Meet The Leader

Chapter 1349: old barbarian king

ps: This chapter is for the reward of the leader Su Muxiu.

With the promise of Zen Master Jishan, Chu Xiu immediately said goodbye and prepared to go back to the Eastern Region to prepare.

Chu Xiu actually didn't know what Tian Luo Baosha was thinking.

But he only knew that if the current leader of Tianlu Baosha was a powerful person, he would definitely agree to it.

If such an opportunity that can seriously damage the Sanskrit religion is passed up, when the next Vishnu Temple master of the Sanskrit religion grows up, the balance between the Sanskrit religion and the Tianlu Baosha will be restored again.

At this time, in the Tianluobao Temple, the old monk who had questioned Chu Xiu before saw that Chu Xiu's back had completely disappeared, and he couldn't help but question: "First seat, is this Chu Xiu's words really credible? Except in Daluotian, We haven't had any contact with him, what if he lied to me and waited?"

Zen Master Ji Shan said solemnly: "The mind is deceitful and the lies are repeated, of course it is not credible!"

The old monk said in surprise: "Then why do you still promise him?"

Zen Master Ji Shan looked towards the west and said lightly: "Because what he said is true, that is, he also wants to destroy the Sanskrit religion.

The reason doesn't matter, it's the result that matters.

In this result, he will not lie to me Tianlu Baosha. "


"Because in the entire Daluotian, no one can offend both the Tianluo Baosha and the Brahma Sect to death at the same time!"

The grievances between Chu Xiu and the Sanskrit religion are all real. A palace master and a palace master all died in the hands of Chu Xiu. Over the years, it can be said that no one has ever allowed the Sanskrit religion to eat it except the Tianlu Baosha. Such a big loss.

But now Chu Xiu has done it, so the enmity between him and the Sanskrit religion cannot be resolved.

If he dared to offend Tianlu Baosha to death at this time, he could only be a lunatic.

Master Ji Shan saw that Chu Xiu was lying, but he could also see that Chu Xiu was not a lunatic, so naturally he would not do these things.

"Go, all the temples are moving. The bigger the movement, the better. Let the Sanskrit Church see that my Heavenly Buddha Temple is ready to eradicate these heresies!"

After returning to the land of Nanman, Chu Xiu did not delay, and immediately called all the warriors in the retreat to Daluotianlai, leaving only a small number of people in the lower world to guard.

He only has three months. It took more than a month to return from the Western Regions, and it will take another month to pass. Because of the large number of people, even this time will be longer, so there is not much time for Chu Xiu to gather people. .

After all the people from the lower realm had left the border one after another, Chu Xiu told them about the matter, and Wei Shuya and the others were actually not too surprised.

Since Chu Xiu has already been to the Western Regions, and everything has been given, it proves that Chu Xiu has a certain degree of certainty in this matter, and they only need to execute it.

Chen Qingdi's eyes lit up even more: "The bald donkey of the Sanskrit religion? Someone beat up just after leaving the customs, not bad."

In fact, Chen Qingdi's martial arts are also suitable for breakthroughs in the fight. Although he was basically the one who was abused unilaterally in the battle with Jun Wushen, he even broke one hand before he came back from recuperation, but he was also in cultivation. Has a lot of insight.

Lu Jianghe reminded: "Vatican religion is not a bald donkey, people have hair."

Chen Qingdi waved his hand casually and said, "Never mind, they are the same as the bald donkey anyway."

Lu Jianghe reminded again: "Brahma Buddhism and Tianluobaosha are not in the same way. Tianluobaosha is a lineage of Zen. The two sides have some origins, but they are completely different."

Chen Qingdi turned his eyes to Lu Jianghe with a bad look, is this guy addicted to breaking the stage?

Seeing Chen Qingdi's expression, Lu Jianghe immediately shrank his neck and said quickly, "If you say the same thing, then it's the same, as long as you are happy."

Lu Jianghe was still a little terrified of Emperor Chen Qing. It should be said that he was a little terrified of such a madman fighting maniac.

Chu Xiu said solemnly: "Okay, don't talk nonsense, we don't have much time, so we immediately went to the Nanman Land to assemble.

Black Jie, green jade. How much do you know about the barbarians near the Western Regions? "

Hei Jie and Lu Fei were specially called by Chu Xiu from the depths of Nanman.

Before, he walked through the Nanban jungle alone, which may not attract attention, but this time he will take tens of thousands of people to traverse the Nanban jungle together. Unless the barbarians are blind, they will not turn a blind eye. .

Hei Jie said: "After some dealings, the barbarian tribes in the west are very large, much larger than our current Hei Jie tribe.

Moreover, the other party has a large tribe, the Luoshan Department, which governs dozens of tribes in the western jungle.

The leader of the Luoshan Department, the old barbarian king, is very strong, and I am afraid that he is not weaker than you, Lord Envoy.

And the old barbarian king does things fairly, never bullying other tribes, and even helps those tribes when they are short of prey, so he is very respected by other tribes.

Sir, if you want to traverse the dense forest of the southern barbarians, as long as you can deal with the old barbarian king, then everything can be resolved. "

Chu Xiu nodded and said, "You go to the western jungle with me first, and the others will follow at the back."

