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Chapter 1329: After 500 years, the gate of heaven will be broken again

Of course, Jun Wushen would not copy Lu Jianghe's exercises. Although the Gorefiend's magic was very miraculous, for Tianmen, they all had even more miraculous practices.

Under the clear sky, although Jun Wushen's body was not completely destroyed like Chu Xiu's other opponents, he has hit Wei Shuya and Ye Shaonan one after another, and it is obvious that he can no longer use it.

But he also immediately discovered Qingtian Zhaoying's weakness, which was that he couldn't destroy the primordial spirit.

Jun Wushen has also practiced the Primordial Mystery Law, but now he just uses his powerful Primordial Spirit to abandon his physical body and forcibly control his own blood.

The majestic power of qi and blood rushed to the sky, and Jun Wushen's hands were sealed. At this moment, six arms appeared again in his blood-colored body, and it felt like a Sanskrit practice.

But what he formed in his hands was the most authentic Taoist seal, an authentic Taoist talisman that even made the old heavenly master feel ashamed.

"Five hundred years ago, Dugu was the only one who destroyed my Tianmen, and now you, Chu Xiu, want to destroy it again, do you think you are Dugu and only me?

The current Tianmen is no longer the Tianmen of 500 years ago, and the Kunlun Demon Sect now is not the Kunlun Demon Sect of 500 years ago! "

A strange smile appeared on Chu Xiu's face: "You are wrong, how do you know that I am not?"

Before Jun Wushen could understand what Chu Xiu's words meant, the six-path reincarnation bracelet in Chu Xiu's hand was already full of light!

The six-path revolving glowing with golden light, in the void, the powerful power of the primordial spirit trembled the hearts of everyone present.

The moment he saw the Six Paths Reincarnation Bracelet, Jun Wushen's expression finally changed, he shouted in shock, "It's you..."

But before Jun Wushen finished speaking, the six-path reincarnation bracelet directly pulled Jun Wushen's primordial spirit into it.

At this moment, Jun Wushen finally understood why Chu Xiu dared to hit the gate of heaven at this time, and why Chu Xiu's strength had skyrocketed so terrifyingly.

All this is because of Da Luotian!

The impact of the six-path reincarnation illusion he received during the formation riot was not an accident at all, but Chu Xiu did it on purpose!

The last time he was at the Daluo Shrine, Chu Xiu couldn't maximize the power of the Six Paths Samsara Bracelet because of the distance.

At this time, using the Six Paths Reincarnation Bracelet face to face, Chu Xiu did not hesitate to use the power of Yuanshen to push it with all his strength, so that Jun Wushen continued to consume reincarnation in the Six Paths Reincarnation Bracelet.

Jun Wushen's willpower is so powerful that it can even be said to be the strongest among the warriors Chu Xiu has ever seen.

He has been reincarnated more than twenty times in the reincarnation, but he is still able to hold on and stick to his own state of mind.

But Chu Xiu's power of primordial spirit has been consumed by most of it, and if it continues to be consumed, it will still be a lose-lose situation.

But at this time, Chu Xiu suddenly thought of something, all the illusions in front of Jun Wushen disappeared, and he escaped from reincarnation.

After more than 20 reincarnations, although Jun Wushen can stick to his state of mind, his consciousness is still a little chaotic.

But feeling all this, Jun Wushen laughed loudly: "Chu Xiu, you can't hold on anymore, right?

You can come to Daluotian, it is your luck and luck, but you want to come to destroy my Tianmen, this is your death catastrophe!

Five hundred years ago, Dugu was the only one who could not destroy my Heavenly Gate, and now you are the same! "

Chu Xiu's figure appeared in front of Jun Wushen, raised his eyebrows and said, "Oh, is that right? I let you go to Tianmen five hundred years ago, I just wanted you to continue guarding the passage between the upper and lower realms. Now, I don't need you anymore, do you still need to exist?"

Jun Wushen suddenly felt that Chu Xiu's tone was a bit wrong, but the next moment, Chu Xiu's appearance suddenly changed, becoming the person that their Tianmen martial artist could not forget and fear the most.

I am alone!

"Impossible! You can't be alone and only me!"

At this moment, Jun Wushen's state of mind was completely lost.

Although he couldn't believe that the Chu Xiu in front of him was Dugu Yume, the charm in that appearance was exactly the same as the image left by Tianmen, and the imprint left by Dugu Yume in the past!

The Dugu Solitaire that Chu Xiu has outlined now, but he has drawn it according to the image of Tianhun.

And the image of Tianhun is exactly the same as Dugu Yume, even the people of Daluotian have concealed it, let alone a Jun Wushen who has only seen Dugu Yume in the imprints and images.

Jun Wushen's state of mind is indeed extremely tenacious, he is proud and conceited, of course he also has this capital.

The strength of Jun Wushen is not to say that there is no ancient person before, at least he can be ranked among the sect masters of Tianmen in all dynasties.

In the entire arena, apart from Zhong Shenxiu, there was no one who could be looked down upon by him.

But the only thing that can make him feel frustrated, or even raise fear, is not Zhong Shenxiu, but Dugu and I.

With a slap in the face of that imprint, all his pride and conceit were all swept away, and Dugu Solo, who completely lost his state of mind.

Seeing the scene in front of him at this time, Jun Wushen's state of mind was completely lost.

