Meet The Leader

Chapter 1351: The strength of the little white face

The way of thinking of the old barbarian king is really similar to that of the human race. It should be said that apart from blood, he is almost a human race.

It's just that Chu Xiu didn't really feel anything about what he said. After all, he was not a barbarian, let alone those from Daluotian.

Chu Xiu said in a deep voice: "Senior, please rest assured, after I return from the Western Regions, I will send someone to do business with Luo Shan Department."

The old barbarian king nodded and said, "I believe your words now.

Knowing that you are coming, the patriarchs or the priests of the other tribes around my Luoshan Department have already arrived in advance.

As long as your strength can convince them, no one will stop you in the area of ​​​​100,000 Dashan.

In fact, it is very simple to convince my family, they only worship the strong. "

But then the old barbarian king sighed: "But I would rather they be more complicated than naive as they are now."

Having said that, the old barbarian king waved his hand directly and sent people to invite the leaders of the major tribes to the center of the city.

In the center of the city of Luoshan Department was a formation, a standard Daoist formation.

But after knowing the identity of the old barbarian king, Chu Xiu is not surprised.

The other party stayed in the Lingbao Temple for a long time. Although the number of Lingbao Temple is small, it is definitely one of the few major factions in the Taoist branch. The inheritance is extremely deep. It is normal for the old barbarian king to learn the authentic Taoist formation .

When they climbed to the high platform, the other barbarian leaders and priests present beat their chests with their right fists, knelt down on one knee, and gave the old barbarian king a big gift.

This is the most formal and largest etiquette of the barbarians, second only to the five-body prostration when kneeling to the ancestors and gods.

The old barbarian king is the only powerful being who can conquer their bodies and their hearts over the years, making them respect and awe from their hearts.

In front of everyone, the old barbarian king simply said a few words of barbarian language, and Chu Xiu didn't understand it too much. It is estimated that the meaning is very simple, and there is no need to make it too complicated with these barbarian warriors.

After speaking, everyone present looked at Chu Xiu with eagerness to try.

For the barbarians, fighting has never been a shameful thing, and even they are happy and proud of fighting.

Usually they are fighting by themselves, but now they can have a chance to fight against foreigners in an open and honest way and win honor, they can't even ask for it.

But at this moment, Long Shan, who was standing beside the old barbarian king, suddenly said loudly: "The old barbarian king! I want to fight him!"

The old barbarian king's face suddenly turned dark: "Don't be ridiculous!"

Longshan shouted: "I'm not fooling around!

Lu Fei kept looking at him, she must be interested in this foreigner's little white face!

I want to defeat him and prove to Lu Fei that only me, Longshan, is the real powerhouse. That foreigner is just a little white-faced person who doesn't look good! "

Chu Xiu was not angry. After stepping into the realm of Martial Immortals, he found that his temper was much better. To be more precise, his realm was different. Some things had opened up a lot. guy is angry.

But Chu Xiu touched his chin, still feeling a little strange.

For so many years, there have been people who called him on the rivers and lakes, the better ones were the sect master, the prince, the bad ones, there were demonic murderers, Chu Xiu old thieves, etc., but the only one who didn't call him a little white face.

But then again, among these barbarians, Chu Xiu was really the whitest, even whiter than Lu Fei.

At this time, Lu Fei, who was standing beside Chu Xiu, shouted with a blushing face, "Don't talk nonsense! I am a priest of the Heiluo tribe, and I will never marry you!"

She was really looking at Chu Xiu just now, but she didn't mean it that way, but because she realized from the conversation between Chu Xiu and the old barbarian king that she and Hei Jie seemed to have done something wrong, so she was cautiously Looking at Chu Xiu, I wanted to see if the envoy was angry, but he was called out by Longshan.

The old barbarian king wanted to reprimand Longshan with a dark face, but Chu Xiu said at this time: "You can fight anyone, and this big guy can fight, but if he beats him, do they recognize the leaders of other tribes?"

The old barbarian king said: "Longshan is the number one warrior of my Luoshan clan, and he is stronger than the leaders present. If you beat him, of course they will recognize him.

But you have to think about it. Longshan's strength is not ordinary. He was born with the blood of the dragon. Although his brain is not good, he is talented in battle. Ordinary Martial Immortals are not his opponents. "

Chu Xiu smiled and said, "Ordinary Martial Immortals are not my opponent either."

Hearing what Chu Xiu said, the old barbarian king waved his hand directly, opened the formation in the center of the city, and let Longshan and Chu Xiu enter.

Longshan carried a three-zhang long, huge animal bone hammer pointed at Chu Xiu, and said in a loud voice: "I will let you know that only the strongest are worthy of the most beautiful pearls in the Hei Luo tribe!"

Chu Xiu shrugged and said in a familiar voice: "Your thinking is very dangerous. When chasing a woman, you have to use your heart, not your fists."

"There's so much nonsense! A-Niang said that in the past, which girl my clan had a crush on, she could be her own wife if she was stunned and carried back with a stick. Now it's really troublesome!"

