Meet The Leader

Chapter 1331: Counting and receiving the goods, integrating the exercises

Although Dao Zun did not claim to be the first person in Daluotian, but his prestige was placed here, as soon as he opened his mouth, everyone was silent.

"Xinghe, what do you think?"

In the starlight shining aperture, a gentle voice came again: "It's useless for you to quarrel here, because we don't know what the situation is in the lower realm, whether there is a problem with the people or the formation. question.

My suggestion is to go with the flow, Daluo Shrine has poured so much effort into it, and now it is destroyed, you are definitely not willing.

So after all, we can't go down to the lower realm. After the power of the formation is completely exhausted and naturally shattered, we will be able to lower the realm under the premise of retaining the Daluo Shrine.

But during this time, we'd better be prepared, even if it is the lower realm, we must also prepare the Stone of Heaven.

According to the ancestors, when we came to Daluotian, we lost a lot of companions because of the insufficient number of Heaven-reaching Stones. Those people are still buried in Zhongzhou. "

After a while, Dao Zun nodded and said, "I agree with Xinghe's suggestion."

There was no sound coming from the other apertures, but there was no objection. Judging from its meaning, it should also be in favor.

Seeing this scene, Dao Zun nodded and said, "If that's the case, then it's all gone."

As the halo dissipated, the Daluo Shrine returned to calm.

At this time, Chu Xiu didn't know that his actions had alarmed the top management of Daluotian.

But the formation is destroyed, especially without the suppression of the anode source, the passage between the upper and lower realms is estimated to be completely broken soon, so Chu Xiu must be prepared.

After walking out of here, Chu Xiu asked Mei Qinglian who was waiting outside, "All the other sects have left?"

Mei Qinglian nodded and said, "After feeling that we were not lying to them, these people all dispersed."

Chu Xiu nodded, summoning blood and saying: "Take me to the Tibetan Scriptures Pavilion in Tianmen, and Mr. Wei, you all come too, to see if there is anything of value."

From Chu Xiu's point of view, the most valuable thing in the entire Tianmen, apart from the source of the anode, is the exercises treasured by Tianmen.

Although Tianmen was left in the lower realm by the people of Daluotian, they were not the abandoned sons of Daluotian, but the true loyal confidants of those sects of Daluotian, who braved the crisis to guard the formation of the lower realm.

Therefore, the exercises on their bodies are the most important inheritance secret techniques of those in Daluotian, and they are very precious.

Just look at Jun Wushen, the sect master.

In addition to Dugu Weiyi's inheritance, Chu Xiu's practice method was snatched or fought by himself using various methods. Only then can the three lines of Dao, Buddha and Demon gather together.

However, Jun Wushen only relied on the inheritance of Tianmen to control all the exercises of these three families, and even some extremely powerful supernatural powers, which is enough to prove that Tianmen has a rich collection.

After Xue Wuli brought Chu Xiu into the Tibetan Scriptures Pavilion of Tianmen, Chu Xiu let them rummage at will, and at the same time Chu Xiu himself was rummaging.

In fact, he has already taken a fancy to the two methods on Jun Wushen's body, one is the indestructible golden body, and the other is his six-path Buddha illusion.

The immortal golden body is the supreme supernatural power of the Tianluo Baosha, and its power is naturally amazing, but Chu Xiu did not plan to cultivate it completely, but had a bold idea.

The same is true for Liudao Buddha’s Disillusionment Hua Lun. Chu Xiu doesn’t even want to take the road that Dugu and I used to take, so how could he take the road of Jun Wushen, a defeated general? He just wanted to combine his six-path reincarnation bracelet and recreate a supreme power technique.

After getting the exercise method he selected, Chu Xiu directly entered the state of retreat, and at the same time let others choose the exercise method to practice on their own.

In the closed room of Tianmen, Chu Xiu held the secret tome of the immortal golden body, and imprinted every word in it deeply in his mind.

The reason why Chu Xiu took the inextinguishable golden body is very simple.

In the eyes of other people, these two exercises are one Buddha and one devil. This is simply playing with fire.

But Chu Xiu has been cultivating both Buddhism and demons for a long time, so there is no need to worry about this at all.

This idea suddenly appeared, and it was also the inspiration for Chu Xiu when the source of magic and the source of anode merged together, and when they turned harmoniously.

The righteous yin and yang are twins of one body. Although they are mutually exclusive, as long as they are used properly, they can achieve a delicate balance just like the two sources. Chu Xiu also had the same idea.

It's not difficult to cultivate an indestructible golden body, and Chu Xiu didn't plan to push it to the point where he was just like Jun Wushen, comparable to supernatural powers.

The difficulty is how to master a delicate balance between the two exercises.

It took more than 20 days for Chu Xiu to finally master this balance.

At this time, Chu Xiu's body was surrounded by golden Sanskrit and pitch-black demonic energy at the same time. Sanskrit words appeared in the golden body, but the deep demonic energy turned into armor, lingering around his body.

The two forces are mutually exclusive yet interdependent, reaching a balance.

Taking a deep breath, Chu Xiu dissipated this state.

There is no opponent at this time, and it is difficult for him to estimate how much his strength and defense can reach in this state. This kind of thing still needs to be practiced in actual combat.

