Meet The Leader

Chapter 1348: Tianlu Baosha

ps: This chapter is for the purpose of rewarding and making up for friends who are stupid even when they are watching.

Faming is just a little straighter, but he's not an idiot who doesn't understand everything.

He understood what Chu Xiu meant, and was suddenly shocked.

"Young Master Chu wants to join forces with my Sanskrit religion?"

Chu Xiu squinted his eyes and said, "When you were in the Daluo Shrine before, you encountered a dilemma when facing the Sanskrit religion, and I helped you solve it.

But now, you are also faced with the predicament of Sanskrit, and I can also help you solve it. Master Faming, you said, am I related to your Buddhism? "

Fa Ming didn't know whether Chu Xiu was related to Buddhism, but he only knew that this matter was not something he could decide.

Fa Ming said solemnly, "Young Master Chu, with my current status, I can't interfere in this matter at all.

Right now, the one who is in charge of the overall situation in the Tianluo Temple is the first Zen Master Jishan of Huasheng Pavilion. I will introduce him to you, Master Chu. "

"Then I will trouble Master Faming."

The Tianlu Baosha is in the center of the entire eastern part of the Western Regions, and the Huasheng Pavilion is not actually here, but at this time, Zen Master Ji Shan is taking over the overall situation of the Tianlu Baosha in place of the World-Honored One, so naturally he has to stay in the Tian Luo Baosha.

Previously, Chu Xiu thought that Huayan Pavilion was already magnificent, but the grandeur of the Tianluo Temple was somewhat beyond Chu Xiu's imagination.

When the entire Tianluo Baosha came into view, Chu Xiu even thought that he had come to Lingshan, the holy land of Buddhism.

Looking around, the endless golden glaze has built a towering temple and temple, and the golden fan light is shrouded on the earth, making people feel like they are immersed in the endless Buddha light within a few kilometers of the Tianluo Temple. .

The most bizarre thing is that the most central Daxiong Hall is actually floating in the air, and countless formations must be used to lift it.

This has no effect on the defense of the main hall. Anyway, in Chu Xiu's view, the only effect is only two words: pretending.

Thinking of this, Chu Xiu's mouth couldn't help showing a sneer.

In fact, when it comes to doing things domineering, in the entire Daluotian, no one is as domineering as Tianluobaosha.

The other three domains, even the Northern Territory, which is respected by the Daomen Sanqing Hall, can accommodate other warriors except the Daomen lineage.

However, within the scope of the Western Regions, apart from the Zen and Sanskrit branches of the Tianlu Baosha, there was almost no room for martial artists of any other branch.

Chu Xiu walked all the way from Pushan County to Tianluo Temple. All the states he passed by were dedicated to temple monks, ordinary people and low-level warriors were dedicated to those small temples, and those small temples were dedicated to Tianluo Temple, and finally there was heaven. The grand occasion of Luo Baosha.

At this time, Faming pointed to the Luo Baosha that day, and said with a proud look on his face: "Young Master Chu, please see, this is where my Tianluo Baosha is.

Ten thousand years ago, when my Buddhist monk came to the Western Regions, this place was still a barren mountain and mountains, but now, it has become a Buddhist holy place that shines with the light of Buddha! "

Chu Xiu sneered in his heart. For the sake of the Buddhist holy land in front of him, Tianluo Baosha has not killed many people. For thousands of years, the hard work of countless people and low-level warriors in half of the Western Regions has been harvested by the Sanskrit religion. Holy place.

In the holy brilliance of the Buddha's light, Chu Xiu could faintly see a trace of blood swimming.

Although he thought so in his heart, Chu Xiu complimented with a smile on his face: "It is indeed the sacred place of the Buddhist sect, Tianluobaosha, it is indeed magnificent."

Faming, with Yourongyan's lust, asked Chu Xiu to wait at the door first, and he had to go in and report first.

A moment later, the door of the Tianluo Baosha opened, and an incomparably magnificent voice came.

"Young Master Chu, please come in."

The voice was magnificent and thick, and even had the effect of shaking the mind, as if all lies and deceptions would be invisible in this magnificent voice.

Of course, with Chu Xiu's state of mind, the thickness of his face, and his ability to speak nonsense in front of him without even blinking, this thing is basically useless to him.

In the Tianluo Temple, rows of Buddhist disciples shone with Buddha light all over their bodies, staring at Chu Xiu.

And this is definitely not all the Martial Immortals of Tianluo Baosha.

For example, Huasheng Pavilion or Huayan Pavilion, the first pavilions in the top ranks are basically Martial Immortal Realm, and even Huasheng Pavilion has two Martial Immortals.

If other people were stared at by so many Buddhist powerhouses, they would have been extremely panicked, but Chu Xiu had seen many big scenes, and at this time he was still very calm, and cupped his hands to the people present: "East Territory Chu Xiu, see you. After all the masters, and Master Fajing, long time no see."

Among the senior monks in the forefront, the young-looking Fa Jing was very conspicuous.

Moreover, when Fajing came out of the Daluo Shrine, he was only the third level of the Martial Immortal, but now he already has the cultivation base of the fifth level.

Tianluo Baosha is also a great sect that has been passed down for countless years in the lower realm, and it must have some means to achieve the effect of improving the realm of martial arts and powerhouses.

Fajing nodded and pointed to an old monk with long gray hair wearing a golden robe beside him who was wearing a golden robe but not shaved.

The old monk with long hair and unshaved hair in front of him even seemed to have a kind-hearted look, but Chu Xiu knew that the other party was definitely a very terrifying existence.

Huasheng Pavilion is one of the strongest temples under the command of Tianluo Baosha, especially in terms of combat power. Shiva Temple, which had the strongest combat power in the Sanskrit religion, could not lift its head, and even specially developed it for this purpose. It can resist the annihilating fire of the Pure Lotus Buddha's Light.

