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Chapter 1371: World of War: The Beginning

In the Lingxiao Sect, Fang Yinglong and other three martial immortals are all practicing.

After returning from the founding ceremony of the Kunlun Demon Sect, they have been practicing asceticism.

In fact, the establishment of the Kunlun Demon Sect has no effect on the current High Heaven Sect, but is beneficial.

The stronger Chu Xiu's strength is, he is like a target in the land of Nanman, and he can attract more targets and buy time for their High Heaven Sect.

Right now, Fang Yinglong and the others are so eager to cultivate, just because they have a feeling that the world of great competition is about to come.

Although Fang Yinglong is the Eighth Heaven of the Martial Immortal, even if it is only a line away from the peak Nine Heavens, it is a world of difference when it comes to fighting.

He only hopes that before the world of great competition really comes, he can also go further, so that he is qualified to guarantee the inheritance of Ling Xiaozong and be qualified to compete with the other three domains.

But at this moment, a disciple knocked on the door of their closed room.

Fang Yinglong opened the door and said dissatisfiedly: "Didn't I say, try not to disturb me during this time, what happened to the outside world?"

The disciple said with a look of panic: "Sect Master, the Sword Sect of the World is coming!"

Fang Yinglong was stunned for a moment, then quickly asked, "Where's the Kunlun Demon Sect? They have already fought with the Kunlun Demon Sect?"

Fang Yinglong subconsciously thought that the Sword Sect of the World was attacked from the land of the southern barbarians, so he had already started to fight with the Kunlun Demon Sect.

The disciple shook his head again and again and said, "Sect Master, there is no such thing as the Kunlun Demon Sect at all, the Sword Sect of the World did not know what method it used, so it directly bypassed the Kunlun Demon Sect and appeared in the hinterland of my Eastern Region, approaching Lingxiao City! "

"What!? Are you sure you are the Sword Sect of the World?" Fang Yinglong looked horrified.

The disciple nodded again and again: "It's the Sword Sect of the World! It's just a master of the Sword Sect of the World, and I haven't found any other disciples. There are less than a hundred people in total."

Fang Yinglong suddenly let out a long sigh.

He was wrong.

In fact, the world of war has already begun.


Outside Lingxiao City, all the disciples who were guarding the gates had withdrawn to Lingxiao City, and the halo of the formation had shrouded the entire Lingxiao City.

After the warriors of the Sword Sect of the World came out of Hanjiang City, they used the fastest speed to break the wind and walk in the air, and finally arrived at Lingxiao City in a few days.

Although it is inevitable that they will be discovered by high-level sect warriors stationed in other places, but it doesn't matter. In a few days, high-level sect can't arrange anything.

Looking at the majestic Lingxiao City in front of him, Luo Shan suddenly said, "I haven't been to the Eastern Region for over a hundred years."

Sheng Jiuyuan said: "It seems that Sect Master Luo, you have long been confident that you will be able to win the Eastern Region one day, and then you will have your own things, no matter how you look at them."

Luo Shan shook his head and said, "No, it's because I'm too lazy to go out."

Sheng Jiuyuan suddenly looked stunned, he didn't expect Luo Shan to answer in such a way.

Luo Shan sighed deeply and said, "The swordsman is sharp, as was the case when I was young, with a sword in hand, fearless,

Now that I am old, I have more worries and less energy.

The Eastern Region is the obsession of the World Sword Sect. Since the battle 500 years ago, the Eastern Region's strength has been greatly weakened.

This is the obsession of the Sword Sect in the world, and it is also his obsession, but in fact, this is not my obsession.

The world of great contention has come. I didn't catch up with the battle five hundred years ago. I guess I won't be able to catch up with the prosperous or troubled times five hundred years later.

All I can do is to lay the best foundation for the Sword Sect of the World in this world of great competition.

Brother Sheng, your lineage has been with my Sword Sect of the World for generations. If something happens to the Sword Sect of the World in the future, I will trouble you to protect the Sword Sect of the World. "

Before the war, Luo Shan said that these things actually affected morale and seemed unlucky.

But he said it so naturally, and of course only one Sheng Jiuyuan heard it.

While the two of them were talking, the divine light in Lingxiao City was flourishing, a portal in the formation was opened, and Fang Yinglong, Qin Baiyuan, and Linghu Xianshan appeared together.

Fang Yinglong said with a gloomy expression: "I really did not expect that your sword sects in the world would have the ability to bypass the southern barbarian land and directly attack the hinterland of my High Heaven Sect.

Although it has not been a day or two for your Southern Region sect to attack me in the Eastern Region, are you not afraid of no return for your hasty action this time?

My High Heaven City is not so easy to break. Once the Kunlun Demon Sect, Huangtian Pavilion, and Hanjiang City get the news, they will not sit by and watch my High Heaven Sect be broken! "

Luo Shan shook his head and said to Qin Baiyuan, "Brother Qin, as early as more than a hundred years ago, you and I have had the most dealings, and you should know my personality.

If you are not 100% sure, do you think I will take action? Your Sect Master, it is too simple to think. "

Fang Yinglong's face showed a trace of anger. Qin Baiyuan, who was on the side, pulled him and said solemnly, "Something is really wrong. Only the people from the Sword Sect of the World, Zhanwu Shenzong and Daqianmen have disappeared."

Both belong to the forces of the Southern Territory. Once the Sword Sect of the World decides to attack the Eastern Territory, there is no reason for Zhanwu Shenzong and Daqianmen to be absent.

