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Chapter 136: stepping stone

ps: Thanks to the book friend Fat Tiger for the reward of 10,000 starting coins, and thanks to the book friend Eric Chen who reads qq for the reward of 10,000 book coins

The Canglan Sword Sect's attitude is astonishingly strong. In fact, the Canglan Sword Sect is indeed very angry now.

Before, the people from Juyi Village and Extreme North Piaoxuecheng entered Wei County in large numbers without saying hello to them, but now they dare to kill people on their Canglan Sword Sect's territory.

If this incident happened in the sects of Beiyan, such as Shenwumen, the other party might have given the opportunity to explain to the forces such as the Piaoxuecheng in the extreme north, but the Canglan Sword Sect would not. The reason is very simple, the Canglan Sword Sect The relationship with the major martial arts forces in Beiyan is not very good.

In the past, the Beiyan court had cooperated with the Beiyan rivers and lakes in many ways. The rise of Beiyan, the counterattack of Dongqi and the destruction of Wei, turned it into a Wei county, and the work of the major martial arts forces in Beiyan was indispensable.

As the sect of Wei County, Canglan Sword Sect has some connections with the former Wei State court. Even when the Canglan Sword Sect was the most powerful in the past, the support of the Wei State court was indispensable.

As a result, the state of Wei was later destroyed and became the Wei County of Beiyan. The Canglan Sword Sect also suffered a great loss in strength, and there was no less conflict with the martial arts forces of Beiyan. Now that the Canglan Sword Sect did not directly deal with the opponent, it was already forbearance.

This time, Chu Xiu dared to make calculations and let the two sides conflict because he knew this, so he chose such a method to break the game.

Of course, Chu Xiu had also thought about the worst scenario, and the Sword Sect of the Azure Lantern might endure this matter and admit it.

It's just that the chance is very small. When you reach a sect of the level of the Canglan Sword Sect, sometimes face is more important than lizi.

If something like this happened, Chu Xiu's strength is now greatly improved, as long as he finds an opportunity to avoid the masters of Bai Chahu and Meng Yuanlong, he will have a certain degree of confidence to kill the encirclement, but what kind of sacrifices will it take? The price of it, Chu Xiu didn't dare to guess too much.

At this time, the attitude of Canglan Sword Sect was extremely strong, and even with the irritable character of Bai Cao Hu, he had to endure it.

In terms of strength, although this guy in front of him is also a master in the realm of the unity of nature and man, his reputation in the arena is simply not comparable to that of his thirteenth master of the snow city in the extreme north.

But at the moment the other party represents the Sword Sect of Canglan. Judging from the other party's attitude, if they don't leave this time, it is really possible to provoke Liu Yuanyuan!

Bai Qihu gritted his teeth and said, "Let's go!"

This time, the North Piaoxuecheng and Juyi Village can be regarded as big losses.

Spending money to ask fortune-tellers to deduce Chu Xiu's position doesn't count. He also lost a lot of people when chasing Chu Xiu and clashing with Canglan Sword Sect. It can be said that he lost his wife and lost his troops.

Dou Guangchen smiled coldly, what about the snow city in the extreme north? How about Juyi Village? This is Wei County!

Seeing the people from the two factions retreat, Dou Guangchen also waved his hand and left with the people from the Canglan Sword Sect.

Chu Xiu didn't see this scene. He dared to hide his breath between some low-level warriors and the same-level warriors, but he did not dare to play such a small trick in front of the great master of the unity of nature and man.

When he reached the realm of unity between heaven and man, he sensed the changes in the world with his own power, and his perception would soar.

After a few days, Chu Xiu did not find any trace of the two factions in the jungle, so he could be sure that the other party should have retreated.

As for the Qinglong Club, they were the ones that Chu Xiu paid the least attention to.

It's not that the Azure Dragon Society is not strong enough, but that there are not enough people in the Azure Dragon Society.

If there are only so many hundred people in the entire Heavenly Crime Sect, if they all come to search for Chu Xiu, will the task of the Azure Dragon Society still be done?

As long as the helmsman of Heavenly Sin is not an idiot, he will also retreat when he sees the retreat of the people from Piaoxuecheng and Juyi Village in the extreme north.

It was just that Chu Xiu was a little unexpected that the two factions had retreated, but the Canglan Sword Sect was still looking for him, and they blocked most of the exits of Nanshang Mang Mountain and patrolled back and forth.

This made Chu Xiu frown. If there is only one family, Chu Xiu is sure to rush out, but it depends on luck.

If he chooses to rush out of the blockade, there are only warriors from the Outer Astral Realm, even if a few more come, Chu Xiu will be sure to escape.

But if he encounters a master of gathering three flowers, condensing five qi, or even the realm of the unity of heaven and man, Chu Xiu estimates that even if he bursts out with the strongest speed in the inner bondage, the chance of escaping is very small.

Therefore, Chu Xiu simply stayed in the dense forest of Nanshang Mangshan for a while. Anyway, he still had the cultivation resources such as medicinal pills that he had accumulated when he was a killer in the Qinglong Club, which was enough for him to use for a long time.

Right now, Chu Xiu had just stepped into the Outer Astral Realm, and this period of time was just enough time for him to build a deeper foundation for himself.

