Meet The Leader

Chapter 1326: Each has a unique trick, magic powers fight against each other, the fastest update to meet the leader!

s: Thanks to book friend Bai Suyuyuan for the reward of 10,000 starting coins

Among the raging waves of the East China Sea, Zhong Shenxiu walked on the waves, sometimes heading east, sometimes south, sometimes north, and sometimes west, as if going around in a circle.

At this moment, he suddenly turned his head to the west, and there was a hint of doubt in his eyes.

"Cause and effect, changed."

The next moment, the red dot between his eyebrows burst into a dazzling red glow, and that red glow was actually integrated into the rules of this world.

If Chu Xiu was there, he would definitely be able to recognize what it was.

Previously in Zhongzhou City of Death, Chu Xiu saw the silk threads condensed by the embodiment of the power of rules.

And now the power bursting out of Zhong Shenxiu's eyebrows is actually this kind of thread, as if he is the embodiment of the power of rules at this time.

The silk thread penetrated into the rules of heaven and earth. In Zhong Shenxiu's eyes, the scenery between heaven and earth was constantly revolving. Time and space were rotated at will, and various unexpected scenery appeared.

In the end, he couldn't even bear it, and let out a groan.

With a wave of his hand, he cut off the silk thread that embodied the power of rules. Zhong Shenxiu looked towards the west, and his eyes regained clarity, but they were full of confusion.

"Causal, messed up?"

He couldn't see clearly, the road was unclear, Zhong Shenxiu stood there for a long time, until a passing shark took him as food, bit him down in one bite, and broke his teeth, Zhong Shenxiu seemed to have reacted and shook his head gently. , continue in the East China Sea... in circles.

At this moment, Chu Xiu didn't know that he was spied on by Zhong Shenxiu, and even Jun Wushen didn't notice it.

Fa Tianxiangdi's one punch Jun Wushen actually blocked it with martial arts, this kind of strength is simply incomparable.

But Chu Xiu's mood did not fluctuate in the slightest, one punch would not shatter, then two punches, three punches!

The power of Fa Tianxiangdi exploded to the extreme, five punches fell in a row, and the six reincarnation disk finally shattered!

But at the moment when the six reincarnation discs shattered, the power of rules around Jun Wushen was condensed.

In Chu Xiu's eyes, the crimson rule power lingered in Jun Wushen's hand, turning into a crimson dragon spear, so hot that even the frost and snow covered the Kunlun Mountains, there was a kind of fire that turned into a mountain of flames. Searing texture.

The crimson dragon spear suddenly pierced, as if it had traveled through space and time, and it had come to Chu Xiu in an instant.

Thorn, pick.

There are only two moves, but they show the essence of the marksmanship to the extreme.

Supernatural power gun tactics, fire dragon lights!

At this moment, the scorching heat wrapped Chu Xiu, and the huge body of the devil was flung out in front of the seemingly slender dragon spear. At the same time, Chu Xiu's whole body burned violently in an instant. The flames come, the inner strength is true, and it is consumed frantically.

The fire dragon lights the lamp, where is the lamp? Chu Xiu himself is the lamp!

The Fa, Heaven and Earth dissipated in an instant, but the flame was like a maggot attached to a bone, still burning around Chu Xiu, as if he would not give up until he was completely burned out.

Chu Xiu's heart suddenly sank, and he seems to still underestimate Jun Wushen. To be precise, he doesn't know enough about Jun Wushen.

Jun Wushen only shot twice, once in the face of Zhong Shenxiu, he revealed his Six Paths Buddha Wheel of Disillusionment, and then he used the nail head seven arrows for sneak attack and assassination, and then disappeared.

He doesn't even know how many magical powers Jun Wushen has mastered, and how much power he has controlled. Every time he makes a move, he is a temptation, but Jun Wushen comes prepared.

At this moment, Wei Shuya appeared beside Chu Xiu, boundless demonic energy enveloped Chu Xiu, and at the same time, a trace of rootless holy fire burst out, which drove out the evil flame of the fire dragon lighting the lamp.

The rootless holy fire itself is a kind of heaven and earth treasure in which the power of rules is embodied in real objects. Although Wei Shuya can only control a small amount of power, this power can also drive out the power of rules in the fire dragon lighting.

At this time, Jun Wushen was entangled by three people including Chen Qingdi.

But the three of them are in jeopardy.

Although Chen Qingdi is strong enough physically and powerful enough, these two advantages are basically equal to zero in front of Jun Wushen.

Jun Wushen didn't know what kind of body refining secret method he was practicing, and his physical strength was even higher than that of Chen Qingdi. With a punch, he could blow Chen Qingdi away, causing him to vomit blood and be injured.

Although Lao Tianshi is not a Martial Immortal, his set of Thunder Techniques incorporates the power of rules, and his attack power is no less than Martial Immortal.

But Jun Wushen just glanced at random, pinched the seal, and the result turned out to be the authentic Taoist nine-character mantra, and the nine-character mantra trembled in the void, as if it was the sound of the Tao between heaven and earth, and it turned out to be there. Thunder disintegrated in mid-air.

On the other side, Ye Shaonan's Heart Sutra of Repairing the Sky was used to the extreme by him, and the color of Fengyun was already changing in the air. As he dropped a finger, a crack loomed in the void, wrapping towards Jun Wushen.

