Meet The Leader

Chapter 135: killing night

In the middle of the night, in the dense forest of Nanshang Mang Mountain, the five-member group of the snow city in the extreme north carefully searched in the dense forest.

They have heard about Chu Xiu's second killing of the Outer Astral Realm, so most of the warriors are actually working in groups of ten. Only his group is unlucky because the number of other groups is enough, and there are only five of them. a group of people who act.

But now that Chu Xiu was looking for a dead end, he actually took the initiative to walk out of Beishang Mang Mountain, and he was still showing his face in Tongzhou Mansion, which also made everyone more sure of each other's location.

In addition, the area of ​​Nanshang Mang Mountain is much smaller than that of Beishang Mang Mountain. As long as they search for a few days, they will completely encircle Chu Xiu, and then this difficult task will be over.

But at this moment, the five people suddenly noticed that there seemed to be movement in front of them, and the five people ran over immediately, and what appeared in front of them turned out to be a sword-wielding warrior in blue clothes, only in the innate realm.

Seeing that this person is not Chu Xiu, the people from the snow city in the extreme north suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. What are you doing in the jungle of the mountain?"

The martial artist shouted: "I should have asked you this right! Do you know whose territory this is, and you dare to be so arrogant here, it's just courting death!"

Because it was late at night, the five people in the North Piaoxue City did not notice that the warrior's eyes were dull.

But when they heard this, the five of them immediately exploded.

Extremely North Piaoxuecheng is like an overlord in the North, even the generals of Beiyan's military have to give them the face of Extremely North Piaoxuecheng.

If things go on like this, the warriors of the snow city in the extreme north are more or less infected with some irritable and domineering characters.

For this kind of thing, the powerhouses in the North Piaoxue City did not correct it, because they also have this kind of character.

Now this innate warrior dares to be so arrogant here, which immediately ignited the anger of the warrior in the extreme northern snow city. When did a small innate warrior dare to be so arrogant in front of him?

The martial artist in the snow city in the extreme north even snorted coldly: "I think you are the one who is courting death! The most important thing in walking the rivers and lakes is to know the rules and awe. Today, uncle, I will teach you what awe is!"

At this moment, the innate warrior on the opposite side actually pulled out the sword in his hand, which made the outer astral warrior's eyes suddenly twitch.

A congenital warrior dared to draw his sword against him, was the other party overconfident or was the other party simply blind and couldn't see the aura of his outer astral realm?

But no matter what, a small congenital warrior dared to draw a sword in front of him, which made the outer astral warrior in the extreme northern snow city feel insulted.

He originally planned to teach the other party a small lesson, but now he just slapped it with a palm, with an extremely cold air, ready to abolish this kid first.

It's just that when his palm fell, the other party seemed to be crazy. He didn't even use his own swordsmanship. .

The palm that shone with icy astral energy slammed down, blasting the opponent out of the air directly.

The innate martial artist's chest was sunken, a large amount of blood spurted out, the sluggishness in his eyes finally dissipated, and the clarity was restored.

But just as he was about to say something, he was unable to say a word, and finally fell to the ground, breathless.

The Martial Artist from the Outer Astral Realm in Piaoxue City in the extreme north looked at his hand with some doubts, and then looked at the other party's corpse. He always felt that something was wrong.

Could this kid have a brain disease? First of all, he was disrespectful to himself, and then he didn't even dodge when he did it, it was like committing suicide.

At this time, Chu Xiu was on a big tree less than ten meters away from them, and his breath was so silent that he seemed to be a dead person.

Seeing the scene below, Chu Xiu murmured in his heart, "It should be coming soon!"

Just as the thoughts on his side flashed, there were bursts of clamor in the distance, and a Canglan Sword Sect warrior from the Outer Astral Realm ran quickly with seven or eight warriors.

They were attracted by the traces that Chu Xiu deliberately left, but just now they heard the sound of someone making a move, so they hurried here.

But after arriving, what they saw was the corpse of their Canglan Sword Sect warrior on the ground!

"Senior brother!"

The expression of the warrior from the outer gang realm suddenly changed, and he pointed at the people in the snow city in the extreme north and shouted: "You people in the snow city in the extreme north are so bold! You dare to kill on the territory of my Canglan Sword Sect. Do people from my Canglan Sword Sect really take my Canglan Sword Sect as a soft persimmon?"

The people in the snow city in the extreme north did not know that the Canglan Sword Sect was chasing Chu Xiu, but the Canglan Sword Sect knew them.

Although the goals of the two sides are the same, the goals are different, so there is no communication at all. Moreover, the relationship between the sect of Wei County and the sect of Beiyan has always been poor, and there is no need for communication.

As a result, now the disciple of the snow city in the extreme north found out that he had killed someone from the Canglan Sword Sect, and he immediately secretly said something bad.

The Snow City in the extreme north is also one of the eight sects of the Seven Sects and Sword Sect of Canglan, but in fact, the Snow City in the extreme north has never taken the Sword Sect of Canglan in its eyes.

