Meet The Leader

Chapter 1385: The old barbarian king shot

Meng Xinghe's reason is very simple, even so simple that people can't refute it.

If you kill my friend, I will kill you. What's there to refute?

Chu Xiu didn't speak at this time, but Fang Baidu stood up and said solemnly: "President Meng, it's a little unreasonable for you to say that?

As the leader of Gu Zun's lineage, you are also the dean of the Galaxy Martial Academy, so you have to comply with the rules and rationale no matter what you do.

Ye Weikong took the initiative to find the sword sect of the world who wanted to cooperate, and he wanted to kill the leader of Chu first.

If you can't be counter-killed by your own strength, that's what you deserve. How can you listen to your tone, as if the leader of Chu should be killed? "

Fang Baidu had just surrendered to Chu Xiu, and he was still calculated and forced to surrender. Of course, he would not be so loyal to Chu Xiu.

Now he stood up to speak for Chu Xiu, but it was also for himself.

Now that he is already on Chu Xiu's side, he has no room to turn around.

The interests of both parties are the same, so Chu Xiu cannot die, and the Kunlun Demon Sect cannot be destroyed!

Meng Xinghe nodded and said: "You are right, Ye Weikong is courting death by himself, he is too persistent, and the anger in his heart cannot be suppressed. He was like this back then, and it is still like this now.

But so what? Now I am not the leader of Gu Zun's lineage, nor the dean of the Galaxy Martial Academy, just a warrior who wants to avenge his brother.

Fang Baidu, you have been Gu Zun for too long, I am afraid you have forgotten what the rivers and lakes look like.

Grace and resentment, right and wrong, in this world, no one can escape.

I don't care right or wrong today, I only have to do what I should do and what I shouldn't do. "

Fang Baidu wanted to say something, but was stopped by Chu Xiu.

With a smile on Chu Xiu's face, he said lightly: "President Meng said very well, it is rare that it is exactly what I thought.

Right and wrong are not so easy to distinguish, and I have always thought so. "

Chu Xiu's words were not hypocrisy, but Meng Xinghe's thoughts, which were surprisingly consistent with him.

If Lu Fengxian and others were killed in the future, even if they did something wrong, how would Chu Xiu care about them?

Jianghu has never been a place where you can tell right from wrong.

"However, Dean Meng, the rivers and lakes are right or wrong, but they also have to discuss the pros and cons.

Ye Weikong is dead, you are still alive, and the Galaxy Martial Arts Academy is still there.

Are you sure you're going to shoot today? Can you kill me? "

Meng Xinghe did not speak, but the next moment, the red sandalwood sword in his hand was already unsheathed.

The expressions of Xu Tianya and Fang Baidu changed, and they secretly said something bad in their hearts.

They feel that they have been unlucky to the extreme during this time.

When he was with the Sword Sect of the World, he was placed undercover by Chu Xiu'an, and he turned around directly, which was extremely miserable.

Now that I have finally taken refuge with Chu Xiu, I see that with my disciples, I can follow the Kunlun Demon Sect to dominate the Eastern Region. I didn't expect Meng Xinghe, the supreme powerhouse of Jiuzhongtian, to come to the door again.

But at this time, Fang Baidu felt something was wrong.

Chu Xiu was too calm.

Although Chu Xiu has always given the impression that he is an old and treacherous giant... scheming, as if everything is under his control.

But people like Wei Shuya and others were equally calm, as if they didn't take Meng Xinghe, the peak powerhouse of the Nine Heavens, seriously.

Or they have a shallow vision, thinking that the peak powerhouse of Jiuzhongtian is only a line higher than Bazhongtian, and it is not too strong.

Either... that Chu Xiu has already had his support, so they are not afraid.

Chu Xiu sighed deeply and said, "When will the grievances be repaid, old senior, this time it's up to you."

Fang Baidu and Xu Tianya were both stunned, senior? Which senior? Could it be Chu Xiu's master?

Before they could react, a powerful wave of power suddenly came from inside the Kunlun Demon Sect.

It was a desolate and majestic aura that was as desolate and desolate, and the earth even trembled as the aura came.

A tall old man in a robe walked out step by step.

Compared with the splendid dao robe with cloud patterns on his body, his powerful power, which was like a demon to the naked eye, gave people a very awkward sense of disobedience.

Seeing the old man in the robe, Meng Xinghe's hand holding the sword paused slightly, and after a while he spit out three words: "Old Barbarian King?"

The old man who appeared in front of everyone was the old barbarian king of the Luoshan tribe.

After Chu Xiu solved the Southern Territory's attack, the first thing he did was not to organize the Eastern Territory Alliance Conference, but to personally go to the land of the Southern Barbarians and invite the old barbarian king.

Although Meng Xinghe and Ye Weikong hadn't seen each other for over a hundred years, in the eyes of others, the two had taken a different path, and they had completely parted ways.

But Chu Xiu saved others by himself, he always felt that Meng Xinghe wouldn't let it go so easily.

But if Ye Weikong wanted to kill him, he naturally wouldn't let Ye Weikong go, and that state didn't allow him to let go.

Therefore, Chu Xiu naturally had to find a way to guard against Meng Xinghe afterwards.

The old barbarian king is a good choice.

