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Chapter 1327: The bloodless attack

Inside Tianmen, Zhu Tianxiao was laboriously controlling the formation, and sweat was flowing down his fat face like a stream.

The defensive formation of Tianmen has not been opened for thousands of years, and the last time it was opened was when Dugu was the only one.

500 years ago, Dugu Wei I had re-injured the formation once, but it was not completely repaired in the follow-up.

It's not that the people of Tianmen are slack and don't want to fix it, but they can't fix it.

It was those ancient powerhouses who built the Tianmen in the past. They gathered the strength of the entire ancient sects to build the formation of the Tianmen.

Although the strength of the follow-up Tianmen warriors is also good, they must not be able to match the ancient masters of the formation path.

Therefore, although Zhu Tianxiao is fully controlling the formation at this time, but retreating again and again, he can feel that the power of the formation is weakening in layers.

Zhu Tianxiao roared without turning his head: "Xue Wuli! What are you still doing there? Watching the show? If you don't hurry up and send me some internal power, I will be unable to hold it anymore!"

An unpredictable smile appeared at the corner of Xue Wuli's mouth: "What's the hurry, if you don't say it, how do I know you're in a hurry? Don't worry, I'll be right here."

A mass of blood shadows condensed in Xue Wuli's hands, and the gloomy magic energy and blood energy merged into a boundless sharp blade.

Xue Wuli slowly walked behind Zhu Tianxiao, and the blood-colored sharp blade in his hand suddenly stabbed into Zhu Tianxiao's back heart, making a soft sound of 'puchi', and protruding directly from Zhu Tianxiao's heart.

Zhu Tianxiao first lowered his head and glanced at the blood-colored sharp blade emerging from his chest, then turned his head with difficulty, looked at Xue Wuli, and dared not believe: "Why... why?"

Also in the realm of real fire refining, even if Zhu Tianxiao is only good at divination and formation, and not good at fighting, he will not be easily attacked by Xue Wuli.

But at this time, all his energy was placed on the formation, and he never thought that he would have no grudges with him on weekdays, and the blood of the nine great generals of Tianmen would be attacked at this time and place. He, gave him a fatal blow!

The blood-colored sharp blade in Xue Wuli's hand suddenly erupted, and the rich blood demonic energy instantly penetrated into the meridians of Zhu Tianxiao, shattering his heart.

When Zhu Tianxiao was completely dead, Xue Wuli shrugged and said, "Don't blame me, I just took a different path from yours.

You follow Jun Wushen all the way to the dark, but I want to live and live more freely!

Instead of being a godly general in the Tianmen, and worrying about the ranking of the gods all day, I don’t want to let this kind of precarious day go on!

After today, I am the Kunlun Demon Sect... oh no, I am the head of my holy sect. At that time, I will burn more paper for you. "

Xue Wuli threw Zhu Tianxiao's body aside and scratched his head while looking at the formation center in front of him, not knowing how to use this thing.

But it doesn't matter, although he doesn't know how to form formations, he also knows that it is difficult to cultivate formations, but it is very simple to destroy formations.

Therefore, Xue Wuli directly burst out with his strongest power and slammed into the formation!

No matter how strong the formation center of Tianmen was, it couldn't withstand the internal and external attack of this strength, so it exploded directly in the next moment.

At this moment, even Master Yuan Ji and Chao Chen, who had organized the breakout formation, were stunned.

After destroying the formation center, the mission of Xue Wuli was almost completed.

The plan that Chu Xiu gave him was to act by chance. He destroyed the formation and helped Chu Xiu and the others save time and casualties. This credit alone was enough to make him become a hall master in the Kunlun Demon Sect.

But Xue Wuli is still a little unwilling, or is eager to prove his ability, so as to win a good impression in front of the new owner.

He looked at the hall of the Heavenly Sect God General behind him, and suddenly an idea came to him, and he ran straight there.

At this time, in the battlefield, Jun Wushen just said that he could kill Chu Xiu before the Tianmen warriors could not hold on, but in an instant, the formation was broken.

Without the protection of the formation, the warriors of Tianmen were almost killed and retreated, and there was no power to fight back at all, which made Jun Wushen's expression suddenly gloomy.

He didn't know what happened, but he kept yelling in his heart that Zhu Tianxiao and Xue Wuli were too wasteful, and he couldn't even keep the formation.

Chu Xiu said lightly: "Jun Wushen, it seems that the people of your Tianmen are not as strong as you think.

I've said it long ago that all the sect masters of the Heavenly Sect in your past generations are just some selfish people.

Not only can there be nine great gods in Tianmen, but if you are willing, you can create ninety gods in the future.

However, your past sect masters only occupy the best resources, and even deliberately suppress other gods, just don't want gods to threaten your position.

His cause and effect are today. If you, the past sect masters of Tianmen, had a bigger mind, they wouldn't have fallen into such a world.

Tianmen has ceased to exist from today on! "

"No longer? As long as I live, I am Heaven's Gate!"