Since this Zen Master Jishan is the first of the Huasheng Pavilion, his hands have been contaminated with the lives of Sanskrit warriors.

Zen Master Ji Shan looked at Chu Xiu and said solemnly, "Just now, I said clearly, can you help me deal with the Brahma Buddhism?"

Chu Xiu nodded and said, "Exactly."


"Because Sanskrit is also my enemy!"

Chu Xiu waved his hand fiercely, and said with an anger on his face: "Before the Vishnu Temple of the Brahma Sect, the palace master of the Hall of Fantastic Husbandry Heavenly King came to me for trouble for no reason, but I killed him, and the trouble ended.

Since then, the newly appointed Vishnu Hall Master Singalha has repeatedly targeted me. In the Daluo Shrine, I joined hands with Master Fajing to kill him, and the Sanskrit religion has completely hated me since then.

I don't know if Zen Master Jishan has ever heard of it. Not long ago, Yindra, the deputy master of the Shiva Temple, teamed up with the Sword Sect of the Southern Region to come to trouble me.

I can see it, if the Sanskrit religion is not eliminated, I will never have peace! Therefore, I will not let go of any opportunity that can re-create the Sanskrit religion! "

Zen Master Ji Shan didn't care about Chu Xiu's extremely angry and righteous indignation, he still asked calmly: "In Daluotian, you can join forces with Fajing because you have the strength to join forces at that time.

And now, you want to join forces with my entire Tianluo Baosha, why? "

Chu Xiu pointed at himself and said solemnly, "It also depends on my strength!

I, Chu Xiu, have the cultivation of the third level of Martial Immortal, but I can rival the fifth level of heaven.

I also have two warriors from the first level of Martial Immortals, as well as forces that are not inferior to the entire Emperor Heaven Pavilion. I wonder if these are enough? "

Some of the monks present had strange expressions on their faces. Although they were from the Western Regions, they were not completely ignorant of the situation in the other three regions.

The power of Chu Xiu's subordinates, let alone not inferior to Huangtian Pavilion, is already far beyond Huangtian Pavilion.

But I have never heard of large-scale wars in the Eastern Territory. How did he, Chu Xiu, accumulate such power?

Master Ji Shan shook his head and said, "It is enough to deal with ordinary small sects, but it is not enough to deal with Sanskrit."

Chu Xiu shook his head and said, "No, that's enough.

I heard Master Fa Ming say before, that the Tianluo Baosha has not made a move until now, but is in a stalemate with the Sanskrit religion. It is just because I am worried that if I continue to fight hard, I will damage myself, thus affecting the strength of the Tianluobao when it is connected up and down. .

But now the balance between Tianlubaosha and Sanskrit has been broken, and all that is missing is the last straw that overwhelms the camel. "

Chu Xiu pointed to himself and said, "I am the last straw!

Among the Sanskrit religions, the Shiva Temple and the Brahma Temple are the strongest, followed by the Vishnu Temple, and these three temples guard the three realms in the western part of the Western Regions.

Your monastery understands Sanskrit very well, and presumably Sanskrit also understands your monastery well.

Therefore, as long as the Tianlu Baosha presses all the power on the frontal battlefield and lets the Brahma Sect go all out, I am willing to raid the Vishnu Temple in the rear, so that the three temples of the Brahma Sect become two! "

The monks present glanced at each other, Chu Xiu's method is feasible, it should be said that it is very feasible, and it can get rid of one of the main halls of the Brahma religion, even the weakest Vishnu Hall, is enough to seriously damage the vitality of the Brahma religion.

An old monk couldn't help but asked: "What you said is but although the Vishnu Temple is the weakest, in the entire Sanskrit religion, there are various miraculous techniques and various formations. Laws and other things are all developed by the Vishnu Temple. Once the war starts, someone will definitely be stationed in the Vishnu Temple. What should you do?

And you brought so many people to the Eastern Regions, I am afraid that you will be noticed by the Brahma religion as soon as you arrive in the Western Regions. Do you think that the Brahma Religion is blind? "

Chu Xiu said indifferently: "As long as the Tianluo Baosha makes a full effort, how strong are the people left behind in the Vishnu Temple? Under the sixth heaven, I can kill them!

As for the location of the raid, when did I say that I would attack Sanskrit in an open and honest way? Since it is a surprise attack, it will naturally be a little more secretive. I will go around from the Hundred Thousand Mountain to the west and shoot at the Vishnu Temple. "

"But those barbarians in the southern barbarian land..."

Before the old monk had finished speaking, Chu Xiu said directly: "Don't worry about this, Master, that's my problem.

Now that I have traveled thousands of miles to the Western Regions, I have come to the Tianluo Baosha, and I have put out the whole plan. Are you masters agreeing or not? "

Everyone present turned their attention to Zen Master Ji Shan.

The rules of Tianluobaosha are strict, and there will never be such disagreements and noisy things.

Before the World-Honored One left, since Zen Master Jishan handed over the control of the Tianlu Baosha to Zen Master Jishan, any decision made by the Tianlubaosha now can be counted as long as Zen Master Jishan nods his head.

Chan Master Ji Shan looked at Chu Xiu with an unpredictable look in his eyes. After a while, he said, "Can I trust you, Master Chu?"

Chu Xiu said proudly: "Of course! I, Chu Xiu, will do what I say, and those who have worked with me have never regretted it."

Zen Master Ji Shan folded his hands together and said solemnly, "Three months later, the Tianlu Baosha will begin to assemble and attack the Sanskrit religion. I hope that when the time comes, Master Chu will not disappoint my Tianlu Baosha."

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