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Chapter 1347: Western Buddhism

Singara was killed by Chu Xiu, which, in the eyes of outsiders, was just a move that slapped Sanskrit in the face.

Although Martial Immortal is precious and powerful, even in the Sanqing Hall at the peak of Daluotian, Martial Immortal is an absolute powerhouse, but a Martial Artist of the First Layer cannot affect the survival of Sanskrit, so in their view Come on, it's not a big deal.

But in fact, the death of Xingaluo broke the balance of the Western Regions.

The foundation of Sanskrit is extremely profound. According to Fang Yinglong, if Xingaluo does not die and enters the Daluo Palace smoothly, he will be able to cross directly to the Third Heaven of Martial Immortal.

In addition, there is also a secret inheritance in Sanskrit, called Three Gods Empowerment, which is a secret empowerment technique left by generations of Martial Immortals. It is not the power of empowerment, but the power of empowerment rules.

With the inheritance of the three gods, Xin Jialuo can cross to the sixth level of Wuxian in a very short period of time.

Therefore, the death of Singara is not only as simple as the death of a Martial Immortal 1st Layer, but the death of a sixth-layer Supreme Power, breaking the relationship between Brahma and Tianluo Baosha. a balance.

And after the balance is broken, what will the Western Regions look like, it doesn't need much, just like what Sikongtan's intelligence said, the mountains and rains are about to come, and maybe it will break out at some time.

Sikong Tan below listened to Chu Xiu's conversation with Mei Qinglian, and cold sweat broke out.

What exactly are they talking about? Calculate the Sanskrit religion, the head of Buddhism in the Western Regions? In the eyes of others, this kind of thing is basically no different from courting death.

Chu Xiu glanced at the nervous Sikongtan, and said lightly: "Don't worry, even if I do something with the Sanskrit religion, I won't let you take the lead. First, give me a copy of the Sanskrit information collected by your disciple. "

After sending Sikongtan away, Mei Qinglian said softly from behind: "Actually, you don't have to worry, it will take some time for Daluotian and the lower realm to become one, with our development speed, when the upper and lower are connected, we can even Develop a strength that is not inferior to Ling Xiaozong."

Chu Xiu sighed softly: "Time? It's because time is running out that I'm so anxious.

I want to go to the Western Regions first. If the plan goes well, the forces under my command will be unified and ready to start.

This matter is left to you, I can go to the Western Regions alone. "

Hearing what Chu Xiu said, Mei Qinglian did not continue to persuade her. She knew that any decision that Chu Xiu had already made would not be so easy to change.

There was only one thing she didn't know. What Chu Xiu was afraid of was not the connection between the upper and lower worlds, but the Dugu and only me hidden in Huangquantian.

Even if the upper and lower worlds are connected, with the strength in Chu Xiu's hands now, he is not afraid, enough to occupy a place in the chaotic world.

But the 'dugu only me' hidden deep in Huang Quantian was always putting pressure on Chu Xiu, especially after he felt the origin.

When Tianhun told Chu Xiu about Yuanyuan before, Chu Xiu just regarded Yuanyuan as the key to unlock the heaven of longevity.

In the end, only after he had obtained the source, felt that power, and even benefited from that power, did Chu Xiu understand that the source was not just as simple as a key.

Chu Xiu obtained the source of yin and yang by himself, and he didn't even use it yet. He only relied on the power that overflowed when the source of yin and yang collided to increase a martial immortal. ?

Dugu Yui holds at least two sources in my hand, and there may even be three. He has obtained these sources for five hundred years. God knows how far he has researched the power of this source.

Therefore, on Chu Xiu's side, he can only use all means to chase after him desperately.

There is a big road from the Southern Regions to the Western Regions, but Chu Xiu did not go, but went through the 100,000 mountains of Nanman to the Western Regions.

Chu Xiu was a well-known figure in Da Luotian anyway, and at this time, the goal of going to the Western Regions was a little too obvious.

Although you can meet those barbarians in the land of the southern barbarians, the Heiluo tribe is already a big tribe in the entire land of the southern barbarians. With the token of the Heiluo tribe, Chu Xiu crossing the land of the southern barbarians will not cause too much damage. fluctuation.

It's just that the road to the southern barbarian land is a bit difficult. At Chu Xiu's current speed, it still took more than a month to walk out of the southern barbarian land and come to the western region.

However, after arriving in the Western Regions, Chu Xiu discovered that he was somewhat conspicuous.

No wonder that disciple of Sikongtan had to choose to join a small Zen temple in order to hide his identity and listen for information. It was really impossible to find several other schools of loose cultivation in the entire Western Regions.

Chu Xiu walked on the land of the entire Western Regions, and the warriors who came and went were either monks or lay disciples without shaving. Basically, there were very few scattered warriors, so when other warriors came to the Western Regions, they seemed unusually dazzling.

Fortunately, Chu Xiu had also practiced Buddhism. His momentum turned around, and in an instant, he had become an unshaven Buddhist disciple exuding Buddha light, and he did not violate the harmony in the slightest.

