Meet The Leader

Chapter 137: warning

At this time, Chu Xiu didn't know that his crisis was actually solved. Although the solution was extremely comical, he was regarded as a sharpening stone to hone his own disciples, and became a stepping stone for the other party to become famous.

Having been in the dense forest of Nanshang Mang Mountain for many days, Chu Xiu found that the people of Canglan Sword Sect only chose to block the exit of Nanshang Mang Mountain, and did not choose to go into the mountain to search. Chu Xiu also felt relieved and dived directly into the dense forest. The depths of the retreat began to practice.

In the martial arts, Chu Xiu has no teacher, and he is completely from the wild road. What he considers is actually very simple, just two words: become stronger!

No matter what kind of cultivation technique, whether it is right or wrong, as long as Chu Xiu's strength becomes stronger, then everything is easy to say.

Among the exercises that Chu Xiu has mastered at the moment, the strongest are actually the two parts of the Great Compassion of Yin and Yang of Heaven and Earth and the Jiu Zi Jue.

The Great Compassion between Heaven and Earth, Yin-Yang Great Compassion Fu Chu Xiu understands, it is definitely a magic art that shakes the world and weeps ghosts and gods.

It's a pity that even if Chu Xiu has the benefit of knowing the plot, it's useless, because in the original plot, no one can collect these seven exercises and combine them into a full version of Heaven and Earth's Great Compassion of Yin and Yang.

Now that Chu Xiu wants to collect it completely, it can only rely on luck, and it can even be said that the probability is very slim.

As for the nine-character technique of speed and slowness, which did not appear in the original plot, it gave Chu Xiu a great harvest.

If you take out the Nine Characters of Speed ​​and Slowness alone, one of them is an extremely powerful exercise, and it can be arranged and combined at will. The various effects together can be regarded as a perfect exercise.

For example, Chu Xiu used all his strength to mobilize the Heaven and Earth Destroying Soul Dafa, and then suppressed himself with the lion seal to prevent excessive mental overdraft. This combination was very good.

Therefore, in this retreat, Chu Xiu, in addition to cultivating his own internal strength and making his qi a little longer, the rest is to major in the nine-character art of speed and slow, and cultivate every form to a proficient or even proficient level.

When Chu Xiu has cultivated all the nine-character art to the extreme, then the nine-character combination will be able to burst into even more powerful power. Although the speed of the nine-character art has only nine moves, it is actually ten moves.

During the practice, Chu Xiu almost forgot the existence of time, and even forgot that he was still besieged in Shang Mang Mountain.

Half a year later, in the cave, Chu Xiu, who had been sitting in the same place for a month, suddenly opened his eyes, and a scarlet edge bloomed from his hands.

The Blood Refining Divine Gang exploded with a bang, reaching a length of ten feet, and slashed directly onto the wall without making any noise. It was like a mud cow entering the sea, and it fell directly into the stone wall.

In half a year of practice, in addition to being familiar with the nine-character art of speed and slowness, Chu Xiu spent the rest of the time cultivating his inner strength.

Right now, Chu Xiu's blood-refining divine gang has been able to burst out a zhang distance. Although the progress has not doubled, in fact, the 1 zhang-long qi has surpassed 80% of the warriors on the rivers and lakes, and now he can only be regarded as an outsider. In the middle stage of the Astral Realm, even the later stage has not arrived.

He patted the dust on his body, Chu Xiu restrained his breath, and quietly probed towards the edge of Nanshang Mang Mountain. To Chu Xiu's surprise, he didn't even look at a warrior of the Azure Lantern Sword Sect. arrive.

But then Chu Xiu was relieved, and estimated the time. It has been half a year since the last time he was hunted down. The disciples of the Canglan Sword Sect also need to practice. Just because of Shen Bai's words, the entire Canglan Sword Sect will In the first half of the Nanshang Mang Mountain defense, Shen Bai may not have such a big face. Even if the head of the Canglan Sword Sect makes such a decision, other disciples will implement it, but they will also be dissatisfied.

Now that the people from the Canglan Sword Sect have withdrawn, Chu Xiu will naturally not continue to delay. He left Nanshang Mangshan directly and walked in the direction of Dongqi, preparing to enter Dongqi first.

Right now, Chu Xiu was on the Canglan Sword Sect's territory after all, and it was only safe to leave Wei County.

So after going down the mountain, Chu Xiu changed his clothes, did some dressing up, and went directly to Dongqi.

With Chu Xiu's current leg strength and all his strength, he only took seven days to arrive at the border between Wei County and Dong Qi.

However, after just stepping into a small town, Chu Xiu felt something was wrong.

In fact, it's not true that this feeling has been felt since Chu Xiu went down the mountain for a few days. It seems that someone has discovered him. It only feels like this in a crowded downtown, but the other party didn't make a move.

Even if Chu Xiu has practiced the Heaven and Earth Destruction and Shifting Soul Dafa, his spiritual power has greatly increased, but he still can't be sure who is watching him when there are people around him, that person, or those people must be well-trained The existence of , will not reveal his expression within the range of Chu Xiu's perception.

Therefore, Chu Xiu guessed that someone should have discovered him, but the person who found him was not strong enough. He only dared to observe secretly in a crowded place, and followed the road, instead of appearing directly in front of him.