In the reincarnation of the six realms, it is spinning wildly again, but this time, Jun Wushen failed to hold on to it again, but was completely torn apart by the endless reincarnation of the primordial spirit and smashed the true spirit!

Until the last moment, there was only one person imprinted in Jun Wushen Yuanshen, Dugu only me!

The blood man who was supported by the power of Jun Wushen Yuanshen from the outside world suddenly dissipated and turned into fresh blood and flowed to the ground.

Chu Xiu put away the six-path reincarnation bracelet, his face was as pale as paper.

This battle is really dangerous. If it wasn't for his last blessing, he came up with such a move to break Jun Wushen's state of mind. It is estimated that in the end, he may have to fight to the point of depleting the source of Yuanshen before he can defeat Jun Wushen. Desperately defeated.

Master Laotian sighed and patted his chest: "My dear, this is the last time for me to fight the old man. Once again, I am afraid that my body will return to the sky ahead of schedule."

On the other hand, although Chen Qingdi and Ye Shaonan were both injured, their eyes were filled with fighting intent, and there was even a sense of loss.

What these two people are after is actually the ultimate strength. It can be said that they have benefited a lot from fighting against a strong man like Jun Wushen.

Wei Shuya came over and asked, "Are you okay? Jun Wushen died?"

Chu Xiu nodded and said: "It's nothing, it's just that the power consumption is too much.

Jun Wushen is completely dead, and the true spirits have been strangled in the six-path reincarnation bracelet. "

When the Subhuti Temple was destroyed last time, Rama's true spirit was rescued, and since then, Chu Xiu has gained a heart.

The destruction of the body of most warriors is a death, but there are some warriors who are special, and their primordial spirit may be abnormal, which can keep the true spirit indestructible.

Therefore, after Chu Xiu murdered, one was for the flesh, and the other was for the primordial spirit.

And after getting the six-path reincarnation bracelet, Chu Xiu basically doesn't have to worry about this. With the power of the six-path reincarnation bracelet, he can completely strangle any primordial spirit and true spirit.

Throwing a handful of medicinal pills into his mouth, Chu Xiu stared at the front and said solemnly: "Infiltrate the Heavenly Sect, all the Heavenly Sect gods, kill all of them, not a single one!"

The gods of Tianmen were all brainwashed by Jun Wushen. Except for the new Tianmen gods like Xue Wuli, everyone else regarded Jun Wushen as gods. Even if they wanted to surrender, Chu Xiu would not dare to use them. of.

In fact, without Chu Xiu saying that, Lu Jianghe and others have already taken people from all major factions and entered the gate of heaven.

However, the people from Tianmen can be regarded as tough. Among the nine great generals, such as the fifth Chisong and Lin Canglong, even if they knew that Jun Wushen was dead, they instead exploded with more powerful power, and immediately began to talk to everyone. Fight for your life.

It's a pity that the two fists can't match the four hands, and they were directly besieged and killed by the crowd.

Shang Tianliang took the lead in rushing into the interior of Tianmen and went straight to the most central hall of Jun Wushen.

Pushing the door open, seeing Xue Wuli lying on the ground recovering his strength, Shang Tianliang sneered: "Hey, there is actually a remnant of Heavenly Sect hiding here.

Anyway, the old man will send you on the road today, to be with your sect master! "

Xue Wuli was instantly frightened, and he quickly shouted: "My own person! I am my own person! It is the inner responder of the Chu sect who is ambushed in the Tianmen!

Kunlun Sacred Religion, for thousands of unify the rivers and lakes, dominate the world! The sect master of Chu is unparalleled in divine power, and shocks the martial arts..."

Xue Wuli was frightened to shoot a series of horses, and listening to other Kunlun Demon Sect warriors blushed a little.

He was also terrified to the extreme. He had done so much and finally survived until Heavenly Sect was destroyed. It was time for him to be rewarded for his merits and deeds, but he was accidentally killed by his own people.

At this time, Lu Jianghe happened to walk in, and Xue Wuli recognized him. It was Lu Jianghe who put the forbidden blood **** mark on Xue Wuli at the beginning.

So Xue Wuli immediately said: "Lu Mozun! Quickly prove to me that I am really my own!"

Lu Jianghe, who was shouted by Lu Mozun from Xue Wuli, was smiling happily, he said to Shang Tianliang and others, "Don't be so nervous, this kid is my own, this time we can break through the gate of heaven, thanks to this kid being the second or fifth child... ...No, it's undercover."

Hearing this, Shang Tianliang waved his hand, and people helped him up and took him down for healing.

After the Tianmen had been completely breached and everyone was cleaned up, Chu Xiu, who had regained his strength, officially stepped into the Tianmen.

Although the other sects did not leave at this time, they did not **** the treasures of Tianmen from the Kunlun Demon Sect.

Both the Moon Worship Sect and the Tianshi Mansion had been negotiated in advance. Besides, Chu Xiu had indeed contributed the most in this battle. Others had also seen the strength of the Kunlun Demon Sect, so naturally they did not dare to compete with the Kunlun Demon Sect.

Seeing that the top sects such as the Moon Worship Cult and the Tianshi Mansion have given up their minds to compete with the Kunlun Demon Cult, the other sects naturally did not dare to mess around.

After entering Tianmen, Chu Xiu didn't go to check the various treasures of Tianmen first, but went to the deepest part of Tianmen, the center of the ten ban formations.

The things there are the most important and what Chu Xiu wants the most.

There is a source of anodes from the upper world that is sealed off!

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