Meet The Leader

Chapter 1384: I will kill you!

Chong Qiushui is a very realistic person. To be precise, he is a person who can recognize reality, just like he is now.

The Emperor's Pavilion has no future in his hands.

In a world of great contention, even if the Emperor Tiange had him as a Martial Immortal, it would be useless.

This time, Huangtian Pavilion can't even stop the alliance between Zhanwu Shenzong and Daqianmen. How can we stop more powerful enemies in the future?

Moreover, Chong Qiushui also knew Chu Xiu very well. From the time when Chu Xiu intervened in the battle for the pavilion owner of his Huangtian Pavilion, Chong Qiushui knew what kind of person Chu Xiu was.

Chong Qiushui did not dare to say that he knew Chu Xiu very well, but the Chu Xiu he knew was an ambitious person.

The Eastern Region Alliance Conference is said to resist foreign enemies, but in fact, who is the leader of this alliance? Besides Chu Xiu, who else could it be?

At that moment, Chong Qiushui thought about it a lot. Perhaps the only way out for him is to join the Kunlun Demon Sect.

There is still human affection in taking the initiative to surrender. If you are forced to join, it will be too late.

Moreover, Chu Xiu's Kunlun Demon Sect did not require the vassal sect to completely give up everything before him. As long as the integrity of Huangtian Pavilion's inheritance could be guaranteed, he would not be worthy of his ancestors.

Chu Xiu looked at Chong Qiushui, stunned for a moment, and then quickly said: "What is Pavilion Master Chong doing? I said it was an alliance, but I didn't want everyone to be merged into the Kunlun Demon Sect."

Chong Qiushui shook his head and said: "Cult Master Chu, I have already thought about it, and with the current strength of Huangtian Pavilion, I am no longer qualified to join the Kunlun Demon Sect.

Emperor Tiange can be breached once, and it can be breached a second time. Instead of worrying about it all day, it is better to find someone who can bear the banner of the Eastern Region.

In the entire Eastern Region, besides you, Cult Master Chu, who else is qualified to act? "

Zhong Qiushui has always been a very serious person, but at this time, such a serious person started to compliment people, which is more effective.

Chu Xiu didn't hesitate, he nodded: "In that case, the Kunlun Demon Sect welcomes the pavilion master to join."

After speaking, Chu Xiu turned his eyes to the people present, and said solemnly: "The pavilion master has joined the Kunlun Demon Sect, and I do not ask you to join, but the Eastern Region Alliance is for the benefit of the entire Eastern Region against foreign enemies. established, so you only need to do a little bit and that's enough.

That is to open the sect, let some of my Kunlun Demon Sect disciples settle in, and establish a contact formation to facilitate mutual contact.

As for what you can get, it is very simple, you can get security!

No matter what external enemy attacks, my Kunlun Demon Sect will be able to arrive at the first time after receiving the news.

Like this Southern Region Sect's raid on the Eastern Region, this is the first and last time. "

As soon as these words came out, everyone present had different expressions, and they discussed it below.

At this time, Qin Baiyuan suddenly stood up and said solemnly, "My Lingxiao Sect agrees with this matter."

The current Ling Xiaozong has been crippled, and Qin Baiyuan's heart is dead.

If it weren't for the fact that there was still a young disciple left in the High Heaven Sect, Qin Baiyuan might have retreated to the mountains and forests ashes.

No matter what ambitions and thoughts Chu Xiu has, at least this matter is beneficial to Ling Xiaozong.

The current Lingxiao Sect is no longer the largest faction in the Eastern Regions, and there is no second choice other than obedience.

The previous two major factions of the Eastern Region, one chose to merge into the Kunlun Demon Sect, and the other agreed to the alliance. After hesitating for a moment, most of the sect leaders present nodded and agreed.

This time the southern region invaded the eastern region, it really caused a great impact to them.

If the Southern Region raid is successful, what awaits them will be an all-out attack on the entire Southern Region martial arts.

However, some warriors are somewhat reluctant.

Chu Xiu established a contact formation in their sect, and even sent disciples to guard it. What secrets does his sect have for the Kunlun Demon Sect? What's the difference between becoming a vassal of the Kunlun Demon Sect?

So the warrior who had asked before stood up again and thought about his tone: "Cult Master Chu, I am willing to join this Eastern Region Alliance, after all, this is a good thing that benefits my entire Eastern Region martial arts.

But the question is, do I need to reconsider the fact that the Kunlun Demon Sect is stationing disciples in our sect? "

Chu Xiu squinted his eyes, but he was a little surprised. He didn't expect to attack the Eastern Territory in the Southern Territory, and after the Emperor Tiange and Ling Xiaozong both chose to join the Eastern Territory Alliance, there were still people who dared to raise objections.

But before Chu Xiu could speak, Chong Qiushui suddenly said, "Sect Master Xu of Qingfeng Sect, I remember that your Qingfeng Sect is within the sphere of influence of Hanjiang City, right?

Ye Weikong has been trying to win over you many times before, but the two of you are very close.

This time, Ye Weikong betrayed me in the Eastern Region and used Hanjiang City as a springboard to attract warriors from the Southern Region. You two sects are so close, don't you know? "

Sect Master Xu quickly said, "Pavilion Master, you don't want to spit your blood!

