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Chapter 140: Guanzhong Punishment Hall

PS: Thanks for the reward of 10,000 starting coins on Book Friend Gospel No. 5

Chu Xiu's move of pretending to be a dragon cavalry forbidden army is not a risk, but he is 100% confident that he will not be seen through by the people of Baihutang.

There is no name on the waist card of the Dragon Cavalry Imperial Army, only the military camp to which it belongs, not to mention a newly joined organization like Baihutang, even other Dragon Cavalry Imperial Army may not be able to recognize Chu Xiulai.

The reason is very simple. The Dragon Cavalry Forbidden Army belongs to the Eastern Qi royal family, but it does not only obey the command of one prince, but the command of all members of the royal family.

In this environment, apart from acting alone, most of the Dragon Cavalry Guards performed tasks in a group of five, so unless they were in a group, even if they were all in the same battalion, they might not Able to recognize their colleagues.

Even today, if the people of Baihutang told the second prince of Dongqi about their news, as long as the second prince of Dongqi did not send someone to check the roster of the Dragon Cavalry Forbidden Army, the second prince might not see anything. wrong.

With so many dragon cavalry troops under him collecting treasures and other things for him, how could he remember everyone's names?

The helmsman of Tiansin and the others all looked at Chu Xiu with horrified eyes. At this time, even the helmsman of Tiansin couldn't figure out the details of Xiu. Could it be that he really was born in the Dragon Cavalry Imperial Army?

It is not a secret that Chu Xiu was born in Wei County, and Wei County was also affiliated to Dong Qi before, so if Chu Xiu secretly joined the Dragon Cavalry Forbidden Army, it is also possible.

But if you think about it carefully, it's not right. If this Chu Xiu was really from the Dragon Cavalry Forbidden Army, why was he chased and killed so miserably when he was in Linzhong County? Even Chu Xiu was almost besieged to death when the helmsman of Heavenly Sin took action.

But at this time, the helmsman of Heavenly Sin was no longer allowed to think too much. The warrior of the White Tiger Hall saw the token on Chu Xiu. Little loachs, it just happened that I haven't done anything for a few days, so I'll open the meat with you today!"

This White Tiger Hall's martial artist is not saying harsh words, what he said is the truth.

Baihutang's practice master is sharp and sharp, and everything must be practiced during the killing.

It's just that now Baihutang has angered most of the martial arts sects in Dongqi because of the excessive killing, so he has kept a low profile for a long time. Now that he meets the helmsman of this day, he can finally kill a big wanton.

The main hall instructed them not to cause trouble, not to provoke other sects at will, but it didn't say that they couldn't find the old enemy of the Qinglonghui!

There was a loud bang, and the scarlet qi with murderous intent burst out, and with the slashing out of the strong man of the White Tiger Hall, the murderous intent rushed into the sky!

White Tiger Demon God Gang!

The Baihusha Shengang of Baihutang is very similar to Chu Xiu's blood refining Shengang, but the true meaning of martial arts contained in it is different.

Chu Xiu's blood-refining divine gang was unsheathed, and what it condensed was the powerful blood evil power. Its power was amazing. It suppressed any alien power with the powerful blood evil energy. If it penetrated into the opponent's body, it could penetrate even more. Corrupting the blood of the other party is extremely evil.

The White Tiger Demon God Gang in the White Tiger Hall is much more simple and direct. The Western White Tiger belongs to Yujin, and it is mainly for killing.

This bald man from White Tiger Hall was in the same realm as Helmlord Tiansin, but his cultivation was obviously deeper than Helmsman Heavenly Sin, and his violent aura immediately suppressed Helmsman Heavenly Sin.

The other warriors from the White Tiger Hall also rushed up and fought with Tang Ya and the others.

Chu Xiu's eyes narrowed, and he said loudly: "Senior of Baihutang, I have to go back to Dongqi to hand over the treasure to the second prince. It's up to you, senior, to resist."

The strong man from the White Tiger Hall said casually while fighting: "Let's go, these little loaches from the Qinglong Society can be handed over to the Sa family!"

Chu Xiu glanced at the battle situation. The number of people brought by Baihutang was actually less. Chen Qiao, who had just been seriously injured by Chu Xiu's move, actually hid to the side and didn't make a move. Seeing Chu Xiu's gaze, he immediately stepped back. One step, a look of horror appeared in his eyes.

Just now Chu Xiu's big diamond wheel mark has already let him know the gap between himself and Chu Xiu, which is definitely a world of difference.

If he stopped Chu Xiu without knowing his life or death, he would be courting death at all.

With a stern smile at Chen Qiao, Chu Xiu didn't continue to shoot, but turned and left.

He is just a little guy who is used to seeing the wind, and killing him at this moment is a waste of time.

After leaving, Chu Xiu directly burst out with his greatest strength, but he did not go to Dongqi, but along the border of Dongqi, preparing to go to Guanzhong.

Chu Xiu did intend to go to Dongqi before, but now this incident has happened. Although Chu Xiu is sure that his fake dragon cavalry ban will not be exposed, but just in case, he better not go to Dongqi. Gathered over there.