But now that these two exercises are merged together, it is a bit inappropriate to use the previous name. Chu Xiu thought about it and named it Saint Demon Immortal Body.

At present, Chu Xiu has not deduced it to a perfect state. It combines the ancient demon **** Lu Wenhou's golden body of Jiuxiao refining and the inextinguishable golden body secretly passed down from Tianluobaosha. After reaching the peak, maybe it can really reach' state of immortality.

After this exercise was completed, Chu Xiu opened the second exercise he had chosen.

The second exercise that Chu Xiu took was not actually the Six Paths Buddha's Disillusionment Flower Wheel, but the origin of the Six Path Buddha's Disillusionment Flower Wheel, which was also the secret method "Six Paths of Reincarnation".

The Six Paths Buddha's Disillusionment Flower Wheel is an extension of Jun Wushen based on the six paths of reincarnation, and it belongs to the exclusive martial arts with his strong martial arts imprint.

Of course, Chu Xiu would not follow the old path of Jun Wushen, so he also had to look at the source.

Part of the Sutra of Rebirth in the Six Paths is a scripture, which mainly explains the artistic conception of the Six Paths Reincarnation, followed by the Gong Law, and the Gong Law is to concretize the power of the Six Paths Reincarnation.

The realm of **** is vicious and vicious, the realm of beasts is vicious and violent, the realm of Asura is murderous, the realm of hungry ghosts is bizarre, the realm of heaven and humanity is divine and mighty, and the realm of human beings is the most bizarre power, which is the power to consume all alien species.

This exercise is very strange, Chu Xiu has never heard of it in Da Luotian.

Although Chu Xiu is not a Buddhist, and even most Buddhists can't wait to swallow him alive, Chu Xiu has practiced a lot of Buddhist exercises, and he even dares to say that even those Buddhist monks in Daguang Temple and Subhuti Temple are now The remnants are here, and their attainments in Buddhist practice are not as good as Chu Xiu's.

In the eyes of orthodox Buddhist warriors, the Six Paths Reincarnation Sutra is simply rebellious to the extreme. It can even be said to be a heresy among heresies. The ugly power of the Six Paths of Reincarnation is displayed directly in front of you, and you can cultivate the power of a few of them. It's almost like rebellion, but it suits Chu Xiu's appetite.

The route that Jun Wushen takes is to put his own state of mind into the six-path reincarnation, feel the power of the six-path reincarnation, and then control them, making them one, and strangling any existence.

But after Chu Xiu read the six reincarnation scriptures, the path he took was exactly the opposite of Jun Wushen.

The Six Paths of Reincarnation itself is a whole, why should it be merged? The sum of all kinds of power is the real power of the six paths of reincarnation.

In particular, he also has the Six Paths of Reincarnation Bracelet, which can perfectly control the charm of the power of Six Paths of Samsara.

This time, it took Chu Xiu two months to figure out the general idea of ​​the exercise.

At this time, in Chu Xiu's body, the six-path reincarnation bracelet shone with light, and the golden Buddha light constructed a complete six-path reincarnation around him.

The power of the six reincarnations is constantly probing, and the power of various attributes is strangling back and forth, and the time is divided, but it has reached a strange balance.

Even at this time, if there are people in the six paths of reincarnation, as long as the other party is really attacked by the six paths of reincarnation, their own primordial spirit will be damaged according to the various characteristics of the six paths of reincarnation, which can be said to be the primordial spirit. Flesh, double-strike secret technique, stronger and more unpredictable than Jun Wushen's Six Path Buddha Disillusionment Flower Wheel.

Chu Xiu also discovered that since he merged the source of anode and the source of magic in his body, he seemed to have realized something, but he didn't seem to realize anything, but subconsciously pursued a balance.

Before Tianhun told him, don't take the old road of Dugu only me, Chu Xiu has no clue, but now he finally understands that he himself has actually embarked on a different road from Dugu only me.

After successfully deducing this type of exercise, Chu Xiu scratched his head, and he wanted to give this type of exercise a name.

Chu Xiu is still very satisfied with the power of this type of exercise. Right now, he has only successfully deduced it initially. In fact, he already has the power of Jun Wushen's Six Paths of Buddha's Disillusionment Flower Wheel. After evolving it to the extreme, he can even Beyond some supernatural powers, the name is very important.

Based on the basic principle that the longer the name is, the stronger it is, Chu Xiu thought about it for a while, and finally named it: Six Paths Saha Congregation Miaohua Wheel.

Saha is the Great Thousand World, and the evolution of the six realms of reincarnation actually contains all the powers of the Great Thousand World.

In addition to these two Buddhist practices, Chu Xiu also selected a Taoist esoteric classic "Tai Xuan Jing"

Taixuanjing is the secret classics of Sanqingdian. It does not have any offensive martial arts throughout, but it is the simplest way, pointing directly to the origin of heaven and earth.

The Taoist practice is the most neutral and peaceful, and finding that delicate balance among the rules of all things is just like the two origins in Chu Xiu's body.

So after seeing the Taixuan Sutra, Chu Xiu casually flipped through it, and without any hesitation, he decided to make it one of his major exercises.

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