevity Gu, every generation of saintess would not live to be a hundred years old, and some even perished when they were only a few dozen years old.

In exchange for the strength of Heaven and Earth Tongxuan Realm at this price, they would rather go to hard cultivation.

After a while, the Holy Maiden of the Moon Worship Sect opened her eyes. She stretched out her hand, and what she was holding in her hand turned out to be a round black bug with no head and tail. If it wasn't still shaking, Chu Xiu would have thought it was a dead thing. .

This seemingly inconspicuous thing is the longevity Gu that created so many generations of saintess from the Moon Worship Cult.

Ye Shaonan flicked his fingers, and the powerful qi instantly shattered the longevity Gu.

Dong Huangtai and the others didn't have time to stop them, and their expressions changed.

Ye Shaonan said lightly: "From now on, I will no longer need longevity Gu for worshiping the moon. Holy girl, write down all the Gu techniques in your inheritance and put them in the Sutra Collection Pavilion."

The saintess of the Moon Worship Cult nodded and said, "Yes, sect master."

As she said that, the saintess of the Moon Worship Cult bowed to Chu Xiu with a small smile on her face, "Thank you, Cult Master Chu, for helping me this time."

The Holy Maiden of the Moon Worship Cult is a natural beauty. After accepting the inheritance of Longevity Gu, her temperament has changed even more. , charming but not evil.

Chu Xiu said: "Don't rush to thank you, I have a price for saving you, and the night sect master also agreed.

After I save you, you have to do one thing for me in the future. "

There was a charming smile on the face of the saintess of the Moon Worship Cult, and she looked at Chu Xiu with a wink: "Cult Master Chu saved the slave family, don't say one thing, ten things are also made, the master Chu wants the slave family to be saved. Whatever you do, the slave family will do."

Donghuang Taiyi is a bit old-fashioned, and he can't stand the appearance of the saint of the Moon Worship Cult. He can't help coughing twice and frowning: "Pay attention to the influence, the Cult Master Chu is here, don't embarrass me of the Moon Worship Cult."

The saintess of the Moon Worship Cult immediately put away her coquettish appearance, pinched her waist, and raised her eyebrows to Dong Huangtai: "The Cult Master Chu didn't say anything, it's your turn to make irresponsible remarks here? Don't all men like this tune?

Now this girl, like you, has stepped into the heaven and earth, and if you are not convinced, let's go outside to practice. In the worship of the moon, the saint's position has always been above the nine gods and witches! "

Donghuang Taiyi was so provoked by her, and suddenly said angrily: "You..."


Ye Shaonan gave a low drink, and everyone was honest and huddled aside obediently.

Ye Shaonan rubbed his head, as if he had a headache.


Chu Xiu smiled and said: "It seems that the Moon Worship Cult is also a kind person, so it's okay.

Since that's the case, I'm going to leave. There are still people on the Xichu side who want to visit. "

The Holy Maiden of the Moon Worship Cult asked, "Where is Master Chu going?"

Chu Xiu looked further west and said lightly, "Go to the Tianshi Mansion and visit the old Tianshi."


Outside the Tianshi Mansion, when the people from the Tianshi Mansion heard that Chu Xiu came to worship the mountain, everyone panicked.

It's no wonder that the Tianshi Mansion looks like this, but the current Chu Xiu's deterrent force is a little too strong.

After destroying Fengyun Sword Tomb, everyone in the whole world knows that Chu Xiu has taken that last step and surpassed the peak of Heaven and Earth Tongxuan.

Most of the warriors didn't even know that Wuxian had Jiuzhongtian. In their opinion, Chu Xiu was on the same level as Dugu Wei I five hundred years ago, so everyone was in a state of panic.

Tianshi Mansion is a major faction of the righteous way. They don't know what Chu Xiu is doing here, but there must be no good things.

Seeing the panicked look of everyone, the old Tianshi couldn't help but scolded: "Every one of those idiots is panicking!

How can I say that I have lived for hundreds of years, and he, Chu Xiu, the sect leader of the demon sect, can still pull down his face and bully an old man like me?

Go, invite people up, don't lose your courtesy. "

Zhang Chengzhen carefully glanced at the old master from the side, how could he be suspicious of relying on the old and betraying the old when he said this?