Tianluo Baosha and Sanskrit divide the land of the Western Regions equally, so the entire Tianluobaosha is not a whole. Except for one headquarters temple, other pavilions are distributed in various parts of the Western Regions. The first thing Chu Xiu is looking for is his old friend, Hua Hua. Yan Court's Faming.

Huayan Pavilion is stationed in Pushan County in the Western Regions, and the most central area is where Huayan Pavilion is located.

When Chu Xiu saw the location of Huayan Pavilion, he was slightly startled.

The thousand-zhang-wide temples and halls are magnificent, and there are many Buddhist monks and pilgrims who come and go.

You must know that this place is just a pavilion under the Tianluo Baosha, not the main body of the Tianluobaosha, and even Huayan Pavilion is not the strongest in the entire Tianluobaosha.

Chu Xiu walked to the door and said to the monk who was watching the door, "I want to ask to see Master Faming again."

The young monk watching the door glanced at Chu Xiu and said lightly, "Sorry, Master Faming is not here."

Chu Xiu frowned, the Western Regions, or the monks of the Tianlubao Temple are a little too arrogant, why didn't he realize this when he was in Daluotian?

In fact, this attitude of these monks is normal.

The disciples in charge of guarding the gates are all those young elite disciples of the Tianlu Baosha, and they are a little young and energetic.

Moreover, in the entire Western Regions, apart from the hostile Sanskrit forces, all the temple cultivators were from the Zen lineage. No matter how strong they were, they still had to be polite to the warriors of the Tianluo Temple.

Chu Xiu is a raw face, and it is impossible for him to walk the streets with the momentum of Wuxian. It is normal for him to be despised by others at this time.

Chu Xiu touched his nose with a faint smile, but he hadn't been treated like this for a long time.

Some people were afraid of him, some were afraid of him, some hated him, but the feeling of being ignored, Chu Xiu hadn't tried it for a long time, which even gave him a very novel feeling.

Of course, Chu Xiu doesn't have any special hobbies. With his current status, he doesn't need to be as knowledgeable as a junior martial artist, and it's not even better to be angry.

Therefore, Chu Xiu didn't bother to waste time. The powerful energy from his body slowly dissipated, a phantom of the Great Sun Tathagata appeared behind him, and the Buddhist chanting suddenly descended.

That powerful aura immediately frightened the young monk guarding the gate back and almost fell to the ground.

This power, but even the first seat of his Huayan Pavilion has never been owned!

"Which eminent monk came? Please forgive me for the poor reception."

A majestic voice came, and Fa Ming walked out of it with a solemn expression.

However, after seeing Chu Xiu, Fa Ming's face showed a look of surprise: "Young Master Chu!? Why did you come to my Western Regions?"

Chu Xiu smiled and said, "Master Faming, are you safe? I'm here this time because I want to discuss something with you Tianluobaosha. It's a bit secretive, so I'm afraid it's inappropriate to say it outside? "

Seeing this, Faming hurriedly took Chu Xiu to a side hall and asked, "Young Master Chu came this time, but what's the hurry?"

Although Fajing had reminded Faming in Daluotian before, this Chu Xiu is not someone who is easy to match, so be wary of him.

But Faming is quite a person with clear He only knows that Chu Xiu saved his life, and the life-saving grace is not so easy to repay.

Chu Xiu didn't answer Fa Ming directly, but instead asked: "The situation between Tian Luo Baosha and Sanskrit has been very sensitive recently?"

Faming smiled bitterly and said, "Sensitive? It can be said to be quite sensitive.

The first of my Huayan Pavilion is not here now, but in the Tianluo Baosha, I will discuss the secrets with the first pavilion masters. "

"Oh? Then why haven't we fought yet?"

Farming paused, thinking that this is not a secret thing, he said: "Actually, it's nothing, it's not that I don't want to fight, it's just that I don't dare to fight.

Regarding the recent affairs of the lower realm, I think you, Mr. Chu, as a descendant of Gu Zun, should have already known about it.

At this juncture, Daluotian should not be too infighting, so in the face of this situation, Dao Zun personally invited the World Honored and the Sanskrit leader to discuss Taoism in the Northern Territory. "

Chu Xiu raised his eyebrows slightly. The leader of the Sanskrit sect and the World Honored One of the Heavenly Temple were not in the Western Regions, which was somewhat beyond Chu Xiu's expectations.

"So when the two of you are not here, you don't dare to do it?"

Faming shook his head and said: "It's not that I dare not do it, but although the Brahma Sect has killed a temple master, when it comes to fighting, the Brahma Sect also has the strength to fight, and we will also be seriously damaged. The World Honored One is not there. , we can't even do a summons, who would dare to take such a big risk and give an order to fight the Sanskrit religion to the end?

But if you don't do it, the first pavilion masters above are still a little unwilling.

The previous master of the Vishnu Temple died early, and the new generation of the master died in your hands, Young Master Chu. It is really unwilling not to do it at such a good time. "

Chu Xiu narrowed his eyes and said, "Now the masters don't have to be unwilling."


"Because I'm here."

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