Meet The Leader

Chapter 1337: old friend

Chu Xiu suddenly came to find the saintess of the Moon Worship Cult, which made the high priest of the Moon Worship Cult a little puzzled.

After all, with Chu Xiu's current strength and status, he has long been unable to deal with warriors of the level of the Holy Maiden of the Moon Worship Cult.

But since Chu Xiu said it, the high priest still brought the saintess of the Moon Worship Cult.

The saintess of the Moon Worship Sect was wearing a special short skirt and colorful clothes with Miao Jiang, with all kinds of silver ornaments on her head. It did not have the charm and evil feeling of the saints of the demon religion, but gave people a lively and agile feeling. girlishness.

But seeing Chu Xiu, the saintess of the Moon Worship Cult smiled charmingly: "Why did the Cult Master Chu come to find the slave family? You saved the life of the slave family. The master Chu asked the slave family to do what the slave family would do."

Chu Xiu was unmoved, and just asked the high priest: "I want to take the saint of your sect away, I don't know if I need to tell Ye sect master?"

The High Priest of the Moon Worship Cult didn't answer yet, and the saintess of the Moon Worship Cult waved her hand and said, "No, no, my position in the Moon Worship Cult is second only to the leader, and I still have this power.

The leader is in retreat, so don't disturb him. "

Chu Xiu nodded and said, "Okay, let's go then."

Having said that, Chu Xiu left directly with the Holy Maiden of the Moon Worship Cult.

The Holy Maiden of the Moon Worship Cult turned her head around, waved her hand at the High Priest of the Moon Worship Cult playfully, and jumped after Chu Xiu to leave.

The high priest of the Moon Worship Sect shook his head helplessly.

In fact, the Holy Maiden of the Moon Worship Cult just left, which is a bit unruly.

However, he watched the saintess of the Moon Worship Cult grow up, and the other party, like him, was also from Miao Jiang, so he actually regarded the saintess of the Moon Worship Cult just like his daughter.

But when she thinks of the identity of the other party, the life essence she has left now may be less than that of the old man herself, and the high priest of the Moon Worship Cult feels a little heartache. Whatever she wants to do, let her go.

Besides, the high priest of the Moon Worship Cult is not worried about Chu Xiu's thoughts.

Chu Xiu is strong, but they are not fooled by the Moon Cult. Besides, if Chu Xiu really had malice towards them, then when he was severely injured in Tianmen Ye Shaonan, Chu Xiu would have been able to take action.

Outside of the Moon Worship Cult, Chu Xiu asked suspiciously to the Holy Maiden of the Moon Worship Cult, "You still don't know what I want you to do, so you promised to come with me?"

The saintess of the Moon Worship Cult shook her head indifferently: "Anyway, you saved my life, even if you really let me die, I've lived so long, and it's a return."

However, the Holy Maiden of the Moon Worship Cult then smiled and said, "But I believe that you will definitely not harm me, Master Chu, right?"

Chu Xiu said: "It's a little dangerous, but I believe your ability shouldn't be a problem. By the way, I don't know your name until now."

It should be said that not only Chu Xiu didn't know, but the whole world didn't know who the Holy Maiden of the Moon Worship Cult was.

From the day she stepped into the rivers and lakes, the Holy Maiden of the Moon Worship Cult was her code name, her name, everything about her, even within the Moon Worship Cult, whether it was other disciples or Donghuang Taiyi and others, She was called by the two words Saintess.

So now that Chu Xiu asked this question, she even stopped asking the saintess of the Moon Worship Cult. She was stunned for a moment before saying, "My name is Long Ling'er."

After the Holy Maiden of the Moon Worship Cult finished speaking, Chu Xiu was also stunned.

He also didn't expect that the saintess of the Moon Worship Cult would be called Long Ling'er.

Seeing Chu Xiu's appearance, Long Ling'er couldn't help pouting, and said dissatisfiedly, "Why, is it strange that I have this name?

Long is the surname of the Miao people. I was born with bright eyebrows, so why is it called Long Linger? "

Chu Xiu coughed: "It's nothing, by the way, you should know the effect of the longevity Gu before, your talent is not weak, and you can reach the realm of heaven and earth through your own cultivation, why use blood essence Shouyuan raises that longevity Gu?"

Long Linger paused and said lightly: "There are many things in this world that you can't do just by thinking, and the world is so helpless, I'm just one of them.

I joined the Moon Worship Cult at the age of seven. Before joining the Moon Worship Cult, my parents and entire family were killed by bandits.

I want revenge, so I need strength and status.

But the Miao Jiang Gu technique is not a quick method, and my talent is not astonishing. At a young age, it surpasses the entire Moon Worship Cult. The huge Moon Worship Cult will not go for me, a low-level disciple who has just started. Avenged me.

Therefore, to compete with the Holy Maiden, the blood-feeding longevity Gu is a good choice.

Fortunately, I succeeded. I became a saint of the Moon Worship Cult. Although I was not strong enough, I had a position comparable to that of the Nine Great Gods and Witches. I could order many Moon Worship Cult disciples to avenge me. "

"Do you regret it now?"

Long Linger shook her head and said, "I don't regret it either, because back then my heart was filled with hatred, and there was no other choice at all.

After avenging the blood revenge, even if I knew that I had a longevity Gu in my body, and I could open mysteries in one step in the future, I still tried my best to cultivate.

