Meet The Leader

Chapter 1336: Doubt and preparation, the fastest update to meet the leader!

When Mu Baishuang and the others made their move this time, what he didn't expect the most was not the move of Ling Xiaozong, but the fact that Chu Xiu's strength was so strong.

Yindra is two times higher than Chu Xiu, and he also has a record of beheading seventh-level warriors, but when facing Chu Xiu, he actually falls behind, how can he fight? Even if they endure to the death, they will not be able to win.

So Mu Baishuang made a decisive decision. The next moment, a blood-colored light suddenly erupted from the long sword in his hand. Endless blood energy poured into the long sword, shattering the sword spirit and turning into countless sword shadows that ripped apart the sky and the earth. , finally broke through the shackles of Ling Xiao's Promise Seal.


One word was uttered, and everyone took advantage of the countless sword shadows to block them and escaped from the range of Lingxiao's Promise Seal, and disappeared in an instant.

Yindra also emerged from the void, took a deep look at Chu Xiu, and turned into a black mist and went away.

But after Fang Yinglong and the others completely tore the sword shadow apart, at the speed of Mu Baishuang and the others, they had already disappeared.

Fang Yinglong and the other three took a deep breath at the same time, and pressed Ling Xiao Wuji back to the ground.

This kind of powerful natural treasure, even if it is refined by their ancestors, it is extremely laborious for them to drive.

Fang Yinglong sneered and said, "Mu Baishuang has broken his sword spirit. It is estimated that he will not be able to recover for a while. The Sword Sect under Heaven should be honest for a while this time."

After finishing speaking, Fang Yinglong and the other three all looked at Chu Xiu in surprise.

Although they were driving Lingxiao Wujiyin just now, they had been observing Chu Xiu all the time.

Daluo Shrine is indeed a magical place. Stepping into Martial Immortal and crossing the gap between heaven and man, it can be said that it is the place with the fastest strength.

But Chu Xiu's strength is not only rising fast, it's almost abnormal.

In particular, the two moves he made against Yindra just now made the famous Yindra in the Western Regions at a disadvantage.

Chu Xiu cupped his hands at Fang Yinglong and the other three and said, "Thank you, Sect Master Fang, for your help. Without the three, I'm afraid I won't be able to get through this trouble so easily."

Fang Yinglong waved his hand and said, "We will not regret what Fang Yinglong said. The time when little friend Chu rescued me was much more dangerous than it is now, but little friend Chu..."

Fang Yinglong also wanted to persuade Chu Xiu to stay on the line next time, but thinking of Chu Xiu's character, he did not continue to say his persuasive words.

In fact, Fang Yinglong's personality is also very tough, just now he wanted to take the opportunity to kill Mu Baishuang, even if he killed Xu Tianya and others by the way, it didn't matter.

Now that he came to persuade Chu Xiu again, it seemed a little hypocritical.

So Fang Yinglong said directly: "Chu Xiaoyou, I came out with the treasures of the sect. I can't leave for too long. We will go back first. Be careful and do it yourself."

Chu Xiu nodded and said, "Sect Master Fang, walk slowly."

Just after Fang Yinglong and others left, at a distance of dozens of miles from the land of Nanman, Mu Baishuang and others finally stopped, but they all looked extremely embarrassed.

Xu Tianya glared at Yindara, and said with anger: "What did you say before? We will help you carry the Lingxiao Wuji Seal, and you will kill Chu Xiu.

In the end, you were good enough to kill a Chu Xiu who was not as strong as you, and he was even beaten by others..."

Before Xu Tianya's words were finished, the endless flames of destruction engulfed him.

This time, Xu Tianya actually reacted, taking the shape of a dragon, hiding aside and shouting angrily, "What do you mean, Yindra?"

With a gloomy look on Yindra's face, he said, "Xu Tianya, pay attention to your words, don't forget who you are talking to!

You are not old, and if you accept another apprentice, you can still inherit your lineage of the Dragon Suppression General.

But if you dare to utter nonsense again, do you believe that I really let your lineage be wiped out? "

Fang Baidu hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "Please don't take offense, the Lord of Yindra Palace. Brother Xu has such a personality, and he has no malicious intentions."

Fang Baidu and Xu Tianya have known each other since childhood, and they know each other's temper. Even if they step into the realm of Martial Immortals, they have not restrained, but have intensified.

The two of them joined forces, and it was not easy for Wuxian Qiqi to kill them, but the problem was that there was still a Sanskrit religion behind them, and it was not something that could be easily settled for angering the temple master of the Sanskrit religion.

Mu Baishuang's complexion was a little pale, and when he heard this, he just said lightly: "It's not the fault of the Yindra Palace Master, it's because we have settled too little with Chu Xiu.

The cultivation technique of the Yindra Palace Master is bizarre and unpredictable.

However, Chu Xiu's practice method is extremely violent and violent. The secret technique of body refining is comparable to the immortal golden body of the Tianlu Baosha. He also has a power-type supernatural power in his body, which is just to restrain the master of Yindra Temple, so he will change. into this look. "

Mu Baishuang still said a fair word, Yindra did not underestimate the enemy, but he did not understand Chu Xiu at all, and they did not have time to continue fighting, waiting for Yindra to understand.

"By the way, the three of you are all descendants of Gu Zun, and you didn't see it. What faction does Chu Xiu come from?" Mu Baishuang suddenly asked.

Hearing Mu Baishuang's question, Xu Tianya and the others were stunned for a while, and then they realized what they had been ignoring all along, and that was Chu Xiu's identity.

