Meet The Leader

Chapter 134: Canglan Sword Sect


Tongzhou Prefecture is such a big place, usually a small incident can be spread in a day, not to mention the news that a congenital warrior of the Qinglang Gang was killed.

And the shopkeeper Fang didn't realize the sensitivity of Chu Xiu's identity, so he directly told Chu Xiu's identity, which caused another shock.

Ordinary people don't know Chu Xiu's identity, don't they know? After all, when Canglan Sword Sect wanted Chu Xiu in Wei County, there was a lot of uproar, and almost all martial artists in Tongzhou Prefecture knew about it.

At this time, in the Shen family, several elders of the Shen family had expressions of joy on their faces when they heard the news.

Not because they found the murderer who killed Shen Mo in the past, but because they could use this news to please Shen Bai again.

Since Shen Mo's death, their Shen family has nothing to do with Shen Bai, and naturally there is no halo body protection of the Canglan Sword Sect. Unless they have a congenital warrior, the Shen family will decline completely. .

For other sects, the innate martial artist can only be said to be ordinary, and even some teenage disciples can reach the innate.

But for a small family like the Shen family, the innate warriors were the strongest fighting force in his family. Without the innate warriors, they could only endure being oppressed.

After the elders of the Shen family discussed it, they immediately decided to send someone to the Canglan Sword Sect to inform Shen Bai that they must be the first to deliver the news!


The so-called Canglan Sword Sect is called the Canglan Sword Sect because there is a long river under the Canglan Sword Sect, called the Canglan River.

It is said that this Canglan River was cut out by one of the strong men with a sword when two strong men in ancient times were fighting. Of course, this is just a legend. Many warriors expressed doubts, and they cut a big river with one sword. Fighting for life and death, wouldn't it kill the entire Shang Mang Mountain?

But the only thing that is certain is that there are indeed kendo masters here in the Canglan River. It is said that the founder of the Canglan Sword Sect saw the sword marks left by those strong men when they fought, and suddenly realized it. After thousands of years of development, it became the Canglan Sword Sect, one of the seven sects and eight sects.

At this time, Shen Bai was sitting in the council hall in the mountain gate of Canglan Sword Sect, watching the news from the Shen family, and the expression in his eyes did not change in the slightest.

A disciple of the Canglan Sword Sect below him asked: "Senior brother, the people of the Shen family are still waiting for news outside, what should we do?"

Shen Bai waved his hand expressionlessly and said, "Go give them a sword with the imprint of my Canglan Sword Sect and send them down the mountain."

What are the people of the Shen family here for, Shen Bai knows this.

It's just that he doesn't want to have a half-point relationship with the Shen family now, and just throwing them a sword with the imprint of the Canglan Sword Sect is enough to fake it.

Shen Bai put down the news and went directly to a house in the back mountain of Canglan Sword Sect. He knocked on the door respectfully, and an old voice came from inside: "Come in."

Shen Bai pushed open the door and entered. In the courtyard, an old man dressed in gray was sitting cross-legged on the ground. Although his beard and hair were all white and his face was old, his back was still straight, without the slightest hunchedness, and his aura was extraordinary.

The old man had a chessboard in front of him, but he had no opponent. He was actually playing chess with himself.

This old man is the current head of Canglan Sword Sect, 'One Sword Shen Jiang' Liu Yuan!

In the past, Liu Yuanyuan used his own strength to support the Canglan Sword Sect. He took over the sect when he was in his prime. He once fought against people on this Canglan River, and the power of his sword cut the Canglan River to a temporary halt, sinking his opponent directly into it. The bottom of the river, so he was called a sword Shenjiang.

However, Liu Yuanyuan was already old at this time. He was nearly three hundred years old this year. Even if he had the cultivation base of the Martial Dao True Core Realm, he would not be able to withstand the erosion of the years.

Above the fifth level of imperial qi is the three realms of refining gods. Those who can reach these three realms are at the master level, and can support a top sect of the rivers and lakes. All the sects that appear in the songs of the rivers and lakes are the weakest. There is a martial arts master who has reached the three realms of contemplation.

The three realms of concentration are: the real Dan of the martial arts, the real fire refining the gods, and the three realms of heaven and earth.

After reaching the first realm of Martial Dao, the real pill realm, the lifespan can reach more than three hundred years. In other words, Liu Yuanyuan has now reached the level where his lifespan will be exhausted.

In the past, Liu Yuanyuan's name was still on the list, but now Liu Yuanyuan has not been shot for more than ten years, and has already been off the list.

"Master." Shen Bai bowed and sat down in front of Liu Yuanyuan.

Seeing his well-trained close-door disciple coming, Liu Yuanyuan's mouth showed a smile: "But what's the confusion about martial arts?"

Shen Bai shook his head and said solemnly: "Master, the person who killed my brother for many years has appeared in Wei County again. I want to borrow the power of the Canglan Sword Sect to go down the mountain to find him and kill him."

Liu Yuanyuan was silent for a moment, then raised his head, looked into Shen Bai's eyes and said, "In Jianghu, there are some things that you can't do if you want, Shen Bai, you are a closed disciple that I accepted. When I was in Lan Jianzong, I knew that you were the successor I wanted.

