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Chapter 1345: Beware of Meng Xinghe

The strong man who suddenly came towards Chu Xiu was similar in strength to Chu Xiu, with the strength of the fourth level of the Martial Immortal.

The strong man smiled and said, "In Xia Qilianhai, it is inherited from the lineage of Kongshan Demon Venerable."

Chu Xiu cupped his hands and said, "It turned out to be brother Qi, but in this situation, brother Qi dares to come and get close to me?"

Qi Lianhai glanced at Zhen Xu Tianya and the others and said, "Why don't you dare? I'm not afraid of Xu Tianya and Fang Baidu.

Besides, I have long seen that these two guys are not pleasing to the eye, and their strength is not very good, so they will join forces to fight more and less.

Two big men are tired and crooked together all day long, is it disgusting?

Besides, I would also like to thank you, Brother Chu, for helping me avenge my master's revenge. "

Chu Xiu said in surprise: "Oh? I avenged your master's revenge? Dare to ask who is the enemy of your faction?"

Qi Lianhai sneered: "It's the Devil Palace of Bliss!

In fact, my lineage was originally from the Demon Palace of Elysium, but because of the concept of cultivation techniques, I was suppressed by the former palace master of the Demon Palace of Elysium.

To put it nicely, my line is also Gu Zun, but in fact it is a lost dog.

It's a pity that the Magic Palace of Bliss has always been a major demon faction in the Southern Region. Even if I want to take revenge, I can't find a way. Fortunately, Brother Chu, you helped me avenge my blood revenge. "

Chu Xiu nodded and said, "Brother Qi, don't be polite. What is the reason why Brother Qi is looking for me this time?"

Chu Xiu didn't naively think that Qi Lianhai was looking for him just to thank him.

How long has it been since he destroyed the Demon Palace of Ultimate Bliss, why hasn't he seen anyone come to thank him?

Qi Lianhai ignored other people's eyes and rushed over to get close to him. There must be some conspiracy.

Qi Lianhai waved his hand when he heard the words: "Since this is the case, then I won't talk nonsense anymore, I came to Brother Chu, I want to trade some of the exercises that belong to the Devil's Palace of Elysium.

After the destruction of the Demon Palace of Bliss, all these things should have fallen into the hands of Brother Chu, you and the Heavenly Demon Palace.

But if I go to the Heavenly Demon Palace with my identity, even if I have a grudge with the Bliss Demon Palace, the Heavenly Demon Palace may not believe me, so I can only come to you, Brother Chu.

As for the transaction, I think you should also need it very much, Brother Chu. "


Qi Lianhai said solemnly, "The Book of Creation of Heaven and Demons!

The ancestors of my line in the past turned against the palace masters of the Palace of Elysium, because the ancestors of my line were going to find the magic way of creation that was inherited by the Magic Palace of Elysium.

But back then, in the Devil's Palace of Bliss, everyone had given up the magic way of creation and walked towards the path they thought was the right one, but instead, the ancestors of my lineage were labeled as heretics.

Just now, I saw Brother Chu, when your opponent Bai Du made a move, you used the power of good fortune to create demons.

The power of creation and demon is the ultimate power that can reach the peak of the avenue, but it is too obscure and difficult to understand and extremely difficult to cultivate.

Even if I have now reached the realm of Martial Immortals, I would not dare to say that I have fully realized the power of creation and demons.

The Book of Creation of Heaven and Demons is my ancestor's comprehension of the power of creation and creation of demons. I believe it should be very useful to you, Brother Chu. "

After listening, Chu Xiu nodded and said, "Change it."

Chu Xiu also has a strong confidence in the power of creating demons.

Although his understanding of this kind of power can only be regarded as an introduction, but if he can really control this power, the power of creating the demons can be said to be the source power that can help him reach the peak of the devil's way.

After the happy and smooth exchange, Qi Lianhai glanced at the side again, and suddenly whispered to Chu Xiu: "Brother Chu, you are a refreshing person, and you are one of the few people in the ancient way of the devil, you and I. It is also the same.

There is one thing I remind you, be careful of one person. "


"Meng Xinghe!"

The tone of Qi Lianhai's voice transmission was full of sighs: "Original God Venerable was a leading figure in the ancient Zun lineage before, although he did not do anything beneficial to our ancient Zun lineage, but he did things fairly and did not harm any one. People's interests, so we are convinced of his old man.

But Meng Xinghe, hey, things are a bit complicated. I have had some dealings with him before. This person is definitely not as simple as he appears on the surface. I just hope that he will not bring the entire Guzun lineage into the abyss. go.

Brother Chu, I have heard of the dispute between you and Hanjiang City in the Eastern Region, and the friendship between Meng Xinghe and Ye Weikong is absolutely beyond your imagination.

Now that he has become the leader of Gu Zun's lineage, Brother Chu, you'd better be more cautious. "

Qi Lianhai just said this, but Meng Xinghe on the other side suddenly walked towards them, which made Qi Lianhai's complexion change slightly.

He just used the power of rules to transmit sound, unless the power of rules understood by the other party is exactly the same, he should not be able to hear it.

