Meet The Leader

Chapter 1393: The cause and effect of Zhong Shenxiu

Zhong Shenxiu didn't dare to be surprised that Chu Xiu appeared here.


Anyway, Zhong Shenxiu is not used to ghosts and ghosts. Chu Xiu is not surprised that he suddenly appears in Daluotian one day.


However, Ning Xuanji was looking at Zhong Shenxiu at this time, with a hint of doubt in his eyes, as if he was thinking about something.


The sudden appearance of Zhong Shenxiu made many warriors in Da Luotian frown.


Because the two sides share the same relationship with Yiyuan and Ning Xuanji, they can maintain a polite attitude towards the warrior forces in the lower realm, although it is only superficially polite.


And then they will act in the lower realm. Whether it is to establish a sect or recruit disciples, they need to use these lower realm sects to cooperate or cooperate, so even if it is a Sanskrit leader with a bad temper, he will shout and kill before he comes up. .


In the end, when Zhong Shenxiu came up, he said that they shouldn't come here, but it made these warriors in Daluotian a little dissatisfied.


However, dissatisfaction turned into dissatisfaction, but none of the people present made a sound, because they found that they could not see through Zhong Shenxiu's cultivation.


They are the pinnacles of the Nine Heavens of the Martial Immortals, and they can't even see the cultivation of the person in front of them. Could it be that he is also a Nine Heavens? Is there anyone in the lower realm who has also stepped into the Nine Heavens?


Before the Dao Venerable could react, the face of the leader of the Sanskrit sect began to twist. The evil side had the upper hand, and grinned at Zhong Shenxiu: "Shouldn't you come? In the heaven and the earth, there is no one who can't come here. place!


Whether we should come or not is not your turn to discuss here! "


Previously, the head of the Sanskrit religion wanted to take action against Chu Xiu, but he was threatened by Chu Xiu with Dugu Yume and went back.


His spirit was not very stable at first, but at this moment his mental side was on fire, but now Zhong Shenxiu's words have ignited the fire in his heart.


Dao Zun frowned slightly, wanting to make the head of the Sanskrit sect not to be impulsive and to inquire about the other party's background first, but at this time the head of the Sanskrit sect had already taken action.


"If you want to stop me from waiting, see how much you have!"


As the voice of the Sanskrit leader fell, good and evil were polarized on his face, and the power in his body was divided into two types.


The world-annihilating fire in his left hand turned into a bow and arrow and emerged in his hand. Holding the bow in one hand, the long arrow shot out suddenly. Everywhere he passed, all power was obliterated, including rules and even space!


This is no longer the arrow of destroying Sanliancheng that Chu Xiu is familiar with, but the real arrow of world destruction!


The right hand of the Sanskrit leader is holding a long sword with a strange shape, curved and engraved with strange patterns.


When that sword fell, everything was divided into the original power, and returning to the original, even involved a part of the power of the origin of creation.


Seeing this scene, Chu Xiu's eyes suddenly shrank.


Although this Sanskrit sect leader has always been crazy before, it seems that it is not normal.


But when he made a move now, Chu Xiu felt an intuitive power.


Two kinds of powerful martial arts that are close to the source power are easily mastered by him, one is destruction, and the other is creation.


His comprehension of the power of rules has probably reached an extremely profound level.


The real scary thing about the Martial Immortals of Jiuzhongtian lies not in their accumulation of power, but in their understanding of the rules.


You both have a set of rules, but the other party's understanding is deeper than yours. Maybe if the other party says a word, the rules you control will collapse immediately. This is overwhelming power.


The peak powerhouse of Jiuzhongtian made a move, and the power was as if the sky was collapsing.


But facing the World Destruction Arrow, Zhong Shenxiu just tapped his finger, and ripples suddenly appeared in the air.


As if the calm lake water was stirred, under the ripples, the arrow of world-annihilation began to twist, as if the power that could silence the ruled space was itself an existence of nothingness.


As the ripples calmed down, the Arrow of World Destruction disappeared directly, as if it never existed at all!


The eyes of Daozu, Meng Xinghe and the others suddenly changed slightly. This kind of power is the power that the rules of space have been evolved to the extreme!


The next moment, Zhong Shenxiu grabbed it casually. It seemed that he had caught nothing, but everyone had a feeling that it was a sword.


Zhong Shenxiu grabbed a sword, Fang Tiandi turned it into a sword in his hand and stabbed the Sanskrit leader.


Taking heaven and earth as a sword, there is no sword intent, no sword qi, but the leader of the Brahma Sect snorted directly, and was directly smashed out by the powerful force in the void. Facing the mighty might of the sword of heaven and earth, no matter what the rules are useless.


Mu Baishuang in the back looked horrified, what kind of swordsmanship was that?


Even if Luo Shan made a move in the past, he couldn't reach the level where he could transform the world into a sword with a single grab.


This existence in the lower realm, with a pure cultivation level above the swordsmanship, has even surpassed Luo Shan, the first person in the swordsmanship of Da Luotian!


After the leader of the Sanskrit religion was beheaded, he didn't stop, instead, he formed a seal with his hands, turning his body into three faces and four arms.


The Dharma of Brahma controls creation.


The dharma of Shiva controls destruction.


