Meet The Leader

Chapter 1330: The origin of yin and yang, Daluotian changed dramatically

This kind of thing, Chu Xiu, learned from Tianhun.

Although Chu Xiu couldn't fully believe everything Tianhun said, but regarding the origin, Tianhun should not lie to Chu Xiu.

The wisp of devilish energy in Chu Xiu's body should be the origin of the devil's way belonging to the lower world.

Although the origin of the magic path is usually not visible, but at a critical moment, it helped Chu Xiu a lot.

It's just that Chu Xiu's strength is not enough now, he can't mobilize at all, and he doesn't know how to mobilize the power of the source of magic.

Now, another anode source is about to arrive. I wonder what it can bring to Chu Xiu?

At this time, Xue Wuli followed behind Chu Xiu, with an extremely well-behaved appearance, and said everything he had done in Tianmen.

He is a smart person. He didn't add fuel to the jealousy at such a time, and overly showed off his merits. As long as he did what he deserved, even if Chu Xiu was trying to buy people's hearts, he would give him what he deserved.

Chu Xiu nodded with satisfaction, and said solemnly: "Don't worry, I promised you a position as a hall master before, and I will never go back on it.

After that, you can independently establish a church in the holy sect, and all the disciples who have surrendered from Tianmen can be under your command. Within the holy sect, I will also give you a part to help you stabilize your position.

You should know about Daluotian, and I will take you to Daluotian in the future, give you resources, and help you step into the realm of heaven and earth as soon as possible. "

Xue Wuli was overjoyed when he heard the words, and gave Chu Xiu a deep salute: "Thank you for the cultivation of the leader!

I wish the sect master a thousand years and a thousand years to unify the rivers and lakes! "

Chu Xiu waved his hand casually and said: "Come on, my Holy Religion doesn't like this, as long as the things in hand are done well, it is better than anything else."

Although bloodless flattery is more refreshing, but listening to this kind of thing too much will make you tired.

Xue Wuli nodded, pointed to a stone wall engraved with various runes in front of him and said: "Sect Master, this is the center of the entire Tianmen sealing formation."

Chu Xiu nodded, and let the blood go down first, while he carefully looked at the place himself.

The shape of this stone wall is very strange, the whole shape is like an arch, and it is inscribed with dense runes.

In fact, here is the main body of Tianmen, the other ten formations, and the ten formations at the Daluo Shrine are all used to block this portal.

Ten thousand years ago, the warriors of the lower realms entered Daluotian from here, and here, the source of the anode was sealed.

Chu Xiu took a deep breath, without any hesitation, above the break in his hand, the qi burst to the extreme, affecting the surrounding rules of heaven and earth, turning into a huge blade of hundreds of feet, and slashing on the stone wall.

A loud bang came, and a dazzling golden glow came from the entire stone wall, and the rune shattered.

But it is only a part, the entire stone wall is still very stable.

As Chu Xiu fell, the runes became less and less, the stone walls began to tremble, and even the ban formations in the ten halls of Tianmen began to burst.

When Chu Xiu slashed the last knife, the ten formations completely burst. At the same time, a slight crack appeared on the stone wall. In an instant, an extremely rich heaven and earth vitality surged out from it, rushing towards the face!

It was a familiar aura, an aura that belonged to the Daluo Shrine!

At this time, Ye Shaonan Lao Tianshi and others, as well as other people in the martial arts, were waiting at the foot of Kunlun Mountain.

The reason they didn't leave was simple, they were waiting for Chu Xiu's promise.

If the matter is true, the Kunlun Demon Cult eats meat and they can drink soup, then everything is easy to say.

If Chu Xiu really lied to them this time, then even if the Kunlun Demon Sect really has the capital to dominate the world, they will not sit still. After all, the Kunlun Demon Sect has become so strong five hundred years ago, and there are still people who dare to resist .

At the moment when Chu Xiu broke the Heavenly Gate, that powerful vitality had completely enveloped them, causing their complexions to change suddenly, becoming both surprised and happy.

This level of vitality of heaven and earth is something they have never seen in any secret realm treasure. What Chu Xiu said turned out to be true!

Of course, this is only in Kunlun Mountain, next to Tianmen, so they feel that the vitality of heaven and earth is very strong. If it is spread throughout the rivers and lakes, it will not be so obvious, but it is enough to raise the vitality level of the entire rivers and lakes by one. level up.

At this time, Chu Xiu's attention was not on the runaway vitality, but a golden glow appeared in the crack in the center of the stone wall.

The golden glow was very light and light, not conspicuous, as if the power in the broken rune had not been completely consumed, and even Chu Xiu didn't notice it at first.

What really made Chu Xiu lock on it was that at the moment when it appeared, the source of the magic path in Chu Xiu's body, which was silent most of the time, suddenly moved slightly, as if attracted by the other party.

