Meet The Leader

Chapter 1340: Pot

Sikongtan, who built such a family business from scratch, still has some ability, otherwise Chu Xiu would not choose him.

He is a role in the Southern Territory, but it is only a small role, but it is this small role that he has an extremely thorough understanding of the entire Southern Territory.

It is precisely because he is a small character that he wants to go to great lengths to curry favor with these powerful ancient masters. He knows Sword Master Ling Tian, ​​even Xu Tianya and others, but far more than Chu Xiu.

At this time, Xu Tianya and Fang Baidu were preparing to return to the dense Nanban forest where they were secluded, but neither of them looked good.

Fang Baidu sighed and said, "We had known that Xu Jiang and Chen Jiulong had such a disaster, we should not have allowed them to go to the Daluo Shrine back then.

Now that both of them are dead in the Daluo Shrine, where can I go to find two suitable descendants? "

Xu Tianya also rubbed his head with a headache: "You don't know, let alone I.

It's all to blame for those **** big factions. Ninety percent of the martial artists of the entire Da Luotian have been snared by them, and there are very few that can be left to us. "

Fang Baidu touched his chin and said, "Why don't we go to those small sects or loose cultivators to take a look? There may be some fish that slip through the net."

Xu Tianya shook his head and said, "It's not very likely, whether it's the warriors of the small sects or the loose cultivators, if they can show a good talent, either they were trained as the head of the family, or they have already worshipped them long ago. Now that we are in the big faction, where is it our turn to pick up leaks?"

The two looked at each other and sighed at the same time.

Gu Zun's successor's requirements for accepting disciples are so strict, purely because they do not have the ability to select a large number of disciples like those big sects, and then select the best heirs from this large number of disciples.

They only have one chance, and their energy and resources can only be placed on one person. Now let them do it again. Although they are not old and have a certain amount of energy, the question is where is the person?

At this moment, Fang Baidu suddenly glanced in one direction.

Xu Tianya wondered, "What's wrong?"

"Someone is fighting over there, it seems to be a battle of annihilation."

Xu Tianya thought for a while and said, "It seems to be the Phoenix Mountain over there. An abandoned disciple of the War Martial God Sect gathered a bunch of robbers and bandits and built a cottage. It seems to be called Qilin Pirates. Anyway, it's a mob.

The same is true of the Zhanwu Shenzong. This unicorn thief is robbing houses around here, and even dares to rob some small sects. It is useless to kill people, and their reputation is simply too bad. They don't care about it, are they not afraid of shame? "

Fang Baidu said in a deep voice: "After the Zhanwu Shenzong became a major faction in the Southern Region, their behavior can be said to be less and less particular. They used to value their reputation a little bit, but now they don't care at all.

Let's go and see who is shooting. "

Fang Baidu and Xu Tianya walked in the air with the mentality of watching the excitement, and went directly to the Phoenix Mountain to take a look, but the scene was somewhat beyond their expectations.

This is indeed a battle to destroy the door, but it is two women who have shot the door to destroy the door.

One of the women looks weak and charming, but her shots are smart and ruthless, and all kinds of secret magic arts emerge in an endless stream, making it hard to guard against.

The other woman is just the opposite. Although she is weaker, only in the realm of real fire refining, she is valiant and her combat power is amazing.

She held a blood-colored long spear in her hand, flying up and down, piercing and flying all the warriors in front of her, a woman using a long spear, unexpectedly used a kind of invincible momentum like a thousand troops, and won the marksmanship The essence of one.

Fang Baidu suddenly said: "These two people, one of them should be practicing the magic method, but the agility and elegance of the shots are the essence of my Gu Yue line.

There is another woman, her marksmanship is rare among warriors of the same rank, and most importantly, I can see that what she is practicing should be a Taoist body training profound art.

The body-refinement exercises of your lineage of the Dragon-suppressing generals should also be biased towards the Taoist lineage, right? "

Hearing Fang Baidu's words, Xu Tianya realized that these two were suitable to be their disciples.

Moreover, one of the two is Heaven and Earth Tongxuan, and the other is Real Fire Refining God Realm. They already have a good martial arts background. As long as they are trained well, they can catch up with the dead Xu Jiang and Chen Jiulong in a short time.

But Fang Baidu said again: "But the identities of these two women still need to be checked carefully. We just lost our disciple and they appeared. This is too coincidental."

Xu Tianya's eyes lit up: "Coincidence? You just think too much, and a suitable disciple just happened to appear, but you still dislike the coincidence. Is this a chance?"

Fang Baidu wanted to say something else, but he suddenly saw Sikongtan standing on the other side of Qilin Mountain.

"Hey, isn't this the fat man Sikongtan of the Shenji Gate, why is he here?"

Sikongtan is exquisite in all aspects of his work, Fang Baidu and Xu Tianya are both ancient masters of the Southern Territory, so he naturally has communicated with these two, of course, it is more appropriate to describe it as flattery.

"That fat man is the most well-informed in the Southern Territory, go and ask him."