Moaning that he was talking too much, Qi Lianhai immediately said goodbye to Chu Xiu and turned to leave.

Chu Xiu glanced at Qi Lianhai in surprise. What did Meng Xinghe do in the first place to make this powerful man of the fourth level of the Martial Immortal afraid to look like this?

Meng Xinghe walked up to Chu Xiu with a light smile on his face, and said in a gentle voice, "Young friend Chu, you have admired your name for a long time."

Chu Xiu said lightly: "What Meng Sanren heard should be infamy, right?"

Meng Xinghe laughed and said, "I can feel it, Chu Xiaoyou, you are a little hostile to me, is it because of Ye Weikong?

In the past, Hanjiang City was built by Ye Weikong and I, but Hanjiang City does not belong to me.

From the day I chose to leave Hanjiang City and become Gu Zun, in fact, I have nothing to do with Hanjiang City.

If I still want to help Hanjiang City, then it is Ling Xiaozong who dominates the Eastern Region, but Hanjiang City. "

After speaking, Meng Xinghe glanced at Chu Xiu and said, "You may think I'm talking big, but I never like to brag.

No one in the Lingxiao Sect can stop me, even if they use the Lingxiao Promise Seal. "

There is indeed not much conceit in Meng Xinghe's words, but only self-confidence, extremely self-confidence.

Chu Xiu squinted his eyes and said, "So even if I calculated that Hanjiang City's vitality was severely damaged, and Ye Weikong was severely injured, Meng Sanren wouldn't be angry with me?"

Meng Xinghe shook his head and said, "Of course not, it should be said that it is not necessary.

Ye Weikong is very stubborn, and I am also very stubborn, so he has his way, and I also have mine.

If I interfered in his affairs, it would be equivalent to deviating from the path I had chosen.

In the same way, Ye Weikong also understands me, understands me, and he has not come to me for so many years.

Now you are Gu Zun, and I am also Gu Zun. What we should say between us should not be the right and wrong on the rivers and lakes, but the things between our ancient Zuns. "

"Oh? What do the people from Meng San want to talk about? Among all the ancient venerables present, although I am not the weakest, I am not the strongest either, and I am still the one with the lowest seniority."

Meng Xinghe said solemnly, "Young friend Chu, a fellow practitioner of the Three Veins of Buddhism and Demons, what do you think about the portal?"

Chu Xiu was a little puzzled by Meng Xinghe's words. This kind of thing is something that all warriors know, Meng Xinghe asked why?

Chu Xiu thought for a while and said, "The so-called door-to-door views are just different camps. It is naturally inappropriate for Buddhist warriors to practice magic arts, because they are Buddhist disciples first, and their identity restricts them.

If you don't have a portal view, it's very simple. Just treat yourself as a pure martial artist. Whether it is Buddhist martial arts or magic martial arts, they are all martial arts, so why can't they cultivate both? "

Meng Xinghe nodded with satisfaction and said, "Young friend Chu thinks well, it is precisely because of the portal's view that the road of martial arts on the rivers and lakes sometimes stagnates.

I have an idea, to gather the strength of our ancient masters and share the exercises. The descendants of our ancient masters and the descendants of the major factions in the rivers and lakes can enter it to practice.

Regardless of his background, he only talks about martial arts. I wonder if Chu Xiaoyou is interested? "

Meng Xinghe came to him to talk about this This made Chu Xiu look bewildered and wondered what the other party was trying to do.

In all honesty, Meng Xinghe's idea is actually good.

Martial arts, martial arts, the martial arts that stand still will only get weaker and weaker.

It's actually a good thing to give up the portal view, so that everyone can study martial arts together.

However, Chu Xiu did not trust Meng Xinghe.

Even if Ning Xuanji said this, Chu Xiu believed it, but Meng Xinghe and Chu Xiu didn't believe it.

Regardless of whether he is hostile to Chu Xiu or not, now Chu Xiu is wary of him.

This Xinghe Loose Cultivator, who was already famous hundreds of years ago, had a warm smile on his face, and his whole body exuded a gentle feeling, but Chu Xiu always felt that the other party was a little dangerous.

So in the end, Chu Xiu just smiled and said: "Meng Sanren's feelings of daring to be the first in the world are admired.

It's just that this matter is very important. Although I am taking over as Gu Zun now, I have to go back and discuss it with my tutor. "

Meng Xinghe nodded and said, "Since that's the case, then I won't bother little friend Chu."

After speaking, Meng Xinghe didn't force anything, he went straight to the other person and said something, and he should also be talking about this matter.

The Guzun Conference was over after a day. After all, at the end, there were only more than 20 Guzuns present, and there were less than 100 people who were uploaders. One day was enough time to trade.

Before leaving, Chu Xiu wanted to find a chance to ask Long Linger and Luo Feihong how they are now, but he didn't find any chance.

Xu Tianya and Fang Baidu had both died of their disciples, and now they have finally found a new disciple that they are satisfied with, naturally they are very precious.

But it didn't matter, Chu Xiu knew from their appearance, and their progress should be smooth.

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