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Chapter 1380: I'm sorry, I'm undercover

Chu Xiu's current state of power is very unique.

For most Martial Immortals, the realm represented their control over the rules, but Chu Xiu's control over the rules did not exceed his realm.

However, his various supernatural powers, martial arts, and sources of power have caused his combat power to skyrocket, and it has even surpassed the level of using rules to limit his realm.

When he fought Mu Shenxiao before, Chu Xiu actually already had certainty. If the opponent didn't run, he had a 70% certainty to kill him, and a 100% certainty to inflict heavy damage on him.

Now that he is fighting against Mu Baishuang, Chu Xiu doesn't feel too much pressure, at least he won't lose.

It's not an illusion, it's confidence.

Perhaps after this battle, Chu Xiu can consider attacking the Fourth Heaven of Martial Immortal.

Of course, even if he didn't lose, Mu Baishuang wouldn't be so easy to deal with.

Mu Baishuang, who was blasted into the ground by Chu Xiu's Fa Tianxiangdi with extreme strength, seemed to have no movement, but the next moment, the sword energy that rushed to the sky was to attract the thunder in mid-air, constructing a thunder sword come online.

Fa Tianxiang was trapped in the thunder sword net, and his whole body could not dodge. Once he touched the thunder sword net, the sword qi mixed with the power of thunder exploded, shattering part of the power of the law.

Mu Baishuang's figure came straight from the ground to Chu Xiu, the sharpness on the long sword was like real substance, and even the world was cut and shattered wherever he passed.

Chu Xiu smashed it down again with a punch, and the powerful fluctuations spread out, hitting the Thunder Sword Net, but it happened to smash it.

Shaking his right hand, an incomparably dazzling golden light erupted from the six-path reincarnation bracelet.

In an instant, the Six Paths of Saha's Miaohua Wheels had already been cast out, covering Mu Baishuang and starting to strangle constantly.

The swordsmen are extremely sharp, it can be said that they can break through all methods with one sword, but this also means that their means are too single.

Therefore, the martial arts of Buddhism and Taoism can be varied, each of which can directly point to the origin of the Dao, but the swordsmanship cannot.

Over the years, the Underworld Sword Sect has not been like the Buddhist sect. Every generation will produce a supreme power of the Nine Heavens of Martial Immortals. This generation of the Under Heaven Sword Sect is already a relatively strong generation.

Therefore, at this time, surrounded by the myriad changes of the Six Paths of Saha's Miaohua Wheel, which are comparable to the magical powers of martial arts, Mu Baishuang could only use his sword energy to break the cycle of reincarnation, but it was all offset by the superposition of the power of the six paths of reincarnation. .

Moreover, the golden light above Chu Xiu's six-path reincarnation bracelet is still constantly trying to pull Mu Baishuang's primordial spirit into the six-path reincarnation to be strangled.

It's just that Mu Baishuang's primordial spirit and his will can be considered extremely tenacious, and they can actually resist the pull of the power of the Six Paths Samsara Bracelet.

But even so, his Yuanshen, being pulled, sent out bursts of intense pain, almost going mad.

Mu Baishuang suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his eyes regained a moment's clarity.

The next moment, the sword in his hand swept away wildly, without the slightest change, but it contained the ultimate sword intent power and fighting intent!

As the heir to the next generation of the Sword Sect under the Heaven designated by Luo Shan, Mu Baishuang was of course not an ordinary person.

Although this was the first time he had come into contact with the incomparably bizarre cultivation technique of the Six Paths Saha Congregation Miaohua Wheel, he also thought of a way to break the situation in a short period of time.

Only by tearing apart Samsara with extreme strength can you break free, otherwise, the six paths will revolve, complementing the weak, and there will be no weakness at all.

At the moment when the Miaohua Wheels of the Six Paths Sahas were torn apart, Mu Baishuang's whole body flashed with a green light, and it actually merged with the Qingli Sword in his hand. People are swords, and swords are people.

The green light seemed to tear apart the time and space of this world and came straight to Chu Xiu. That mighty power even made the space around Chu Xiu stagnate, making him unable to dodge!

The sword penetrates the world!

This is one of the inherited magical powers of the Underworld Sword Sect, and almost all the martial artists of the Under Heaven Sword Sect will learn it.

There is only one feature of its power, which is to transform the body into a sword and display the power of kendo to the extreme!

The next moment, Chu Xiu's whole body was shrouded in the scorching golden Buddha's light and the pitch-black deep-cold demonic energy.

At the same time when the immortal body of the holy devil was exerted to the extreme, Chu Xiu slashed with a knife, and the fire of destruction lingered on the body of the knife, burning the rules.

The swords collided, and the powerful fluctuations spread out, and the sword intent instantly suppressed the sword light.

It's not that Chu Xiu's swordsmanship is not as good as Mu Baishuang's swordsmanship, but the power of divine powers is too powerful, and it cannot be blocked with just a single sword. Suppressed by sword intent.

But at this moment, at the very center where the swords collided, a green bud bloomed along with it.

Good fortune yin and yang, reincarnation new life.

The power of destruction brought about by the collision of the swords was completely absorbed by the buds, and the buds born from the annihilation grew into a towering tree almost instantly, not only absorbing the power of Mu Baishuang's supernatural powers, but also It also absorbed Chu Xiu's sword intent, and finally grew to the extreme, shattering into ashes.

