Meet The Leader

Chapter 138: new and old

In the silent night, several figures in black clothes suddenly emerged from the darkness and walked into the tavern one by one.

Most of them are acquaintances of Chu Xiu, Tang Ya, Yan Bugui, Ghost Hand King, Huo Nu and Wolf King.

However, there is a stranger among them. He is probably in his thirties. He has a long sword behind him. He has the strength of the outer astral realm, but his breath is very weak. If he didn't go to Chu Xiu, he should have just stepped into the Outer Astral Realm.

His mask was hung around his waist, and two sword marks were drawn on it, one blue and one purple. At this time, he was looking at Chu Xiu with a scrutiny and provocation.

Looking at the Ghost Hand King and the others, Chu Xiu said lightly, "Lord Rudder is really persevering. The people from Juyi Village and Piaoxuecheng in the extreme north have all left, and even the nearby Canglan Sword Sect has withdrawn. , he even asked you to stare at Wei County, he is really willing to pay for it."

Huo Nu smiled bitterly: "We are not all here to watch, but take turns to come to Wei County to investigate the news, at least one-third to half of the people who are the rudder of the whole heaven are guarding around Nanshang Mang Mountain. ."

Looking at Chu Xiu who was still drinking leisurely there, the Ghost Hand King sighed: "Chu Xiu, why bother, the exquisite blood jade is a good thing, but because of it, you betrayed the Azure Dragon Society and were hunted down by various forces, it's worth it ?"

Chu Xiu raised his eyebrows and said, "King of Ghost Hands, although you and I have known each other for a while, you should know what kind of person I am, do you think I am the kind of person who is blinded by the benefits of treasures in front of me?

I don't want to betray the Azure Dragon Society, but someone is forcing me to betray the Azure Dragon Society! "

The Ghost Hand King frowned and said, "Forcing you to betray the Azure Dragon Society? Didn't you steal the blood jade Linglong?"

At this moment, the martial artist from the Outer Astral Realm snorted coldly: "King of Ghost Hand, what nonsense are you talking to him? Lord Rudder Master will be here soon. To deal with such a traitor, do you still want Lord Rudder Master to take action in person? Can't it?"

The Ghost Hand King's face is a bit ugly. In the helm of Heavenly Sin, although he is not a foreigner, he is the oldest one.

Tang Ya and Yan Bugui, who were the strongest in the past, never talked to him like that, and then the most famous Chu Xiu didn't talk to him in that way, but the tone of this martial artist was almost a reprimand.

Chu Xiu didn't seem to see the warrior, but looked at the ghost hand king: "Who is he?"

The Ghost Hand King also ignored the martial artist and said lightly, "The Bashan Sword Sect's outcast, 'Qingdian Sword' Chen Qiao, was brought into the Heavenly Sins by the helm master three months after you left the Heavenly Sins. Inside, it is highly valued by the helm master."

On top of the word 'respect', the Ghost Hand King increased his tone, obviously disdain for Chen Qiao.

The other party's attitude was modest when he first joined the Heavenly Sin Fenrui, but later his arrogant and domineering side was revealed.

In the past, Tang Ya was just a bit eccentric, and he didn't use his strength to bully others, especially if Yan Bugui was like that, and he didn't even bother to talk at ordinary times.

And Chu Xiu's character has always been that people respect me one foot and others respect others ten feet. The Ghost Hand King did not rely on the old to sell the old. Huo Nu, Wolf King, and other killers who did not have a code name also respected him enough. Chu Xiu did not. So many bad tastes to put on the air of being a master and a strong man.

But this Chen Qiao is different. This person is from an old-fashioned sect like Bashan Sword Sect. The concept of class is too serious. On weekdays, the old man who is in charge of the chores of the helmsman like the Ghost Hand King is called to drink. , I even paid less attention to Huo Slave, Wolf King and other warriors who were not as strong as him.

Of course, if this Chen Qiao was only arrogant and domineering, he would not be able to mix in the rudder of Heaven and Crime, and naturally someone would teach him a lesson.

The biggest advantage of Chen Qiao is that he can examine moderation and flatter the helmsman.

In the past, there was no such person in the helm of Heaven and Crime. The Ghost Hand King was only smooth, and Huo Nu and the Wolf King just listened to the helm master, but they would not take the initiative to beat the horse.

As for Tang Ya and Yanbugui, needless to say, they may not even know what flattery is.

The helmsman of Heavenly Sin is also a human being, and naturally he likes to listen to good things and flatter him.

In the past, Tang Ya and others had strength, as long as they were obedient, he didn't ask for so much.

But now this Chen Qiao was born in the Bashan Sword Sect after all, he has some strength, and he can slack off, so his position in the heart of the helmsman of Tiansin will naturally come from behind, which is relatively high.

Chen Qiao over there heard the disdain in the voice of the Ghost Hand King, as well as the ignoring attitude of Tang Ya and the others, his complexion sank immediately.

The Chu Xiu in front of him was just a traitor of the Azure Dragon Society, but it seemed that in their eyes, his status was not even comparable to that of the traitor Chu Xiu.