Since you are an ally, you can't just stand by and watch something happen to your ally, right?

Of course, the old barbarian king would not be used as a spearman by Chu Xiu in vain. He took the opportunity to blackmail Chu Xiu a few 'extreme' conditions.

At least in the eyes of Da Luotian's human race warriors, it was quite excessive, but Chu Xiu agreed in one bite, in exchange for the help of the old barbarian king.

Looking at Meng Xinghe, the old barbarian king grinned and said, "I didn't expect you to recognize me, I have never dealt with you, but I have dealt with your master, the previous generation of Xinghe Sanren, and I seemed to be still alive at that time. As a Taoist priest in Baoguan, your master has not accepted you.

The descendants of your lineage are extraordinary, and so is your master.

Your eyes should be in the galaxy above the Nine Heavens, not entangled in these mortal disputes.

Go back, with me here, you can't move this kid. "

Meng Xinghe was very curious as to how Chu Xiu invited the old barbarian king.

But when he heard the words, he just shook his head and said, "I'm not sure about the Dao. If I don't clean up all the cause and effect in the world, how can I pursue the Dao?"

The old barbarian king shook his head and sighed: "Stubborn, stubborn, the old man hasn't shot for a long time, and now he is just moving his muscles and bones.

My family is not like your human race, which likes to talk about respecting the old and loving the young.

I don't have any pressure on the old man to take action against the juniors. "

As the old barbarian king's voice fell, he moved and headed straight for Meng Xinghe.

There was a sudden explosion between heaven and earth, and no one could see the figure of the old barbarian king. He seemed to have traveled through time and space. When he appeared in front of Meng Xinghe, a punch had already fallen!

Shatter the world!

At the moment when the old barbarian king shot, Chu Xiu felt the rhythmic power rules.

The old barbarian king just punched casually, but the power rules triggered by that punch were even stronger than Chu Xiu's Fa Tianxiangdi!

None of the peak powerhouses of Jiuzhongtian are simple existences.

In other words, there is a gap between Jiuzhongtian and Jiuzhongtian.

Although Luo Shan of the Sword Sect of the World is also in the Nine Heavens, he is only superior in strength to the warriors of the Eighth Heaven, and he has not crushed the control of the power of the rules.

At this time, the old barbarian king and Meng Xinghe, the power rules they controlled had completely surpassed Chu Xiu's understanding.

They are already so strong, let alone the existence of the level of Dao Zun.

Of course, strictly speaking, Dugu Weiwei and Ning Xuanji are actually Wuxian Jiuzhongtian.

Although they are too strong, but they have not yet broken through the next realm, they are naturally the Nine Heavens.

Therefore, the water in the Nine Heavens is very deep.

At this time, in the face of the old barbarian king's punch that affected countless power rules, Meng Xinghe's clothes fluttered and his body didn't move, but it was as if he had crossed countless spaces, and he instantly retreated more than ten feet.

The star-patterned sword in his hand swiped gently towards the front, and the star river instantly fell for nine days.

The huge force collided with the galaxy, and the power that erupted almost destroyed the entire central square of the Kunlun Demon Sect.

The next moment, the star-patterned sword in Meng Xinghe's hand danced up like a fairy in the sky. The sword light fell, and the night fell on the Xinghe. Every starlight was sword intent, and thousands of starlights fell. in it!

The old barbarian king was stunned for a moment, and then he laughed loudly: "You are stronger than your master, and your sword is more aggressive than your master!"

However, when the voice fell, the countless Lingbao Xiaguang behind the old barbarian king rushed into the sky, and the colorful Xiaguang was extremely dazzling, but as long as any existence touched the Lingbao Xiaguang, it would be assimilated and dissolved, and the power was actually extremely overbearing.

At this time, if the warriors with Lingbao Temple were here, they would not believe that the old barbarian king actually cultivated Lingbao Xiaguang to this level.

The disciples of the ordinary Lingbao Temple are all cultivated with Lingbao Xiaguang. Thirty-six paths are considered minor achievements, and 108 paths can be regarded as teachers.

If someone cultivates more than a thousand ways, only the existence of the Martial Immortal Realm can do it.

But now the old barbarian king's Lingbao Xiaguang is densely There are thousands of them, almost too many to count.

Meng Xinghe's brows wrinkled slightly, he retracted his sword and retreated, and the whisk in his hand threw out, implicated Wan Dao Xinghui, extended thousands of feet, and twisted towards the old barbarian king.

The power of the star power that the dust whisk affects can stagnate the power of the rules, directly imprisoning the old barbarian king on the spot.

The star-patterned sword rippled with ripples, traversing space and time, and stabbed straight at the old barbarian king.

However, when the long sword passed through the old barbarian king's body protection and pierced into his chest, Meng Xinghe frowned.

A pitch-black scale emerged from the wound of the robe, preventing him from entering an inch with this sword.

The old barbarian king grinned: "Don't forget that I am not your human race. Although I have practiced a lot of your human race skills, I have not forgotten the housekeeping skills of my family!"

With that said, the old barbarian king let out a roar like a wild beast, and the powerful force broke free from the shackles of Xinghui in an instant, and even tore Meng Xinghe's whisk apart forcibly!

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