Meet The Leader

Chapter 1392: hurt each other

Attitude comes from strength.


Chu Xiu's behavior in the lower realm only made the winner ancestor and others feel aggrieved, but it would not make them feel too angry.


Anyway, the Kunlun Demon Sect has grown to such an extent that they are no match for Chu Xiu, so what's the use of anger?


But Da Luotian's warriors all looked bad towards Chu Xiu, and even those from the High Heaven Sect and Huangtian Pavilion who had joined Chu Xiu's command felt a little awkward.


Chu Xiu said lightly: "I deceived Daluotian? Dao Zun said before that Daluotian and the lower realm are in the same vein. Since everyone is their own, how can they be deceived?


I have the Kunlun Demon Sect in the lower realm, and I have the foundation, but I also have the Kunlun Demon Sect and the foundation in Da Luotian.


I, Chu Xiu, are just a pure Chu Xiu, and the Kunlun Demon Sect is also a pure Kunlun Demon Sect. What is the difference between Daluotian and the lower realm?


Could it be that all of you came to the lower realm just to see and walk through the scene, aren't you ready to establish a sect? "


Chu Xiu, although this is sophistry, it still makes sense.


Daluotian and these sects spent time and energy to come to the lower realm, definitely to establish their power in the lower realm.


Whether it’s for resources or people, it’s for profit anyway.


In this way, they must also have power in Da Luotian and the lower realm. What is the difference between them and the Kunlun Demon Sect?


Perhaps the essential difference is Chu Xiu himself.


However, the leader of the Sanskrit sect was obviously not interested in listening to Chu Xiu's sophistry. He looked at Dao Zun and said coldly, "Before you said that before the lower realm, let Da Luotian calm down, I listened to you.


But now that I have reached the lower realm, I want to kill you kid, are you still going to stop me! ? "


Dao Zun did not speak.


He has no grievances or hatred with Chu Xiu, nor does he have any cause and effect.


So he had no reason to harm Chu Xiu, but he also had no reason to save him.


Everyone in Daluotian looked at Chu Xiu.


Everyone knew that Meng Xinghe had come to trouble him before.


That time Meng Xinghe was repelled by Chu Xiu, who was carried out by the old barbarian king.


But this time the old barbarian king is not here, what will Chu Xiu do to stop him?


At this moment, Chu Xiu took out an array plate calmly, and said lightly, "This array plate of mine is connected to the Lingxiao realm of Lingxiao Sect."


Everyone present was stunned.


What if your Chu Xiu's array is connected to the Lingxiao realm? Even if you are connected to the Daluo Shrine, the leader of the Sanskrit religion should kill you, isn't it the same as killing you?


However, as soon as these words came out, the expressions of the Dao Venerable, the World Venerable, and the Sanskrit leader all changed slightly.


Chu Xiu sneered and said: "Guess it? You have all seen the rootless sacred fire of my Kunlun Demon Sect. After taking over the Lingxiao Sect, the first thing I did was to connect the rootless sacred fire formation to the Lingxiao realm. .


That is a genuine divine artifact of heaven and earth, it can definitely break the formation in Lingxiao realm and release that...existence!


I destroyed the Temple of Vishnu, and I killed the people of your Sanskrit religion, but so what?


If you want to kill me, then everyone will die together!


You banned the one who existed for five hundred years. Guess, if he was born, who of you would be able to escape? "


Chu Xiu had a malicious smile on his face, a hateful look of hurting each other, which made the head of the Sanskrit sect grit his teeth with hatred.


Most of the people present were dumbfounded, because they didn't know what that "existence" was.


But they know the leader of the Sanskrit religion, even their ancestors banned Dugu Yume, so they naturally know how strong Dugu Yume is and what the consequences of releasing him will be.


Qin Baiyuan looked at Chu Xiu with a complicated expression over there.


It turned out that Chu Xiu was so active in establishing a formation in Ling Xiaozong at the beginning, and it was for this reason.


Although Chu Xiu's actions were taking advantage of Ling Xiaozong, Qin Baiyuan didn't hold much grudge against Chu Xiu.


The Lingxiao Sect has already been reduced to the level of asking for the protection of the Kunlun Demon Sect. What qualifications are there to resent others?


Qin Baiyuan just felt a little sad.


Ling Xiaozong clearly has such a big killer, but he has never thought of using it for so many years. Why is this? Because of arrogance, because of conceit.


From Ling Xiaozong's point of view, his family is already strong enough, so there is no need to threaten others in such an unseemly way.


As a result, when Ling Xiaozong really encountered a crisis, his own trump card was useless, instead, it was used by the current Chu Xiu to threaten a supreme power from Jiuzhongtian.


And this trick really works.


On the face of the Sanskrit leader, the evil side still had a ferocious murderous intent, but the good side was twitching the corners of his mouth and whispering something, as if he was persuading himself.


In the end, Venerable Dao said solemnly: "Forget it, it's all my human race, Daluotian and the lower realm, and they should treat them equally.


Don't forget, we didn't come to the lower realm to resolve these grievances, hurry up and find that thing. "


Hearing the Dao Zun speak, the Sanskrit leader turned his head and resisted that he did not continue to choose to take action.


