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Chapter 1325: Jun Wu God's Power

s: Thanks to book friend Su Muxiu for the reward of 83,000 starting coins, congratulations on becoming the 33rd leader of this book_

Before, most people in Jianghu always thought that Tianmen was a hidden world sect with few personnel. watermark ad test watermark ad test

So even though the Heavenly Gate Gods have done a lot of excessive things in the arena, no one will take care of them, because they don't want to provoke these powerhouses.

But now that they see so many powerful warriors in the secret realm of Tianmen, they are a little scared after knowing it.

Once these people get to the rivers and lakes, who can stop them?

Everyone present couldn't help looking at Chu Xiu subconsciously, and it was estimated that only the Kunlun Demon Sect could block the Heavenly Gate.

Chu Xiu looked at Jun Wushen, a smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth, a mocking smile.

"Jun Wushen, you have always pretended to be calm and tough, but in fact, you are just a bully.

When you didn't kill me, was it because you didn't want to kill me? That's because you can't kill!

You are afraid of Zhong Shenxiu, you think Zhong Shenxiu is protecting me because of cause and effect, so you dare not touch me.

You finally hid in the dark and used nails and seven arrows to plot against me, but I also escaped.

Jun Wushen, you have a high self-esteem, but in fact, you can't compare to Zhong Shenxiu, and you can't compare to Dugu only me!

Now, is your injury in good shape? "

Hearing Chu Xiu's words, the expression on Jun Wushen's face changed slightly.

Regarding his injury, Jun Wushen did not suspect that there was an inner ghost inside Tianmen. He thought that Chu Xiu was talking about the last time he was hit hard by the mark left by Dugu Wei I.

"If it's not good, it can kill you as well!"

Jun Wushen turned his eyes to the old Tianshi Ye Shaonan and others, and said coldly: "Do you want to join forces with Chu Xiu to find death? For thousands of years, my Tianmen has rarely interfered in the affairs of the rivers and lakes, just relying on Chu Xiu's nonsense, Are you ready to find death?"

Before waiting for the old Tianshi and others to answer, Chu Xiu said lightly: "Jun Wushen, you think too highly of yourself, is it courting death to shoot at your Tianmen?

Over the years, your Tianmen has rarely intervened in the affairs of the arena, but every time you make a move, the rules of the whole arena are broken!

And you don't need to talk too much, the Ye Sect Master and the Master of Heaven are not idiots. Since they have all come here, do you think they will retreat?

It's better to kill you first than to get revenge on you later! "

In addition to those warriors from the small gate faction, such as the old Tianshi and others, they were persuaded by Chu Xiu to prepare to take action, but they were actually ready to fight the Tianmen to the death.

Others can retreat halfway, but they can't, because their goal is too big, if Tianmen wants to settle in the future, then they basically can't escape.

So since they have decided to make a move, even if this path is wrong, they can only make one mistake in the end!

Jun Wushen looked around for a week, and a cold murderous intent flashed in his eyes, which was colder than the ten thousand years of ice on the top of Kunlun.

"Since you want to bury your bones on the top of Kunlun Mountain, that's good, this deity will fulfill you!"

As Jun Wushen's voice fell, Zhu Tianxiao, who was arranging the formation, quickly controlled the formation in the back. For a moment, the faint blue brilliance shone, and it soared thousands of feet, causing everyone present to be stunned. to be wrapped in it.

In that formation, Chu Xiu and others had almost no influence, but the warriors under the true core realm felt a cold air eroding the meridians in their bodies, freezing their internal strength, and even moving. Started to slow down.

At the same time, when the warriors of Tianmen rushed out, those faint blue rays of light were integrated into their bodies, causing their aura to rise suddenly.

This scene made Chu Xiu's complexion change slightly, and he didn't expect that the moment Tianmen took action, it exceeded his imagination.

In the information Xue Wuli gave to Chu Xiu, there was no description of the Tianmen formation.

After all, Xue Wuli is not proficient in this way, and the Tianmen formation is mainly built by those ancient powerhouses. In ten thousand years, except for the one time five hundred years ago, Tianmen has never been breached, so there is no protective formation effect at all. 's records.

"Under all true core realms, all withdraw from Kunlun!"

Chu Xiu's loud shout resounded in the crowd, and the entire team instantly lost 90% of the people.

With this formation at the moment, it is useless to let these warriors come up, and they can only die.

At the same time, Jun Wushen also moved.

At this time, the injuries that Jun Wushen suffered during the riot of the formation method were not very good, but the power of his shots was still amazing.

In an instant, an intense explosion sounded in mid-air, and Jun Wushen's figure was like a falling star, streaking across the sky, and instantly appeared in front of Chu Xiu and the others, smashing it down with a punch!

This punch is like a star, the powerful force trembles the void, and even the frost and snow fluttering in the air stagnates at that moment.

Chu Xiu's eyes suddenly shrank, Jun Wushen's injury has not healed, so the realm he shows now should only be between the fourth and fifth levels of Wuxian, just like the bliss that Chu Xiu had fought against before. Magic Palace Yan Beifeng is almost the same.