As Longshan's voice fell, the animal bone hammer in his hand was like a hill, and it smashed down with a bang. At that moment, the power shook the void, causing the entire city to shake, and the surrounding formations started immediately.

With just this blow, Chu Xiu knew why the old barbarian king said that the general Martial Immortals were no match for this Dragon Mountain.

This Dragon Mountain is not a Martial Immortal, but a simple barbarian, but now he smashes it down with a single blow, and what he shows is the ultimate power rule, as if he himself is a part of this power rule!

Even if the Martial Immortals of the Zhanwu Shenzong came, they might not be familiar with the use of the rules of power in front of Longshan.

After a while, I didn't know when Chu Xiu had already held it in his hands. Facing this power-pulling rule, it was as if the sky had collapsed with a hammer, and Chu Xiu had also slashed out a knife, a knife with extreme power!

Swallow the sky!

The deep sword glow is like a black hole, swallowing all power.

The three-foot-long knife collided with the three-foot-long animal bone hammer, and the burst of force even directly covered everything in front of him, making it impossible for people to see the situation in the formation.

The old barbarian king's eyes shrank sharply, apparently recognizing this style of swallowing the sky among the seven great limits.

He traveled through the four worlds in Daluotian, and worshipped several sects. His experience in the field of vision was even deeper than that of ordinary Daluotian warriors, and it was normal for him to know the seven great limits.

But because of this, he didn't expect that there are still people who want to practice this unknown sword technique.

After more than ten breaths, the power storm completely dissipated, and everyone saw the scene in the formation.

Chu Xiu stood with a knife, his expression unchanged, and Longshan was blasted into the corner, but it didn't look like he was injured, but the animal bone hammer in his hand had been blasted into ashes.

Looking at the animal bone hammer that had turned into ashes in his hand, Longshan stood up, pointed at Chu Xiu and shouted angrily, "It's not fair! Your knife is much sharper than mine!"

The old man's face darkened, even if he wanted to reprimand Longshan and tell him that the weapon itself is a part of strength, you don't have the opportunity to obtain a good weapon, so you can still complain about the weapons in the hands of others?

But Chu Xiu directly flipped his hands, put the broken time into the secret box, spread his hands, and said lightly: "Okay, then we won't have to fight with weapons."

Longshan let out a long breath, slammed over like a tyrannosaur, stepped on the ground, and instantly the entire ground turned like a dragon, and began to burst and roll.

But before he could get close enough, Chu Xiu had already formed seals on his hands, the six reincarnation bracelets on his wrists were shining brightly, and the six samsara's wonderful flowers were displayed, and the power of six reincarnations directly wrapped Longshan in it.

The power of Heaven and Human Dao lowered the mighty coercion, the power of Hungry Ghost Dao eroded the flesh, and the Dao of Humanity wiped out all power...

The huge roulette wheel was constantly bombarding around Longshan, and at the same time shaking the primordial spirit, causing him to keep screaming.

The old Man King's expression changed again. He had never seen this type of exercise before, either it was created by Chu Xiu himself, or it was inherited from his lineage.

This type of exercise should originate from the Buddhist lineage, but it is not very similar, but its power is even close to supernatural powers!

Although Chu Xiu had the upper hand at this time, he actually had no choice but to win Longshan.

The other party is really talented, bathed in dragon blood, and this body is no different from a fierce beast. The power of the six reincarnations has not completely consumed his power.

The Primordial Spirit offensive in the Six Paths Reincarnation Bracelet But this guy is just a tendon. Even if he is pulled into the Six Paths Reincarnation, it cannot destroy his state of mind. It is also impossible to destroy the opponent's primordial spirit, which is not strong, but extremely tenacious.

Longshan covered his head and screamed miserably: "If you have the ability, don't use those strange methods, we are considered heroes when we fight in an upright manner!"

An unpredictable smile appeared on Chu Xiu's face: "Okay, I will satisfy you."

Saying that, Chu Xiu directly put away the Six Paths Saha Congregation Miaohua Wheel.

Longshan rubbed his head and was frustrated twice. The anger in his eyes had risen to the extreme, and even his eyes were glowing with blood, but his eyes were erected like snakes, and his breath soared three times. point.

But before he could do it, Chu Xiu had already done it.

Fa Tianxiangdi is displayed, and the huge figure of thousands of feet directly protrudes out of the formation. Compared with Fa Tianxiangdi, Longshan's little giant body is like a little rabbit.

With a punch, Longshan roared and greeted him with a punch, and the powerful storm burst open, but Longshan unexpectedly caught the punch.

The second punch fell, and Longshan was directly knocked back a few steps, but he held on and did not retreat.

But when the third punch, the fourth punch, the fifth punch... the entire field has been covered by the power storm, and the formation burst with a bang!

The old barbarian king's complexion changed, and between the waving of his hands, the rays of light scattered in all directions, smoothing out all those frantic power storms, and even the power of rules.

When the storm dissipated, everyone saw what the scene looked like.

Chu Xiu had already put away Fatianxiangdi and stood there, but Longshan had disappeared.

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