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Chapter 1379: can't afford to lose

Lingxiao Wujiyin may not be as good as Tongtianjian, but Fang Yinglong is not as good as Luoshan.

Even if Fang Yinglong risked his life, it was the same, unable to recover.

The Tongtian Sword returned to Luo Shan's hands, and the Yuanshen returned to his place, but Luo Shan's complexion became extremely old in an instant.

Although Luo Shan was also very old before, at this time Luo Shan seemed to have overdrawn all his vitality. The wrinkles on his face almost covered his eyes, his eyes were extremely cloudy, and his whole body exuded a rotten aura.

Luo Shan stood up, but suddenly trembled twice and almost fell to the ground.

There was a warrior from the Sword Sect in the world who wanted to help him up. Luo Shan shook his head and said, "It's okay, let's solve the High Heaven Sect as soon as possible."

At this time, when Ling Xiaozong saw Fang Yinglong's death, everyone fell into despair.

But after despair, some people also fell directly into madness, such as Linghu Xianshan.

Linghu Xianshan has a cold personality and speaks very little, but Fang Yinglong, as his senior brother, has taken great care of him since he was a child.

At this time, seeing Fang Yinglong's body dead, thinking of the future of Lingxiao Sect, Linghu Immortal Mountain directly burned the blood essence and the primordial spirit, and the momentum exploded to the extreme.

But unfortunately, the gap between the two sides is too great.

Sheng Jiuyuan and Mu Baishuang, two 7th-level Heavenly Martial Immortals, took action, combining their swords, they had already killed Linghu Immortal Mountain in a few moves.

Seeing the deaths of the two martial immortals of Lingxiao Sect, Qin Baiyuan, the old sect master of the previous generation, also fell into madness.

"The Sword Sect of the World! If you want to destroy my High Heaven Sect, then I will perish with you today!

Five hundred years ago, that existence was banned in my Lingxiao Sect. Today I will release him, and everyone will die together! "

Luo Shan coughed: "Okay, don't brag anymore, although I didn't participate in the battle five hundred years ago, I know the inside story.

Although in the end the entire Da Luotian decided to let your High Heaven Sect imprison the existence, in fact, your High Heaven Sect just provided a secret realm venue.

The one who really sealed the one was the ban that the nine Nine Heavens Peak Martial Immortals shot together, and your High Heaven Sect couldn't open it at all.

Don't worry, I've heard everything about that one's horror. After destroying your High Heaven Sect, my Sword Sect in the world will take over for you and take good care of him. "

At this moment, Qin Baiyuan had fallen into despair and was deeply confused.

Fang Yinglong is dead, Linghu Xianshan is also dead, and the last trump card Lingxiao Wuji Seal is also broken, what else can their Lingxiao Sect come up with to resist the Sword Sect under Heaven?

Just when Luo Shan was about to order the Sword Sect under Heaven to start the general attack regardless of life and death, a voice came from a distance.

"The matter of the Eastern Region should be resolved by the Eastern Region itself. It is not your turn to take care of the Sword Sect of the World."

Hearing this voice, Qin Baiyuan's eyes showed a look of disbelief, and Luo Shan and other warriors of the Sword Sect in the world also had a look of disbelief in their eyes.

A large number of warriors from the Kunlun Demon Sect swarmed in from a distance and joined the battlefield directly. Suddenly, the warriors of the Sword Sect in the world who had consumed a lot of power were unable to resist and retreated step by step.

A look of anger flashed in Mu Baishuang's eyes: "What on earth is Ye Weikong doing!? He, an eighth-level warrior, couldn't handle Chu Xiu? There are also Xu Tianya and Fang Baidu, the two of them together can be quite powerful. Comparable to Seventh Layer, how could they lose? They…”

Before he finished speaking, Mu Baishuang saw Fang Baidu and Xu Tianya standing behind Chu Xiu, his complexion suddenly changed, and he turned his eyes to Sheng Jiuyuan.

There is no need to say what the two people standing behind Chu Xiu mean.

But these two ancient venerables were brought by Sheng Jiuyuan. Now they have chosen to betray Chu Xiu's side. Is it hard for Sheng Jiuyuan not to say something?

At this time, Sheng Jiuyuan's face was also extremely gloomy. He pointed at Fang Baidu and Xu Tianya and said angrily: "What are you two? You don't care about the revenge of the murderers? You actually chose to betray me and go to help that Chu Xiu. To be a running dog?"

After the previous battle at Huangtian Pavilion, Xu Tianya and the two could be said to have completely understood their position.

Anyway, they have already become traitors, and they have already chosen to join Chu Xiu anyway, so there is nothing to hesitate?

Fang Baidu said indifferently without shame: "Sheng Jiuyuan, we didn't want to take action at the beginning, who insisted on forcing us to take action?

You also said that the world of great competition has come, even Gu Zun can't be alone, he must choose a side.

The Cult Master Chu is a heroic man with great potential and unlimited potential. He will surely reach the top in the future. We choose to stand on the side of the Cult Master Chu. "

Seeing Fang Baidu say these words so righteously and awe-inspiringly, Sheng Jiuyuan was so angry that he didn't know what to say.

Chu Xiu walked to Qin Baiyuan's side at this time, and sighed with a guilty look on his face: "Old Sect Master, Chu Xiu is late!"

