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Chapter 1372: 8 heavy days

Chong Qiushui guessed a little wrong, that is, the Kunlun Demon Sect has not yet played against anyone at this time, because the speed of Hanjiang City is slow.

This time, Ye Weikong made up his mind to bring all the elite warriors in Hanjiang City directly. There are thousands of people, so it will inevitably be slowed down.

It's just that after entering the land of Nanman, Ye Weikong felt that something was wrong.

Quiet, too quiet.

Originally, they were planning to go all the way straight, completely running through Chu Xiu's sphere of influence, but on the way, they didn't even encounter a single resistance, and the Kunlun Demon Sect had already withdrawn.

Fang Baidu frowned and said, "Looking at the traces in those strongholds, the people of the Kunlun Demon Sect should have already evacuated, and they even evacuated in an orderly manner, without any rush.

But we just arrived at Hanjiang City a few days ago. Could it be that the news leaked? City Lord Ye, could it be that your Hanjiang City has nails placed by the Kunlun Demon Sect? "

Fang Baidu himself was unwilling to deal with Chu Xiu, he was forced in.

Seeing that something was wrong at this time, his tone of voice naturally seemed less polite.

Ye Weikong snorted coldly: "What if the Kunlun Demon Sect knew in advance? In the face of absolute strength, what can they do? Set up a formation trap to ambush? It's just a small road.

Two, since you've come this far, don't think about half-heartedly. At this time, you can do your best to solve Chu Xiu! "

Fang Baidu and Xu Tianya looked at each other and said nothing.

Anyway, this battle was started by Ye Weikong. With him, a master of the Seventh Heaven of Martial Immortals, it would not be their turn to attack.

The group from Hanjiang City pushed all the way to the headquarters of the Kunlun Demon Sect, but the entire Kunlun Demon Sect remained silent.

Ye Weikong frowned, and just wanted to let the formation masters under Hanjiang City go to investigate the formation, and break the formation first.

The white firelight that did not seem to have the slightest temperature enveloped all the warriors in Hanjiang City. The firelight was suspended in the air, and all the power of the surrounding rules were blocked. This is the rootless holy fire of the Kunlun Demon Sect.

Gathering the power of the formations from the upper and lower realms, together with masters such as Yuan Ji and Chao Xuan, the Kunlun Demon Sect's application of the rootless holy fire has actually been more than 500 years ago.

"Ye Weikong, it seems that you still haven't eaten enough of the loss at the beginning, and now you dare to come to trouble me.

Only this time, you are destined to come and go! "

Chu Xiu and a group of warriors from the Kunlun Demon Sect appeared in front of the gate, waiting in a serious line, watching those warriors in Hanjiang City with stern eyes.

Suddenly, the hunter turned into a prey, which made the warriors in Hanjiang City a little uncomfortable, and there was some panic in an instant.

Ye Weikong scolded: "What are you panicking about!?

What if you're surrounded here? Killing Chu Xiu and destroying the Kunlun Demon Sect will naturally be able to go out! "

As the founder of Hanjiang City, Ye Weikong still has considerable power in Hanjiang City.

When he said these words, he immediately stabilized the emotions of those Hanjiang City warriors present.

Turning his head to look at Chu Xiu, Ye Weikong said coldly: "At a loss? Chu Xiu, your strength is indeed good, but unfortunately, you are always self-righteous and play tricks that are not on the table!"

Chu Xiu said lightly: "But it's those tricks that don't make it to the top, but they hurt your Hanjiang City's vitality, and let you Ye Weikong dare to come to me for trouble until now by taking advantage of the power of the Sword Sect in the world."

"Take advantage? If you didn't take advantage of Lingxiao Sect last time, now you think that there will still be you, Chu Xiu, and Kunlun Demon Sect in this Daluotian?

I was also at fault, and I was wrong. I shouldn't have worried so much in the first place, but directly killed you! "

Ye Weikong said coldly with a trace of strong hatred on his face: "Okay, this old man has enough time to talk nonsense with you.

I hope that after killing you, Ling Xiaozong has not been destroyed.

I also want to take a look at Fang Yinglong's expression and let him know how wrong his original choice was! "

In the entire Eastern Region, in addition to hating Chu Xiu, Ye Weikong hated Ling Xiaozong second, Fang Yinglong.

He didn't hate Fang Yinglong for seriously hurting himself at the beginning, he only hated that Fang Yinglong didn't give him the opportunity to suppress him in Hanjiang City, but now he has admitted the status of the Kunlun Demon Sect.

He just wanted to let Fang Yinglong know that if Ling Xiaozong admitted his status in Hanjiang City, maybe now, there would not be so many things.

"Form a formation on the spot, ready to shoot!"

After instructing the warriors of Hanjiang City, Ye Weikong tore off the brocade robe on his body, revealing the silver-white armor.

It was built by Meng Xinghe himself in the past.

Since the situation in Hanjiang City began to stabilize, except for the battle that decided the fate of Hanjiang City, Ye Weikong had not worn this armor for a long time.

Ye Weikong stepped out, and the momentum on his body began to rise continuously, and finally reached the level of the Eighth Heaven.

This scene suddenly caused Chu Xiu's complexion to change slightly.

