Meet The Leader

Chapter 139: catastrophe

The ghost hand king and others are a little chilled by the behavior of the helmsman of the sin of heaven.

In fact, they have already had some guesses about this matter, but the ghost hand king and others are not as bold as Tang Ya, and they dare to investigate secretly. They just have some vague guesses in their hearts.

After all, after Chu Xiu defected in the past, the helmsman of Tiansin could actually report Chu Xiu to the headquarters of the Qinglong Association, and directly let the killers of the Qinglonghui in all the rivers and lakes pay attention to Chu Xiu, but the helmsman of Tiansin did not do so, he is not What is a ghost in your heart?

In the past, the actions of the helmsman of Heaven's Sin were extreme, and it was understandable that they had a strong desire to control their subordinates.

But like Chu Xiu, throwing him out as an abandoned child is just for his own selfish desires, which will inevitably make their teeth cold and have a feeling of sadness.

But before they could say anything, a cold voice came: "Nonsense!"

For a moment, the surrounding momentum became extremely depressed, as if the air had become a little thicker.

The helmsman of Heavenly Sin walked in from the outside and said coldly: "At this time, you still want to deceive people and play with your superficial means?"

Seeing the arrival of the helmsman of Heavenly Sin, the Ghost Hand King and the others suddenly froze in their hearts and immediately stood aside.

Whether their hearts are dead lips and teeth cold, or rabbits dead and foxes sad, since the helmsman of Heavenly Sin has appeared here, even if they sympathize with Chu Xiu, there is nothing they can do.

No one dared to resist the helmsman of Heavenly Sin, because that was simply courting death.

In the rudder of heaven and sin, only obedient people can live.

Just now he was injured by Chu Xiu, but Chen Qiao, who did not dare to speak out on the side, was full of energy at this time, and immediately echoed: "Chu Xiu, you betrayed the Qinglong Association, betrayed the helm master, and it is useless to let you talk about smallpox. !"

Chu Xiu didn't care about this clown-like figure, he just said lightly: "Am I trying to deceive people, you should know, Master Rudder."

The helmsman of Heavenly Sin stretched out a hand and said coldly: "In the past, you were hunted down by the major martial arts forces in Linzhong County, if it wasn't for me to take action, you would already be a dead bone.

But you still dare to betray me today, that's good, I will take your life back myself! "

The Lord of Heavenly Sin is a person with a strong desire to control, and also a person with deep obsessions.

In the past, when he was a killer in the bottom helm of the Blue Dragon Society, his mission completion rate was 100%.

Other killers of the Azure Dragon Society either died or gave up the mission after being seriously injured, leaving the unfinished stain on the record.

But the helmsman is different. If he finds that he can't kill the target, then he will not give up, but will continue to work hard, and he will not accept any tasks during the period. until the task is completed.

The longest mission record of the helmsman of Tiansin took three years, and even the employer died because of an accident, but he killed the target and completed the mission.

In the eyes of other killers, this kind of thing is very uneconomical, but the helmsman of Heavenly Sin insists on doing it.

The same is true of chasing Chu Xiu now. Whether it is the grumpy Bai Jihu or the more slick Meng Yuanlong, they will think rationally about this matter. When the cost of chasing and killing Chu Xiu will damage their interests, they will give up.

And even if the helmsman of Tiansin knew that he had killed Chu Xiu, he would not get any benefit, and he would even waste his efforts, but he still did not hesitate to spend manpower and material resources, and lurked in Nanshang Mang Mountain just to kill Chu Xiu. It is not only a vent of anger, but an obsession of the helmsman!

The power of heaven and earth around Chu Xiu began to shrink rapidly, and the endless astral qi was oppressing all-pervasive, to wrap Chu Xiu in it.

Chu Xiu had seen this kind of strange martial arts. When they first met, the helmsman of Tiansin used it to forcibly squeeze a martial artist into a mass of minced meat and blood mist!

Chu Xiu's eyes were full of brilliance, and the qi in his entire body burst out, directly exploding his strength to the extreme!

During the day, he had already arranged everything, and the person he wanted to wait for should be coming soon.

Of course, if something happened to the other party, then Chu Xiu could only risk his own life to see if he could escape from a powerhouse in the realm of the unity of nature and man.

At the moment when the helmsman of Heavenly Sin made a move, Chu Xiu's hands formed a seal, and the momentum around his body suddenly underwent a strange change, becoming incomparably calm.

Lin Zijue, Duguyin!

Dugu Yin is the master of stability, and the strongest infuriating energy is intertwined in the body, like Yuan Ting Yue Zhi, like a copper wall and an iron wall. Immovable like a mountain, solid as a golden soup, water and fire are invincible!

Lin Zijue was on the defensive. At this moment, the helmsman of Tiansin felt as if he had pinched a stone. The sound of the explosion of Astral Qi suddenly came, and Chu Xiu's figure retreated step by step, and his body was protected. Qi and Lin Zi Jue only supported for a moment, and it was already dead!

But even at this moment, he also blocked the blow, which made the helmsman of Heavenly Sin stunned for a moment.

"It's a strange seal, the defense is so amazing, it can actually block my Nikong Divine Claw, this is what you got by accident? I'm very interested, hand it over."

The Lin Zi Jue in the Quick and Slow Jiu Zi Jue can only barely resist the attack of the helmsman of Heavenly Sin. Chu Xiu gasped and said lightly: "I will give you the martial arts, and you will be able to let me go?"