The power dissipated, and Chu Xiu and Mu Baishuang retreated at the same time.

"What power is this?"

A look of confusion flashed in Mu Baishuang's eyes. This was the first time he encountered a power that even he could not understand.

"good fortune."

Chu Xiu spat out these two words lightly.

It is not the magic way of creation, but the pure power of creation.

Chu Xiu touched the power of yin and yang based on the magical way of creation.

When dealing with Ye Weikong, Chu Xiu really inspired the power of the source of yin and yang, and used the grinding disc of heaven and earth, which made him understand the power of the source more deeply.

Now Chu Xiu's understanding of this Dao has even surpassed the Dao of Magic itself.

On the other side, Luo Shan looked at the scene on the field, but his turbid eyes were full of gray defeat.

If they lost, they almost lost the Sword Sect in the world.

Sheng Jiuyuan could delay, but Yi Guixie couldn't stop it.

Moreover, Chen Qingdi didn't know where it came from. The combat power was amazing, and the more he fought, the more brave he was. At the beginning, he was suppressed by Mingzhilan, but now he has been able to suppress Mingzhilan.

The most important thing is Chu Xiu's side.

With the strength of the seventh heaven, Mu Baishuang was unable to suppress Chu Xiu of the third heaven, and even the two sides were fighting back and forth.

Thinking of this, Luo Shan let out a long sigh.

He waved the Heavenly Sword in his hand and said solemnly, "Open the Heavenly Sword Array."

There were also some disciples of the Sword Sect in the world beside Luo Shan. They were stunned when they heard the words: "Sect Master, who will control the sword formation?"

"Of course it's me, is there anyone else who can control the sword formation?"

The disciple was immediately excited when he heard the words: "Sect Master! You have already consumed too much, you can't take any more shots!

The Tongtian Sword is not the existence of Da Luotian. If you forcefully use the Tongtian Sword now, you will be attacked! "

"Open the sword formation!"

Luo Shan repeated another sentence, the tone of which was unquestionable.

In the Sword Sect of the World, Luo Shan is actually very kind most of the time, and even some warriors of the Sword Sect are afraid of Baishuang, but they are not afraid of Luo Shan.

But at this time, Luo Shan spoke with a firm tone, but no one dared to refute it.

More than a dozen remaining Heaven and Earth Tongxuan Realm martial artists shot together, poured blood into their long swords, inserted them into the ground, and pinched them with their hands. emerge.

Of course, none of these matters. The most important thing in the Heaven-reaching Sword Formation is the Heaven-reaching Sword.

With a wave of Luo Shan's hand, he condensed the last trace of strength into the Tongtian Sword, inserted it into the center of the formation, and instantly the sword energy in the Tongtian Sword Formation shot up into the sky.

"Fang Qishao, in addition to Martial Immortals, they belong to the highest attainments in kendo, I can't move anymore, and I have mastered the Tongtian Sword.

Remember, there is only a chance to make a sword, and only one sword can be used, and the Karma Kendo will be displayed to the strongest level!

I don't want this sword to be able to kill Chu Xiu, as long as this sword can kill Chu Xiu and inflict heavy damage on him, my sword sect in the world will be able to reverse the outcome! "

Fang Qishao had not joined the battle before.

He has a very high status in the Sword Sect Under Heaven. The next generation of Sword Sect Under Heaven has not had a talented disciple like Fang Qishao for a long time, so the Sword Sect Under Heaven is also afraid that he will be killed in the chaos, so he is only allowed to stay in the rear.

At this time, all the Martial Immortals were sent out, and Luo Shan also lost his fighting power. In the entire Sword Sect of the World, the only one capable of wielding the Tongtian Sword was Fang Qishao.

What's more, his Karma Kendo is more suitable for stabbing this sword than others.

However, when Fang Qishao heard that Luo Shan actually called him to take action, a complex expression appeared on his face, and he walked slowly to the center of the formation, but he couldn't hold his hand on the hilt. .

Seeing that Chu Xiu and Mu Baishuang started to fight fiercely again, Luo Shan shouted: "Hurry up! Don't hesitate anymore, Yi Guixie and Ming Zhilan can't hold it anymore. The victory or defeat of the Sword Sect of the World is in the hands!"

Hearing Luo Shan's urging, Fang Qishao's indifferent face disappeared, showing a very tangled look.

After a while he clenched his teeth sharply and clenched the Heaven-reaching Sword, and the sword light shot up into the sky in an instant, reaching the sky and the earth.

But then, Fang Qishao did not pull out the Tongtian Sword and slashed at Chu Xiu, but suddenly rotated the hilt, pouring the power of the Tongtian Sword into the earth.

In an instant, the earth was torn apart, the earth dragon turned over, and the mountains and rivers roared.

The surrounding warriors swayed, and suddenly a mouthful of blood spurted out, and the sword formation was completely destroyed.

At this time, Fang Qishao was also pale and exhausted all his strength, which offset the backlash of Tongtian Sword.

Although the power of the Tongtian Sword was not provided by him, just holding this supreme divine weapon and slashing a sword, the backlash was enough to drain his power.

Facing the unbelievably complex gazes of Luo Shan and other warriors of the Sword Sect, Fang Qishao spread his hands and gave a wry smile.

"Sorry, I'm undercover."

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