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Chapter 1319: Eliminate harm for the rivers and lakes!

Chu Xiu's news even took a long time to digest.

The old Tianshi let out a long sigh and said, "So you are going to join forces with my Tianshi Mansion to attack Tianmen?"

Chu Xiu nodded and said: "That's right, of course it's not just the Tianshi Mansion, I just left from the Moon Worship Cult, and even the power of the entire Jianghu, this time I will use it.

So I am here to send this news to you, and I also hope that the Tianshi Mansion can restrain it during this period of time.

If I want to mobilize the power of the entire river and lake, my methods may not be so gentle. When the time comes, someone will find Tianshifu and let Tianshifu come forward. "

Chu Xiu chose to visit the Moon Worship Sect and the Tianshi Mansion in person, not only because of the strength of Ye Shaonan and the old Tianshi, but now in the lower realm, there are not many forces that can truly threaten him.

The northern and southern Buddhist sects have been destroyed, and the remaining remnant, Chu Xiu, has not been taken seriously.

The only ones left were the Moon Worship Cult of the Demon Dao and the Tianshi Mansion of the Daomen, so Chu Xiu went to join forces first, not only to ensure sincerity, but also to avoid trouble.

Lao Tianshi let out a long sigh and said, "But I still have one thing that I'm very confused about.

According to what you said, as long as you break through the gate of heaven, the power of Daluotian will penetrate into the lower realm, and we can all benefit. So what can you get, Master Chu?

To say something unpleasant, you, Cult Master Chu, have never been someone who does good deeds. "

Chu Xiu raised his eyebrows and said, "I only need two things, the first one is the collection that Tianmen has accumulated over the years, I want all of them!

The attack on Tianmen was organized by me, so I didn't plan to give these things to others.

The second is the life of Jun Wushen!

Lord Tianshi, you should know that a few years ago, I was plotted in the cracks that Dugu Wei and Ning Xuanji played against.

I almost died there that time. You should guess, God, who was the one who shot it. "

The old master nodded, not only he knew, but many people had guessed it at the beginning, it should be Jun Wushen who shot, other than him, no one else has that ability and that reason.

Chu Xiu said solemnly: "Old Heavenly Master, attacking the Heavenly Sect, I am doing it for personal gain and personal resentment, but it is also good for the entire Jianghu.

Tianmen has blocked the bans of the upper and lower worlds for so many years, and they have used the benefits to create a lot of strong people.

You only know that there are nine great generals in Tianmen, and the weakest are the real fire refining spirit realm, but do you know that there is also a secret realm in Tianmen, secretly training disciples, the weakest of which are real core realm!

After so much, Tianmen is like raising a gu, letting them fight in it, and the nine gods are the best among them.

They train these disciples, do you know how many young children in the world are missing, away from their parents?

Moreover, the people of Tianmen go out to find the key to the sky, and they will destroy their homes at every turn. The methods are cruel, and their crimes are indescribable!

Chu Kuangge, who was the most revered giant in my past, died in the hands of the Heavenly Gate generals, and the former Guan Siyu, the chief hall of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, who cultivated me with one hand, also died in the hands of the Heavenly Gates generals.

If the gate of heaven is not eliminated, the evil of the rivers and lakes will be hard to disappear.

Lord Heavenly Master, join hands with me to get rid of the Heavenly Gate, and at the same time eliminate evil for this river and lake! "

Chu Xiu's remarks are righteous and awe-inspiring, and his whole body seems to be radiating brilliance, but the many warriors in the Tianshifu are speechless.

Who in the whole arena doesn't know who you, Chu Xiu Chu, is? The person most revered by a demon leader turned out to be the giant Chu Kuangge? What a joke.

Besides, who doesn't know that Chu Xiu was already at odds with Guan Siyu when he was in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall. After Guan Siyu's death, he wanted to exclude his dissidents and occupied the Guanzhong Punishment Hall with extremely strong means. At that time, other people didn't see Chu. Xiu has a little respect for Guan Siyu.

However, although they did not believe what Chu Xiu said, they had also vaguely heard about Tianmen.

Tianmen is not a devil, but what he has done is still unbearable for Jianghu Zhengdao.

Of course, even if they couldn't tolerate it before, they still had to endure it. Otherwise, even if Jun Wushen did not escape, the nine gods of Tianmen would attack at the same time, how many people on the rivers and lakes could stop them?

The old Tianshi let out a long breath and said, "When will you always attack Tianmen, just give me a message from Tianshi Mansion. After you leave, my Tianshi Mansion will be closed and no one will be seen."

A smile appeared on the corner of Chu Xiu's mouth. He knew that the old master had agreed.

Chu Xiu cupped his hands and said, "Don't worry, old master, this time I'm only here to destroy Tianmen. For the interests of other Jianghu sects, as long as they don't block my way, I won't touch them."

After speaking, Chu Xiu suddenly looked at Zhang Chengzhen next to the old Tianshi: "Brother Zhang, why do you people always like to play the trick of accumulating money? It's not good to practice step by step?"

Among the dragon and tiger rankings of Chu Xiu's generation, Zhang Chengzhen was the first to step into the real alchemy realm, and he was also the most dazzling young hero in that generation.

But later, with the rise of Chu Xiu and others, Zhang Chengzhen's name was gradually forgotten.

