Meet The Leader

Chapter 1361: rush

?People in Huangtian Pavilion feel that Zhong Qiushui has changed, and it seems that it is not the very strong Zhong Qiushui.

Facing everyone's gaze, Chong Qiushui sighed, "You are not tough when you should be tough, but you don't know how to be flexible when you need to be flexible, what do you all think?

Do you know what's going on in the southern barbarian land, including Cangwu County? All of them belong to Chu Xiu!

I had promised Chu Xiu before that Cangwu County and the land of Nanman would be handed over to Chu Xiu for autonomy, so now that place is not the territory of my Emperor Tiange at all.

Chu Xiu's words follow the law, and my Huangtian Pavilion's words are basically equivalent to farting. This is already the case. What difference does he make if Chu Xiu establishes a sect?

And let me look farther, don't always stare at the acre and three points of the Eastern Region.

Chu Xiu's position is stuck between the Eastern Region and the Southern Region. Once the Southern Region is ready to attack the Eastern Region, the first person to face must be Chu Xiu.

So no matter what Chu Xiu's identity is, as long as he still admits that he is from the Eastern Region, then he is an ally of my Emperor Tiange.

In the past, the old pavilion master treated him well, and both of us also have some incense affection. "

Zhong Qiushui paused.

Just when others thought he had finished speaking, Chong Qiushui said quietly, "Of course there is one more important thing, and that is who is Chu Xiu's opponent?

In the first battle, the Vishnu Temple, one of the three major temples of the Brahma religion, was destroyed. Who of you can do it? Is it him or you? We can't do it in the entire Emperor's Pavilion!

Jianghu is always a place that pays attention to strength.

The pool in my Huangtian Pavilion is so shallow that there is no room for a real dragon. It is better to be generous and let the other party leave calmly.

If it is really torn, it can only be a cocoon and can't get the slightest benefit. "

When Chong Qiushui was rarely clear-headed, this time he thought more openly, even more openly than Lu Sanjin.

And other people in Huangtian Pavilion stopped talking nonsense after hearing Chong Qiushui's words, including the elder who was slapped before. 35xs

Chu Xiu was already unstoppable, even if they wanted to stop it, they couldn't stop it.

A few days later, Chu Xiu came to Ling Xiaozong at the fastest speed.

As soon as he saw Chu Xiu, Fang Yinglong walked over with a big smile and said, "Little friend Chu destroyed the Vishnu Temple of the Sanskrit religion and spread its power in the four regions. It's really gratifying to congratulate you."

Chu Xiu shook his head and said, "This is not a good thing, if it wasn't for the Sanskrit religion to trouble me again and again, I would not have done anything to the Sanskrit religion.

Now I am majestic, but when Sanskrit has an opportunity, it is estimated that they will not let me go. "

What Chu Xiu said made Fang Yinglong unable to answer.

You already know the consequences, but you still attacked so ruthlessly that you directly destroyed a temple of Sanskrit?

Fang Yinglong had to fight a haha, and welcomed Chu Xiu into the hall.

After finding Qin Baiyuan and Linghu Xianshan, Fang Yinglong asked directly, "I don't know why Chu Xiaoyou came to my High Heaven Sect this time?"

Fang Yinglong can be considered to have a general understanding of Xiu's temper.

He is definitely the kind of person who does not go to the Three Treasures Hall without anything. If there is nothing to do, he will not be bored and come to Ling Xiaozong to catch up with them.

Chu Xiu said directly, "I am going to leave the Huangtian Pavilion and build my own sect in the southern barbarian land, called the Kunlun Demon Sect.

A month later, the establishment ceremony will be held, so I invited Sect Master Fang and Ling Xiaozong to watch the ceremony and help me promote it. "

After listening to Chu Xiu's words, Fang Yinglong, Qin Baiyuan, and Linghu Xianshan all looked at each other with horrified expressions in their eyes.

They never thought that Chu Xiulai actually told them about this.

But thinking about it carefully, they felt that it was normal.

For example, in the sect in the Southern Region, a Martial Immortal with a first and second heaven can basically establish a top force.

Chu Xiu now has the strength of the third layer of heaven on the bright side, but it can almost match the existence of the fifth layer of heaven.

A temple of the Sanskrit religion is destroyed if it is destroyed. Most people in Jianghu only see the strength of Chu Xiu, but some warriors from the big faction have seen the power behind Chu Xiu.

Killing Yindra is easy, as long as Chu Xiu is strong enough.

But in order to break through the Brahma Temple and slaughter all the Vishnu Temple, how many elite powerhouses are needed?

This is not so easy to cultivate, but Chu Xiu has this kind of power.

It can be said that the current Chu Xiu is stronger than the Emperor Tiange, and it does not seem surprising that he would make such a choice.

After a while, Fang Yinglong cupped his hands and said, "Congratulations to Cult Master Chu.

But there is one more thing we must know.

After the establishment of the Kunlun Demon Sect, will the attitude of the leader of Chu towards the Eastern Regions change? "

Fang Yinglong doesn't care what Huangtian Pavilion thinks. As the largest faction in the Eastern Region, he only worries about the changes in the pattern of the Eastern Region.

Chu Xiu said solemnly, "Fang Sect Master, please rest assured, the Kunlun Demon Sect was established in the land of the southern barbarians, and should always guard the Eastern Region.

I am from the Eastern Region, and I have a lot of grudges with the Southern Region martial arts. No matter what my attitude is, it will not change. "

Fang Yinglong stood up and said solemnly, "I hope that in the future, Lingxiao Sect and Kunlun Demon Sect will never become enemies and guard the Eastern Region together!"