But at this moment, in the lower realm, Lu Changliu looked at the crowd in Da Luotian, and hesitantly called out, "Patriarch?"


Ning Xuanji was standing in the crowd, but not to mention the lower realm warriors present, even Lu Changliu didn't recognize them for a while.


After all, they are not people from 500 years ago, and although the Zhenwu Sect has a portrait of Ning Xuanji that has been handed down, the Ning Xuanji in the portrait is an immortal style, and he looks like a master, not as sloppy as it is now. .


The rest of the people in the lower realms turned their attention to Ning Xuanji, and the horror on their faces was even stronger than when they knew that Chu Xiu had gone to Da Luotian long ago.


Who else can be called the Patriarch by Lu Changliu? There is only that legendary existence, the 'immortal' Ning Xuanji!


It's just that this Ning Xuanji in front of him doesn't seem to be the same as the Ning Xuanji they imagined?


Ning Xuanji raised his eyebrows, walked out, and asked, "Are you a disciple of the Zhenwu Sect?"


Lu Changliu nodded and gave a big salute to Ning Xuanji. After paying respectful visit, he said, "Unworthy disciple Lu Changliu pays homage to the patriarch. This disciple is now the 72nd headmaster of Zhenwu Sect."


Ning Xuanji glanced at Lu Changliu and said lightly, "You are really unworthy. Your strength is so weak that you are not even a Martial Immortal."


Lu Changliu blushed suddenly.


If someone else said this, he would definitely spray the other person's face.


Although his own strength is not strong, even if he is not ranked in the top ten, he can always be in the top twenty. Moreover, the Zhenwu Sect is the Eastern Qi State Religion, and he is also the Eastern Qi State Teacher.


But the person who said this was his own patriarch, and he had to suffer.


"Who is your master?" Ning Xuanji suddenly asked.


Lu Changliu said, "The teacher is Zhang Taixian, the real person of Puxuan."


Ning Xuanji shook his head: "I've never heard of it, where is your master's master?"


"Qingyun real person Tao Gongdu."


Ning Xuanji still shook his head: "I still haven't heard of it, maybe five hundred years ago, it wasn't even a direct disciple.


Forget it, it seems that my disciples, disciples, and grandchildren are few and far between, and the inheritance is not left behind. "


Lu Changliu hurriedly said: "Patriarch, when you come back this time, the disciple will immediately relinquish the position of headmaster. After you take over the Zhenwu Sect, the Zhenwu Sect will definitely be stronger than it was five hundred years ago!"


Ning Xuanji said indifferently: "You can continue to sit in this position of headmaster, I will not interfere.


My relationship with the Zhenwu Sect is only for one lifetime. The Zhenwu Sect is the Zhenwu Sect, but it is already a different person, and it is no longer my Zhenwu Sect.


So how will Zhenwu Sect develop next, you can see for yourself, I won't care about it.


However, these guys should be able to see my face, Master Dao, and won't kill the True Martial Sect.


Of course, you can also inflate it a bit, and let go of harsh words or something.


But if you are beaten, as long as you are not beaten to death, I will definitely be too lazy to take care of Daoist, so you can measure it yourself. "


Ning Xuanji, the sect who faced him, had an indifferent attitude, and he spoke with a daoist. No matter how he looked, he didn't look like the legendary martial arts immortal. Lu Changliu must have admitted his mistake, right?


Actually, Lu Changliu also had a confused look on his face at this time, hoping that he was mistaken.


Although he had heard other Zhenwu Sect elders discussing Ning Xuanji's character, he didn't know until he really met Ning Xuanji today.


The rumors are really unbelievable, but Ning Xuanji's character is even worse than the legend... bad.


Ning Xuanji just went back as if nothing was wrong. At this time, Venerable Dao shook his head gently, stood up and said softly to the warriors in the lower realm, "Don't be nervous, you and I were a family ten thousand years ago, and this place used to be. is our ancestral land.


Da Luotian's lower realm of warriors aims to communicate the two worlds, spread martial arts, and also want to retrieve what we have lost. Far beyond the prosperous world of martial arts 10,000 years ago. "


Hearing Dao Zun say this, the expressions of the lower realm warriors present relaxed a little, and they were no longer as nervous as before.


They can see that Dao Zun is definitely the strongest among the top warriors like Da Luotian, and what he said is absolutely counted.


However, Chu Xiu sneered in his heart. He dared to say that Dao Zun probably didn't even believe what he said.


The lower realm is not the former Daluotian, and the warriors in the lower realm are not the barbarians of the upper realm. Besides, Ning Xuanji is still there, and the warriors of Daluotian do not dare to slaughter, and there is no need.


However, if the warriors of Daluotian want to establish their power in the lower realm, there will definitely be conflicts.


It is absolutely impossible to count on hello to me and hello to everyone.


Just when Venerable Dao wanted to say something else, there was a twist in the space between the two groups of people, as if the rules of the space had been disturbed.


In the end, the space was torn apart, and Zhong Shenxiu's figure strode out of it.


Taking a look at the surrounding environment and people, Zhong Shenxiu murmured like no one: "This time the direction is correct, but it seems to be a bit late."


After speaking, Zhong Shenxiu looked at Dao Zun and the others, shook his head lightly, and said, "Although the cause and effect are already in chaos, I know that this is not the place you should come."

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