The helmsman of Heavenly Sin was wearing a mask, but at this time, Chu Xiu could feel a sense of playfulness in his emotions.

"Of course not, but I can leave you a whole corpse to make your death more pleasant and beautiful.

After all, you have seen my Nikong Divine Claw, and the people who died under my hands are not very good-looking. "

Chu Xiu didn't answer, his right hand was already on the red sleeve knife, the power of the three knives of Abi Dao burst out, and a jet-black mist lingered on the blade, looking extremely evil and terrifying.

The person he was going to wait for hadn't appeared yet, so Chu Xiu could only do his best, and to be precise, it wasn't a fight, but an escape for his life.

At this moment, one of the walls of the tavern was directly smashed to pieces, and a sharp knife gang slashed with astonishing murderous intent, and that rich scarlet murderous intent even illuminated the entire night!

The complexion of the helmsman of Tiansin changed suddenly, and the **** claws of Nikong protruded out of his hand, and the qi collided with the knife gang full of murderous intent in mid-air, and a terrifying wave suddenly erupted, and it was torn apart in an instant. The whole pub!

"The little loaches of the Qinglong Association, you have crossed the border! One Beiyan is not enough for you to play, and now you are planning to cross Wei County and come to my Eastern Qi land to play?"

As the voice fell, several warriors walked in from outside the broken tavern. The leader was a bald giant in his forties. He also had the strength of the unity of heaven and man. He was wearing a silver white tiger armor. But wearing a scarlet cloak.

In his hand, he was holding a huge long knife that was close to one person's height. The shape was extremely ferocious. The front was a scarlet blade, and the back of the knife was a ferocious serrated wolf.

The moment he saw this person, the face of the helmsman of Tiansin suddenly changed, and he said coldly: "People from Baihutang! What do you mean? This is still Weijun, not you Dongqi, who violated the rules by crossing the border. It should be you!"

The giant bald man from White Tiger Hall sneered: "Weijun used to belong to me in Dongqi! The Sa family said that you crossed the line, and you have crossed the line!"

As soon as these people from the White Tiger Hall appeared, they were extremely domineering. The bald-headed man looked around and said, "Which of you is a member of the Dragon Cavalry Imperial Army? You won't have to wait for a fight. If you accidentally get hurt, you won't be able to explain it to them."

The helmsman and others were stunned for a moment, the Dragon Cavalry Imperial Army? Why is there still the matter of the Dragon Cavalry Imperial Army?

Chu Xiu stood up and bowed his hands to the strong man: "I met Lin Ye, the 76th Sergeant of the Dragon Cavalry Imperial Army Breaking Front Battalion, and met the seniors of Baihutang.

In the name of the second prince, he was lurking in Beiyan, collecting treasures and information about Beiyan for the second prince, but his identity was exposed during the treasure hunt, and he was hunted down by the Qinglong Association, so he turned to the seniors of Baihutang for help. "

With that said, Chu Xiu took out the waist badges he had collected from the bodies of the three dragon cavalry banned soldiers in the past, and let the bald man in the White Tiger Hall take a look.

During the day, after Chu Xiu reminded Tang Ya that the people from the Qinglong Society were coming to hunt him down, Chu Xiu actually already had a way to break the game. One of the branches of Baihutang is not far from the border between Weijun and Dongqi!

Baihutang and Qinglonghui are one of the four spirits, but the relationship between the two sides is incompatible. As long as they meet each other, there will be a war.

Originally, as Chu Xiu, it was a bit laborious to attract But Chu Xiu knew that many people in the arena do not know the secret, that is, Baihutang has actually taken refuge in the Eastern Qi court. , or it is more appropriate for the two sides to join forces.

In the past, Beiyan joined forces with Beiyan Rivers and Lakes, so that they could counterattack Dongqi and rise again.

Dongqi suffered a big loss. After the allies of Wei were all destroyed, they also wanted to take advantage of the power in the rivers and lakes.

It’s a pity that Dongqi is different from Beiyan. As the largest and most prosperous Dongqi in the Three Kingdoms, nearly half of the world’s martial arts forces are concentrated in Dongqi. The Dongqi court wants to borrow the power of other Jianghu sects without blood. It's not that easy.

Only a righteous and evil Baihutang has had too many grievances with the Eastern Qi Wulin, causing its own foundation to be damaged. It is necessary to find an ally before choosing to join forces with the Eastern Qi court.

It's just that the news has not spread to the rivers and lakes for the time being, so the outside world doesn't actually know about it except for the people from the Eastern Qi court and the White Tiger Hall.

A defector who was chased by the Qinglong Club could not invite someone from Baihutang, but what if it was the Dragon Cavalry Forbidden Army affiliated to the Eastern Qi royal family? During the day, Chu Xiu officially found several people from the bottom of the rivers and lakes secretly, painted the logo of the Dragon Cavalry Imperial Army and handed it to them, and asked them to send them to the White Tiger Hall to ask for help as the Dragon Cavalry Imperial Army.

The warriors of Baihutang are a bit violent and bloodthirsty because of their cultivation techniques, but this does not mean that the other party is an idiot.

Baihutang has just joined Dongqi, not to say it is to please, but at least he will take the initiative to maintain a good relationship with some military organizations in Dongqi, so Chu Xiu used to take out the waist cards from the corpses of the three dragon cavalry banned soldiers. This time it was very useful. Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.


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