Meet The Leader

Chapter 1339: The most spineless Heaven and Earth Tong Xuan

ps: sorry, overslept... didn't hear the update alarm

Of course, Chu Xiu didn't dislike Fang Qishao.

Although seriously, there is still a little bit of disgust, but asking Fang Qishao to go undercover with Sheng Jiuyuan really feels a little irresponsible for the other party.

Before Sheng Jiuyuan came to him for trouble, although Chu Xiu could feel Sheng Jiuyuan's anger and murderous intent, it was not as strong, at least not as strong as Xu Tianya's.

Sheng Jiuyuan felt to Chu Xiu that he was not a dead disciple, but lost face. So it's the same as coming to Chu Xiu to take revenge and regain face.

Obviously, for him, his own face is far more important than his own disciples.

Chu Xiu patted Fang Qishao on the shoulder and said, "You are a big man. It's normal for you to have a harder task than two women. Are you really embarrassed to compare with them?"

Fang Qishao glanced at Long Linger and Luo Feihong, he really wanted to say he was embarrassed.

He waved his hand at will and said, "Eating people is short-mouthed, and taking people's hands softly, forget it, I will help you this time."

Long Ling'er said on the side: "But how do you put us in those two ancient venerables and the Sword Sect of the World? Most of the pie in the sky is not a good thing.

Even if the two were Gu Zun, who spent most of their time cultivating in the old forests of Mori Mountain and lacked scheming means, they shouldn't even have this vigilance. "

Chu Xiu narrowed his eyes and said, "You don't need to worry about this, I'll do it.

In Da Luotian for such a long time, if I can't even do this little thing, wouldn't it be a waste of my Chu Xiu's reputation? "

Chu Xiu arranged for Fang Qishao to refine the sword soul, and by the way, let someone tell them about some details of Daluotian, and he went to find someone to arrange this matter.

As for the person, Chu Xiu has already thought about it, that is the Sect Master of Shenjimen, Sikongtan.

The Sikongtan who once joined forces with Yu Wenfu to kill him, but finally fled in despair.

In the Daluo Shrine, the other party was lucky not to die, and he left calmly. Chu Xiu knew all this.

But Chu Xiu didn't bother to find him.

One is because of the problem of vision, with Chu Xiu's current strength and status, the trouble of finding a small sect head is not worth it, and it seems very cheap.

What's more, Chu Xiu really didn't have time to trouble such a small person like him. At that time, Chu Xiu was still busy attacking Tianmen.

But now, it's time for him to use the other party.

Nanyu Shenjimen, since returning from the Daluo Shrine, Sikongtan has always looked like a frightened bird, so that other Shenjimen warriors do not know, what is their leader? What's the matter, you were frightened by demons in Daluo Shrine?

In fact, Sikongtan was frightened, but he was frightened not by the ghost, but by Chu Xiu.

When he joined forces with Yu Wenfu to besiege Chu Xiu, Chu Xiu's invincible posture had completely frightened Sikongtan. He was not the kind of warrior with high fighting spirit.

Later, he even knew that Chu Xiu killed Xin Jialuo and stepped into the realm of Martial Immortal in Daluo Shrine, which made Sikongtan even more terrified.

When he thought that he had actually participated in the siege of Chu Xiu, Sikongtan felt a little nervous.

After waiting for several months in a row, he didn't see Chu Xiu coming to trouble him, and Sikongtan breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that after Chu Xiu stepped into the Martial Immortal realm, his vision and tolerance have improved, and he should not come to bother with him about these things, so Sikongtan only recently breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, Sikong Tan was changing into a brand new golden costume, ready to go out to attend the apprentice reception ceremony of the head of the Xuanxin Hall.

Even though Sikongtan's Shenjimen's strength in the entire southern region is not very good, but he has a wide range of contacts, long sleeves and good dance, so every sect will come to him for any matter, big or small.

At that time, Sikongtan was nervous and pushed a lot of invitations. Now that he relaxes, his connections should also be managed.

After instructing the other disciples to guard the sect, Sikong Tan left alone.

The Xuanxin Hall is not far from his Shenji Gate, and he can walk back and forth in a day, so there is no need to go to war and bring so many people with him.

Just when Sikongtan was halfway through, passing a dense forest path, a voice suddenly came from behind him.

"Sikongtan, do you still recognize me?"

Sikongtan's complexion suddenly changed, and his whole body trembled like a sieve.

How could he not recognize this voice? When he had a nightmare some time ago, this voice sounded in his mind!

He thought that the other party had let him go, but he appeared when he was most relaxed, which made Sikongtan collapse.

The next moment, Sikongtan came back to his senses, and with a thump, he fell to his knees on the ground, crying bitterly and begging for mercy: "Master Chu, please spare your life! It was my lard that was blinded at the beginning, and that's why I joined forces with Na Yuwenfu. against yours.

Actually, I didn't want to, but that Yu Wenfu used his identity as the heir of Ling Tian Jianzun to bully me, and I was forced to be helpless too!

