Meet The Leader

Chapter 1383: Meng Xinghe's Wrath

The southern region and the eastern region are fighting together, and the two great powerhouses in the western region are fighting against each other.

In the entire Great Luotian, only the Northern Territory is the most stable.

Perhaps because of the presence of Dao Zun, anyone who dares to do things in the Northern Territory is basically courting death.

On the top of Tianzhu Mountain in the extreme north.

After Meng Xinghe finished teaching the disciples of Xinghe Martial Arts Academy, he returned to the mountain to play chess.

No one knew who Meng Xinghe was playing chess with, maybe it was himself, maybe it was this world.

The Kunlun Demon Sect in Chuxiu in the Eastern Region is developing well, and the development of Galaxy Martial Arts Academy is even better.

After all, Meng Xinghe's name is placed here, that is the peak powerhouse of Wuxian Jiuzhongtian, and the most famous existence in the ancient Zun lineage.

With Meng Xinghe's personal teaching and explanation, this kind of opportunity was a great opportunity that no one could ask for in the past. At this time, anyone can have it. How can those scattered warriors in the Northern Territory and some warriors from small sects be possible? give up?

Therefore, the warriors who came to join the Galaxy Martial Arts Academy can be said to be rushing.

Even because the Xinghe Martial Arts Academy does not have a sectarian view, disciples from the big sect like Xuantianjing sometimes come to listen to the class.

At this moment, a sunspot of Meng Xinghe fell, his mind suddenly trembled, and the sunspot and the entire chessboard shattered in an instant.

Meng Xinghe looked at his hands, and there was a hint of doubt in his eyes.

What happened to make him, the Martial Immortal of the Nine Heavens, unable to control his power?

At this time, Fang Daochen, another ancient master of the Galaxy Martial Academy, walked in and said cautiously: "President, there is some news from Jianghu, which may have some causal relationship with you."

The expression on Meng Xinghe's face remained unchanged: "Oh? What news?"

After thinking about it, Fang Daochen considered the language, and finally he just sighed and said a sentence.

"Ye Weikong died at the hands of Chu Xiu."

Hearing this sentence, the expression on Meng Xinghe's face did not change, but Fang Daochen beside him had a look of horror in his eyes.

The cultivation technique of his lineage is very peculiar, and he is not only good at strength, but instead pursues the slightest changes in strength, with small and broad.

Therefore, any slight fluctuations could not be concealed from him, not only the power, but also the primordial spirit and state of mind.

At this time, although Meng Xinghe's expression did not change, and even his power did not spill out, Fang Daochen's state of mind was like a stormy sea, swept in madness, like a world-destroying flood!

Meng Xinghe's mentality at this time is indeed not calm, and it is not easy for him to maintain his apparent calm now.

At the Guzun Conference before, Meng Xinghe once told Chu Xiu that he and Ye Weikong had gone on two different paths, and they would not interfere with each other's choices, and naturally their grievances would not be entangled.

At that time, Meng Xinghe thought so, but in fact, after hearing the news of Ye Weikong's death today, he realized that he was wrong and he couldn't let it go.

Although the path he chose was different from Ye Weikong's, how could he just let go of the friendship hundreds of years ago, countless **** battles, brotherhood and brotherhood?

Meng Xinghe looked up at the starry sky, and in a trance, he seemed to see the young man he met when he just stepped out of the wild jungle.

That majestic young man who was clamoring to make himself the largest sect master in the Eastern Region, stepping on both the High Heaven Sect and the Emperor Heaven Pavilion.

Brilliant and arrogant.

It is precisely because of this that Meng Xinghe, who has always been quiet and peaceful, was attracted to him. He followed him to explore the rivers and lakes, created the city of Hanjiang, and created a legend of the rivers and lakes in the Eastern Region.

But later, there were differences between the two sides.

The heroic dreams of youth will be wiped out by time.

All Ye Weikong wanted was to make Hanjiang City the top faction in the Eastern Region and no longer be oppressed by Lingxiao Sect and Emperor Tiange.

When he did it, he lost his goal and lost his old dream.

But Meng Xinghe is different, what he wants is bigger and farther than a Hanjiang city, above the endless starry sky!

So the two sides parted ways.

At first they got together because of their dreams, but now they also parted ways because of their dreams, each going their own way.

After a while, Meng Xinghe spit out three words softly: "Brother Ye..."

He has not called this title for many years, and Ye Weikong has not seen many of them.

He thought that he could let go of the past, but the ruthless Daoist people are affectionate. How could the friendship of more than a hundred years be let go so easily.

Meng Xinghe moved his hands, a golden whisk was held in his hand, and a Dao sword with a red sandalwood scabbard also fell on his back.

Fang Daochen was shocked: "Dean, what are you doing?"

Meng Xinghe pointed to his chest and said, "I have a knot in my heart.

Heart knots are not removed, the road is hopeless.

I went to cut my own knot. "

Fang Daochen wanted to say something, but Meng Xinghe had already turned into a star and disappeared in place.