This is variable.

Since the last time Ye Weikong was severely injured by Fang Yinglong, he has not appeared in the arena.

Not only Chu Xiu, but other warriors in the arena also think that Ye Weikong must be in retreat to recover from his injuries. Who would have thought that he would be able to take this opportunity to step into the Eighth Heaven of Wuxian.

Chu Xiu now has the cultivation level of the third layer, but his combat power is between the fourth layer and the sixth layer.

The practice method is sinister and strange, and Yindra, who can threaten the seventh heaven, died in his hands.

Suhana, the master of the Peacock Shrine with a sixth-level cultivation base, was in a head-to-head fight. In addition to having a deeper strength, the others were not as good as Chu Xiu.

So now that the warriors from the Seventh Layer are here, Chu Xiu is confident to fight them.

As a result, who would have thought that Ye Weikong had stepped into the Eighth Heaven through the opportunity of recuperating, which is a huge variable.

The gap between the Eighth Heaven and the Third Heaven and the Fifth Heaven, the strength alone is enough to make people despair.

An endless biting cold wind lingered around Ye Weikong's body, and the entire sky was instantly dark.

The power of rules stirs the surrounding world, making the range of the formation seem to change from the southern barbarian land where the four seasons are summer to the icy northern land in an instant.

Of course, what Ye Weikong can affect is only within the range of the formation, and outside the formation, because of the obstruction of the rootless flame, Ye Weikong can't use the power of rules to reverse the power of the rootless flame even if he uses his full strength.

In the middle of the air, the endless ice storm turned into a ferocious and roaring ice dragon in Ye Weikong's hands. He held it in his hand and roared towards Chu Xiu!

Xu Tianya in the back saw Ye Weikong's shot, he also subconsciously prepared to do it, but was stopped by Fang Baidu.

"What are you doing in such a hurry? Chu Xiu still has two Martial Immortal Realm existences, even if we take action, we may not be able to win them.

Just wait and see who wins and who loses in the end. "

Xu Tianya said in surprise: "That's the Eighth Heaven of the Martial Immortal, do you still think that Chu Xiu can win?"

Fang Baidu shook his head and said, "Not necessarily. Anyway, this time I made a move, and I always felt uneasy. Maybe something changed in the end."

At this time, Chu Xiu faced Ye Weikong directly, and the powerful force made his complexion extremely solemn.

The six-path reincarnation bracelet above Chu Xiu's right arm shone with a golden halo, and the six-path samsara's wonderful flower wheel was displayed, and the ice dragon was directly inserted into the six-path reincarnation in mid-air, constantly wiping out and strangling it.

Ye Weikong snorted coldly: "It's just a small road!"

As his voice fell, Ye Weikong drew with one hand, grabbed the dragon's tail, and pulled out an ice dragon spear from the dragon's tail.

The dragon spear shone with an ice-blue color like flowing water, which was incomparably illusory and magnificent, and it was actually an existence condensed by the power of rules.

The dragon spear stabbed directly, and it was just the simplest stab and pick, and the essence of the spear technique was brought into full play, directly tearing the six reincarnation disks abruptly!

Chu Xiu's heart sank when he saw this.

Compared with him now, the existence of Yazhongtian is not as simple as the difference in strength, but the understanding of the power of rules on both sides is no longer on the same level.

Ye Weikong has been able to directly extract the power of rules and completely visualize it. This kind of control over the power of rules is obviously much higher than that of Chu Xiu.

The dragon spear swept over and smashed towards Chu Xiu with a monstrous aura. The biting cold wind mixed with endless murderous intent.

The next moment, Chu Xiu stepped into the air, and his whole body was shrouded in a jet-black fire that destroyed the world.

After a while, the sword was cut out, and the swallowing sword was like a huge black hole, swallowing any power in it.

And the world-annihilating fire didn't know when it had been mixed in the blade, spreading in the black hole, like a maggot attached to the bone, coiling along the blade towards the dragon spear.

The ear-piercing explosions kept coming, and the pure power of rules on the dragon spear was melted and annihilated by the world-annihilating fire, and the world-annihilating fire actually contained a faintly different power.

Silent to the extreme is a new life.

In the freezing cold of the dead machine, a touch of vitality bloomed.

In the endless qi storm, a green seed bloomed, and as the petals bloomed, what broke free from it was a huge ghost.

Create a demon!

The ghost that seemed to cover the sky and the sun opened its and wanted to cover Ye Weikong in it.

But the next moment, Ye Weikong stretched out his hand and waved, and countless ice sword qi loomed from the void, each sword qi was the embodiment of the power of the rules, and instantly cut out the holes of the good fortune demon.

Ye Weikong frowned and looked at Chu Xiu: "This is not your strength."

Chu Xiu said lightly: "What I can use is naturally my power."

The series of changes just now can be said to be not Chu Xiu's strength.

Because that was when he was beheading Yindra, he learned the extreme fire of the world.

But Chu Xiu didn't intend to control that kind of extreme power, so Chu Xiu added some fortune-telling power to it.

That series of power changes can be said to be infinitely close to divine power, but unfortunately, he still can't resist Ye Weikong's overwhelming power.

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