Chu Xiu carefully drove the Gang Qi and wanted to hold it in his hand.

But who would have thought that the source of the anode was not difficult to capture. When Chu Xiu's Astral Qi just fell on it, it instantly escaped into Chu Xiu's body, leaving Chu Xiu with no chance to guard against it.

This moment also frightened Chu Xiu.

He was going to study this thing first, but who would have thought that it would escape into his body so directly, and he would not be given a chance at all.

At this time, Chu Xiu's body exists in both the anode source and the magic path source. These two sources are in Chu Xiu's dantian, and they are actually attracting each other. Precise, even apart from the different colors, any position is exactly the same, as precise as heaven.

And at the moment when the two origins combined and rotated, the collision of the two brought a wave of power.

It was just such a fluctuation of power, but it instantly filled Chu Xiu's body, causing the power of his whole body to explode suddenly, and Chu Xiu groaned in pain in an instant.

The next moment, Chu Xiu controlled his body with absolute perseverance, forcibly refining this power, and even the skin around him showed a trace of cracks, like a **** man, very terrifying.

Chu Xiu didn't expect that he was so strong against Jun Wushen that until he was beheaded, it was just too much power consumption, but here, he was directly injured.

Fortunately, for the two sources, the fluctuation of power was only a trace of unconsciousness, and Chu Xiu was able to suppress it.

After he completely suppressed this power, he found that his realm had soared to the third level of Martial Immortal, which made Chu Xiu stunned for a moment.

Breaking through the realm Chu Xiu has experienced many times, but such an inexplicable breakthrough this time is the first time.

The power of the cathode source and the anode source is simply terrifying.

It's just the leakage of the extremely weak power generated by the combination of the two origins, which can make one more step into the first layer of heaven. According to what the heavenly soul said, the power origins of the three origins of the same attribute are gathered together, maybe it is true It is able to open the legendary longevity day.

Although these two things are in his body, Chu Xiu doesn't know whether it is good or bad, and he can't use them for the time being.

However, even if the treasure among such treasures cannot be used, it must be said in the first hand.

At this moment, at the moment when Chu Xiu broke the gate of heaven and got the source of the anode, a violent vibration had already come from the Daluo Shrine.

However, this shock was only controlled within Zhongzhou, and only those who stood at the peak of Da Luotian could perceive it.

In an instant, several light circles appeared over the formation of the Daluo Shrine.

That is not an entity, even a strong man of Wuxian Jiuzhongtian can't traverse a field in an instant and come to the Daluo Shrine.

This is just a way of contacting them with the formation when they were building the formation.

In one of the circles filled with dazzling Buddha light, a solemn and solemn voice came: "The formation of the lower realm is damaged. It should be the gatekeepers we stayed in the lower realm. Something happened."

In another aperture, the chaotic mist was stirring, and a male and female voice came with a hint of sarcasm: "Something happened? When we couldn't get in touch with them thousands of years ago~www.wuxiaspot .com~ something happened to them."

In another aperture, the starlight shone, and a gentle voice came: "Everyone, arguing about these is useless, the formation in the lower realm is broken, which means that the formation in the Daluo Shrine will not last long, and after a period of time, it will be You can reconnect the channel to the lower realm, have you all made this preparation? Or should we re-strengthen the formation and maintain the status quo?"

The voice in the Buddha's light came again, with a sigh: "This may be fate, we made a mistake ten thousand years ago, Daluotian is not our place, we should be in the lower realm to transcend the calamity, and after the calamity, we will be content with ourselves. newborn.

We forcibly break open the Great Luotian, slaughter the natives, occupy this world that does not belong to us, and violate the cause and effect of heaven. This is the original sin.

Five hundred years ago, that person appeared from the lower realm, and there were countless deaths and injuries among the powerful Daluotian. This may be the punishment given to us by the will of God.

Up to now, some secret realms have begun to wither and decline. The catastrophe of heaven and earth has never passed. The catastrophe is not aimed at heaven and earth, but us!

Today, the formation of the lower realm is broken and the passage between the two realms is reopened. This may be the guidance of God, let us return to where we came from and leave this world that does not belong to us. "

The indistinguishable voice sneered even more sharply: "The bald donkey is hypocritical! If you are so strong, why did you move the Tianluo Temple to Daluotianlai in the first place? You know this is the original sin, but in the land of the Western Regions , but it was merciless to kill those barbarians.

Heavenly cause and effect? I am the way of heaven, I am the cause and effect! "

In the Buddha's light, a more majestic voice fell: "Here and evil demons, dare to talk about the cause and effect of heaven?"

Seeing that the anger between the two was getting stronger and stronger, Dao Zun's old but rich voice suddenly came.


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