Meet The Leader

Chapter 1360: Rebuild the Demon Sect in Da Luotian!

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At the Guzun Conference, Meng Xinghe once came to Chu Xiu to say those outrageous words. At that time, Chu Xiu still felt a little puzzled and didn't know what Meng Xinghe meant, but now he thinks of what he just saw about Qi As for luck, Chu Xiu guessed what Meng Xinghe's plans were.

The key point of luck is people. One person's luck can't fight against the whole world, but a group of people can.

Although the strength of Gu Zun's lineage is strong, the only disadvantage is that there are few people. Therefore, Meng Xinghe established the Galaxy Martial Arts Academy and abandoned the idea of ​​a portal. Warriors, even if they belong to other factions, they also owe the Galaxy Daoyuan a share of luck and cause and effect.

Mei Qinglian on the side didn't know what it meant, Chu Xiu said in a deep voice, "Call Mr. Wei and the others, I have something I want to tell them."

If the matter of luck is just a speculation by the master of the Vishnu Temple, then although Chu Xiu will remember this matter, he will not take it too seriously.

But what Meng Xinghe is doing now goes straight to the word luck, at least in Chu Xiu's view, it is inseparable.

When everyone arrived, after Chu Xiu told them about this, everyone present had a thoughtful look on their faces.

Chen Qingdi touched his head and said, "I said, is this kind of thing reliable? Why do I feel so weird?

A certain battle, fighting and fighting with others, finally got to this point, can it be explained by a single word of luck? "

Chu Xiu shook his head and said, "Luck is the luck of this world, not for you alone.

A magical weapon falls from the sky, and the strong see it, it is called luck, and even if the weak pick it up, it will be counterattacked by the artifact, so do you think this person has luck or no luck?

Therefore, in my opinion, the theory of luck does indeed exist, and the actions of the master of the Vishnu Temple and Meng Xinghe have all proved that they have already sensed the existence of luck. "

At this time, Lu Jianghe suddenly said, "I agree."

Everyone looked at Lu Jianghe, but Lu Jianghe said with a rare contemplative tone at this time, "Listening to what you said, I remembered something.

When the sect leader competed for dominance in the rivers and lakes before, and completely shook the world with the magic power of the Kunlun Demon Sect, he once said such a sentence, the luck of the devil is all in my hands.

Back then, I beat the horse... I told the sect master that with the strength of our holy sect, let alone the luck of the devil's way, even the luck of the world must be in the hands of our holy sect.

But at that time, the leader pointed to Dongfang and said that half of it was in Ning Xuanji's hands.

At that time, I thought that the leader was only talking about strength, but now it seems that what he said about luck should be the meaning of luck. "

Since these words came from Dugu Wei I, Chu Xiu can actually go to Tianhun to verify.

But Chu Xiu was always wary of Tianhun, so he didn't plan to ask.

Chen Qingdi touched his chin and said, "Even if luck really exists, what does it have to do with us when Meng Xinghe established the Naoshizi Xinghe Martial Arts Academy?"

Chu Xiu said solemnly, "Of course it has something to do with it, luck is like a piece of cake, if you take a bite, I will take one less.

In the four regions of the Great Luotian, every top sect can take a bite of the cake, and the rest of the unpalatable places have not been eaten yet.

As soon as Meng Xinghe's Xinghe Martial Arts Academy came out, it was bound to attract those who had not yet requested it.

Among the four regions, the Buddhist sect in the Western Regions and the Taoist Sect in the Northern Region are deeply rooted, and only people from the Southern Region and Eastern Region can be attracted by the Xinghe Taoist Institute.

I have been in the Eastern Territory for so long, how can the Eastern Territory allow the Galaxy Daoyuan to meddle? "

In the four regions of the Great Luotian, Chu Xiu has always stayed in the Eastern Region, and he has the greatest reputation in the Eastern Region.

Now he and Ling Xiaozong have turned enemies into friends, and he is a member of Huangtian Pavilion, and only one Hanjiang City is an enemy.

Therefore, as long as the opportunity is right, the Eastern Region can become Chu Xiu alone at some point.

If you don't know about luck, that's all. Now that you know, Chu Xiu will not let someone **** things from his hands.

Wei Shuya said solemnly, "So you're going to learn from Meng Xinghe?"

Chu Xiu shook his head and said, "Meng Xinghe has Meng Xinghe's way, and I have mine.

He is now the leader of the ancient venerables, and there are several ancient venerables around him, and his reputation can be said to shake the great Luotian.

As soon as Xinghe Wuyuan came out, the entire Great Luotian and the four regions were shaken. My current reputation is still worse than that of Meng Xinghe.

So now I just need to defend the Eastern Region.

As for the method, it is also very simple. We have come to Daluotian for so long, and the time is almost up now. "

Chu Xiu looked at the people present, and said solemnly, "I have decided to leave the Emperor's Pavilion and rebuild the Holy Religion in the Eastern Region of Daluotian, so that my name of Kunlun will also resound in Daluotian!"

None of the people present objected to this proposal, and even Wei Shuya and other elders of the Kunlun Demon Sect showed excited expressions in their eyes.

In fact, for them before, as long as the Kunlun Demon Sect returned to its former glory in the lower realm, it would be enough for them.