As Jun Wushen's voice fell, the magic shadows around him rose into the sky, and Wan Mo Gui Ruins cast out again, directly wrapping everyone in it.

At the same time, the six Buddhas of disillusionment Hua Wheel emerged behind him, crushing directly towards Chu Xiu.

He could also see that among the five, the strongest was Chu Xiu, and the only one who mastered divine power was Chu Xiu.

As long as Chu Xiu is resolved, everything will be easy to say.

At this moment, Jun Wu God, Demon and Buddha are one, and the power is extremely terrifying.

Chen Qingdi, Laotianshi, Ye Shaonan and Wei Shuya were all surrounded by countless ghosts and were exhausted to deal with them.

Chu Xiu squinted his eyes, squeezed the seal in his hand, and the Buddha's light appeared in his palm.

The dazzling Buddha's light shot straight into the sky, and the cross lotus blossomed in full bloom, instantly dissolving the ghostly shadow.

There was also a strange look in Jun Wushen's eyes, and the second-style magical power was revealed, which was already the second-style magical power that Chu Xiu had displayed.

It is not easy for a Martial Immortal of his level to master the first-style supernatural powers. How did he master the second-style?

Ten Thousand Demons Returning Ruins was melted, and the cross lotus seal collided with the six-path reincarnation disk. The power of the six-path reincarnation was constantly consuming the power of the cross lotus seal, and it even directly used martial skills to smash the supernatural powers, and even blocked it.

But at this moment, Jun Wushen suddenly moved, and his body turned into a black awn, as if he had traveled through space and time, and instantly came to Chen Qingdi's eyes.

No one thought that Jun Wushen had always regarded Chu Xiu as the main target of attack, but at this time it was a different target. Even Chu Xiu was trying his best to guard against Jun Wushen's offensive at this time, and he did not react.

Jun Wushen's whole body bloomed with a golden glow, and on his body, the Sanskrit words shone out one by one, which set off Jun Wushen's incomparable solemnity and solemnity at this time, just like a Buddhist dharma protector.

At this moment, Chu Xiu had already recognized the exercises used by the other party, and it turned out to be the immortal golden body of the Tianlu Baosha!

To be precise, the immortal golden body is no longer a cultivation technique, but has been raised to the level of supernatural powers.

In the old Zhongzhou, Faming forcibly carved the runes of the immortal golden body into the body, so that he could borrow part of the power of the immortal golden body.

But now what Jun Wushen is displaying is a genuine immortal golden body.

Jun Wushen smashed down with a punch, Chen Qingdi did not flinch or retreat, and the internal energy in his body was really restrained, like a volcano about to erupt. The Kunlun Mountains underfoot began to shake violently, and avalanches began to erupt.

Chen Qingdi snorted, his right arm was already twisted.

Chen Qingdi was not a Martial Immortal. He was able to shake Martial Immortal because his power was enough to smash the power of the rules that Martial Immortal could control.

But now Jun Wushen's punch at the pinnacle of physical strength is just pure power and does not contain any rules. How does this make Chen Qingdi smash?

The second punch fell, Chen Qingdi met the enemy with his left fist, but his left arm was shattered, and he even spat out a mouthful of blood.

He was severely injured, but Chen Qingdi still did not retreat, and the fighting intent in his eyes became stronger.

He practiced real fire body refining, and his whole body has been tempered to be harder than a magic Without hands, he still has feet!

At this time, the nearest old celestial master had already reacted, and all kinds of thunder spells were thrown in his hands, but when they hit Jun Wushen, it had no effect at all, and all of them were offset by the Sanskrit words outside his body.

Lao Tianshi stomped his feet, gritted his teeth and said, "Forget it, old man, I've paid for it today!"

As the voice of the old celestial master fell, he squeezed the seal in his hand, and endless thunder talismans shone around him, blue, red, purple, and blue, and the runes of each thunder talisman were different. It even includes the Tianshi Mansion, large and small, countless thunder techniques.

At this time, there were dense clouds in the air, and it seemed that there was an innate **** emerging in the cloud of thunder.

As the old celestial master's printing method fell, countless thunders were densely shrouded towards Jun Wushen.

And the most bizarre thing is that those thunders seem to have turned into liquid, like chains, wrapping Jun Wushen tightly, and the thunder water constantly blasting thunder, eroding Jun Wushen's immortal gold body In Sanskrit, he didn't let his last punch fall in the end.

After using this trick, the old Tianshi seemed to be taking a lot of energy, wiped the sweat from the top of his head, shook his head and said: "Old man, I have tried my best, and the next step is up to you. "

Jun Wushen, who was imprisoned there by the chains of thunder and water, sneered, and the golden glow of Sanskrit all over his body lit up, extremely solemn and solemn.

But just as he was about to explode the power of the indestructible golden body to the maximum and break free from the chains, he suddenly groaned in pain, and his face that had always been calm even began to distort, and suddenly a mouthful of blood spurted out. , the momentum slipped.

The old Tianshi was stunned for a moment, and looked at his hands in disbelief.

When did you become so strong?

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