Qin Baiyuan's eyes reddened, and the old Sect Master of High Heaven Sect trembled: "It's not too late! As long as Sect Master Chu can come to rescue my High Heaven Sect, it will not be too late!

The Sect Master died, and Linghu Xianshan also died.

Old man, I was already prepared to die with them, but I didn't expect to have a chance to live, how could it be too late?

Today, the old man, I only ask the leader of Chu for one thing, to destroy the sword sect in the world. From now on, my Lingxiao sect is willing to help the Kunlun Demon Sect! "

Chu Xiu patted Qin Baiyuan on the shoulder and said, "The old sect master is serious, this time it is their southern region targeting me in the eastern region, everyone should join forces to fight against the enemy, how could I, Chu Xiu, be the kind of shameless kid who would take advantage of the situation people?"

After that, Chu Xiu stood up and said to Luo Shan, "Sect Master Luo, are you disappointed when you see me?"

Luo Shan shook his head and said, "I'm not disappointed, I just don't understand.

I can see that Ye Weikong has reached the Eighth Heaven of the Martial Immortal. Logically speaking, he should not be defeated.

There are also Fang Baidu and Xu Tianya.

Gu Zun's lineage attaches the most importance to inheritance, and the feud of murderers is undeniable. How did you make them turn against the water?

Can't figure it out, the old man really can't figure it out. "

Chu Xiu said lightly: "Don't think about it if you can't figure it out, old sect master, your sword sect in the world was defeated in this battle, and your Southern Region was also defeated."

Luo Shan glanced at his wrinkled hands, fearing that he would not be able to hold the Tongtian Sword anymore.

He chuckled lightly and said, "Failed? How could my Sword Sect under Heaven give up so easily after paying such a huge price?

I can't afford to lose, I can't afford to lose this battle.

Everyone, the opponent has another Kunlun Demon Sect, can you still take up the sword?

This old man can't do it anymore, the future of the Sword Sect in the world will be handed over to you. "

Mu Baishuang didn't say a word, but the one who responded to Luo Shan was a sword glow rising into the sky!

At the same time, the other two Sword Masters of the Sword Sect under Heaven, 'Jiuyou Sword Master' Yi Guixie and 'Bihai Sword Master' knew that Lan also shot together.

Sheng Jiuyuan gritted his teeth, he was already tied to the Sword Sect of the World, and there was no way out, he could only take action.

Chu Xiu directly met Mu Baishuang, while Fang Baidu and Xu Tianya joined forces to meet Sheng Jiuyuan.

The strength of these two teamed up is comparable to that of the seventh heaven. Although it is difficult to defeat Sheng Jiuyuan, it is not a problem to hold him down.

With the remaining two people, Chen Qingdi directly confronted You Mingzhilan with the strength of the Fourth Layer.

Chen Qingdi is not a real Martial Immortal, but his combat power is at least around that of the third-level Heavenly Martial Immortal, so although there is pressure on Ming Zhilan, he will not be too disadvantaged.

And Wei Shuya's consumption was a bit large before, and Qin Baiyuan had experienced a war before, and the consumption was also huge.

But it's not a problem for two people to join forces to deal with a Yi Guixie who only has a third-level cultivation base.

At this moment, the people on both sides were evenly matched.

This is the last battle, and it is also the battle that will determine the final outcome of the Eastern Region and the Southern Region.

Mu Baishuang knew the consequences of this battle. Their Sword Sect in the world had already given everything, so they couldn't afford to lose!

At that moment, Mu Baishuang had already made all his efforts.

Countless sword lights shrouded the sky and blocked the sun, and the mid-air was completely illuminated by sharp edges, even more dazzling than the sun at noon.

The dense sword light shrouded Chu Xiu, but Chu Xiu only slashed out.

Swallow the sky with a knife!

Countless sword lights were swallowed by the black hole, breaking all methods with one force.

But at the next moment, the most inconspicuous sword light seemed to pass through space, with swaying starlight, pierced through the black hole caused by swallowing the sky, and appeared staggeringly in front of Chu Xiu.

That sword light was very inconspicuous, but the powerful sword intent contained in it seemed to be able to tear apart the void.

This is Mu Baishuang's famous supernatural power, the star-piercing sword!

Ignoring any block of space rules, the sword will hit, and it will hit.

Different from Fang Qishao's karma swordsmanship, Mu Baishuang's sword comprehends the rules of space.

As long as you are still in this space, you will never be able to dodge the Star Piercing Sword.

The next moment Chu Xiu's figure suddenly skyrocketed, and the magic was displayed, and at the same time, he also put on the immortal body of the holy demon.

The momentum of Chu Xiu's body climbed to the extreme in an instant. The star-piercing sword slammed on the holy demon's immortal body, and the armor composed of the supreme Buddha's light and demonic energy was smashed at the same time!

That seemingly inconspicuous sword light actually pushed Chu Xiu's thousand-hundred-zhang Demon God's body back, causing him to retreat several hundred feet before it stopped.

However, in the end, the sword failed to penetrate Chu Xiu's law.

The power of the Demon God's body lies not only in its strength, but also in its powerful defense!

"It's my turn now!"

The space is shaken by the fist, and the mountains and rivers are shattered!

The ultimate power of Fa Tianxiangdi fell with one punch, shaking the surrounding void. No matter how much Mu Baishuang defended, he could not stop this ultimate power. With three punches, he was directly blasted into the ground.

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