Chu Xiu could escape into the jungle again, but if he wanted to enter the Eastern Qi border, he had to pass through these small towns at the junction, and he couldn't get past it.

Now that Chu Xiu stepped into this town, the feeling became much stronger in an instant. The other party even had a feeling that he was actively leaking aura to make himself aware of it, and this aura was very strong, the other party should have one more person. A master, at least in the Outer Astral Realm, he is still somewhat familiar with it.

Secretly frowned, Chu Xiu pretended not to notice, and continued to walk. After a while, the strong aura disappeared, leaving only another more ordinary aura looming, which should be observed from a distance. Own.

Chu Xiu turned around and walked towards the place where the powerful aura leaked out before. It was a small alley at the corner, and a dart was hidden on the wall.

The whole body of the dart is golden, the dart body is slender, and the dart tail is like a lifelike dragon tail, which is extremely conspicuous.

With a move of Chu Xiu's hand, he quietly put the dragon-tailed soul-chasing dart into his arms, and a strange look appeared in his eyes.

He has already recognized who this dragon tail dart belongs to, it is Tang Ya!

In the past, Tang Ya had a habit of playing with some delicate hidden weapons in his hands, and this Dragon Tail Soul Chasing Dart was one of them.

If it was Tang Ya, then Chu Xiu would know who was secretly following him, and it should be the one who was responsible for the sin of heaven!

I seem to have guessed wrong. The rudder master of Heavenly Sin is a little bit more petty than Chu Xiu expected. The other party knows that the blood jade Linglong has been refined by him, and that staying here will also affect the development of the Qinglong Club. , still trying to hunt down Chu Xiu at all costs.

Only those killers who are not as powerful as themselves can hide in the crowd and monitor themselves, and they don't get lost when they are on their way. After all, these are the basic skills of killers.

It's just that those who followed Chu Xiu before may only have the innate realm, so they didn't dare to show up, but this time it was Tang Ya who came in person.

Of course, what puzzled Chu Xiu even more was why Tang Ya took the initiative to expose himself.

Now Tang Ya's actions are obvious, he is giving himself a hint, telling himself that Qinglong will come after him, and let him escape quickly.

But the crux of the problem is that he seems to have nothing to do with Tang Ya in the rudder of Heavenly Sin.

Among the killers in the rudder of Heaven and Crime, the ones who have a good relationship with Chu Xiu are the Ghost Hand King, Huo Nu, and Tang Ya. The two sides have only cooperated a few times and can talk about it, but the relationship is not very good. , what does Tang Ya mean by taking the initiative to remind him this time?

Chu Xiu suddenly thought that the helmsman of Heavenly Sin had chosen between himself and Tang Ya, who should be the one to attract firepower for the dead ghost. Could it be that Tang Ya himself guessed this matter?

However, instead of thinking about these things at the moment, there was a hint of coldness in Chu Xiu's eyes, and the matter of God's sin should be resolved.

It was actually reasonable and reasonable for Jibei Piaoxuecheng and Juyizhuang to chase and kill him. After all, it was Chu Xiu who grabbed food from the tiger's mouth and snatched it from these two factions.

But the helmsman of Heaven's Sin, he first calculated Chu Xiu, but Chu Xiu saw it through, and in turn calculated him once.

The helmsman of Heavenly Sin wants to be unrelenting, so Chu Xiu will naturally not forget this grudge!

After thinking for a while, Chu Xiu's mouth suddenly revealed a gloomy The killer of the Qinglong Society who was secretly spying on Chu Xiu shivered suddenly, thinking of this man who is in the rudder of sin in heaven At the time of the terrifying record, he couldn't help showing a panicked look in his eyes, trying his best to keep his facial expression unchanged and quietly disappearing in the crowd.

In one day, Chu Xiu walked a lot in this town, as if he had left something behind, but it seemed to be aimless, which made the assassins of the Qinglong Club who were monitoring Chu Xiu very strange.

It was only after nightfall that Chu Xiu walked into a tavern, which made the killer of the Azure Dragon Society heave a sigh of relief.

Counting the time, the adults should be here too, and there is nothing to do with him.

It was already dark, and there were no other guests in the tavern except for Chu Xiu.

After ordering a few side dishes and a pot of rice wine, Chu Xiu had been here for two hours. The shopkeeper of the tavern glanced at the sky and couldn't help but want to drive people away.

But when he just got up and didn't speak, Chu Xiu took out a piece of gold and threw it in front of him.

The shopkeeper bit the gold with his teeth in disbelief. There are more than ten taels in such a large piece, and he bought several taverns.

"This guest, do you need me to cook some more dishes for you?" The shopkeeper trotted all the way to Chu Xiu, smiling flatteringly.

Chu Xiu waved his hand and said, "Let's go, I'm going to stay here for the night, so the door doesn't need to be closed."

When the shopkeeper heard this, he immediately packed his things and went back to sleep.

With such a large piece of gold, he wouldn't care even if Chu Xiu demolished his tavern.

After the shopkeeper left for half an hour, Chu Xiu poured a glass of wine and said lightly, "They are all old acquaintances, no need to hide, come out."


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