What does Ye Weikong's betrayal of the Eastern Region have to do with me? It's not that I betrayed the Eastern Region.

No matter how close I got to him, Ye Weikong wouldn't tell me such a thing. "

Chong Qiushui said indifferently: "Blood-mouthed? Now the Cult Master Chu established the Eastern Region Alliance for the sake of the safety of my entire Eastern Region, but you pushed back three and four. I see that you are clearly just like Ye Weikong, who has long been in collusion with the Southern Region.

In my life, I hate traitors the most! "

Before waiting for the head of Xu to speak, Chong Qiushui directly squeezed the seal with his hand, and the emperor's treasure seal fell with a bang, sealing the space around the head of Xu, and even killed it with a single seal!

Turning his head, Chong Qiushui cupped his hands towards Chu Xiu and said, "I'm going to make a move at my own discretion, and I ask Cult Master Chu to forgive me."

Zhong Qiushui's identity changed quickly.

From an ally to a subordinate, there must be a subordinate appearance.

It is the right thing to do to help the boss to share his worries. It is the most suitable for him to sing this black face at such a time.

Chu Xiu chuckled and said: "The pavilion master helped me eradicate the traitors in the Eastern Region. This is a good thing, what do I need to forgive?"

Chu Xiu turned his gaze to the other warriors present, and said lightly, "The Emperor's Pavilion of the pavilion's pavilion is due to the betrayal of some unsettled disciples, which has caused his own vitality to be severely damaged, and his actions have been fierce. Please don't care.

However, what the pavilion master said is also reasonable. At this time, I can no longer tolerate people who are half-hearted.

So now, who else has a different opinion? "

Everyone present glanced at each other, stood up and cupped their hands: "I am willing to obey the arrangements of Cult Master Chu."

Guys who had different opinions before don't even have a corpse now, how could they have opinions?

Chu Xiu waved his hand and said solemnly: "Well, today our Eastern Region Alliance is officially established to jointly defend against foreign enemies and protect our Eastern Region!"

Just when the people from the many sects below were about to shout slogans, there were stars shining in the air.

This is a very strange scene. It is clear that the sky is clear, but the brilliance of the stars has even covered the scorching sunlight.

In mid-air, Meng Xinghe stepped down on the starlight, his expression was indifferent and calm, and he landed in the center of the Kunlun Demon Sect's square.

The formations of the Kunlun Demon Sect before were as if nothing in front of him, and even the slightest sound had not been made, and it had completely dissipated.

Seeing Meng Xinghe appear here, Chu Xiu's expression did not change in the slightest, but behind him, the expressions on Fang Baidu and Xu Tianya's faces changed slightly, apparently thinking of something.

They knew about the relationship between Meng Xinghe and Ye Weikong.

It should be said that this important relationship is known to the entire Daluotian.

But they never thought that Meng Xinghe would take action in person.

However, the others present looked at Meng Xinghe with a hint of doubt in their eyes. Who is this?

Although Meng Xinghe's name is well known, he rarely appears in the arena, including the Eastern Region where he is famous.

Therefore, more than half of the Eastern Region warriors present did not know him.

Chu Xiu stood up and said with a smile: "President Meng came to my Eastern Region from the North Territory all the way, but he came to participate in my Eastern Region Alliance Conference? Chu Xiu has lost his way, so I hope Dean Meng is not surprised."

Hearing Chu Xiu calling the person in front of him Dean Meng, everyone present was stunned for a moment before realizing who this person was in front of him.

Who else could be called Dean Meng by Chu Xiu, besides the Meng Xinghe who had just established the Galaxy Martial Arts Academy?

Thinking of this, the expressions of everyone present suddenly became amused.

Chu Xiu killed Ye Weikong, how could Meng Xinghe come here now to participate in the Eastern Region Alliance Conference? He was afraid that he wanted to kill Chu Xiu!

Meng Xinghe stared at Chu Xiu in front of him, but in his eyes only the galaxy turned, making it difficult to see whether he was carrying murderous intent or hatred.

"Chu Xiu, in the past at the Guzun Conference, I invited you to join the Galaxy Martial Arts Academy with sincerity.

Your martial arts may seem complicated, but it is the purest martial arts. I don't see any insight in you.

In a world of great contention, qi is circulating, you and I are actually pursuing the same thing. At that time, I didn't have any malice towards you.

As long as you can join the Galaxy Martial Arts Academy, I am even willing to give you the position of the vice president.

But why would you refuse? "

Meng Xinghe sighed and said, "If you can join the Galaxy Martial Arts Academy, you will be free from the disputes between the Southern Region and the Eastern Region, and the latter things will not happen.

Ye Weikong will not die, and I will not come to kill you on purpose! "

The killing words were uttered without the slightest killing intent, but everyone present had a feeling, as if they had fallen into the coldness of the Nine Winters in an instant.

No one would have thought that Meng Xinghe would be so straightforward, he didn't say anything grand, nor did he use his identity as the head of the Galaxy Martial Academy or Gu Zun's lineage to oppress people.

The causal cause is as simple as that.

Chu Xiu killed Ye Weikong, and he wanted to kill Chu Xiu!

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