The Vishnu Dharma balances the power of the two and separates birth and death.


Three heads, three dharmas, but it seems to form a world!


Everything around began to twist. In the space of hundreds of feet, all the forces of rules were forcibly controlled and twisted by these three forces. At this moment, the land of Baizhang seemed to change to a world, one that only belonged to Sanskrit. The world of the leader, in this world, he is a god-like existence!


But before the Sanskrit sect leader launched his offensive, the red mark on Zhong Shenxiu's forehead began to twist abruptly.


The red mark was stretched open, revealing an eye.


It was a scarlet vertical eye without the slightest emotion, and what was bred in it turned out to be a desperate silence.


The moment everyone saw the vertical eyes, their hearts palpitated, as if boundless despair had penetrated into your heart.


The scarlet vertical eyes bloomed with red awns that penetrated the sky and the ground. Everywhere they passed, everything was cut and torn. Even if a world was in front of it, it was as fragile as tofu, and all were torn to shreds. , go straight to the leader of the Sanskrit religion!


The leader of the Sanskrit sect shouted angrily, the four arms formed a seal, and the power of the three gods of the Sanskrit sect was unified, but it could only make the speed of the red glow a little slower, but it could not stop it from spreading.


At this moment, Dao Zun suddenly squeezed a Dao seal in his hand, and spit out a word from his mouth: "Zhen!"


In an instant, the heavens and the earth attacked, and the mysterious yellow energy condensed and turned into a Daoyin before the red glow. Although it could not be destroyed, it was temporarily suppressed.


With a roll of whisk in the hands of Venerable Dao, he pulled the leader of the Sanskrit sect back, gave Zhong Shenxiu a bow, and said solemnly, "This layman, we have no ill intentions.


But this is our ancestral land. Now that the ban is broken, we return to our ancestral land. What's wrong? "


Seeing that neither the leader of the Sanskrit religion nor the Dao Venerable made any moves, Zhong Shenxiu closed the third eye on his forehead, and said lightly: "Your ancestral land has been abandoned and destroyed by you, this is the lower world, not your ancestral land. ."


Dao Zun sighed and said, "The choice of our ancestors, I, as a younger generation, cannot judge.


But no matter whether it is the lower world or the upper world, it has the relics of our ancestors here, and the inheritance of our ancestors, why can't it be the ancestral land?


When I return to the ancestral land, what I bring is not killing, but the inheritance of martial arts, the prosperity of martial arts.


The Sanqing Palace has a branch hall in the lower realm. Every month, there will be martial arts experts who will open the altar and give lectures. All martial artists, regardless of Taoism, Buddhism, or sect, can come to listen to the lectures. "


Meng Xinghe also said: "The same is true of the Galaxy Martial Arts Academy. All warriors in the lower realm can join the Galaxy Martial Academy, join at any time, leave at any time, and never stop them."


As soon as these words came out, the lower realm warriors present suddenly widened their eyes.


The impact of these things on them today was a bit big, so they haven't digested it yet.


But they must have come with a vigilant attitude towards these warriors of Daluotian before, but no one thought that the warriors of Daluotian would be willing to preach publicly and teach the martial arts above the martial arts, which is like giving away secret books for nothing What's the difference?


Although the vitality of the lower realm is abundant now, the realm of heaven and earth is not at the peak, and martial arts are just around the corner, but for most martial artists, they have no experience in attacking martial arts, only a few people such as Ye Shaonan and Lao Tianshi are amazing. The younger generation can step into the Martial Immortal without any experience and when the vitality has not erupted.


Now that some people are willing to give away these things for nothing, what they bring can really be said to be a prosperous world of martial arts.


However, Zhong Shenxiu shook his head and said, "I don't care why you came and what you brought, but according to cause and effect, you should not be here at this moment."


Dao Zun frowned slightly and said lightly: "What is the cause and effect that stipulates that I can't appear in the lower realm?


Cause and effect, there is cause and effect, what is cause? What is fruit again?


I have already appeared here, so is this cause and effect still useful? "


This series of inquiries left Zhong Shenxiu stunned. After a while, he shook his head and said, "I don't know."


This time, it was Dao Zun and the others' turn to be stunned.


The Sanskrit leader has a mental problem, and now they feel that Zhong Shenxiu has a mental problem too.


You just said that the lower realms of Daluotian violated cause and effect, but you don't even know what the cause and effect are, so you are still blocking them here?


Looking at the broken Tianmen formation, Zhong Shenxiu said, "Since the formation was broken, the cause and effect has changed, it has become different.


I don't know what kind of cause and effect you will cause, but if you insist on not returning to Daluotian, the cause and effect will become more distorted, and the results of fate will be different. "


Dao Zun pointed to the sky, and said lightly, "My generation has cultivated for a lifetime, and we are all fighting for our lives with the sky.


We believe in cause and effect, but we don't believe in destiny.


If everything is predestined from birth, why do I have to cultivate hard and compete with this world? "


Zhong Shenxiu sighed softly. This was the only time Chu Xiu saw Zhong Shenxiu show a hint of emotion. In the past, whenever he was like a robot, he didn't show any emotion.


"Just do it yourself."


Leaving such a sentence, Zhong Shenxiu walked straight to the east, and this time he did not go in the wrong direction.

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