Meet The Leader

Chapter 1344: The Change of the Ancient Zun, the Loose People of the Galaxy

Among the two people who entered the hall, the old man looked very old, his hair and beard were all white, the folds on his face almost covered his eyes, and he looked like a shrimp, but everyone present saw him appear. , but there was a touch of respect in his eyes, and his body was slightly leaning forward to show respect.

Needless to say, Chu Xiu also knew that this person was the initiator of this ancient venerable conference, and he was also the oldest among the ancient venerables today, 'Yuanshenzun' Hua Qingshan.

Before coming, Chu Xiu also inquired about the information about Hua Qingshan, but there were not many.

Because this Primordial Spirit Venerable is very low-key, very low-key, he does not go out of the rivers and lakes easily, and does not participate in the disputes between the rivers and lakes, even the disputes between the ancient venerables.

Every time the Guzun General Assembly is held, the attitude of the other party is very fair and impartial. After a long time, it will naturally win a lot of Guzun's respect. At least in the face of such an old man, you will not have any hostility. .

Of course it's useless even if you are hostile.

The old man in front of him who seems to be extremely old and seems to be dying in the next moment, but the real supreme powerhouse of the Nine Heavens of Martial Immortals, standing at the peak of the entire Daluotian, can be compared with the existence of the Taoist World Honored, also their ancient venerable The front man among them.

The power when he shot just now was the only power Chu Xiu felt that he couldn't resist even with all his cards.

When everyone present saw the young man behind Hua Qingshan, there was a strange look in their eyes.

Chu Xiu also noticed the young man.

The other party looked like a Taoist priest, and the star pattern cloud pattern Taoist robe was extremely gorgeous, and it turned out to be a rare treasure. The power of the stars on it seemed to have really refined a galaxy into it.

The imposing manner of the other party is not even weaker than that of Hua Qingshan, but it is extremely restrained, but in the eyes of the other party, there is not the slightest emotion, only a boundless galaxy, deep, vicissitudes, and unpredictable. through.

Hua Qingshan walked over to Chu Xiu, paused, grinned, and said, "Young people are not bad, we ancient venerable monks practising in the arena, but in fact they have lost their spirit, so few young people can make their mark, you are outside. Having made a name, it means that we are also the whole line of Gu Zun, which is very good."

Chu Xiu bowed his head and said, "Senior is wrong."

The young Taoist also glanced at Chu Xiu, but his eyes were surrounded by boundless stars, and there was no change in expression on his face, just a gentle smile that seemed to never change, making it impossible to guess his state of mind.

Hua Qingshan turned his gaze to Xu Tianya again, shook his head and said, "You warriors from the lineage of the Dragon God will always have such a hot temper.

In fact, when you reach the realm of Martial Immortals, your control over the power of the exercises has reached the extreme, and the exercises will no longer affect your emotions. It is you who really affect your emotions.

The dragon can soar above the nine heavens, and it can also dive into the abyss of the nine seclusions.

Before your master died, I was there, and he told me that the dragon **** general, Zhenlong Zhenlong, refers not to the exercises, but to yourself.

When you can control the "dragon" in your heart, it will be considered Consummation. "

Xu Tianya did not dare to refute in the slightest, so he quickly cupped his hands and said, "Thank you God Venerable for your guidance."

Hua Qingshan turned his attention to Fang Baidu again.

"Your lineage of Venerable Gu Yue and the lineage of Zhenlong Shenjiang complement each other, but I hope that you can complement each other not only in cultivation techniques, but also as people.

Life and death are worthy of praise, but you must also remember that you can't let one party's emotions act, but you accompany him to act together. "

Fang Baidu also bowed his head honestly at this time: "Thank you God Venerable for teaching."

Hua Qingshan walked forward slowly, sat on the main seat, and said solemnly: "Everyone, this time the Gu Zun Conference is held, there are actually two things I want to tell you.

The first thing is that there is a problem with the formation ban between the lower realm and Daluotian, and the formation ban of the lower realm disappears. It will not take long for the lower realm and Daluotian to be completely connected. "

Hearing this, everyone below was stunned for a moment, and then began to whisper excitedly and discuss.

After waiting for a while, the voices of everyone fell, and Hua Qingshan continued: "Everyone should know the impact of this matter, so I won't say more.

We have not returned to the ancestral land for ten thousand years. What exactly is in the ancestral land in the lower realm is unknown to us. It may be dangerous or it may be an opportunity.

In fact, not all of us, the ancient ancestors, want to stay in the old forests of Moriyama, and I know that.

Therefore, if we can return to our ancestral land this time, the great factions of Daluotian have given us a promise that we can establish sects at will, and they will not block them, and even support them.