At this time, Sikong Tan was also waiting there, pretending to be calm.

He was standing here on purpose to be seen by Fang Baidu and the others.

Chu Xiu explained that he had done this, and Sikongtan thought about it for a long time. The safest way was to play hard to catch and let the other party take the initiative to accept the apprentice instead of sending them in by himself.

So in this way, in addition to Luo Feihong and Long Linger, someone has to stand up to explain all this, and this person, only he is the most suitable.

Seeing that Fang Baidu and Xu Tianya were really attracted by him, Sikongtan immediately made an appearance of surprise, leaned forward and asked, "I have seen Venerable Gu Yue and Lord Zhenlong, what are you doing? Did the wind blow the two of you here?"

Xu Tianya didn't talk nonsense to him. He pointed to the mountain and asked, "Do you recognize the two women on the mountain? Where did they come from?"

Sikongtan sighed and said, "Of course I know it, I sold them the information about their elimination of the unicorn thieves.

In fact, they are also a pair of poor people. Their fathers are Luo Fei and Long Wanli, the twenty-seventh head of the previous Muma Villa.

After the Muma Villa was destroyed by the Qilin thieves, they were left in the rivers and lakes, but because they accidentally obtained the remains of two ancient venerables who had cut off their inheritance, their strengths improved greatly.

This time, they came back to buy information from me to get revenge, but these two girls have no savings except for the inheritance they accidentally got, and even the money to buy the information is on credit.

However, I am a kind person. Seeing their experience is so rough, I will provide them with information first, and I can pay them later. "

Sikongtan forcibly suppressed the nervousness in his heart, and talked there for a long time.

Xu Tianya and Fang Baidu did not doubt him, but looked at each other and nodded slightly at the same time.

There are so many ancient statues that have been passed down from the ancient times, and many of them have lost their inheritance. It is normal for these two female dolls to get the relics left by such ancient statues.

Moreover, what Sikongtan said was well-founded, and they never thought about it. This person in the Southern Territory is exquisite in all directions, and at the same time, he is notoriously timid and dares to lie to them.

After a long while, Long Linger and Luo Feihong walked down with a whole body of suffocation, and threw a pile of secret boxes to Sikongtan by the way.

"Fatty, this is your reward, more than what was promised before."

Sikongtan said with a wide-eyed smile: "Thank you two girls. If you need to buy any more information in the future, even the materials for the medicine pill weapon formation, etc., you can come to the Shenji Gate to find me."

At this time, Xu Tianya suddenly said: "You two girls have good talents, but unfortunately there is no famous teacher to guide you. If you continue to practice indiscriminately, you may be at your peak now. It is very difficult to break the gap between heaven and man.

The two of us cherish talents and want you two to be our disciples. As long as you are willing to be teachers, all the resources and exercises of my two veins are yours. Even I can guarantee that with your talent, within 20 years, I will be yours. It can make you break the gap between heaven and man! "

Luo Feihong pouted and said, "Who are you, if you say you want to accept apprentices, you will accept apprentices. Are we like those who lack a master?"

Long Linger pulled Laluo Feihong and said with a cautious look: "The two seniors, please forgive me. Our sisters walk in the rivers and lakes and depend on each other for life. So far, we have no plans to become teachers."

Sikongtan on the side quickly patted his thigh and said, "Oh! Do you know who these two seniors are? They are Gu Zun! This is the famous general Xu It was Venerable Gu Yue Fang Baidu.

There are people who want to become their disciples in the rivers and lakes, but the two seniors don't look down on them yet. It's a blessing for you to be seen by these two seniors. "

Xu Tianya didn't speak, but he still smiled complacently.

The identity of Gu Zun is placed on the rivers and lakes, and naturally has a high status.

Although it is not as good as a real master of the faction, at least it will not drop in price, especially for some loose cultivators.

But Long Linger still looked cautious and said: "We appreciate the kindness of the two seniors, but we really don't need to be apprentices."

If Long Linger and Luo Feihong were ecstatic and worshipped them as teachers at this time, they might still be a little uncomfortable.

But the more the two refused, the more they felt that they wanted to accept each other as their disciples.

Fang Baidu coughed and said, "Second girls, I know how you feel, the youth is rough, and after wandering in the rivers and lakes for a long time, it is inevitable that everyone will be vigilant and careful.

But we are different. You know our identities. To put it poorly, the two of us are Martial Immortals. If we have any bad thoughts towards you, can you resist?

On the contrary, as long as you worship us as your teacher, then you don't have to worry about anyone who dares to think badly about you!

At least what you experienced when you were young will never happen again. "

Hearing this, Long Linger and Luo Feihong were a little moved, and with Sikongtan's encouragement behind them, they finally looked at each other and bowed to Fang Baidu and Xu Tianya: "The disciple has seen the master. !"

Fang Baidu and Xu Tianya looked at each other with a smile in their eyes.

But they didn't pay attention. When Long Linger and Luo Feihong looked at each other, there was an unpredictable smile in their eyes.

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