Compared with dealing with the top sects like Daluotian, who are all elites, Chu Xiu actually prefers to deal with these barbarians, at least there are not so many routines.

The place where Luo Shanbu is located is the deepest part of the entire western jungle. The last time Chu Xiu went to the Western Regions, he did not pass by here.

There are even many levels of small tribes to intercept, but with Hei Jie and Lu Fei leading the way, the Heluo tribe is now a big tribe among the barbarians, and wherever they pass, everyone gives way.

After walking for several days, Luo Shanbu finally appeared in front of Chu Xiu.

Most of the barbarian tribes are very simple, because they are easy to move, so even the barbarians themselves don't care much.

But this Luoshan Department turned out to be a small city. It was piled up with rare bluestones in the dense forest. It looked like a decent thing, and there were even many buildings that imitated the human race city, which made Chu Xiu feel Very novel.

When Hei Jie and Lu Fei brought Chu Xiu to the door, they heard a loud bang and a person fell from the door.

The barbarian was more than two feet tall, even the tall and mighty Hei Jie looked like a dwarf in front of him.

He was wearing only a tiger skin skirt, and his bare upper body was covered with tattoos, even his face, which looked like a ghost at first glance.

Every step this giant-like barbarian took, it seemed like the ground was shaking and the mountains were shaking. The powerful strength contained in his body could be said to be the strongest one that Chu Xiu had ever seen except Chen Qingdi.

"Hei Jie, did you bring this human race to give us an extra meal at night?

And the little girl Lu Fei also came. Did you figure it out and plan to marry me?

The strongest warrior should have the prettiest girl, marry me Longshan, I promise you will have countless prey, even if you want the horn on the top of the mountain, I can break it off for you! "

Chu Xiu gave the giant a strange look, and then looked at Lu Fei, who was just a little taller than a normal woman. The picture was a little too beautiful, and Chu Xiu didn't dare to think about it.

Lu Fei blushed and said angrily: "Longshan! I'm a priest of the Hei Luo clan, what are you talking about? To insult me ​​is to insult my Hei Luo clan. Do you really think that my Hei Luo clan can bully me at will?"

Longshan opened his mouth and smiled: "A-niang taught me, you girls are all about what you think about, but you have to refuse, and you will only agree after asking several times.

Trouble, really troublesome, but you are the most beautiful pearl in the Heluo Department. If you think that one time is not enough, I can still come several times. "

Hei Jie said with a dark face: "Longshan! This is the envoy of my Hei Luo tribe, don't be rude! I gave you news before, I want to see the old barbarian king."

After he finished speaking, Hei Jie whispered to Chu Xiu: "Sir God Envoy, he is the first warrior of Luo Shan's division, Long Shan, he is very strong, and I am no match for him.

I heard that when his mother was pregnant, he once killed a fierce beast, the Black Canglong, which may be the last black Canglong in the entire 100,000 mountain. Longshan was born bathed in dragon blood, and has been extremely powerful since childhood.

But I heard that his head fell on the dragon's horn when he was born, so his brain is not easy to use. Don't take it offense, my lord. "

Chu Xiu raised his eyebrows. He suddenly felt that Longshan's mother was a ruthless person. How could she kill an ancient beast when she was about to give birth?

Longshan said disdainfully: "Isn't it just a human What kind of divine envoy..."

Before he could finish speaking, an old voice came from the city: "Longshan, don't make a fool of yourself and bring people in."

Hearing this voice, Longshan obediently brought Chu Xiu and others into the center of the city, a large hall made of bluestone.

However, when Chu Xiu climbed the steps of the main hall, he felt something was wrong.

On the stone pillars of this hall, not only a lot of totems belonging to the barbarians are inscribed, but there are also Sanskrit characters of Buddhism and Taoist patterns. It is very abnormal to see this thing in barbarian tribes.

But when Chu Xiu entered the hall and saw the old barbarian king who was highly respected by Hei Jie, Chu Xiu was really shocked.

Although his complexion could remain the same, his eyes were full of horror.

Sitting on the main seat of the main hall was actually a tall and strong old Taoist priest, holding a bun, wearing a meridian hairpin, and wearing a moon-white cloud-patterned Taoist robe. The breath emanating from him was extremely deep. It was not the aura of a barbarian race, but the aura of a martial artist in the Martial Immortal realm, and even Chu Xiu couldn't see through his cultivation, so he was definitely higher than him.

If the old man in front of him is not sitting here, but is placed in the outside world of Taoism, he must be the sect master of a certain Taoist sect. Who would have thought that he would actually be the most prestigious old barbarian king among the barbarians?

For the first time, Chu Xiu felt that he seemed to have miscalculated a bit. The means he had prepared before to deal with the barbarians might have to be replaced.

At the same time, Chu Xiu also gave Hei Jie and Lu Fei a stern look. Why didn't you say this kind of thing in advance?

Hei Jie and Lu Fei are also a little overwhelmed, they don't know what they have done wrong, the old barbarian king has always been like this, you didn't ask.

At this time, the old barbarian king said in unusually standard Central Plains words: "Little friend has come from a long way, please take a seat."

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