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Chapter 1373: cold river melting snow

In fact, Ye Weikong had never underestimated Chu Xiu.

At the beginning, he was so miserable by Chu Xiu. If he really looked down on Chu Xiu, he was actually looking down on himself.

Although Ye Weikong said that Chu Xiu was not worth mentioning, he just shot, but he didn't hold back at all, but used all his strength.

But in the end, Chu Xiu was still blocked, and he found that he really underestimated him.

"Chu Xiu, no matter whose power you use, today is your catastrophe, and you cannot escape.

If you are ready to capture, I can guarantee that the people under your Kunlun Demon Sect will not be killed.

But if you insist on being brave, after I kill you, I will slaughter your Kunlun Demon Sect! "

A stern smile appeared on Chu Xiu's face: "Ye Weikong, sometimes being too confident is not a good thing.

Want to slaughter my Kunlun Demon Sect? I will slaughter your Hanjiang City now!

All shot, kill! "

Following Chu Xiu's order, the Kunlun Demon Sect members who were still facing each other before rushed to kill them.

With the current power of the Kunlun Demon Sect, if the high-end combat power of both sides is not counted, Hanjiang City is really not an opponent.

Especially not long ago, Chu Xiu annexed a large number of loose cultivators in the Eastern Region and those small sects.

Don't look at the strength of these people, but together, they are not weak forces, at least it is very simple to solve Hanjiang City.

"you wanna die!"

Ye Weikong's eyes showed a stunned murderous intent. His hands were sealed. At this moment, the rules above the sky were twisted, and the entire sky was frozen and solidified, turning into a huge mountain and falling down!

Divine Ability, Ice God Meteor!

The martial immortal powerhouse of Bazhongtian exerted his supernatural powers with all his strength, and the whole scene was like destroying the world in an instant.

In particular, the iceberg that seemed to be a floating continent aimed directly at the Kunlun Demon Sect behind.

The center of the formation is also within the Kunlun Demon Sect. If one fails, the entire Kunlun Demon Sect will be completely shattered by the opponent.

From Chu Xiu's side, the dharma, the celestial body, and the earth were displayed, and the body of the celestial body of thousands of zhang stretched the heaven and the earth, and held the huge iceberg.

As soon as the two sides came into contact, Chu Xiu suddenly felt an extreme force, causing his figure to fall down suddenly, and the ground under his feet trembled and cracked.

Even at the same time, an extreme chill came from the iceberg, freezing his limbs.

"Your magical power is the existence of exerting your power to the peak, and the power is indeed very unusual.

But can you resist this force? "

Ye Weikong sneered, and with a wave of his hand, the boundless cold air once again condensed into a sword energy that filled the sky, attacking Chu Xiu!

Most of the warriors who fought against Chu Xiu actually didn't know much about Chu Xiu.

Not because they despised Chu Xiu, but because there were few witnesses to Chu Xiu's previous record, and his progress was too fast, and there were too many things he could bring out.

When you thought you really knew Chu Xiu, Chu Xiu was able to once again come up with cards that you couldn't imagine.

But Ye Weikong was different.

Before Chu Xiu became a Martial Immortal, he had already dealt with Chu Xiu.

After being seriously injured by Chu Xiukeng, he has been secretly collecting information about Chu Xiu.

Chu Xiu's three-style supernatural power, the cross lotus seal, is a secret method to overcome evil and strange, and it is useless to him.

Qingtian Zhaoying is a desperate thing, and Chu Xiu will not use it until the critical moment.

Even if it is used, Ye Weikong is sure to use his own strength to forcibly carry it.

Only one law, heaven and earth seems to have no weaknesses, but in fact, as long as your strength is strong enough, you can naturally suppress the opponent.

The current scene is exactly the same as what he had imagined before.

But at the moment when the sword qi that filled the sky appeared, the golden Buddha light and the monstrous devil qi all over Chu Xiu appeared at the same time.

The Holy Demon's Immortal Body was displayed, and Chu Xiu actually covered it with the Holy Demon's Immortal Body under the state of the law, heaven and earth.

Countless icy and icy sword qi collided with the dharma that was shrouded in the inextinguishable body of the holy demon, making a clanging sound, but it was never able to defeat it.

"Break me!"

Chu Xiu shouted angrily and smashed it down with a punch. The iceberg above his head was completely shattered, turning into countless frost and snow.

However, the power consumed by this punch is several times more than the normal use of the law.

Combining the exercises with the magical powers is a manifestation of Chu Xiu's extreme control of power.

But at the same time, the power consumed by the combination of the two is extremely amazing.

Chu Xiu didn't have time to delay, and after shattering the iceberg, Chu Xiu directly punched Ye Weikong again.

Powerful qi bombarded the space and made a violent explosion. In front of this overwhelming power, it seemed that time had stagnated in an instant.

But at this time, Ye Weikong's mouth showed a strange smile.

The moment Chu Xiu's punch came to his body, his body turned into a strange snowflake.

It was not the transformation of Gang Qi, nor was it transformed with the power of rules, as if he just dissipated between the heavens and the earth, becoming a truly natural snowflake falling, making Chu Xiu's punch all in vain.