Wherever the crack has passed, the rules of heaven and earth have been completely rewritten, and the sky that Ye Shaonan has repaired is his own sky!

There was a strange look in Jun Wushen's eyes: "Among the warriors on the rivers and lakes, there are very few people who can be admired by me, and you Ye Shaonan is one of them.

To be able to study a practice method to this level, the power is close to the supernatural power, even in ancient times, few people can do it.

It's a pity that you chose the wrong person and went the wrong way! "

As Jun Wushen's voice fell, a huge magic shadow burst out behind him, and for a moment, the magic flame was soaring to the sky, covering the entire Kunlun Mountains as if covering the sky and the sun.

Where the shadow passed, it divided into thousands, filled the cracks in the void, and finally condensed into one, rushing towards Ye Shaonan.

All Demons Return to the Ruins!

At this moment, Chu Xiu finally knew what Jun Wushen's martial arts was.

The path he took turned out to be the same as that of Chu Xiu. He took the heads of hundreds of families as one, and pursued the most extreme fighting peak!

The Six Paths Buddha's Disillusionment Flower Wheel has the flavor of Buddhist practice, the nine-character mantra is from the Taoist door, and now the return of the Ten Thousand Demons is the door of the magic road.

In addition, his physical body is strong, and he has obviously cultivated a body-refining secret technique, and he can survive more than ten reincarnations in Chu Xiu's six-path reincarnation bracelet, and his willpower and primordial spirit are not ordinary.

With the combination of Taoism, Buddhism and Demons, as well as countless martial arts, the fleshly primordial spirit has no weakness at all. How similar is it to Chu Xiu?

Of course, it makes sense for Jun Wushen to have this kind of cultivation.

The opponent was able to master the level of magical powers like the Seven Arrows of Nails in a short period of time, and it was conceivable how amazing the opponent's talent for comprehension was.

Tianmen was left by the upper realm to guard the gate in the lower realm, so the first batch of Tianmen disciples were the elite disciples of the major sects.

With such conditions, the path that Jun Wushen is taking now is normal.

At this time, Ye Shaonan has been wrapped in countless ghosts, and he is about to be severely injured.

Chu Xiu couldn't care about the consumption of his magical powers, so he immediately went up to rescue.

In addition to himself, Ye Shaonan's strength is the strongest here. If he is severely injured, it will be bad for him.

But before Chu Xiu could make a move, Ye Shaonan seemed to have given up his defense, and even let those ghosts penetrate into his body, and it was instantly torn apart.

But the next moment, everyone felt that something was wrong.

Although Ye Shaonan's body was penetrated by countless ghosts, no blood flowed out. Instead, it burst directly, turning into colorful beetles all over the place, densely packed, looking a little infiltrating.

Ye Shaonan's figure actually appeared from the other side, he frowned at those beetles: "Substitute Gu, all abolished."

At this moment, everyone realized that Ye Shaonan used the Gu technique of Miao Jiang's Moon Worship Cult.

In fact, when the Moon Worship Cult first started, it used the name of Gu technique to move the world. Even now, half of the people in the Moon Worship Cult practice magic arts, and half of them practice Gu techniques. Of course, more of them practice both. .

And Ye Shaonan has never used Gu techniques on the rivers and lakes, because his strength is too strong, so strong that he can crush other people with complete strength, so why use those sectarian Gu techniques?

Therefore, many people ignored the fact that Ye Shaonan was the leader of the Moon Worship Sect, and his Gu technique should also be very strong.

Jun Wushen was surprised for a moment, then sneered and replied, "Miao Jiang Gu technique is very interesting.

But do you still have Gu insects to replace? A Gu worm blocks a magic shadow, your Gu worm will die, but my magic shadow will not be destroyed!

Now, do you regret joining forces with Chu Xiu to move my Heavenly Gate? "

Chu Xiu said lightly: "Jun Wushen, it is you who should regret it, you are right, Jun Wushen is powerful, and you are the best in the world, but all of you, the sect masters of Tianmen in all dynasties, are all selfish people!

You left the best place for cultivation to yourself and pushed your strength to the peak, but what about the other nine great generals?

Can you see if they can stop it? "

Fang Caijun Wushen faced the siege of five Although he saw the tricks, he didn't fall behind in the slightest, but he couldn't be distracted to pay attention to the movements in other places.

At this time, after Chu Xiu said this, he realized that the Tianmen side had already begun to collapse, and it was still a big defeat!

When the nine great generals faced a single sect before, they still had a great deterrent force, but at this time, they could only be hanged and beaten when facing the joint forces of the warriors on the entire rivers and lakes.

Even with the blessing of the formation, the nine great generals and the warriors of Tianmen couldn't stop it. They were killed all the way back, and they could only rely on the innermost formation to hold on.

The formation in the inner circle is a defensive formation, and it is not so easy to break.

However, Master Yuan Ji and Chao Chen did not know when they had already stood at the back and began to direct everyone to focus on the weak points of the formation to break the formation. Together, they could not break the formation at once, but they had already Shaking the formation, breaking the formation is only a matter of time.

Jun Wushen looked at Chu Xiu and others, his expression did not change at all: "I didn't expect them to be able to stop it!

As long as they kill you before they can't stop it, the situation will be self-defeating! "

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