In the entire Canglan Sword Sect, except for the old Liu Yuanyuan, the rest are all mediocre people.

When Liu Yuanyuan can no longer hold his sword, then the Canglan Sword Sect will probably be squeezed out of one of the seven sects and eight factions.

However, no matter how weak the Canglan Sword Sect is, this is Wei County, and it is also the territory of his Canglan Sword Sect.

His own disciple was killed on his own territory. This is simply a provocation and an insult.

If it is their extreme north snow city, it is estimated that they will be more explosive and angry.

On the big tree, Chu Xiu's eyes have completely turned into pitch black, like a deep pool. Anger to the max.

In the past, Chu Xiu had only affected one person with the Heaven and Earth Destruction and Shifting Soul Dafa, but now he has to affect more than ten people at the same time. Even if only two of the ten or so people are outsiders, the consumption of mental power is not a problem. Normal weight.

Therefore, when Chu Xiu used the great method of destroying and moving the soul, he simultaneously formed a seal with his hands and displayed the nine-character art of speed and slowness.

The mantra: Inner lion seal, the Lord will be restored, and will not fall for a hundred eons!

The True Qi in Chu Xiu's body is constantly rotating, and the inner lion seal suppresses him, transforming his inner strength into mental strength, maintaining his own consumption.

The original function of the inner lion seal is to heal wounds, or to suppress oneself when severely injured in fierce battles to prevent the injury from erupting.

Now Chu Xiu uses it to suppress mental power, but it has some effect.

At this time, the martial artist in the snow city in the extreme north also knew the problem, so he immediately said: "Several brothers, please listen to me, this is actually a misunderstanding..."

"Misunderstanding! Kill my Canglan Sword Sect disciple and pay it back with your own life first!"

For some unknown reason, the leading warrior of the Canglan Sword Sect, the anger in his heart was surging. They used to be peaceful in their work, but at this time, they seemed more irritable than the people in the snow city in the extreme north. He came up with a sword and fought with the people from the snow city in the extreme north.

And the people from the snow city in the extreme north were planning to defend at the beginning, but seeing that the opposite side was showing no mercy at all, they were fortunate enough to kill them directly.

The people in the snow city in the extreme north are also not small, and the other party wants to kill them. Is it difficult for them to keep their hands?

As a result, the two sides fought to the death immediately, and blood was already seen after a few moves. At this time, even if Chu Xiu did not use the Heaven and Earth Destruction and Movement of Soul Dafa to influence, the two sides could not be separated at all.

On the tree, Chu Xiu put away the Heaven and Earth Destruction Soul Movement Dafa, his head was covered in cold sweat, and even his head felt a little tingling.

"Is the mental power exhausted?"

Chu Xiu rubbed his head, the Heaven and Earth Crossing the Yin-Yang Great Compassion Fu really deserved to be a rank nine magic art, even if it was just one of them, the current Chu Xiu couldn't fully control it.

After the completion of the Heaven and Earth Destruction and Movement of Soul Dafa, it has the power to move the soul, and can unknowingly strangle the opponent in the illusion.

After looking down, Chu Xiu turned around and left.

Such a big movement here should be able to attract most of the warriors in Nanshang Mang Mountain. The rest depends on the development of the matter. I believe that as long as the Canglan Sword Sect is not so soft, Juyi Village and Jibei It is absolutely impossible for the people of Piaoxuecheng to stay in Wei County again. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

In the early morning, Bai Jihu and Meng Yuanlong looked gloomy at the dozens of corpses on the ground.

They couldn't understand how they would fight Canglan Sword Sect on their own side, and the scale was so large.

He had already inquired about the process of that battle. It was true that he was a bit reckless. He did not know the details of the opponent before killing people, but the Canglan Sword Sect was a little too excited. He just died of a congenital warrior. It's just that, for the convenience, it turned into a war, and dozens of people died on both sides.

After a long while, Meng Yuanlong said solemnly, "I'm afraid this matter can't be settled so easily."

Bai Zhuhu snorted coldly: "Of course I know, but everyone has been killed, so what? Besides, there are not too many dead people in my North Piaoxue City."

At this moment, hundreds of sword-wielding warriors came galloping in the distance. One of them looked like he was in his 60s. He was carrying two long swords, one red and one blue, and came with an angry face.

"It's Liu Yuan's eldest disciple, 'Yan Shuang Sword' Dou Guangchen!"

Bai Qihu and Meng Yuanlong's eyes narrowed at the same time.

This Dou Guangchen was actually over a hundred years old, and he had a high status in the Canglan Sword Sect, and was definitely second only to Liu Yuanyuan.

The other party even sent out their own eldest disciples, obviously the comers were not good.

After waiting for the people to get close, Bai Jihu cupped his hands and said, "Brother Dou, what happened last night was actually a misunderstanding, you..."

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted directly by Dou Guangchen: "Withdraw from Wei County within three days, or the tutor will take action in person.

The family teacher's sword has not been unsheathed for more than ten years, and people in Jianghu may have forgotten that the family teacher's sword can not only sink rivers, but also cut mountains! "


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