But now, after seeing the vast world of Daluotian, how could they be willing to reign only in the lower realm?

But after the excitement, Wei Lao calmed down first, and said solemnly, "The Eastern Region is now three top forces, you suddenly want to establish a force, will Ling Xiaozong and Emperor Tiange agree?

And if we directly use the name of Kunlun, will it make people suspicious of going to the lower realm? "

Chu Xiu shook his head and said, "No, there was no power in Kunlun Mountain ten thousand years ago. After Dugu and Ning Xuanji came to Da Luotian, no one has mentioned the lower realm. The word Kunlun exists in the Among the many classics, it will not be doubted.

As for Huangtian Pavilion and High Heaven Sect, let me say that in a month, the establishment ceremony of my holy religion will be held in the land of the Southern Barbarians! "

The establishment ceremony and other procedures are complicated, and the ceremony that needs to mobilize many things is directly handed over to Wei Shuya by Chu Xiu.

Wei Shuya is mature and experienced, and is most suitable for this kind of thing.

And Chu Xiu went to Huangtian Pavilion and Ling Xiaozong first to send invitations, of course, to tell them about it.


Outside the Huangtian Pavilion, Zhong Qiushui, Lu Sanjin and the elders of the Huangtian Pavilion even came out to greet him when they heard that Chu Xiu was visiting.

Regarding Chu Xiu's attitude, Huangtian Pavilion is actually a little confused, and even they themselves don't know what attitude they should use to treat Chu Xiu.

Nominally speaking, Chu Xiu is still the governor of their Emperor Tiange.

But in fact, Chu Xiu had already left the Huangtian Pavilion to control the land of Nanman.

At the beginning, Chong Qiushui paid the price of returning the entire southern barbarian land to Chu Xiu's control, in exchange for Chu Xiu to stand on his side when he competed for the position of the pavilion master. From then on, the relationship between the two parties was no longer a vassal.

And with the recent news of Chu Xiu's destruction of the Vishnu Temple, Chong Qiushui confirmed this even more.

With the two Martial Immortals and the entire Vishnu Hall, this force was already stronger than that of the Emperor Tiange, but it was still destroyed by Chu Xiu.

If calculated like this, wouldn't it be very easy for Chu Xiu to destroy his Emperor's Pavilion?

So from the time he saw Chu Xiu, Chong Qiushui always felt awkward, because he didn't know how to face Chu Xiu.

Seeing the appearance of Chong Qiushui, Chu Xiu didn't bother to talk to him anymore.

Chu Xiu said directly, "Pavilion Master, this time I actually want to tell you something."

"Oh? What's the matter?"

Chu Xiu said solemnly, "I am going to leave the Emperor's Pavilion completely and establish a separate faction in the land of the southern barbarians, called the Kunlun Demon Sect.

A month later, the establishment ceremony of the sect will be held in the land of the southern barbarians. At that time, I want to invite the Emperor Tiange to participate. "

Demons in the lower realms were denounced as heretics, so most of the Kunlun Demon Sect's warriors claimed to be holy sects.

But in Da Luotian, it doesn't matter. Demon Dao is also one of many martial arts, and it is not a sensitive matter.

Therefore, Chu Xiu directly called the Demon Sect, and he was also able to distinguish the forces of the upper and lower realms.

The lower realm is a holy religion, and Daluotian is a demon religion.

As soon as these words came out, the entire Huangtian Pavilion suddenly became quiet, and there was no sound.

Even Lu Sanjin's eyes widened, as if he did not expect Chu Xiu to say such a thing.

After a while, an elder from the Emperor's Pavilion suddenly jumped up and pointed at Chu Xiu with an angry face and scolded, "Chu Xiu! You are ungrateful!

If it weren't for me, Huangtian Where would you be today?

As a result, your wings are now hardened, and relying on your own strength, seeing that my Huangtian Pavilion is in a weak period, you will come to split my Huangtian Pavilion. Are you right to value the old pavilion master?

Do you still have..."


Before the elder could finish speaking, he was slapped by Zhong Qiushui and flew out, wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth while looking at Zhong Qiushui in disbelief.

Chong Qiushui snorted coldly, "Do you have the right to speak here? If you don't understand the rules, shut up!"

Turning his head, Chong Qiushui let out a long breath and smiled at Chu Xiu as if relieved, "Actually, you should have left this step long ago, and it will be too late until today.

Should I call you Cult Master Chu from now on?

Hey, this name seems to be a lot more pleasant.

Don't worry, in a month, I will come to watch the ceremony. "

With a smile on Chu Xiu's face, he cupped his hands and said, "Then I would like to thank the pavilion master, I'll go first."

After he finished speaking, Chu Xiu left directly, without even looking at the rude warrior before.

When Chu Xiu left completely, everyone present looked at Zhong Qiushui with puzzled expressions.

Chu Xiu's independence from their Emperor's Pavilion, not to mention that this is a huge blow to their reputation of the Emperor's Pavilion, Chu Xiu is equivalent to dividing a county of their Emperor's Pavilion, a Cangwu County!

Chong Qiushui was someone who even dared to fight Ye Weikong's Hanjiang City to the death. How could he give in so aggrievedly when facing this Chu Xiu?

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