In the Canglan Sword Sect, Dou Guangchen came to Liu Yuan's house and said respectfully, "Master, the matter has been resolved, and all the people from Juyi Village and Jibei Piaoxuecheng have withdrawn from Wei County."

Liu Yuanyuan nodded and said: "It's good to withdraw, Guangchen, you have seen it, for these years my Canglan Sword Sect has been trapped in Wei County, and I haven't made a move on the rivers and lakes for a long time. Put it in your eyes.

Bai Jihu and Meng Yuanlong are not newcomers either. They all know the rules of the rivers and lakes. As a result, they brought people to Wei County to arrest people on a large scale, but they didn't even explain a word to me, Canglan Jianzong, as you can imagine. In their hearts, I'm afraid they don't take my Canglan Sword Sect in their eyes at all! "

Dou Guangchen said solemnly: "Master, please rest assured, the talent of the younger brother is here. When the younger brother steps into the real alchemy realm and becomes a martial arts master, he will definitely be able to lead my Canglan Sword Sect to step out of Wei County and spread the power of the world!"

If Dou Guangchen's words were heard by other members of the Canglan Sword Sect, they would definitely be shocked.

Because he is the eldest disciple of Liu Yuan, the one with the highest qualifications and prestige in the Canglan Sword Sect except Liu Yuan.

All Canglan Sword Sect disciples know that Dou Guangchen has long been dissatisfied with Liu Yuan's favoritism towards Shen Bai, and even has no good attitude towards Shen Bai on weekdays. Such a talk.

Looking at Dou Guangchen, Liu Yuanyuan sighed and said, "Guangchen, for making you a villain in front of Shen Bai all these years, I have suffered you. To be honest, do you feel any regret? The place is yours."

Dou Guangchen smiled and said, "Master, you know, other people may have this idea, but I definitely won't.

Even when I decided to be a villain in front of my junior brother and put pressure on him, I took the initiative.

My life was saved by you, Master. If there were no Master and Sword Sect of Canglan, I, Dou Guangchen, would be nothing more than a little pickpocket who was bullied by bullies in the dark streets. Maybe he would be beaten to death sometime.

The best period for me to learn martial arts has passed, resulting in an unstable foundation. Even though I have reached the peak of the fifth layer of imperial qi, I still cannot use the power of heaven and earth to refine the real pill of martial arts.

Right now, what my Canglan Sword Sect needs is an existence that can hold up the entire sect and turn the tide. This person is not me, only a junior brother.

Everything I am doing now is not for the sake of my junior brother, but for the Canglan Sword Sect! "

Liu Yuanyuan sighed and said, "You have already paid off my kindness to you in the past. Over the years, I and Canglan Sword Sect owe you."

After sighing, Liu Yuanyuan asked again, "Have you found Chu Xiu?"

Dou Guangchen shook his head and said: "I only temporarily blocked the exit of Nanshang Mangshan, and I haven't officially started the search.

After all, Nanshang Mang Mountain is not too small, and people from my Canglan Sword Sect can't search it at all, so I am going to notify other sects and let them also help in the search. "

But at this time Liu Yuanyuan said: "There is no need to search, just send someone to block the Nanshang Mangshan Mountain, and let them be evacuated in a few months."

Dou Guangchen said in surprise: "Why do you do this? Then Chu Xiu is not the enemy of the younger brother, so finding him is just enough to avenge the younger brother."

Liu Yuanyuan said lightly: "It is precisely because that Chu Xiu is Shen Bai's enemy that I have to let him go.

Since joining Canglan Sword Sect, Shen Bai's road has been too smooth, or he doesn't have any big goals.

He only knew how to cultivate with one heart, and after stepping into the arena, he was a blockbuster, but he didn't know how to take this first step.

I have investigated Chu Xiu's is the exact opposite of Shen Bai. This person is completely from the grass, and he is able to fight all the way to this level, relying on boldness and aggressiveness, and his methods are cruel. Even now it has reached the eighteenth place on the Dragon Tiger list.

This Chu Xiu is Shen Bai's enemy and an obstacle on his way forward. The sect can remove this obstacle for him, but in this way, besides getting revenge, what else can he gain?

Therefore, we cannot help him remove this obstacle, he needs to remove it himself!

It can be said that this Chu Xiu is the stepping stone for him to step into the arena! "

Dou Guangchen said hesitantly, "But Master, what if my junior brother is planted in the hands of this Chu Xiu? Over the years, there are many people who were born in the grass and hold high positions, such as Nie Renlong in Juyi Village. The newlyweds worship Juyi in Juyi Village, and in the eyes of other Jianghu people, it is just a kid's joke, but now Juyi Village is already famous all over the world.

I am afraid that the younger brother will suffer in the hands of Chu Xiu. If he fails because of this, my Canglan Sword Sect's efforts will be wasted. "

Looking into the distance outside the door, Liu Yuanyuan said indifferently, "There are so many grass and grass in the rivers and lakes, but there is only one Nie Renlong.

Besides, what I need is Shen Bai who is a blockbuster in the arena. If he can't even solve a Chu Xiu, and he still needs Zongmen to help him, why should we train him so hard?

If what I want to train is just a successor of the Canglan Sword Sect, then Shen Bai is actually qualified now.

But now what I want to cultivate is a master who can lead the Sword Sect to turn the tide and rejuvenate. That Shen Bai needs to be sharpened, far more than he imagined! "Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.


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