Chu Xiu also stood up and cupped his hands, "Definitely!"

Both sides are clear, but in fact even they themselves know that this is basically impossible.

Now they have not turned their faces, just because they have common goals and common interests.

After leaving the High Heaven Sect, within this month, the news that the Kunlun Demon Sect was about to establish its sect had spread throughout the entire Eastern Region, the Daluotian Four Regions.

The establishment of a top sect with three Martial Immortals is a major event in the entire Daluotian.

Moreover, in the Eastern Region, the Kunlun Demon Sect also directly spread the news that the Kunlun Demon Sect recruits a large number of disciples, and not only recruits disciples, but the entire sect can directly join the Kunlun Demon Sect.

The Galaxy Martial Arts Institute established by Meng Xinghe is very peaceful. If you can draw a chance, you will be a chance, and if you can draw a luck, you will be lucky.

Chu Xiu, on the other hand, was going to directly copy the route of the Kunlun Demon Sect in the Lower Realm.

Warriors from loose cultivators want to join the Kunlun Demon Sect, no matter how good or bad, they will accept it all.

It's just that only those disciples with sufficient strength and outstanding talent can be incorporated into the halls of the Kunlun Demon Sect, and those with weak strength can only be at the lowest level.

But Chu Xiu didn't think there were too many people.

The Kunlun Demon Sect in Da Luotian is no smaller than the lower realm.

As for other small sects and small families who are willing to join the Kunlun Demon Sect, they can also become their vassals. As long as they perform well, the head of the family can also be the magic envoy of the Kunlun Demon Sect, and the disciples can also officially worship the Kunlun Demon Sect.

In fact, although this method can make the strength of the Kunlun Demon Sect skyrocket in a short period of time, the drawbacks are also obvious.

That is, their sense of belonging to the Kunlun Demon Sect will be greatly reduced.

But it doesn't matter anymore. Whether it's Dugu Yume five hundred years ago or Chu Xiu now, what they demand from their subordinates is never loyalty, but obedience and ability.

When the Kunlun Demon Sect was at its peak five hundred years ago, there were countless vassals under his command, who would dare to rebel?

Only after the demise of the Kunlun Demon Sect did some vassal forces betray the Kunlun Demon Sect, but there were also some loyal vassal forces, such as the Yin Demon Sect.

This is enough for Chu Xiu.

When he was there, he could suppress this group of people with his prestige.

When he was away, if the Kunlun Demon Sect could not suppress even this group of people, it would prove that the Kunlun Demon Sect had already turned from prosperity to decline, and the building itself was about to collapse, so even if they were loyal at that time, it would be useless.

When Chu Xiu said these words, the entire Eastern Region was a little boiling.

Without a door, no matter where you are from, or even if you want the entire family to rely on it, you don't have to affect your own inheritance. This kind of favorable conditions can already attract many warriors.

Those warriors who came from loose cultivators, who were disliked by top sects such as Ling Xiaozong, have already started their journey to the land of the Southern Barbarians.

There are also some small families from small sects who are often bullied by the big factions, and they also decided to join the Kunlun Demon Sect and take refuge in Chu Xiu in exchange for a backer.

Inside the Jiufeng Sword Sect of Fanglin County, Lin Fengwu looked at the news about the Kunlun Demon Sect, and said to Lin Yazi with a firm expression, "Father, I have decided to merge the entire Nine Phoenix Sword Sect into the Kunlun Demon Sect and become the Kunlun Demon Sect. As a vassal, I will also worship in the Kunlun Demon Sect."

At this time, Lin Fengwu already has the cultivation level of the real fire refining spirit realm, and her talent is outstanding. At this time, she has reached the peak of the real fire refining spirit The combat power is even higher than that of her father Lin Yazi are strong.

So during this period of time, Lin Yazi has actually started to gradually retire, leaving the Nine Phoenix Sword Sect to his daughter to take care of.

The Jiufeng Sword Sect has undergone great changes, and Lin Yazi's old thoughts have also changed a long time ago.

What about men and women? He has no son, no disciple, only such an outstanding daughter, so he has decided to officially hand over the Nine Phoenix Sword Sect to Lin Fengwu.

After listening, Lin Yazi sighed and said, "It's okay to join. Now you can make the decision of Jiufeng Sword Sect, but daughter, haven't you forgotten that Master Chu?"

Lin Fengwu shook her head and said with determination, "I chose to merge the Nine Phoenix Sect into the Kunlun Demon Sect, not because of Lord Chu, but because of our Nine Phoenix Sect.

My Jiufeng Sword Sect is not considered the strongest in Fanglin County. After joining the Kunlun Demon Sect, I also have a backer.

Also, the inheritance of my Nine Phoenix Sword Sect is limited, and I can only endure time if I want to step into the realm of Heaven and Earth Tongxuan.

But if I join the big sect like Huangtian Pavilion, I will definitely give up the Nine Phoenix Sword Sect. Only the Kunlun Demon Sect does not restrict this.

For me and the entire Nine Phoenix Sect, joining the Kunlun Demon Sect is the most correct choice. "

Lin Fengwu's words were straightforward, but she was the only one who knew what she was thinking in her heart.

Regardless of the reason, the entire Eastern Region is boiling with the establishment of the Kunlun Demon Sect. Within a month, all the major factions have poured into the Southern Barbarian Land. At the same time, the other three regions have a good relationship. Bad, according to the custom, also sent people to watch the ceremony.

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