Among the three major powers in the world, the water in Dongqi is the deepest. Because of the vast territory, nearly half of the major sects on the rivers and lakes are in the realm of Dongqi. With Chu Xiu's current strength, if he dares to continue doing things in Dongqi. , it is estimated that the end will be much worse than when he was in Beiyan.

During the day, Chu Xiu not only notified the people from Baihutang to come, but also thought about how to go next.

Right now, Chu Xiu has offended too many people. It seems that he needs a backer, or a place where he can clear his identity.

The so-called righteousness and evil are just nonsense. The monks of the Daguang Temple always say that they put down the butcher’s knife and become a Buddha on the ground. The Daguang Temple also accommodates many demons who are willing to convert to Buddhism.

Now Chu Xiu just has a nickname called Gorefiend, which refers to his means, but he didn't say that he really fell into the devil's way. As long as he finds a suitable backer, it will not be a problem to wash his own white temporarily.

Originally, the Qinglong Club could serve as Chu Xiu's backing, but later Chu Xiu also discovered that even if there was no such thing as the helmsman, the Qinglong Club's behavior was too extreme.

The killer organization is just a killer organization. Unless Chu Xiu sits in the position of the helmsman of Heavenly Sin, he is only a so-called gold medal killer, and he does not have much power yet.

Given time for Chu Xiu, Chu Xiu is sure to sit in the position of the helmsman, but this time is too long, and the reputation of the Qinglong Association is not very good, Chu Xiu directly set his eyes on other places, the place in Guanzhong is Chu Xiu's choice after careful consideration.

The land of Guanzhong is located in the center of the border of the Three Kingdoms. Because it is the border of the Three Kingdoms, even if the area is not small, it belongs to the chaotic area of ​​the three countries, and is disturbed by war all day long.

In the later period, when the Three Kingdoms began to truce, the Guanzhong Land began to serve as a convenient place for trade between the Three Kingdoms, and of course, it was also a convenient place for smuggling. The things that were prohibited from trading by the Three Kingdoms were all shipped to the enemy country through the Guanzhong Land.

At the beginning, there was no order in Guanzhong. Later, Guanzhong became more and more chaotic, and there were local martial arts forces, as well as some well-known local martial arts legends and loose cultivators who joined forces to form the Guanzhong Punishment Hall. the existence of order.

The history of Guanzhong Punishment Hall is not long. It has only lasted for more than 300 years now, and the power has been changed very quickly. In more than 300 years, there have been eight hall masters. Until 30 years ago, Guanzhong Punishment Hall is the real rise.

Thirty years ago, Guan Siyu, the "iron-faced judge", took over as the head of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, and reorganized the order of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall internally.

Externally, Guan Siyu contacted Beiyan, Dongqi, and Western Chu, so that the three kingdoms realized that they really needed a buffer zone, and the land of Guanzhong was a good choice.

Therefore, the three countries jointly signed a treaty. From then on, the land of Guanzhong belongs to an absolutely neutral existence. Any trade transactions between the three countries must be traded on the surface of the land of Guanzhong. Any smuggling of prohibited items will be punished. Repression in Guanzhong Punishment Hall.

Since then, the Guanzhong Punishment Hall has become a very special existence, between the temple and the rivers and lakes.

Although Guanzhong Punishment Hall has been recognized by the Three Kingdoms, it is not under the jurisdiction of any of the three countries, and even the power of these three countries cannot penetrate into Guanzhong Punishment As an absolutely neutral existence, Guanzhong Punishment Hall It will not fall to any side, so it is not considered as a military organization of the imperial court.

But in the same way, although Guanzhong Punishment Hall was born from the rivers and lakes, its role in the later period was to monitor the order in Guanzhong. The most important object of supervision was the martial arts forces in Guanzhong, and its role was somewhat similar to some military organizations in the imperial court. Come, Guanzhong Punishment Hall is much stronger than Juyizhuang and other Jianghu factions, but in fact Guanzhong Punishment Hall has not been included in Jianghu Songs.

In addition to these characteristics, due to the chaos in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, vendettas and even family ruins often happened.

Therefore, the Guanzhong Punishment Hall has cultivated a large number of Jianghu headhunters, who are specially responsible for these things.

The Jianghu Headhunters in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall are very famous in the whole world. Among them, the most experienced Jianghu Headhunters can analyze all the exercises and fighting steps used by both sides of the war even just by looking at the corpse. It seems that It's normal playback.

Therefore, when some sects or the imperial court need to investigate some things, they will even come to the Guanzhong place specially and invite a few Jianghu catchers to help.

Chu Xiu set his sights on Guanzhong, and he naturally wanted to join the Guanzhong Execution Hall.

When it comes to tolerance, it is estimated that there is no one in the entire Jianghu that can compare with the Guanzhong Punishment Hall. In the past, Guan Siyu, the master of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, the 'iron-faced judge', even once said to the entire Jianghu that the Guanzhong Punishment Hall only asked about his ability, not his identity. .

As long as you have the ability and you can abide by the rules of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, you can join the Guanzhong Punishment Hall.

It is precisely because of Guan Siyu's grand way of doing things in the past that a large number of Jianghu people from the grassy background came to vote, which made the rise of Guanzhong Punishment Hall so fast.


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