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Chapter 1378: The tragic Ling Xiaozong

Although Fang Baidu and Xu Tianya are Gu Zun, they may not be as good as those old foxes who are intriguing in the sect, but this does not mean that they are innocent.

Before, they were actually threatened by the Sword Sect of the World, and they could go to work without any effort.

But now they have blatantly betrayed the Sword Sect of the World and took refuge in Chu Xiu. If they fail to work again, then both sides will be offended.

So this time Fang Baidu and Xu Tianya didn't hold back at all.

The strength of these two people was taken out alone, and they were on par with Sikong Jialuo, and Xu Tianya was stronger than the other.

But if Fang Baidu is added, the two of them have a tacit understanding together, and even the Martial Immortal Seventh Layer Heaven would dare to fight against one, let alone a Sikong Jialuo.

With Fang Baidu intervening, after a few tricks, Sikong Jialuo was directly killed by Xu Tianya.

There are only two Martial Immortal realms in the entire War Martial God Sect, and now that one is dead, Mu Shenxiao is simply mad with hatred.

But reason told him that if he didn't leave now, Chu Xiu, Fang Baidu and Xu Tianya would make a move, and they could keep him here.

Therefore, Mu Shenxiao didn't stop for half a minute, and his blood was burning wildly, like a blood-colored meteor, tearing apart the space, and disappeared in front of everyone's eyes in an instant.

But before leaving, Mu Shenxiao glared at Fang Baidu and Xu Tianya, his eyes full of murderous intent.

Compared to Chu Xiu, the culprit, these two traitors are even more hateful!

Seeing Mu Shenxiao fleeing, Chu Xiu didn't go after him.

There is no formation formed by the rootless sacred fire here. If a Martial Immortal from the sixth level wants to escape, it may be unknown whether Chu Xiu can catch up.

Perhaps exhausting the opponent's strength can catch up, but in that case, the opponent may have already gone to the southern region, and now Chu Xiu doesn't have so much time to care about Zhanwu Shenzong.

The loss of the Battle of the Martial God Sect this time is amazing enough.

Sikong Jialuo, the master of the War God Temple, died in battle. The entire War God Sect lost a large number of people when they stormed the Huangtian Pavilion. Later, a large number of people were killed by the Kunlun Demon Sect, and almost half of them died.

This kind of loss is almost a loss of vitality to the Zhanwu Shenzong, and even time can't make up for it.

At this time, Chong Qiushui, Lu Sanjin and other talents from Huangtian Pavilion walked over with their injured and exhausted bodies, and gave a big gift to Chu Xiu, and said solemnly: "Thank you, Cult Master Chu, for helping, this time if Cult Master Chu did not make a move, In this great Luotian, there is no Emperor Heaven Pavilion."

Chu Xiu helped Chong Qiushui up and said: "In the past, I was also born in the Huangtian Pavilion, and the old pavilion owner treated me well. If the Huangtian Pavilion is in trouble, how can I not help?

Moreover, this time, the people in the southern region are targeting me in the eastern region. Except for Ye Weikong and other people who are outsiders, how can I ignore it? "

Zhong Qiushui let out a long sigh, feeling extremely complicated.

If he had seen the power of the Kunlun Demon Sect when he founded the sect, he could still treat Chu Xiu with an equal attitude.

But now, he was really convinced and understood.

The world of war has come, how about Martial Immortal? What about Wannian Great Sect?

The previous rules and common sense can no longer be counted, everything must be based on strength.

Now Huangtian Pavilion has no strength, even if there is Huangtianjian, it is useless.

By now, Chong Qiushui can understand that a foreign object can't save him Huangtian Pavilion.

At this time, Chu Xiu waved his hand and brought up all the warriors who had betrayed Huangtian Pavilion before.

Except for a few people who were killed in fierce resistance, the others were captured alive.

Chu Xiu said solemnly: "Pavilion Master, I will leave all these betrayal people to you to deal with, after all, they are all people of Huangtian Pavilion.

I still have to rescue Ling Xiaozong here, so I won't chat with you here, Pavilion Master. "

Chong Qiushui nodded and said, "Cult Master Chu, rest assured, the traitors here will be handled by me, and I wish Cult Master Chu victory!"

After finishing speaking, Chong Qiushui turned his gaze to those warriors who had just chosen to betray the Emperor's Pavilion, his eyes flashing with murderous intent.

For these guys, Zhong Qiushui didn't intend to save their lives.

Traitors are always more hateful than enemies, and Zhong Qiushui can't forgive them.

Let them go this time, they will also betray in the future.

When a traitor is a thing, once there is a second time, so for most traitors, their chance is actually only once.


From Kunlun Demon Sect to Huangtian Pavilion Chu Xiu walked very fast, while from Huangtian Pavilion to High Heaven Sect, Chu Xiu's speed slowed down.

In name, Chu Xiu said that the warriors under his command were too exhausted after a war and needed to replenish their strength.

But what actually happened, Fang Baidu had guesses, but he didn't dare to say it.

The icing on the cake is not as good as giving help in the snow, or for Chu Xiu, a powerful Eastern Region is not as useful to him as a crippled Eastern Region.

In Lingxiao City at this time, the battle situation was far more intense than Chu Xiu had imagined, and it had even reached the point where both sides were doing their best.