Fang Daochen patted his thigh anxiously.

Of course he knew what Meng Xinghe was going to do.

If it was placed at other times, Meng Xinghe would not have killed Chu Xiu, even if he picked the entire Eastern Region, it wouldn't matter.

But in such a sensitive period, any accident could change their previous plans.

Even now Fang Daochen couldn't help complaining about the dead Ye Weikong.

If you die, you will die, and if you die, you will cause trouble for yourself.


At this time, Chu Xiu didn't know that because of him, the entire Da Luotian faction had become a mess.

He is now preparing for the Eastern Alliance Conference.

Now there are only three major forces in the entire Eastern Region, the Kunlun Demon Sect, the High Heaven Sect and the Emperor Heaven Pavilion.

Of the remaining small forces, 50% joined the Kunlun Demon Sect, and 30% were the hard-core vassal forces of the High Heaven Sect and Emperor Tiange.

The other 20% are still outside of these major factions.

This is either a slow response, a small force with no great ambitions, or a middle force with a moderate strength, some ambition, and unwilling to succumb to others.

This time Chu Xiu called them all. In fact, the so-called is one thing, that is to unify the entire Eastern Region!

On the square of the Kunlun Demon Sect, the leaders of the various forces of the Eastern Martial Arts gathered again.

It hasn't been long since they came to the Kunlun Demon Sect last time. During the Kunlun Demon Sect's founding ceremony, they were the leaders of the major forces in the Eastern Martial Arts, but they all sent people here. I didn't expect it to be so fast. Then again.

This time everyone present was whispering in secret, and even the dullest people felt a trace of unease and a trace of something wrong.

The Southern Territory gathered the strength of the major factions to attack the Eastern Territory, which made the mountains and rains come, and now Chu Xiu called them all here again, what does it mean?

Everyone present turned their attention to the first place, where Chong Qiushui and Qin Baiyuan were sitting.

However, they didn't see anything of value from the looks and eyes of these two.

In the previous battle, both Huangtian Pavilion and Ling Xiaozong suffered heavy losses.

Especially the High Heaven Sect, it was almost wiped out, the elites were scattered, only the old and the young were left, and there was barely a trace of inheritance left.

Having suffered such a great loss, they are now all like strangers.

After a while, Chu Xiu came out of the inner hall, followed by Wei Shuya, Chen Qingdi, Xu Tianya and Fang Baidu.

The hearts of the people present suddenly froze.

It was only now that they discovered that they didn't know when, Chu Xiu had gathered so many powerhouses.

There are actually five Martial Immortals in the entire Kunlun Demon Sect, which is already more than when the High Heaven Sect was at its peak.

Everyone stood up and bowed respectfully to Chu Xiu: "Meet Master Chu!"

Chu Xiu waved his hand and said solemnly: "You don't need to be too polite, I brought you here today, I believe you all already know what's going on.

Daluotian has been calm for ten thousand years. In the past, it was a fight within the four regions, but now, it is about to evolve into a world of great competition, a battle of four regions.

Under such circumstances, no one in the entire Eastern Region can survive alone. "

Speaking of this, a sad expression appeared on Chu Xiu's face: "Just like a few days ago, the Southern Territory attacked my Eastern Territory, the Emperor Tiange and Lingxiao Sect were both severely damaged, and my Kunlun Demon Sect almost suffered from Hanjiang City. The traitor's poisonous hand has suffered heavy losses."

The expressions of everyone present were a little strange.

As far as he knows, it's true that Huangtian Pavilion and High Heaven Sect suffered heavy losses, but when did your Kunlun Demon Sect suffer heavy losses?

Of course, none of the people present dared to demolish Chu Xiu's stage at such a time. Whatever he said, everyone present would listen carefully.

Chu Xiu then said: "Let's take a lesson from the past. I can't make the same mistake again in the Eastern Region.

So this time, I have all of you here just for one thing, that is, to unite the strength of the entire Eastern Region, establish an Eastern Region Alliance, and jointly fight against foreign enemies! "

Everyone present was After a long while, someone stood up and asked, "I dare to ask Master Chu, what can I gain by joining this Eastern Alliance? What will I have to pay?"

Before Chu Xiu could answer, Chong Qiushui suddenly stood up and said solemnly, "I, Huangtian Pavilion, are willing to merge into the Kunlun Demon Sect and become a vassal sect of the Kunlun Demon Sect.

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was in an uproar, and even Chu Xiu didn't expect that Chong Qiushui would make such a decision.

Emperor Tiange was a top sect that stood at the peak in the lower world ten thousand years ago. Such an existence naturally has its own dignity.

They can be destroyed, but they cannot be brought down.

Just like when Zhanwu Shenzong and Daqianmen attacked Huangtian Pavilion before, even if Huangtian Pavilion had been driven to a dead end at that time, Zhong Qiushui would rather fight with a fish to death than surrender, why would he choose to become the Kunlun Demon Sect now? vassal?

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