It's just that with Zhang Chengzhen's talent, he has been cultivating in the Tianshi Mansion for so many years, but he is still only in the real dan realm, which is obviously wrong.

In the past, Chu Xiu couldn't see anything, but now he can clearly feel that Zhang Chengzhen's body contains a very strong thunder force, especially in his dantian, Chu Xiu has not been aware of the true martial arts. Dan exists, replaced by a group of powerful thunder.

Hearing this, Zhang Chengzhen smiled and said: "Brother Chu, you are a great horse, I can't catch up, so I can only take some shortcuts.

The road is open to the sky, but there are too many people, and the small road can also reach the peak, which feels just as good. "

Chu Xiu nodded and said, "Brother Zhang has the courage, you and the Holy Maiden of the Moon Worship Cult are a good match.

Heavenly Master, Brother Zhang, then I will say goodbye. "

After speaking, Chu Xiu turned around and left, leaving only Zhang Chengzhen feeling a little puzzled.

What does the Holy Maiden of the Moon Worship Cult have to do with him?

Looking at the back of Chu Xiu's departure, the old Tianshi couldn't help but sigh: "I'm afraid this river and lake will be messed up again, but then again, when has this river and lake been really stable again? Maybe this is the real river and lake.

Please let me know, seal the mountain. The front and back mountains are closed. There are pilgrims who come to pray for blessings and burn incense, and let them come back in a few months. During this time, no one in my Tianshifu has been seen. "

After returning to Daluotian, he has been busy in the lower realm for so long, and all of Daluotian's people have already left the customs. Among them, only Lu Jianghe has successfully stepped into the halfway because he has seen the evolution of the power of rules. Step into the realm of Wuxian.

Although Shang Tianliang's harvest was not small, he still failed to break through the bottleneck of Wuxian, but he was only a little short of it.

Lu Fengxian and Mei Qinglian, although their strengths have also greatly increased, they have no chance to step into the half-step Martial Immortal.

After everyone went out, Chu Xiu told them about these things, which immediately made their eyes widen.

They have only been in seclusion for two months, and as a result, Chu Xiu actually brought Chen Qingdi to his command.

But this is also a good thing, Chen Qingdi's strength is obvious to all, and he also comes with a world alliance.

Wei Shuya pinched the moustache on his chin and said solemnly, "So, now we can attack Tianmen?"

Chu Xiu nodded and said, "Yes, yes, but I don't want my people to lose too much.

To break through the gate of heaven, as long as I take away the source of the anode in the gate of heaven, the formation will inevitably loosen, and the energy of heaven and earth that seeps out will benefit the entire rivers and lakes.

That being the case, everyone can't just sit back and enjoy the success.

I have contacted both the Moon Worship Cult and the Tianshi Mansion, and they will take action.

At the same time, during this time, I will also contact Feng Manlou to let them spread rumors, and I will encourage a large number of scattered cultivators or small factions to do it. "

Wei Shuya said solemnly: "But it's just a few small factions, most of the other sects, they value safety more than anyone else, even if you pass the news to them, most of them won't respond.

Anyway, if you break through the gate of heaven, they will benefit. If you fail, there is no harm in them. If you participate, the risk is the greatest. "

Chu Xiu narrowed his eyes and said, "So it's not a good thing to sit back and enjoy.

I am going to send my people to Western Chu, Dong Qi, Beiyan and even overseas, and let them all send people to gather teams and attack Tianmen!

Those who are obedient will be included in the alliance, and those who are disobedient, you can handle it as you please, and I will leave it to you anyway. "

In the entire arena, the only ones that Chu Xiu could take a fancy to were the Moon Worship Sect and the Tianshi Mansion.

So Chu Xiu from the two families made a trip in person, leaving the other sects, and Chu Xiu came to the door in person, that would be too much for them.

Taking a look at the people around, Chu Xiu made a decision.

Mei Qinglian went to Beiyan, Chu Wuji to Xichu, Lu Jianghe to Dongqi, and Lu Fengxian to go overseas.

Lu Jianghe couldn't help but pouted and said, "Cult Master Chu, you are going too far. Give me the hardest bones?"

Chu Xiu did this for a reason. Old Wei and Shang Tianliang were too strong, and it would be a waste to let them go. It was unnecessary.

Beiyan's side is Chu Xiu's base has the power on the table, either from Chu Xiu's side or has been destroyed, so Mei Qinglian has no difficulty in going.

The West Chu side is similar. The strongest Moon Worship Sect and Tianshi Mansion have also been taken care of by Chu Xiu, and the others are not difficult.

There is only one Dongqi sect with the most and the strongest strength, so it was handed over to Lu Jianghe, the most powerful, the most suffocating, and the most experienced.

In fact, Lu Fengxian's strength is also good, but Lu Fengxian is too kind to others. Chu Xiu is afraid that he will not be able to control the situation, so let him go overseas and let him know.

The overseas group of people were basically obedient to the killing by Chu Xiu, and they would definitely not have any trouble.

Chu Xiu was too lazy to explain so much to Lu Jianghe, he waved his hand and said, "You are going to become one of the Four Great Demon Lords. Don't you underestimate the simple task given to you?"

Lu Jianghe scratched his chin. Although he felt something was wrong, he nodded with satisfaction and said, "It makes sense."

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