Master Chu, I have seniors on top and juniors on the bottom, and there are other disciples of Shenjimen who need to take care of me. Just let me go! "

Sikongtan suddenly gave him such a set, which made Chu Xiu stunned.

From the lower realm to Da Luotian, he has seen quite a few warriors.

Maybe strong strength does not mean strong means, and it does not mean that the mood is tough.

But when he reached the realm of Heaven and Earth Tongxuan, he was considered a master of the founding school in Daluotian, and he was a figure standing at the top in the lower realm.

Even the enemies who died in his hands, some fought with him to the end, some scolded him, and some even ran away, but someone like Sikongtan was so humble and desperate to beg for mercy, but he was the only one, this guy. It's rather bizarre.

When he did this, he blocked everything Chu Xiu wanted to prepare.

After reorganizing the language, Chu Xiu said: "Don't worry, I won't kill you. If I wanted to kill you, you wouldn't be alive now."

Hearing Chu Xiu say not to kill him, Sikongtan breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly got up.

But Chu Xiu then said: "But it's okay not to kill you, but the death penalty can be forgiven, and it's hard to forgive.

You do one thing for me, and when it is done, the grievances between you and me are written off.

If you fail..."

Before Chu Xiu could finish his words, Sikong Tan said first: "As long as Master Chu spares me this time, you will definitely die for Master Chu after you have saddled your horses!

Don't say one thing, even if it is a hundred things, your subordinates can help you do it well! "

Although Sikongtan was afraid of being useless, his mind was not so fast, and he became a subordinate after a few words, just like someone from Chu Xiu himself.

Chu Xiu nodded and said solemnly: "The thing I gave you is very simple, that is to make up two unidentified people into a reasonable identity, and let them appear in Xu Tianya and Fang in a very coincidental way. In front of Bai Du, let them accept them as disciples."

Sikongtan was shocked when he heard the words.

He is not an idiot, of course he knows why Chu Xiu did this.

Just when Sikongtan was about to say something, Chu Xiu said coldly, "Don't tell me, you can't do this.

In the Southern Territory, although the strength of your Shenjimen is not the strongest, it is the most complicated.

Selling weapon formations and replacing news information, you Sikongtan himself is even more exquisite, and you have friendship with the major factions in the southern region. If you can't do this kind of thing, others will definitely not be able to.

I know this matter is difficult, but your life, Sikongtan, should be worth more than this matter, right?

Now I just ask you one thing, can you do this? "

When Sikongtan was about to pour out his mouth, he choked back all of it, and nodded abruptly, "Yes!"

Chu Xiu nodded with satisfaction, and said to the inner demon in his mind: "Spray a trace of power into his mind and monitor him."

The inner demon suddenly shouted: "Chu Xiu, you are too much, time and time again, you really use me as a consumable?

I haven't waited to reshape my body yet, and all my power will be divided for you. "

"Don't worry, I have gone deeper into the research on the magic path of creation, and I will be able to help you reshape your body soon.

After you really have a body, you can cultivate like a human being, and all these strengths can be compensated for. "

Although the inner demon has been fooled by Chu Xiu not once or twice, the chance for him to truly become a human is in Chu Xiu's hands, and he can only agree.

With a wave of his hand, Chu Xiu imprinted a trace of the demon's power in Sikongtan's indifferently: "Leave a trace of restraint for you to use for surveillance.

But don't worry, as long as you are obedient and help me get things done, I will naturally remove this restriction for you. "

Sikongtan smiled bitterly and said, "Don't worry, my lord, my subordinates will definitely do their best to help the lord complete this matter."

Taking the opportunity to exchange his life, this kind of thing is impossible even if Sikongtan wants to cheat and cheat.

One month later, in the dense forest of the Southern Region, Sikongtan was carefully explaining their identities to Luo Feihong and Long Linger.

"The two of you must remember, you were originally the orphans of the Muma Villa in Qianli County of the Southern Region. After the Muma Villa was destroyed by the unicorn thieves, you lived in the rivers and lakes, and unexpectedly obtained the inheritance of the two deceased ancient venerables. After cultivating until now, he came back to take revenge.

If someone asks about your identity, you only need to remember that you are the sons of Luo Fei, the twenty-seventh head of the Muma Villa, and Long Wanli, the thirty-second head of the family. You can kill this, and the rest will be your age. If you can't remember clearly, it's better to put it off for reasons. "

Luo Feihong looked at Sikongtan and said, "I said Fatty, are you reliable? Why do I feel that your plan is a bit perfunctory?"

Sikongtan is only slightly fat, and what he hates most is when people call him fat.

But knowing the identities of the two in front of him, Sikongtan had no choice but to explain: "Miss Luo, please rest assured, how dare I perfunctory the errand that Master Chu has explained?

In the past, there were seventy-two heads of Shepherd's Villa. Luo Fei and Long Wanli did have their own people, but their sense of existence was very low.

Everyone who knew them now is almost dead, let alone their daughter.

And don't care whether the information is true or not, Master Chu only needs two girls to worship the two ancient venerables, so as long as they believe it, it will be considered a success. "

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