As a result, these two sects are now invisible, so it can be imagined where they are going.

Luo Shan shook his head gently and said, "Forget it, it's time like this, so I won't hide it from you.

In this battle, the Sword Sect of the World is bound to win, and I am fully prepared.

Zhanwu Shenzong and Daqianmen have already gone to Huangtian Pavilion, and now they can't take care of it themselves.

As for the Kunlun Demon Sect, there are too many people who have sinned against Chu Xiu, so naturally someone will solve him.

As for Hanjiang City, he was the one who was going to deal with Chu Xiu.

If there is no internal response, how can we suddenly appear in the Eastern Region? "

Fang Yinglong's face suddenly turned gloomy.

If he had known this earlier, he should have directly killed Ye Weikong, otherwise he would not have betrayed the entire Eastern Region!

Luo Shan continued: "You four sects in the Eastern Region, one betrayed and surrendered to three besieged, is there any need to persevere?

If Lingxiao Sect is willing to surrender and self-proclaimed cultivation base, fifty years from now, I will give you back your freedom. "

Fang Yinglong laughed in anger: "Luo Shan, do you want to attack the High Heaven Sect with just such a few people? Do you really think you'll decide my High Heaven Sect?"

As Fang Yinglong's voice fell, the Lingxiao Promise Seal behind him rose from the city, and it began to change in mid-air, and began to grow wildly, and finally even grew to the same size as Lingxiao City, which was extremely terrifying.

Luo Shan chuckled and said, "Is Ling Xiao Wuji Seal? Haha."

The next moment, the radiance of the ten thousand zhang sword energy shot into the sky, as if the world was divided into two halves.

An ancient sword floated in the air, and that sword seemed to incorporate the ultimate sharpness in this world!

"The Heavenly Sword!"

Fang Yinglong's heart suddenly sank.

Of course, he had heard of Tongtian Sword's reputation.

It's just that Lingxiao Wujiyin is not necessarily worse than Tongtianjian.

But the crux of the problem is that he is a Martial Immortal from the Eighth Heaven who controls Lingxiao Wuji Seal, while the one who controls the Tongtian Sword is Luo Shan from Nine Heavens.

This gap in the sky cannot be filled by the cards in their hands.

"I'll ask you the last sentence, is your High Heaven Sect going down or not?"

Fang Yinglong laughed wildly: "Falling? Ten thousand years ago and ten thousand years later, my High Heaven Sect has never descended!"

As Fang Yinglong's voice fell, the Lingxiao Promise Seal in his hand had already smashed down with an aura like shattering mountains and rivers!

Luo Shan sighed softly and said lightly, "Do it."

The Tongtian Sword instantly slashed out ten thousand sharp edges, tore the sky and the ground, and shattered the rules.


Just when Ling Xiaozong and Tianxia Jianzong had started to fight, Huangtian Pavilion and Zhanwu Shenzong and Daqianmen also began to fight.

Compared with Ling Xiaozong's side, Huangtian Pavilion is even more unbearable, and even was beaten to the door of the house, only to find the opponent.

As a result, the formation of Emperor Tiange was directly destroyed by more than half of Tao Qianming of Daqianmen, and then the real counterattack began.

There are three Martial Immortals on the opposite side, especially Mu Shenxiao, the suzerain of Zhanwu Shenzong, Zhong Qiushui is not an opponent at all.

If it wasn't for the few trump cards inherited from their Emperor's Pavilion, they wouldn't be able to hold on to it now.

In the end Zhong Qiushui had even used the Emperor Heaven Sword, the most precious treasure inherited from the Emperor's Pavilion, which was barely able to repel the opponent, but Zhong Qiushui was almost exhausted.

An elder walked up to Chong Qiushui and said in a low voice, "Pavilion Master, I can't hold it anymore!

Tao Qianming destroyed most of the formation. Right now, the disciples of Daqianmen are still breaking the formation. The speed of our repairs can't even keep up with the speed at which they broke the formation.

If this goes on like this, when the formation is broken, we will really be wiped out!

The southern region attacked the eastern region, this is not my family's business, hurry up and ask the Kunlun Demon Sect and Ling Xiaozong for help! "

Zhong Qiushui smiled miserably: "What you think is simple.

Zhanwu Shenzong and Daqianmen can quietly come here to raid my Emperor Tiange, where is the sword sect that day?

The other party is coming for the entire Eastern Region, not for our already weakened Emperor Heaven Pavilion.

I can guarantee that both Ling Xiaozong and Kunlun Demon Sect have already started to fight. "

"Then what do we do?"

A ruthless look flashed in Chong Qiushui's eyes.

"What should I do? Salad!

I haven't seen any strong winds and waves in Huangtian Pavilion, how can I still fall here?

All cheer me up, fight to the end, and hold on to the end!

If Lingxiao Sect or Kunlun Demon Sect wins, they will naturally come to support us.

If they didn't come, then the Eastern Region would also be defeated, and relying on me, Huangtian Pavilion, would be too difficult to support.

Over the years, my Emperor Heaven Pavilion has had disciples who died in battle, but I have never been a vain begging for mercy! "

As Chong Qiushui's roar sounded, the momentum of the entire Huangtian Pavilion was instantly lifted, and with a **** spirit, he repelled another wave of the opponent's offensive.

It's just that even Chong Qiushui doesn't know how long this **** courage can last.

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