Chen Qiao snorted coldly, pulled out the long sword with a cyan edge in his hand, pointed at Chu Xiu and shouted: "Shut up! What do you mean by chatting and laughing with this traitor now? The helm master has spent half a year this time. Only caught his trace, and now let him go, can you afford this responsibility?"

From the moment he came in, Chen Qiao maintained a lot of hostility towards Chu Xiu. This was not because of his loyalty to the helmsman, but because of jealousy.

Although Chu Xiu had already defected after he joined the Qinglong Association, other killers in the Qinglong Association would still say how famous Chu Xiu was in the Qinglong Association, how majestic he was, and he had no temper, unlike him, Chen Qiao, etc. He used it to compare with Chu Xiu.

When this happened more than once, Chen Qiao naturally developed a feeling of jealousy and even resentment towards Chu Xiu.

Especially when entering the door today, the sense of alienation shown by the ghost hand king and others, it seems that Chu Xiu is their companion, and he is an outsider.

Of course it is.

In the past, Chu Xiu's performance in the Qinglong Club was obvious to all. Everyone present had performed tasks with him. In the battle of Yaojiazhuang, he beheaded Yao Nanqian and others in front of the powerhouses of various factions, and destroyed Yaojiazhuang. Returning to Yandong Wulin's field of vision, this is a genuine achievement.

You Chen Qiao, a new outsider, is so arrogant and arrogant, why? Just because you know how to jog? This is indeed disdain. It is the disdain of the old people from the Qinglong Society to the newcomer Chen Qiao.

Being pointed at by Chen Qiao's sword, Chu Xiu suddenly sneered. The next moment, he actually shot directly, squeezed the soldier's tactic, and the big diamond wheel seal suddenly fell.

At the moment when Chu Xiu shot, the Ghost Hand King and others took a step back in tacit understanding. No one paid attention to Chen Qiao, but watched Chu Xiu's shot with curiosity.

They have cooperated with Chu Xiu before, and they have some understanding of Chu Xiu's strength.

As a result, they have never seen the seal displayed by Chu Xiu, and its power is also amazing. Except for the wild goose who also shot violently, no one dared to take the seal of Chu Xiu.

At this time, Chen Qiao was also the same. Under the shock, the cyan long sword in his hand slashed out, and the cyan sword light with electric light crashed down in an instant. In an instant, hundreds of swords were cut out. A layer of Jianmang grid was laid directly under the Vajra Wheel.

What Chen Qiao cultivated was also the Purple Electric Blue Light Sword of Bashan Sword Sect, and his strength was not weak.

After all, he was born in one of the seven sects and eight sects, and even if his disciples were weak, they were not too weak.

Besides, if this Chen Qiao was really a waste, the helmsman of Heavenly Sin would not have included him in the Azure Dragon Society.

After all, although the helmsman of Heavenly Sin has a smaller mind, his requirements are also very strict, and those who can be favored by the helmsman of Heavenly Sin are the best among them.

It's a pity that now Chen Qiao meets Chu Xiu, who has just left the customs and has made great progress!

The golden astral qi bloomed on the seal, which made Chu Xiu, who was dressed in black, feel a little holy, like a real Buddhist Demon King Kong.

A violent explosion came, and Chu Xiu's incomparably fierce big diamond wheel mark directly smashed Chen Qiao's power grid sword light. He took a few steps back, and each step stepped on the ground under his feet with deep cracks, which was barely able to release the force, but a ray of blood flowed out of his mouth.

Chen Qiao looked at Chu Xiu with horror flashing in his eyes.

He could often hear all kinds of rumors about Chu Xiu in the rudder of Heaven's Crime. At that time, Chen Qiao was naturally unconvinced.

As a result, when they fight now, the opponent has not only reached the Outer Gang, but his strength is simply more terrifying than those of the warriors who have stepped into the Outer Gang for several I can't even take a move from him!

Not only Chen Qiao, but even Tang Ya and the others looked at Chu Xiu with a look of surprise at this time. Obviously, they didn't expect that Chu Xiu was so strong now.

The Ghost Hand King exclaimed: "Is this the power you got after you robbed the exquisite blood jade and refined it?"

Chu Xiu said lightly: "I said, I didn't even think about going to grab the blood jade before, I know how much I have, if the plan of the helmsman of the sin is normal, I will not **** the blood. Yu Linglong's opportunity.

It's a pity that the plan to **** the blood jade Linglong was originally a game. Did you not notice what was wrong? "

Having said that, Chu Xiu told the truth of that incident.

Looking at the few people present, Chu Xiu said lightly: "Everyone is working together, I don't want to turn against you, but the helmsman wants me to attract firepower as a shield for his own selfish desires. Of course I don't want to die. Then you can only betray the Azure Dragon Society.

Ladies and gentlemen, if this happened to you, how would you choose? "

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of everyone present were different, and they were all silent, especially Tang Ya, who didn't have the slightest expression on his face, just gave Chu Xiu a deep look.

Tang Ya is a smart person, because the helmsman of the crime was chosen from among him and Chu Xiu, so Tang Ya was also more sensitive to this matter afterward. the truth.

When tracking Chu Xiu before, he deliberately showed his breath and left a dart to remind Chu Xiu. There are also reasons for this. After all, if there is no Chu Xiu, this person who is regarded as an abandoned child is him.


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