But the problem is, power is power, and combat power is combat power.

After all, Jun Wushen used to be the existence of the Seventh Heaven of the Martial Immortal. His understanding of power and the use of martial arts supernatural powers are much more than Yan Beifeng.

Chu Xiu's hand was raised for a while, and the boundless sharpness condensed in his hand. When the knife was cut down, the rules in front of him were torn apart, like a huge black hole, swallowing all power.

Swallowing Angel came out, and when he came up, Chu Xiu almost used one of his strongest swordsmanship.

But under Jun Wushen's punch, the swallowing sword can devour the power of the rules, but it cannot devour the ultimate power.

A loud bang came, and the huge black hole cut out by swallowing the sky was directly destroyed, and Chu Xiu was blasted out.

But at this moment, Jun Wushen's body was all over the place, and people were shooting.

Chen Qingdi's inner strength burned to the extreme, and the punch fell, like a collapsed mountain, directly hitting Jun Wushen's heart.

Wei Shuya squeezed the seal in his hand, and the power of rules swept through him. The wind and snow on the top of Kunlun Mountain was held in his hand, and it merged with the incomparably powerful demonic energy, turned into the palm of ice, and fell from the sky.

Ye Shaonan circled the moon blade and slashed towards Jun Wushen's left side. Wherever he passed, any power of vitality and rules was gathered together, turned into the weakest power to dissipate, and made way for this knife.

The Heart Sutra of Patching Heaven, called Patching the Heavens, is the ultimate magic art that goes against the sky. Using one's own strength to forcefully distort and change the rules of the place it passes through is also an extremely overbearing exercise.

At the same time, the old Tianshi on the right pinched the seal, and the top of Kunlun Mountain, which was originally shrouded in wind and snow, was suddenly thunderous.

Wulei Zhengfa, Zixiao Shenlei, Jiuxiao Tianlei and so on are constantly changing in the hands of the old Tianshi, forming a huge thunderstorm smashing towards Jun Wushen!

Around the Quartet, there are three Martial Immortals and one who are not Martial Immortals, but they have already understood the power of the rules. The old Tianshi who is not inferior to Martial Immortals has taken action. The cooperation of several people is simply tacit understanding. In an instant, Chu Xiu had already completed all the offensives.

But the next moment, as Jun Wushen pinched the seal, the six Buddhas of disillusionment bloomed behind him.

The huge roulette wheel is as real as it is illusion, and the power of the six paths is circling in reincarnation, capable of strangling all power.

In the strangulation of the six roulettes, Chen Qingdi couldn't bear the power even with his physical body, and was directly blown away, and even a trace of blood oozed from the corner of his mouth, but he couldn't see it in his eyes. The slightest hint of fear, and some, just a strong will to fight!

Ye Shaonan's divine weapon, the Moon Blade, was strangled by the six paths of reincarnation, and it became several paragraphs.

But Ye Shaonan looked at Jun Wushen with a shining look, this is exactly the realm and power he has been pursuing!

And Wei Shuya retreated again and again, cutting off the connection with the magic hand, otherwise the power of the six roulettes would affect him.

Only Laotianshi had the most combat experience in the field. After throwing a large group of thunder, Laotianshi directly hid aside to avoid the spread of that power.

Patting his chest, the old Tianshi sighed: "My old man came out to be beaten to death at such an old age. I am afraid that among the previous celestial masters in the Tianshifu, there is no one who is more diligent than me."

With one move, all the five offensives were defeated, and Jun Wushen's strength was terrifying.

But before Jun Wushen could say anything, Chu Xiu, who was blasted out by him, used the law directly.

The gigantic body of the demon **** seemed to be standing on the ground, and its figure was inserted straight into the cloud, and it fell with a punch. The powerful force shook the void, and went straight to Jun Wushen!


There was a haze in Jun Wushen's eyes, he recognized this magical power.

To be precise, without this magical power, Chu Xiu would have been shot by his nail head seven arrows long ago, and he would not have left so much trouble until now.

In Jun Wushen's this method is a standard power-type supernatural power.

In fact, among the supernatural powers, the power-type supernatural powers should be weak, because it is only pure power, and the changes are too little.

But the magical power of Fa, Tianxiangdi, evolved its power to the extreme, and the punch fell, as if the ancient demons were roaring the heavens and the earth, fighting with the heaven and the earth.

Jun Wushen squeezed the seal with his hand, and the Six Paths Buddha's Disillusionment Flower Wheel was displayed to the extreme by him.

Whether it is in the lower realm or in Da Luotian, there are very few martial skills that can shake the magical powers.

The last move of Chu Xiu's Seven Great Limits, swallowing the sky, is like this, and now Jun Wushen, the six Taoist Buddhas, is also the same.

This type of exercise integrates evil and supernatural, refining the mind, refining the spirit and then refining the reincarnation, and finally from the virtual to the real, turning it into a six-path reincarnation disk, strangling all things.

When Chu Xiu's punch fell, although it shook the six-path reincarnation disk, causing it to vibrate and making the entire Kunlun Mountain tremble, it also successfully blocked Chu Xiu's magical power with the power of martial arts!

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