Even Chu Xiu's punch tore the entire space and crushed the power of the rules, but he still didn't find out where Ye Weikong was.

The consumption of the holy devil's immortality and the heaven and earth is too great. Chu Xiu's punch failed, and he can only put away this state for the time being.

But on the other side, the frost and snow fell, and Ye Weikong's figure appeared strangely from the frost and snow, as if he should have appeared there.

Looking at Chu Xiu, Ye Weikong said lightly: "Chu Xiu, I specially prepared this magical power for you, called Hanjiang Huaxue.

To be more precise, it was because of your style that shines in the sky, and for this reason, I made a special trip to the former site of the Bliss Magic Palace to observe the traces and smells left by your knife.

Qingtian Zhaoying slashes the flesh, your magical power has reached the extreme of the rules of power, and no one can stop it.

Xin Jialuo couldn't stop it, and Yan Beifeng couldn't stop it either.

I'm stronger than them, and even if I can stop it, I'm bound to get hit hard.

The cold river can really decompose my body into thousands of snowflakes. No matter how strong your knife is, can you cut off all these countless snowflakes? "

Chu Xiu didn't panic, but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"City Lord Ye, you, the powerhouse of the Eighth Heaven of the Martial Immortal, are so deliberate, trying to figure out my junior, do you really look down on me, or are you afraid of me?"

Ye Weikong said lightly: "The lion fights the rabbit with all my strength, I won't make the same mistake again.

Besides, you Chu Xiu is not a rabbit, but a wild wolf, a ferocious wild wolf! "

Chu Xiu had a mysterious smile on his face: "The wolf is cunning and cruel, since City Lord Ye knows that I am a wolf, doesn't he know how to guard against me?

Along the way, Ye City Lord didn't feel wrong? You guys used Gu Yue's secret method of changing shadows and moving the moon to teleport to Hanjiang City, but from Hanjiang City to me, it was a little too slow. It took me seven days to walk. During this time, I was prepared enough to make a lot of something. "

Hearing Chu Xiu's words, Ye Weikong felt a sudden chill in his heart.

How did Chu Xiu know that they were teleported using the shadow-changing and moon-moving secret technique? And even if Chu Xiu is an ancient master, he knows Fang Baidu, who is also an ancient master, so how does he know that he and others have been gone for seven days?

The other party is so determined and precise, either there is a traitor in the Sword Sect of the World, or there is a traitor in Hanjiang City!

Before Ye Weikong could react, Chu Xiu shouted in a low voice, "Elder Wei, help me!"

Below Wei Shuya is fighting with Fang Baidu.

Fang Baidu and Xu Tianya didn't really kill, they were still waiting to see the result of the battle.

Hearing that Shang Tianliang, Lu Jianghe, Lu Fengxian, and other beings whose strength had reached the half-step Wuxian's strength, attacked together, and gathered all their strength to temporarily take over Fang Baidu's offensive.

At the same time, Wei Shuya squeezed the seal with his hand, and his power was like a monstrous flood, all pouring into the rootless sacred fire, almost instantly, the rootless sacred fire had already boiled!

Although the rootless flame can be controlled by the formation method, it is only limited to the place where the formation method is used to make it appear in the outside world, but it cannot be used to actively attack.

Only Wei Shuya, who has a trace of the rootless holy fire in his body, can truly mobilize the rootless holy fire.

The silver-white flame with golden glow kept boiling, and a trace of fire was drawn out from it, like a big net, directly shrouding Ye Weikong in it.

Rootless Sacred Fire, a divine object born between heaven and earth, has a power that cannot be resisted by human beings.

Even at that moment, Ye Weikong found that he couldn't even mobilize the power of rules, because the silk thread formed by the rootless holy fire had cut off the surrounding rules of heaven and earth, and Ye Weikong, who was shrouded in it, seemed to be trapped. In an isolated island, it is impossible to mobilize any trace of power.

"Don't say you turned into snow this time, even if you turned into ashes, you can't escape!"

As Chu Xiu's voice fell, the broken moment in his hand had been cut out, and the sword glow was like a full moon, shining through the ages!

The dazzling moonlight shrouded everyone, and that dazzling edge even made everyone present couldn't help squinting their Yunkai Yueming, the blue sky shines.

The sword light seemed to tear Ye Weikong's body fundamentally. The next moment, Ye Weikong's Hanjiang Snow Transformation magical power was released, turning into countless frost and snow floating in the air.

But because of the imprisonment of the silk thread of the rootless flame, Ye Weikong could not escape even if he turned into ashes, let alone melting snow.

Some snowflakes collided with the rootless holy fire, and were directly burned into fly ash by the scorching power.

The other snowflakes were cracked under the power of Qingtian Zhaoying. Although there was not a trace of blood spilling out, Chu Xiu could clearly feel that under the blue sky, the vitality was dissipating.

After a while, the moon shadow sword light completely dissipated, Chu Xiu's complexion was already pale, and there was no life in the space shrouded by the rootless holy flame. Wei Shuya quickly took back the rootless holy flame, which had been his for so long. limit.

It seemed that Ye Weikong was completely destroyed, but Chu Xiu frowned tightly and did not stretch.

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