This time, the old Tianshi did not receive Chu Xiu in the small courtyard of the back mountain, but in the main hall of the Tianshifu.

Chu Xiu walked into the hall, with a smile on his face, cupped his hands and said: "Lao Tianshi, it's been a long time, but your body and bones are still strong. It seems that it will not be a problem to live another one or two hundred years."

The old master shook his head and said, "I'm afraid I'll be struck by lightning if I live for another one or two hundred years. I might go there one day, the old man. Anyway, after living for so many years, I've already seen it."

Chu Xiu said in a deep voice, "Is that so? If you also step into the realm of Martial Immortals, Lord Tianshi, and live another one or two hundred years, I'm afraid it won't be too difficult, right?"

Chu Xiu's words suddenly shocked the old Tianshi, and said in surprise: "What did you say?"

Chu Xiu said lightly: "Before, I was too weak and could not see the details of you, but in fact, you were amazing and brilliant when you were young, and you have stayed at the peak of Heaven and Earth Tongxuan Realm for hundreds of years. , why haven't you been able to break through Martial Immortal?

I know that the separation between heaven and man in the Martial Immortal Realm is not so easy to break, but with your strength, the old Tianshi and the strength of the entire Tianshifu, to find a treasure of heaven and earth, and use this as an opportunity, it is not difficult, right? ?

Over the years, I can only see through a part of the power you have accumulated, Lao Tianshi, and I can't even see the rest. If you want to step into the Martial Immortal realm now, you should be fine, but why not? "

As soon as Chu Xiu said this, even the other people in the Tianshi Mansion looked at the old Tianshi. They didn't know that the old Tianshi actually had such strength.

Master Laotian sighed, pointed to himself and said: "Cult Master Chu, you are actually very enviable, young people are very enviable, I am already a person from a previous era, so what if I live for a long time? ? Still an old man.

You are right, in fact, as early as more than 100 years ago, I have accumulated enough strength, and I also have the opportunity and insight to step into the realm of martial arts, but I dare not.

Since you have stepped into Martial Immortal, Cult Master Chu, you should know how intense the energy of heaven and earth is when you break through the realm of Martial Immortal.

The vitality of the world from the outside world poured into the body, and the vitality in the body affected the rules, making the body, spirit and soul look brand new. I could no longer bear the impact of this.

It's a pity, even if it was possible a few decades earlier, but when you have the ability to do this step, your body will no longer allow it.

Maybe when I really can't do it, I will try to break through. Even if I only taste the feeling of Martial Immortal Realm for a moment, it will be worth it. "

Although there are some regrets in the words of the old Tianshi, in fact, over the years, he has already seen it.

There is also a threat in his words.

Although his old man will not be able to break through Martial Immortal in this life, he is really going to be forced to sublimate all his strength to the extreme. Although his physical body can't bear it, he can still burst into the combat power of Martial Immortal Realm.

Chu Xiu said solemnly: "Old Heavenly Master, you are wrong, in fact, when you step into the realm of Martial Immortal, the most important thing is that you can comprehend the power of rules.

As for the impact on the body when stepping into the Martial Immortal realm, although there is, if you find a place with extremely abundant vitality when you break through, you can only absorb the powerful vitality of the outside world to cleanse your body, and use your internal strength to motivate the rules. To cleanse your body is to use it as a guide. In this way, as long as your body is not completely decayed, you can survive it. "

The old celestial master smiled bitterly: "You said it's But in the whole arena, where can I go to find such a blessed land? Anyway, I have never heard of it, where the vitality of heaven and earth can be so abundant."




Chu Xiu did not continue to sell off with the old Tianshi, but just told Ye Shaonan what he said to the old Tianshi again.

The inheritance of the Tianshi Mansion is earlier than that of the Moon Worship Cult, and he knows more about Daluotian's secret rumors than the Moon Worship Cult.

The most important thing is that Ye Shaonan has already stepped into Martial Immortal, but Lao Tianshi has been trapped in this bottleneck for more than 100 years, and he has suffered a greater impact than Ye Shaonan.

PS: The comic book "The Strongest Boss System" in July has been launched. You can go to Weibo to search for July, there is a link in it, or you can go to the comics and search for the name directly.

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