Ling Xiaozong knew that this was a battle to decide the life and death of the Eastern Region.

At present, the Eastern Region respects his High Heaven Sect, the Emperor Heaven Pavilion can surrender, and the Kunlun Demon Sect can also surrender, but only his High Heaven Sect cannot surrender, and the Sword Sect of the World will not accept his surrender.

And the Sword Sect of the World also knows that they have paid so much for this battle, and they can only win, not lose.

The Lingxiao Promise Seal turned into a majestic seal larger than the entire Lingxiao City and crashed down, setting off a huge wave of vitality, the power is like the sky.

At the same time, Luo Shan held the Tongtian Sword in his hand, and his sharp edge ripped apart the sky. The powerful force collided with Lingxiao Wuji Seal, shattering the surrounding vitality rules, and sending huge ripples in the air that stretched for more than ten kilometers. Even the sun was blocked by this powerful fluctuation, making it instantly dark within a dozen miles.

Fang Yinglong's face was pale, and his strength was almost exhausted.

In the past, the three of them worked together to master the Lingxiao Promise Seal, but now he is the only one, and the power consumption has increased exponentially.

Linghu Xianshan and Qin Baiyuan used the power of the formation to resist the attack of the Sword Sect in the world, but they were beaten by the opponent, and they had retreated to the very center of the formation.

Especially Qin Baiyuan, who is already quite old, if he continues to fight, Qin Baiyuan may not be able to hold on anymore.

Fang Yinglong smiled miserably.

Although the Ling Xiao sect of his generation is not considered the strongest Ling Xiao sect in history, it is not the weakest either.

So he never thought that Ling Xiaozong would be destroyed by his own hands in the end!

Fang Yinglong looked up at Luo Shan and laughed wildly: "Luo Shan, do you think that if the Sword Sect of the World occupies the Eastern Region, it is qualified and has the strength to compete with the Buddhist sect?

wishful thinking!

My High Heaven Sect in the Eastern Region can't keep it, so don't even think of your Sword Sect in the world!

Old man, be buried with me! "

As Fang Yinglong's voice fell, his whole body suddenly burst into a cloud of blood, and all the essence of qi and blood was under his self-destruction, wrapped in a golden glow of primordial spirit, and merged into the imprint of the sky.


There was a cry of sorrow from the many disciples of Ling Xiaozong below.

Fang Yinglong smashed his body, and his soul and flesh were integrated into the Lingxiao Promise Seal to fight for his life. In this battle, their Lingxiao Sect had already lost.

But the quality of those disciples of Ling Xiaozong is really not ordinary.

The disciples of Huangtian Pavilion chose to surrender in a desperate situation, but these disciples of Lingxiaozong burst out with stronger power than before, fighting with the enemy in front of them, and even if they perished together, they had to pull a back, and they would give it to the world in an instant. Sword Sect brought great casualties.

In mid-air, the Lingxiao Promise Seal, which merged with Fang Yinglong's fleshly primordial spirit, suddenly burst into dazzling blood. The power trembled into the void, shattering the rules of the surrounding heaven and earth, and even centered on the Lingxiao Promise Seal, forming a Huge black hole.

Ling Xiao Wuji Seal and Tongtian Sword cannot tell which is stronger or weaker.

But Fang Yinglong is weaker than Luo Shan, so he has always been at a disadvantage.

At this moment, Fang Yinglong made a desperate blow and finally pulled the two sides to the same level.

Looking at Ling Xiao Wuji Yin in mid-air, Luo Shan sighed: "Why bother."

Just as he spit out this sentence, the Lingxiao Promise Seal in mid-air smashed down!

At this moment, except for Luo Shan, everyone present felt an aura, a powerful aura belonging to the dragon veins of heaven and earth!

The big seal fell in mid-air, as if the sky had collapsed, but the earth dragon turned over under their feet, and there was a powerful force pulling and imprisoning them.

This seal is aimed at all the warriors below. Obviously, when this seal falls, whether it is the warriors of the High Heaven Sect or the warriors of the Sword Sect, they will be completely crushed into flesh by this seal, and they will die together.

The next moment Luo Shan waved his hand, and the Tongtian Sword floated in the air.

He sat cross-legged on the ground, squeezed the seal in his hand, and his primordial spirit came out of his body directly, attached to the Tongtian Sword, and instead of the sword spirit, he slashed towards the Lingxiao Wuji Seal!

No matter how strong the Tongtian Sword is, it is only a weapon. Although the sword spirit has spirituality, it is only a sword spirit.

But Luo Shan himself is the number one swordsman in the world today, and replacing the sword spirit with his primordial spirit is the true unity of man and sword, capable of exerting the strongest power of the Tongtian Sword.

The ultimate power collided with the powerful sword light that penetrated the sky and the earth. Strength, rules, space, vitality, everything was shattered between the two collisions, and the entire sky formed a huge black hole, which can only be seen. To a seal and a sword.

Time and space seemed to have been stopped in that piece of heaven and earth. The next moment, a crack appeared on the Lingxiao Promise Seal, and finally burst with a bang!

The eyes of many High Heaven Sect warriors were full of despair. Are their High Heaven Sect destined to escape this disaster?

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