Meet The Leader

Chapter 1352: Sanskrit response

Chu Xiu's five fists knocked Longshan out of sight, which almost scared Hei Jie and Lu Fei to death. They thought that Chu Xiu directly knocked Longshan into flying ash.

You must know that Longshan is the No. 1 warrior of the Luoshan tribe. Although he is a stubborn person and his brain is not very good, he is loyal to the old barbarian king, and he is definitely the old barbarian king's confidant.

If Longshan is dead, then none of them will want to leave Luoshan's department today.

It's just that their worries are superfluous, and Chu Xiu knows the seriousness.

There was a wave of fluctuations on the ground, and Longshan struggled to climb out from the ground, looking ashamed, but judging from its appearance, it was not a big deal.

Chu Xiu said lightly: "This time you are convinced."

Longshan said in a sullen voice: "Longshan is convinced."

He was really convinced, convinced.

This guy is very stubborn. He feels disadvantaged with weapons, and Chu Xiu feels that he can't win with secret techniques, but now Chu Xiu has completely defeated him in his best strength, and he can't help but be convinced. .

Chu Xiu turned his gaze to the old barbarian king and asked, "Senior, is it okay this time?"

The old barbarian king sighed: "Of course you can, you have defeated Longshan, and almost no one of the clan chiefs of the surrounding tribes can fight against you.

I heard that although you are a Martial Immortal, your age is still considered a younger generation.

There are talented people from every generation in the country. Humans are as amazing and talented as you. Every generation has them, but in my barbarian race, there are not many in history. "

After the old barbarian king turned around and explained a few words to the clan chiefs of the tribes, he said to Chu Xiu: "You can let your people come here, but remember to bring the people from the Heluo tribe and let them open the way, otherwise these guys will not recognize human."

Chu Xiu cupped his hands and said, "Then I would like to thank the seniors."

Time waits for no one, and after speaking, Chu Xiu immediately went back to receive the large army.

Although there are some differences between this trip to the southern barbarians and what Chu Xiu imagined, the result is the same.

Just as Chu Xiu was walking through the land of the southern barbarians, the entire Western Region was like a huge powder keg, about to explode.

The Tianlu Baosha gathered all the monks in the pavilion, gathered all the forces, and slowly advanced towards the Brahma Sect. This move made the Brahma Sect a little unpredictable.

The western center of the Western Regions, where the Sanskrit Hall is located.

In the dark hall, all kinds of strange Sanskrit characters are inscribed on it. There is not a single window in the entire hall, but the interior is exuding chaotic fog and brilliance.

In the north of the hall stood a huge statue, with three heads and eight arms, feet on the ground, and the sky above its head. In the center was boundless chaotic fog.

In fact, Sanskrit was not a whole in the beginning, but three gods were opposed to each other, and they were also fighting with each other.

However, in the later period, the Sanskrit religion produced an amazing and brilliant existence, unified the three gods, and unified the Sanskrit religion that was about to be divided.

The statue behind them is not the three gods of Sanskrit, but after the three gods are united, what they worship is the supreme being, who has no name, but is the creator of the entire heaven and earth.

At this time, there were dozens of people gathered at the foot of the huge statue, all of them were the masters of the three Sanctuary temples and the major temples.

Standing in the center was a middle-aged man with white hair, wearing a silver robe, his white hair glowing with a silver luster, which was meticulously combed by him.

This middle-aged man is the main building of the Brahma Temple of this generation, Naga, the most powerful person in the Eighth Heaven Realm of Martial Immortals.

Beside him stood a thin and dry old man in black clothes.

The old man's eyes were extremely strange, and he couldn't see his pupils. One was pitch-black, as if filled with demonic energy, and the other was blood-red, as if soaked with blood.

This old man is Yama, the master of the Shiva Temple, and he is also the existence of the Eighth Heaven of Wuxian.

After the leader of the Brahma religion left, the entire Brahma religion was actually handed over to the temple masters of their three major halls, but now that there is no temple owner in the Vishnu Temple, the three of them are the masters of the Brahma religion.

The Tianluo Baosha had already begun to gather strength to advance, and it was clear that it was going to fight against the Brahma Sect, which immediately made the Brahma Sect extremely nervous.

After all, when it comes to power now, Sanskrit is not as good as the Heavenly Buddha.

The palace masters of the various shrines below were quarreling and discussing with each other. They belonged to the three major halls, and there was some disagreement. Coupled with the tense atmosphere at this time, these people below even almost started fighting.

"Shut up for me!"

Lou Naga let out a low voice, and the presence was suddenly silent.

"Can the quarrel turn the people of the Tianluo Temple away? Everyone gathered here today to come up with a constitution to deal with the Tianluo Temple, not to quarrel!"

Yama said in a hoarse voice from the side: "What regulations do you want? The soldiers will block the water and cover the soil. Those bald donkeys want to take advantage of the weakness of my Sanskrit religion, so let them all become dead bald donkeys!"