Over the years, I have restricted you to practice within the Canglan Sword Sect. Even if your strength has reached the outer realm, I will not let you go out and explore the arena. Do you know what this is for? "

Without waiting for Shen Bai to answer, Liu Yuanyuan said solemnly, "Because I want you to be a blockbuster in the arena!

My Canglan Sword Sect has been silent long enough, I am old, Canglan Sword Sect can only be trapped in Wei County, but you are still young, I am going to hand over the future of Canglan Sword Sect to you.

Among the younger generation of Jianghu, the strength of Outer Gangjing is indeed good, but it is not enough. You are not Nie Dongliu of Juyi Village. You have the identity of the young master of Juyi Village. Then he stepped into the Dragon and Tiger Ranking, and he was able to rank in the top ten of the Dragon and Tiger Ranking as soon as he stepped into Xiantian.

You are also not a world-shattering genius 'Little Heavenly Master' Zhang Chengzhen from the Zhang family of the Tianshi Mansion on Longhu Mountain. When you were born, Xiaguang rushed into the sky, with a thunder pattern in his palm, and he was immediately listed as the heir of the next Tianshi. In the seventeenth year of the list, he is the only person in the world who has been on the Dragon Tiger List and the Billboard at the same time.

You are not them, so you can only rely on your own hard work to become a blockbuster. When you have not gathered the top three flowers, I will not let you take action, because you only have one chance to take action, this time you must let the whole arena Remember you, let you step into the top ten of the dragon and tiger list! "

After taking a deep look at Shen Bai, Liu Yuanyuan said solemnly: "Only the top ten reputation of the Dragon and Tiger Ranking can calm down your senior brothers, when I accepted you as a closed disciple, many people were dissatisfied.

I train you as the heir of the head, but you don't have the title of heir. I can give you this title, but it will cause turmoil in the Azure Lantern Sword Sect and cause everyone's dissatisfaction. Only when will you be able to When I can truly afford this title, I will officially give it to you. "

Shen Bai took a deep breath, these words Liu Yuanyuan had never told him before, but he could vaguely feel them.

When Liu Yuanyuan accepted him as a disciple, some of his senior brothers were over a hundred years old or even nearly two hundred.

These people are the elders of the Canglan Sword Sect, but in the end, he wants to call them senior brothers.

And these people also have disciples, some are young, some are in their prime, and they all have the qualifications to compete for the heirs of the Azure Lantern Sword Sect, but they have to be called Senior Brother Shen Bai, of course these people will not be convinced by him.

Looking at Liu Yuanyuan, Shen Bai said solemnly, "This disciple understands, I won't go after Chu Xiu."

Liu Yuanyuan nodded with satisfaction and said, "People are so involuntary in the rivers and lakes, and everything must be considered for the overall situation. Sometimes even the hatred of killing the father or the hatred of the wife should be endured and must be endured."

But at this time, Shen Bai suddenly said: "But Master, I can't do anything, but I still want to ask Canglan Sword Sect to dispatch some of the disciples to kill that Chu Xiu.

Seeing the enemy pass by under my nose like this, but I turn a blind eye, disciple, I am not reconciled! "

This time Liu Yuanyuan didn't stop him, he nodded and said, "Don't worry, I will arrange it."

Shen Bai is the person he likes. Whether Canglan Jianzong can rise again in the future will depend on him. This is the same as when his master trained him. Chasing down a person is not too difficult for Canglan Sword Sect.

With the addition of Canglan Sword Sect, the people who chased Chu Xiu also changed from three sides to four sides. At this time, Chu Xiu hid in Nanshang Mang Mountain again. The people from Xuecheng were repulsed, and it was time to see this time.

In the dense forest of Nanshang Mang Mountain, a congenital warrior from the Canglan Sword Sect was searching boredly.

This time, they were sent down the mountain to search for Chu Xiu. In fact, these disciples were reluctant.

The sect did not give them rewards, this time it was purely equivalent to voluntary labor.

And this time Canglan Sword Sect made a big mistake, that is, they didn't understand Xio's strength.

Weijun is a little far away from Beiyan. If they want to collect information about Chu Xiu, they can still collect it, but this time Canglan Jianzong made a move a bit hastily, so they only got some crude information, all of which are outdated. Oh, they thought that Chu Xiu was only in the Inner Astral Realm. After all, when Tongzhou Mansion shot, there were ordinary people and low-level warriors around. While Chu Xiu deliberately restrained his breath, they couldn't see Chu Xiu's behavior. real strength.

Therefore, in this way, the strength of the warriors sent by the Canglan Sword Sect is not very good. Among them, there are warriors in the blood coagulation realm. If you understand Chu Xiu's Juyi Village and Jibei Piaoxuecheng, you should send this warrior. If a low-level warrior came to hunt down Chu Xiu, that would simply be giving Chu Xiu a head.

Just when the warrior of the Azure Lantern Sect was searching boredly, a dark shadow flashed in front of his eyes. Just as the warrior of the Canglan Sword Sect was about to draw his sword, he felt as if his spirit was sinking. An abyss is generally, completely immersed in it.


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