The interests of the four regions of the Great Luotian have been fixed. We set up sects to invade their interests, and we want to grab food from the mouths of those top sects. They will not agree, but in the ancestral land of the lower realm, there is no such thing as So many rules. "

As soon as these words came out, the ancient venerables present were stunned for a moment, and then there was silence again, and a look of contemplation appeared in everyone's eyes.

Build a sect? It's not that Gu Zun has thought about this, but very few people do it.

For them, to build a top sect is to grab food from the mouths of other top sects in the four domains, and there is bound to be a fight.

And if a small sect was established, it would have no meaning for them at all. It would be better to be a noble ancient venerable like now, and put energy and resources on inheritance.

And with the opportunity of the lower realm, those top sects still have promises, this matter is worthy of their careful consideration.

Chu Xiu was also squinting his eyes and thinking about something, but what he was thinking about was after the connection between the upper and lower worlds.

Chu Xiu didn't know about Daluotian's reaction before.

And now it seems that there should be no extra actions on Daluotian's side, but choose a cautious wait for the formation to collapse on its own in order to preserve the Daluo Shrine.

After all, the existence of the Daluo Shrine was created ten thousand years ago by gathering the power of the entire lower world warriors. Even if the ban formation is destroyed now, the whole of the Daluo Shrine is still there and can still be used for cultivation.

And if there is any accident in the lower realm, these sects of Daluotian can also rebuild the ban formation with the Daluo Shrine as the center.

After everyone present had digested the news for a while, Hua Qingshan continued: "As for this second matter, it is our Gu Zun's internal affairs.

I am old, and the Gu Zun Conference has been presided over several times.

Before my disciple died unexpectedly, it took me a long time to find Xiaoyao as my disciple.

So in the next time, I have no time or energy to manage things in Gu Zun's lineage.

The organizer of the next-generation Guzun conference is also a prominent figure in my Guzun lineage. I recommend Xinghe to take the role. "

As he said that, Hua Qingshan pointed at the young Taoist priest under his head.

As soon as these words came out, there was a commotion in the crowd, and there were words of comfort and retention.

Chu Xiu's eyes suddenly changed.

He had guessed before, but now he can be sure that this young Taoist is the 'Xinghe Loose Cultivator' Meng Xinghe, the ancient master who is well-known in the outside world.

Chu Xiu and Meng Xinghe had no grudges, but the problem was that he had grudges with Ye Weikong of Hanjiang City.

Previously, Chu Xiu was hit hard by the calculation of Ye Weikong, so Chu Xiu can already vaguely guess what Meng Xinghe's attitude towards him is now.

It's just that Meng Xinghe is much stronger than Ye Weikong.

Both of them are hundreds of years old. Although Ye Weikong has not entered his twilight years, his blood is no longer growing.

However, Meng Xinghe is still able to maintain the appearance of a young man. This is not the result of his use of some secret methods, but the vitality of his body is abnormally strong.

What Meng Xinghe is showing now is his real age. Among his overall lifespan, Meng Xinghe is now in his prime.

Seeing everyone's retention, Hua Qingshan couldn't help shaking his head and said: "Everyone, I have made up my mind, I really don't want to sit down in this Xinghe is already the pinnacle of Wuxian Jiuzhongtian. The strongest, even if it is an old man, I am not as good as him in all my efforts. With him representing the lineage of our ancient masters, we are even more confident when talking to those in the big faction.

This time, when the formation of the lower realm was destroyed, when discussing matters with the top powerhouses of the major factions, it was Xinghe who went instead of me. "

In Da Luotian, Wuxian Jiuzhongtian represents the powerhouse standing above the absolute peak.

This kind of existence does not exceed ten fingers in the entire Daluotian, Taoism has it, Buddhism has it, and Jianzong has it.

Gu Zun's lineage wants to talk to them on an equal footing, so naturally there must be such a strong person. This person used to be Hua Qingshan, but now it is Meng Xinghe.

With Hua Qingshan's recommendation and Meng Xinghe's own strength here, everyone present did not refute, and they could not find a reason to refute.

Hua Qingshan waved his hand casually and said: "Okay, old man, that's all I have to say. Next, please feel free to trade."

One of the highlights of the Guzun Conference is that these Guzuns randomly traded exercise items and discussed martial arts and other things with each other. This part is relatively peaceful.

It's just that Chu Xiu seemed very cold. Basically, most people looked at Chu Xiu with strange eyes, but they didn't pass.

For Chu Xiu, there were only two types of people present.

One is hated by him, and the other is that he does not know.

Needless to say, those who have hatred, the other Gu Zun also do not know Chu Xiu, and have no friendship with him, what can be traded?

Moreover, it was rumored that Chu Xiu acted ruthlessly and viciously, killing three descendants of the ancient gods in a row. Such rumors would naturally make people stay away.

But at this time, a big man in black came towards Chu Xiu.

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