Yama's words contained the ultimate murderous intent, as if a boundless sea of ​​blood was churning.

Lou Naga said solemnly: "That said, there is still something wrong, the people from the Tianlu Baosha took the shot too suddenly.

They should know that the formations of the upper and lower realms won't last long, and they may be completely shattered at some point.

At that time, Daluotian will usher in a new world of great competition. At this time, if they take action against my Sanskrit religion, they will not be afraid that the loss will be too great, causing them to be eliminated in this world of great competition? "

When the Sanskrit religion confronted the Tianluo Baosha before, there was still a tacit understanding between the two sides, that is, a stalemate, no one took the first step.

As a result, this tacit understanding was suddenly broken by Tianluobaosha.

Yama sneered: "Those bald donkeys hate us to the bone, what can't they do?

But it doesn't matter, since they want to take action, then our Sanskrit religion will also accompany you to the end! "

Lou Naga glanced at Yama, with a hint of dissatisfaction in his eyes.

The guys in the Shiva Temple are always like this, they don't think about the overall situation, they only know how to fight and kill, and they don't make a big deal.

Of course, in this situation, they have no choice but to fight.

Lou Naga said solemnly: "Yam, your Shiva Temple is the strongest in combat. This time, your Shiva Temple is still the first to go up. Do you have any opinions?"

Yamagai smiled and said, "Isn't it like this every time? Don't worry, the people in my Shiva Temple are not afraid of death. Warriors who die in battle will naturally go to see Lord Shiva."

Lou Naga's brows jumped, as if he said that people on his side were afraid of death.

With a light snort, Lou Naga did not quarrel with Yama at this time. He continued to instruct other shrines to their respective positions. At the end, he said: "There is no lord of the Vishnu Palace, so you are in this battle. The last to stay.

There are all kinds of secret treasures that have been studied halfway in the Vishnu Hall, and these things can't be damaged. "

Yama nodded indifferently, without any comments, anyway, the Vishnu Temple was the one with the lowest combat power before, and most of the time they would not take action.

After all the instructions were given, Lou Naga suddenly turned his gaze to Yindra.

"Yindra, you don't have to take action in this battle, stay behind to guard the Vishnu Temple."

Yindra was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and then dissatisfied: "Why do you want me to guard the rear? With my strength, is it possible that I only deserve to guard the rear?"

Almost all people in Shiva Temple are belligerent, especially madmen like Yindra.

In this world-shattering battle, Lou Naga even asked him to guard the rear, how could Yindra endure this?

Lou Naga said solemnly: "It is precisely because of your strength that you are allowed to guard the rear.

Yindra, don't think that if you really killed the Seventh Heaven of Martial Immortal, you can really be on par with the Seventh Heaven of Martial Immortal.

Your martial arts characteristics are suitable for one-on-one kills. At that time, you can exert the greatest effect with the fire of destroying the world, which is enough to tear apart any rule.

But this time, the Tianlu Baosha put everyone on the battlefield, and so did our Sanskrit religion.

In this environment, once the chaos begins, your advantages will be lost, and you may even be inferior to the existence of the normal Martial Immortal Fifth Layer.

At the moment, there is no Martial Immortal in the Vishnu Hall, except for an old man like Anasilo. It is also for the sake of protecting the Vishnu Hall and the overall situation. "

Yindra was still a little unconvinced, and he couldn't help but turn his eyes to After all, Yama was his immediate boss and half of his master. Half of what he learned was from Yan. taught by Moore.

Yama's mind wasn't just about killing, he also knew what Lou Naga said was right.

"Just do as Lou Naga said, if you want to make a move, there are many opportunities.

This time you stay behind, it is indeed more valuable than rushing to the front. "

Hearing Yama said the same, Yindra had no choice but to nod in agreement.

Lou Naga looked around for a week, and said solemnly: "Since this is the case, then go back to gather the warriors in your own shrine, and prepare to face the Tianluo Baosha!

Even if our Sanskrit religion is at a disadvantage now, and the bald donkeys from Tianluobaosha come, they must leave a bunch of bald heads before they can leave! "

With an order, the Sanskrit religion that occupies half of the Western Regions has begun to move, and all the shrines and warriors standing on the side of the Sanskrit religion have begun to gather.

By the time the Tianlu Baosha pushes people into the confines of the Sanskrit religion, the people on the side of the Sanskrit religion are already ready.

When it comes to the battle between the two major factions of this level, there is actually no means at all, because both sides know each other's strength too well, and they can even be accurate to each other's court or shrine. how many people.

So in this case, all means are useless, and in the end, all the power can only be pushed out, and the competition is the fundamental strength of both sides.

In fact, this level of war has been fought several times for thousands of years. Although there are winners and losers each time, they have never been able to completely destroy the other side.

The Sanskrit thought that the result would be the same this time, but they didn't expect that they never liked to use conspiracies and tricks to attack the open and upright Tianlu Baosha, but this time they gave them a different 'surprise'.

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