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Chapter 1346: The magic path of good fortune, the source clue

After the Gu Zun Conference was over, Xu Tianya and the others did not bother him again.

One is because he didn't dare, with the strength that Chu Xiu showed, unless the two of them went together, they would definitely be no match for Chu Xiu.

Also, whether it is Yuanshen Zun, the old-fashioned Gu Zun strongman, or Meng Xinghe, the new heir to the ancient Zun, they all need to be careful. On this occasion, they really don't dare to mess around.

After returning to the land of the southern barbarians, Chu Xiu never understood what Meng Xinghe's words meant, so he simply didn't bother to think about it, but went straight to retreat to study the magic path of creation.

Qi Lianhai gave Chu Xiu the Book of Creation of Heaven and Demons, which was handed down after the ancestors of his line exhausted all his life and gathered the strength of several generations.

Although it is impossible to directly deduce the magic way of creation to the peak, it has also benefited Chu Xiu a lot.

At this time, in the closed room, Chu Xiu's body was surrounded by black demonic energy.

These rich demonic qi penetrated into the surrounding rules of heaven and earth, evolved into feng shui and fire, and even in the end, the secret room where Chu Xiu was directly turned into a devil's cave, like a primitive devil's cave that was reduced countless times.

The next moment, Chu Xiu took back all the strong demonic energy into his body, and the miniature primitive demon cave also dissipated.

Chu Xiu let out a long breath, and a look of joy appeared in his eyes.

Tianhun had told Chu Xiu before that the domain of Dugu is only my own, which is close to the origin of the devil's way. It can be said that his domain is a primitive devil's cave.

And now the route that Chu Xiu has taken is different from Dugu Wei I, but at this time he has achieved this effect by relying on the creation of the magic way, at least at the starting point of the magic Dao, Chu Xiu and Dugu Wei I have already gone different ways. Same way.

Chu Xiu called out the demon in his mind and said, "I'm not just fooling you into doing things. I said before that as long as I am diligent in my cultivation of the magic path, I can create a perfect body for you.

Now, with my accomplishments in the way of creating demons, as long as I have enough blood, I can completely create a body for you. "

Heart Demon has the memories of many warriors, and he has been waiting for the day when he is truly alive, and even complained many times because Chu Xiu let him dove repeatedly.

However, after waiting for Chu Xiu's promise, he was not in a hurry.

Wen Yan Heart Demon just asked: "If I reshape my body, what realm can my strength reach at most?"

Chu Xiu said: "Qi, blood and spirit are the foundation of the body. You are the spirit. As long as I can get enough Qi and blood from the experts in the realm of heaven and earth, I can create a body in the realm of heaven and earth for you."

Heart Demon said with great interest, "What about the Martial Immortal realm?"

Chu Xiu shook his head and said, "Don't think about the realm of Martial Immortal, let's not say where I will go to kill Martial Immortal for you to bleed, the real power of Martial Immortal lies in the control of the power of rules.

The strongest memories of those warriors you swallowed before are only the realm of the heaven and earth.

Therefore, you can only control the power of the realm of Heaven and Earth Tongxuan. Even if I do get the body of a Martial Immortal, it is just an empty shell. "

The demon nodded, thought for a while before saying, "I don't have a clue for now. I'll tell you when I figure it out."

After finally waiting for the opportunity, the demon himself is not in a hurry.

This time, Chu Xiu spent more than three months in retreat to study the magic path of good fortune. He was going to continue to retreat. At this time, someone tapped the formation to remind Chu Xiu that something happened.

When Chu Xiu came out of the retreat, Mei Qinglian immediately stepped forward and said, "That fat man from Sikongtan is here, saying that he found a clue about the origin."

After Chu Xiu heard it, he was stunned for a moment. His first reaction was not surprise, but he felt that Sikongtan must have made a mistake.

The existence of Yuanyuan is definitely the most precious treasure among the treasures. Maybe it is stored in a top sect. Can Sikongtan find this thing in such a short period of time? Chu Xiu did not believe that this fat man could be so powerful.

After Chu Xiu called Sikongtan, the fat man immediately cupped his hands flatteringly and said, "I haven't seen your lord these days, and your lord's cultivation has improved. The pinnacle of Jiuzhongtian can be said to be within easy reach."

Although it was said that Chu Xiu did gain some gains during his retreat, with Sikongtan's eyesight, he couldn't tell whether Chu Xiu was progressing or regressing now. He was just flattering habitually.

Chu Xiu waved his hand and said, "Okay, stop flattering those useless assholes. I heard that you really found clues about the origin?"

Sikongtan nodded and said, "According to the information your lord gave me, I am 90% sure that the thing should be the source, but I haven't seen the real thing, so I don't dare to make a final determination."

"Oh? Whose hands is the source?"

"In the hands of Sanskrit!"

Sikongtan said solemnly: "The thing is this, after I took the resources given by the adults, I expanded the scale of Shenjimen, and at the same time sent my trusted disciples to the Western Regions and Northern Regions. to open up news channels.