Not because I'm obsessed with martial arts, but because I don't want to be as helpless as I was when I was young.

I don't want to be able to control my own destiny, I just want to have the opportunity to choose my destiny in the future. "

Chu Xiu gave Long Ling'er a slightly surprised look. She thought very openly, even more openly than many older generation warriors thought.

The state of mind has nothing to do with the age of strength, and there are not a few people who live and go back these days.

Chu Xiu said solemnly, "But you still have a chance. Although I don't know the strength of the first-generation saintess from your worship of the moon, they are only half a martial immortal at most, and have not reached the level of a real martial immortal.

So as long as you can step into the Martial Immortal realm in the future and train your body with the power of rules, you will naturally be able to completely remove the imprint of the longevity Gu and gain a portion of life essence. "

Long Ling'er smiled tenderly: "Thank you for Ji Yan, Cult Master Chu, I definitely don't believe it when other people say this, but if you say it, Cult Master Chu, I definitely believe it.

By the way, where are we going? "

After she came out of the Moon Worship Teaching, Chu Xiu had been taking her westward, but it was not in the direction of Kunlun Mountain, and it was the western extreme desert.

Chu Xiu said lightly: "West Desert Sword King City, go see an old friend and tell you what you are going to do by the way."

In the Western Desert, on the top of Sword King City, Fang Qishao held a sword, leaned against the banner of Sword King City, and sipped lightly with a pot of wine in his hand.

"Boring! How boring is his grandma! When will these days be over?"

Fang Qishao looked very decadent at this time, with disheveled hair and two big bags under his eyes, as if someone had ravaged him.

Even his usual favorite drink, the nine-brewed wine presented by the tribes of the small countries in the Western Regions, was tasteless to him.

"Brother Fang, have you been punished by Sect Master Shen again?"

Hearing this voice, Fang Qishao was stunned for a moment, then he grunted up and looked at Chu Xiu and Long Linger standing on the top of the city in surprise.

"Brother Chu! Master Chu! Sect Master Chu! Are you here to save me from the sea of ​​misery? Take me away quickly, you come forward, I promise that the leader won't even let a fart!"

Fang Qishao's expression was a little excited, and after he had finished speaking this long, he saw Long Linger beside Chu Xiu.

He scratched his head, showing a self-proclaimed dashing smile and said, "This girl looks very familiar. Seven young masters below, the girl should have heard of my name, but I don't know..."

Before he could finish speaking, a three-headed snake popped out from Long Linger's snow-white shoulder, looking at him intently.

"Three-headed golden snake! You are the saint of the Moon Worship Cult!"

Fang Qishao was startled and quickly jumped aside.

He had dealt with Long Ling'er and had met several times.

However, at that time, Long Linger was all dressed in white with a veil, but now that she has changed her clothes, Fang Qishao hasn't recognized her yet.

Chu Xiu coughed: "Brother Fang, what's wrong with you?"

Fang Qishao sighed and said, "Don't mention it, the Sect Master will give me the position of the City Lord of Sword King City."

"This is a good thing. Fang Qishao, the head of the Sword King City, must be more domineering than the sword head Fang Qishao."

Fang Qishao said with a grudge on his face: "Good thing? The Sect Master said that I am strong enough, but before I take over the Sword King City, I must have the ability to be the Sect Master.

So during this period of time, I have been following the leader how to learn to be a leader, dealing with the messy things between the small countries and tribes in the Western Regions, and also paying attention to all kinds of trends in the rivers and lakes, as well as those **** things in the sect Wait, wait, my head is about to explode. "

At this moment, a voice came: "Damn! These are the basic requirements of the head. If you don't know anything, why should you be the head?"

Shen Tianwang came up from and bowed respectfully to Chu Xiu: "I have seen Cult Master Chu, but I didn't know that Cult Master Chu came, and I have lost a long way to welcome him. Please forgive me."

At this time, King Shen didn't dare to be disrespectful to Chu Xiu at all. It should be said that no one in the entire arena, except Lao Tianshi and Ye Shaonan, dared to be disrespectful to Chu Xiu.

Of course Lu Changliu is also possible, but he doesn't know it himself.

Thinking that in the past, he had blocked Fang Qishao from communicating with Chu Xiu, but now, in retrospect, Shen Tianwang only felt that he was very fortunate, fortunate that he didn't do too much in the beginning.

Now that Chu Xiu has dominated the arena, if there is a big crisis in their Sword King City in the future, as long as Fang Qishao speaks, can Chu Xiu help?

Just like the Shangyang Mo family, although its own strength is not very good, everyone knows that its owner, Mo Tianlin, was a good friend with Chu Xiu in the past, so even if it is the Shang Shuiying family, the head of the nine great families, they are not. The attitude is very polite.

The causal friendship with Chu Xiu, the leader of the demon sect, is a great opportunity that can't be asked for.

Chu Xiu waved his hand and said, "Sect Leader Shen, you're welcome. I'm actually here to take care of Sect Leader Shen and borrow someone from you."

Shen Tianwang immediately said, "Whoever the Cult Master Chu wants to borrow, just say so."

Chu Xiu pointed at Fang Qishao and said, "It's Brother Fang."

Hearing Chu Xiu say this, Fang Qishao's face suddenly showed ecstasy, secretly saying that Brother Chu really understands me.

On the other hand, Shen Tianwang's face showed a look of embarrassment.

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