Because Chu Xiu's actions are not like Gu Zun's descendants, he always likes to mix with those Jianghu people, and his methods are far from the loner Gu Zun descendants.

The most important thing is that even they can't see Chu Xiu's teacher's inheritance above the practice.

Xu Tianya looked at Sheng Jiuyuan and said, "Brother Sheng, your lineage of Sword Master Ling Tian has a longer history than us. As early as 10,000 years ago, the lower realm was a famous great master of swordsmanship. It may be seen from the practice of Chu Xiu's roots. foot?"

Sheng Jiuyuan shook his head and said: "I can't see it, this son, Daoist, Buddha, Demon, and three lines of cultivation, seems to be a routine of a miscellaneous family. Generally, warriors who are born in loose cultivation will go to this kind of cultivation if they are hungry, but they can go beyond heaven and man. The Martial Immortal Realm that is separated is too few and too few, even if there is, they can't even match Chu Xiu, let alone the teacher behind him."

Xu Tianya frowned and said, "Then this is a strange thing. Could it be that Chu Xiu jumped out of a crack in the stone?"

Fang Baidu said: "When our ancestors came to Daluotian ten thousand years ago, there were also many strong monks from the lower realms who also came to Daluotian. The number of people at that time was too large to be counted. Perhaps Chu Xiu's patriarch came to Daluotian. He is one of these people, and he has been cultivating since he came to Daluotian."

Everyone is guessing and has no clue.

At this time, Mu Baishuang suddenly discovered that Yindra had disappeared without knowing it, and he should have rushed back to Sanskrit.

Mu Baishuang also said to the other people: "Since this is the case, we will leave first, this plan has failed, and Chu Xiu can't move for the time being.

At least in the Eastern Region, under the protection of Ling Xiaozong, if you want to move Chu Xiu, you must weigh the weight of Ling Xiaozong. "

With that said, Mu Baishuang and Sheng Jiuyuan rushed towards the Sword Sect of the World.

Sheng Jiuyuan has a good relationship with the Underworld Sword Sect. Every once in a while, Sheng Jiuyuan will come to the Underworld Sword Sect to exchange swordsmanship with several Sword Masters of the Underworld Sword Sect, and he can also give pointers to the disciples of the Underworld Sword Sect.

At this time, he had just died of his apprentice, and his mood was not very good, so he just came to the Sword Sect under Heaven to stay for a while.

Xu Tianya and Fang Baidu looked at each other and had no choice but to leave.

Without everyone joining forces, they did not dare to find trouble with Chu Xiu alone.

In Cangnan Mansion, when Lu Jianghe saw that Chu Xiu had come back so soon, he couldn't help but wonder: "Didn't you say that there are many Martial Immortals coming to trouble you? Those guys shouldn't be like that. Coward?"

Chu Xiu shook his head and said: "After a fight, I found that I couldn't help it, so they all retreated.

Those people are not idiots. They know they can't kill them, so they have to fight to the death.

However, the trump card of Ling Xiaozong is really terrifying, even if it is a supreme power without Wuxian Jiuzhongtian, it is still impossible for people to peep. "

The sects where Daluotian really stood at the peak almost always had a supreme power from the Nine Heavens of Martial Immortals, but the generation of Ling Xiaozong did not.

But with the power of the Lingxiao Promise Seal, the Lingxiao Sect is not so easy to break.

"Daluotian, you and Qinglian take care of it for the time being, and I'll go to the lower realm."

Lu Jianghe said in surprise: "The Heaven Gate is destroyed, and the other sects are also honest, what are you doing in the lower realm?"

Chu Xiu narrowed his eyes and said, "Find some helpers to solve Daluotian's troubles."

As early as in the Daluo Shrine, when Chu Xiu started to kill, he was already mentally prepared, and there would definitely be a lot of trouble in the follow-up.

Although the Daluo Shrine fights for each other, regardless of life or death, every time the Daluo Shrine ends, someone will always take the opportunity to settle all kinds of grievances and grievances, not to mention that he, Chu Xiu, kills more people.

So when Chu Xiu went to attack Tianmen in the lower realm, he was already thinking about this matter, but he didn't expect the other party to come so quickly.

After instructing Lu Jianghe and Mei Qinglian, Chu Xiu went straight back to the lower realm and went to Western Chu to worship the Moon Sect.

After the end of the Battle of Tianmen the vitality of the lower realm began to spread on a large scale with Tianmen as the center, and almost every day, people felt that vitality was skyrocketing.

So when Chu Xiu came to the Moon Worship Cult, most of the people in charge of the Moon Worship Cult were in retreat.

Ye Shaonan digested the insights brought by his battle with Jun Wushen in retreat, and the nine great gods and witches were also retreating to seek breakthroughs.

There was only one high priest who was relatively old, and even if he was in seclusion in this life, he had no hope of being in the Martial Immortal realm. He did not retreat and came out to meet Chu Xiu.

The high priest of the Moon Worship Cult bowed respectfully to Chu Xiu and asked, "I don't know why Master Chu came to my Moon Worship Sect? The sect master is currently in retreat, do you need me to report?"

Since the Battle of Tianmen, Feng Manlou has re-ranked the Supreme Ranking, Chu Xiu ranked third, after Zhong Shenxiu.

Under the premise that Dugu Weiwu and Ning Xuanji have become legends, and Zhong Shenxiu is a ghost, Chu Xiu is the number one supreme powerhouse in the arena today, and he cannot help but be disrespected by the high priest of the Moon Worship Cult.

Chu Xiu shook his head and said, "No, I'm here to find you to worship the Holy Maiden."

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