One of my disciples was even more ruthless. He even became a monk and worshipped in a small temple in the Western Regions.

In the Western Regions, in addition to the two major Buddhist sects, Tianlu Baosha and Sanskrit, there are also countless small temples, belonging to the Sanskrit and Zen lines.

My disciple joined a temple of the Zen lineage, and it has a very close relationship with the Tianlu Baosha, and the inheritance is quite long.

He saw a story from the Buddhist scriptures pavilion in the small temple, saying that Tianlu Baosha and Sanskrit had just entered the Great Luotian, and they fought a battle for the same thing. "

Chu Xiu said solemnly: "But as far as I know, the two factions are at odds with each other in the lower realm, and it is quite normal for the two sides to fight for the same thing, so how can you be sure that what they are fighting for is the origin? "

Sikongtan explained: "Because of that competition, even some small temples in the Western Regions were implicated. The temple where my disciple is located is on the side of Tianluobaosha, and its ancestors even took action in person. got this thing.

The description of its appearance and effect is almost exactly the same as the origin you mentioned, Master Chu. They all exude a meager power of a faint golden glow, but they are stored in an extremely precious secret box made of sun fine gold. "

Hearing what Sikongtan said, Chu Xiu was 90% sure that it was the source.

It's just that this thing fell into the hands of the Sanskrit religion, and that would be troublesome. With the current scale of the Sanskrit religion, even if Chu Xiu fought all the cards, it would still be no match for him.

"This source is now placed in Sanskrit. Has the other party researched anything? Do you know this?"

Sikongtan shook his head and said, "This subordinate really doesn't know this, my disciple just found out a few words.

This source was first obtained by the Tianluo Baosha, but in the end, it was taken back by the Brahma Sect. At the beginning, a senior of the Tianluobaosha sealed off part of the power of that thing at the cost of his life. You can’t get it, but you can’t let the mind of Sanskrit be used.

Later, that thing should have always been stored in the Vishnu Temple of Sanskrit.

Although the strength of the Vishnu Temple has always been inferior to that of the Shiva Temple and the Brahma Temple, they are good at all kinds of strange secret methods, and they have also researched all kinds of strange things, so the thing that is suspected to be the source has always been. All are preserved by the Temple of Vishnu. "

When Chu Xiu heard this, he touched his chin and narrowed his eyes.

Mei Qinglian can be said to know Chu Xiu very well. As soon as she saw his appearance, she roughly guessed what he was thinking, and she must be scheming others.

"Hey, I said that you are not trying to fight the Sanskrit religion, right? That is the Sanskrit religion with Jiuzhongtian supreme power, and the Martial Immortals of the Sanskrit religion together, I am afraid there are more than the entire Eastern Region. "

Chu Xiu narrowed his eyes and said, "I killed Singaloo."

Mei Qinglian said with a speechless expression: "I know you killed Singara, but the problem is, Sanskrit is not only a single Singara, and now the lower realm... In short, during this time, we'd better keep a low profile and calm down. is better."

Actually, Mei Qinglian's character is not so conservative and stubborn. On the contrary, she is also a very radical and bold person.

But compared with Chu Xiu, Mei Qinglian's so-called radical boldness was nothing, but Chu Xiu was the master who dared to poke a hole in the sky.

In normal times, if the Sanskrit sect targeted them repeatedly, Mei Qinglian would definitely agree to fight them back.

But now in this situation the upper and lower worlds may be connected at some point, so it is better to be safe.

Chu Xiu shook his head and said, "I know that there is more than one Singara in Sanskrit, but also, there is more than one enemy of Sanskrit.

Singara is the new master of the Vishnu Temple in the Sanskrit religion, and a person with an unlimited future.

When I killed him, it was like slapped Sanskrit in the face.

But in the future, have people from Sanskrit come to trouble me?

No, there is only one Yindra.

But the trouble that Yindra came to find me was not an order from the upper levels of the Sanskrit religion, and Yindra came here for the sake of extinguishing the fire of the world. "

Having said this, Chu Xiu showed an inconceivable smile: "Obviously, in the eyes of Sanskrit, I, Chuxiu, are just a trivial figure. I killed Singara and slapped Sanskrit in the face. Will be angry, but will not put me on the table.

Because now, there are more difficult opponents waiting for them, such as Tianlu Baosha! "

With that said, Chu Xiu turned his attention to Sikongtan: "The situation in the entire Western Regions now? Isn't it very sensitive?"

Sikong Tan was stunned for a moment, and then immediately complimented: "Master Chu has a vision like a torch, and he predicts things like a god.

During this period of time, it is rare that the Brahma Sect and the Tianlu Baosha have not fought once, but the three temples of the Brahma religion began to shrink their forces at the same time. At the same time, the Tianlu Baosha also called back all the monks who were marching outside. The atmosphere of the entire Western Regions It seems like a mountain rain is about to come, and I don't know when the rainstorm will come. "

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