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Chapter 1328: Destroy the soul lamp, inflict heavy damage on 4 parties

ps: Thanks to the book friends for the reward of 100,000 starting coins, congratulations on becoming the 34th leader of this book ^_^

Outside the main hall of the gods of Tianmen, the most magnificent palace in the center belongs to the main hall of Tianmen, and belongs to the main hall of Jun Wushen.

The vitality of heaven and earth there is the most intense, even more than ten times that of other gods. Xue Wuli entered cultivation for a period of time before Chu Xiu attacked Tianmen, and his cultivation base can be said to have increased greatly.

Usually, other gods, except for the fifth red pine, are not qualified to step into this place. Only which gods have made a contribution can they enter and practice.

But now, Jun Wushen took the other nine gods to the outside world in a hurry to fight. The door of the hall was not closed, and the formation center was also destroyed by him, which meant that Xue Wuli could enter it at will.

Stepping into the main hall, Xue Wuli walked to the deepest point according to the position in his memory, and saw the nine exhibition soul lamps representing their nine great generals.

However, four of the exhibitions have been extinguished. Except for one of the gods, in such a short period of time, it is obvious that three more gods will be killed.

Xue Wuli wanted to touch the soul lamp, but when he got close, he was bounced off by the formation.

There is a separate formation outside the soul lamp, but it is not used for protection. It is just afraid that someone accidentally bumps into the soul lamp while cultivating, and there is an accident.

The soul lamp of the nine great generals is not the target of Xue Wuli, he is heading towards Jun Wushen's soul lamp.

Going deeper, there is a huge throne, the whole body is gilded, shining with a feeling of vicissitudes.

Xue Wuli went around the throne, and a golden soul lamp appeared in front of him. The flame on the soul lamp was even larger than the other nine exhibition soul lamps combined.

When cultivating in the secret realm of Tianmen in the past, Xue Wuli had heard some old qualifications, but Tianmen martial artist, who had never been elected as a divine general because of his strength, said some secrets about Tianmen.

The Tianmen Sect Master is extremely careful. Only when there is a very short time left in his lifespan will he designate the next heir of the Tianmen Sect Master and hand over all restrictions and inheritance to him.

Therefore, in this way, it will easily lead to the lack of prestige of the new Tianmen Sect Master.

There are records in the history of Tianmen, and it is not that there is no rebellion, it is just suppressed.

In a certain generation, due to the personal preference of the previous generation Tianmen sect master, the heir of the sect master he appointed before his death was not the strongest among the nine gods, so some people below were dissatisfied and joined other gods to start a rebellion.

As a result, in that generation, eight of the nine gods died, and only one **** who took the place of the new sect master survived.

The reason why the Tianmen Sect Master who just took over was able to control the life and death of other divine generals was because of this soul lamp.

The sect master also deposited a part of his primordial spirit in this soul lamp, but not to prevent such things as defection, but to control the other nine great generals.

So if you destroy this soul lamp, what will be the result?

So Xue Wuli began to frantically attack the formation, but because this was the formation that guarded the main soul lamp of the gate, the firmness was somewhat beyond Xue Wuli's imagination.

Gritting his teeth, there was a ruthless look in his bloodless eyes.

Now that he has decided to join the Kunlun Demon Sect, why should he be louder than his name?

In an instant, Xue Wuli started to burn the blood essence directly, the powerful force penetrated directly into the formation, the boundless blood awn shrouded it, and with a bang, the formation was directly shattered!

Mobilizing the last trace of qi and blood, turning it into a sharp blade, Xue Wuli directly smashed the soul lamp. In an instant, the powerful Yuanshen fluctuations spread throughout the hall, and Xue Wuli was shocked and spit out a mouthful of blood. .

The power of the primordial spirit emanating from the soul lamp turned into Jun Wushen's face, looking at Xue Wuli grimly, and shouted angrily: "Xue Wuli! You are courting death!"

The voice resounded in Xue Wuli's mind, causing his scalp to go numb, instantly making his face full of horror.

After all, Jun Wushen has been the sect master of Tianmen for so many years, although Xue Wuli finally became a traitor, but when he saw Jun Wushen appear in front of him, he still couldn't hide his panic.

But fortunately, that was just the residual power of the primordial spirit, and it dissipated after drinking this sentence.

Xue Wuli sat on the spot and spat out a mouthful of blood and let out a long breath.

This nomination certificate is enough, and then there is nothing to do with him.

At this time on the battlefield, with Jun Wushen vomiting blood and being seriously injured, everyone present felt a little dazed, even the old master felt the same.

But when Jun Wushen spit out the words 'Xue Wuli, you are courting death', Chu Xiu suddenly understood that it should be Xue Wuli who started over there.

To be honest, although Chu Xiu turned against such a traitor as Xue Wuli, in fact, he really didn't expect too much from Xue Wuli.

One is that Chu Xiu is always used to putting the best chance of winning on himself. In short, he doesn't trust bloodless so much.

In addition, Xue Wuli is only a newly promoted **** after all, and he is definitely not too familiar with some secrets of Tianmen.

Who would have thought that he actually gave Chu Xiu a surprise.

Although I don't know what means he used, but after all, Jun Wushen suffered some trauma.

At this moment, Chu Xiu had already seized the opportunity.

After a while, the knife fell, but there was no knife intent.

The endless demonic energy in the midair condensed, and the next moment the bright moon was in the sky, and in the endless edge, the figure of Jun Wushen was shining.

The clouds open and the moon is bright, and the sky shines!

Feeling that power, at this moment, Jun Wushen's complexion finally changed.

This is already the third type of magical power that Chu Xiu has displayed, and it is still so strong that he feels the powerful magical power of trembling!

Jun Wushen couldn't care about the pains of Yuanshen in his mind, and the immortal golden body was exerted to the extreme by him, trying to break free from the entanglement of the old Tianshi's thunder and water chains.

But Wei Shuya and Ye Shaonan, who had already reacted at this time, shot at the same time.

Wei Shuya made a seal in his hand, and a slender line of fire condensed out of his hand, entwining towards Jun Wushen.

The line of fire seems to be only the thickness of a hair, and even if you don't feel it carefully, you can't even notice it, but the power it contains seems to be so amazing that it almost took all the power out of Wei Shuya's body.

This is the power of the rootless holy fire. Wei Shuya has a trace of the rootless holy fire in his body because he has refined the Supreme Divine Pill. Although there is only a trace, the power he condenses is the same as the rootless holy fire, which belongs to innate existence. rule incarnation.

That line of fire easily cut off the Sanskrit characters around Jun Wushen and broke his immortal golden body.

At the same time, Ye Shaonan's Heart Sutra was used to the extreme by him, and cracks appeared all over Jun Wushen's body, dragging him into it completely, strangled by the power of space, and the chains of thunder and water also penetrated into his body. , so that Jun Wushen groaned suddenly.

The three of them joined forces, and finally let Jun Wushen suffer, and also made Jun Wushen lose the last chance to resist, Qingtian Zhaoying has fallen!

The powerful sword intent penetrated into Jun Wushen's body, causing his body to be torn inch by inch, and a large amount of blood spurted out. In an instant, Jun Wushen screamed in the sky, with endless pain and fierceness in his voice. .

The cracks spread all the way to his whole body, making his whole body a **** man, extremely terrifying.

But even in this state, Jun Wushen once again displayed the Six Paths of Buddha's Disillusionment Flower Wheel and smashed directly at Wei Shuya.

Qingtian Zhaoying slashes the flesh, this magical power is absolutely impossible to defend, and can only be resisted with the power of the flesh.

But Jun Wushen is the only person Chu Xiu has seen, the only one who can continue to take action in this state, not forcefully.

Wei Shuya didn't think of this either, so he was directly vomited blood by this blow and flew away.

Of course, even if he reacted, it was useless. The power of the rootless holy fire had already exhausted most of his stamina.

Turning around to seal, Jun Wushen actually condensed a blood-colored spear with the blood flowing out of him, and it was still burning with crimson, burning the flames of the void.

Fire dragon lights up!

In this severely wounded state, Jun Wushen once again displayed his magical powers, and the gun was directed at Ye Shaonan.

Even Chu Xiu didn't dodge the shot of the fire dragon lighting up the Even if Ye Shaonan's mind-boosting nerve was incomparable, it was useless under this kind of offensive.

The power controlled by the Heart Sutra is close to the application of space rules, but before this shot, it was all dead.

But at this time, Ye Shaonan saw that he could no longer escape, and he actually bullied himself up, holding the seal with one hand, like a hand filling the sky.

Time and space were stagnant at that moment, the fire dragon lit the lamp, the tip of the gun was imprisoned in the void, and as the seal fell, it was completely sealed!

Only supernatural powers can shake the supernatural powers. Ye Shaonan’s style of filling the sky was mastered when he was in the realm of heaven and earth, and at this time, as he stepped into the Martial Immortal, and under the pressure of the fire dragon lighting the lamp, He even upgraded the cultivation technique to a supernatural power, which belonged to Ye Shaonan's own supernatural power.

However, there is also a gap between supernatural powers and supernatural powers. How can the supernatural powers realized by Ye Shaonan's temporary breakthrough be compared with Tianmen's secret legend, the already incomparably complete Fire Dragon Lighting?

Although his face was expressionless, blood was constantly flowing down his right arm, his breath was low, and he had obviously lost an arm.

Jun Wushen trembled all over, looking at Chu Xiu, who was drained of his strength by Qingtian Zhaoying's blow, his voice was like a ghostly cold: "Is that enough ability? Do you think this knife can really destroy my body? "

Jun Wushen's body is obviously crumbling, but he still has a strong vitality.

As his voice fell, the blood flowing from his body splashed out at a faster speed, but instead of scattered, it condensed together, forming a 'blood man' composed entirely of blood, But his own body has been turned into rotten fly ashes.

Seeing this scene, Lu Jianghe, who was fighting with the Tianmen people below, couldn't help but exclaimed in shock: "Damn! Tianmen actually copied Laozi's exercises, shameless!"

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