Meet The Leader

Chapter 1394: respective purpose

The appearance of Zhong Shenxiu not only confused the warriors of Da Luotian, but also the warriors of the lower realms.


Of course, what shocked them even more was Zhong Shenxiu's strength.


They never thought that this elusive and elusive Heavenly Lord, his strength is so terrifying that even the powerhouses of Daluotian seem to be no match for him.


And those warriors of Daluotian may have had a hint of contempt for the lower realm before.


After all, there are only a handful of warriors in the lower realm who can step into Martial Immortals, and when it comes to inheritance, people such as myself are the heirs who have inherited all the inheritance of the ancient warriors thousands of years ago, and these warriors in the lower realm, they inherited only some It's just bits and pieces, not even magical powers.


But with the appearance of Zhong Shenxiu, they discovered that this legendary ancestral land seemed to have deep water.


This time, when they returned to the ancestral land from the lower realm, Dao Zun and the others found that the things they had imagined before seemed to be useless, and there were too many accidents.


Dao Zun said solemnly: "Everyone, we should go. All the affairs of the lower realm will be handed over to other people in their respective sects."


With that said, a few people came out of their respective sects, all of them were the existence of Wuxian Jiuzhongtian or Bazhongtian, or they were the new martial immortals with unlimited potential like Xu Guishan in the Sanqing Palace. There are about a dozen or so. Personally, head straight for the South.


Mu Baishuang of the Sword Sect of the World obviously knew something, but he hesitated for a while, and when he saw Dao Zun and others leaving, he didn't move.


Chu Xiu raised his eyebrows. It seemed that these supreme powers of Daluotian had some agreement with each other. Their return to the lower realm was not just to compete for luck, it was as simple as opening a sect in the lower realm.


At this time, Lu Changliu came over and wanted to talk to Ning Xuanji, after all, this was their ancestor.


But Ning Xuanji ignored him directly, walked towards Chu Xiu, and asked directly, "Boy, you destroyed the gate of heaven, the source of the anode in the gate of that day is on you?


Don't be nervous, Master Dao, it's useless for me to ask for that thing, I won't rob you.


Of course, in other words, if I really want to rob you, Master Dao, what else can you do but bear it obediently? "


Chu Xiu sneered and said, "If Senior Ning really wants it, I will definitely offer the source of anode."


Ning Xuanji said with a half-smile, "You have a lot of hearts, if I really grab it, will you release Dugu and me?


Forget it, don't talk nonsense with you, boy, let's make a deal.


Take a trip to the East China Sea with me, and I want to borrow the source of anode from you.


Your current strength should be at the peak of the Fourth Layer. After this is done, I have a way to elevate you to the Fifth Layer. How about it? "


Chu Xiu didn't even think about it and said, "It's all up to the senior's explanation."


Not to mention that Ning Xuanji didn't give him any benefit, just with Ning Xuanji's strength, Chu Xiu had no reason to refuse.


After all, there is a good chance of getting closer to a legendary powerhouse of this level.


Although some people are disciples and grandchildren, they haven't had the chance yet.


For example, Lu Changliu.


Seeing Ning Xuanji and Chu Xiu talking about Zheng Huan and joking, Lu Changliu could be described as aggrieved.


Whose ancestor is this? The most important thing is that Patriarch, do you know that the other party is the leader of the demon sect five hundred years later.


Jianghu has been uploaded for 500 years. Immortal Ning Xuanji smashed Dugu Yume's ambition to dominate the Jianghu. As a result, you are chatting so happily with the demon leader five hundred years later. .


However, Ning Xuanji didn't care about this, and directly pulled Chu Xiu to leave.


Chu Xiu hurriedly explained, asking Mr. Wei and the others to temporarily keep most of their power in the lower realm, not to conflict with those big sects, and to ensure that their own territory and strength are the main things.


After speaking, he was directly pulled away by Ning Xuanji.


Daluotian's strong man and Chu Xiu both walked away, and the rest stared wide-eyed before starting to withdraw one after another, preparing to deal with the next situation.


Chu Xiu's subordinates must ensure that the interests of the Kunlun Demon Sect will not be damaged until Chu Xiu returns.


The warriors in the lower realms also have to ensure that they will get benefits while not hurting their interests, such as the cultivation experience in the realm of Martial Immortals.


And what the warriors of Daluotian need, only they themselves know.


Ning Xuanji dragged Chu Xiu all the way to the East China Sea. On the way, Chu Xiu asked, "By the way, senior, what are those people from Daluotian doing? What are you planning to do when you drag me to the East China Sea?"


Ning Xuanji squinted his eyes and said, "Those guys went to the South China Sea, and they went to find clues about Changshengtian."


Chu Xiu said in surprise: "It's been 10,000 years, and they haven't given up on Changshengtian? Does Changshengtian really exist?"


As for the clues about Changshengtian, Tianhun has already told Chu Xiu very clearly.


Gathering the three sources of origin can open up the Heaven of Longevity, but it seems that the way that Dao Zun and the others understand how to open up the Heaven of Longevity is somewhat different from what Dugu Yui understands.


Ning Xuanji sneered: "Who knows, it's all those things recorded in the ancient books, anyway, I don't believe in those illusory things, I only believe in my eyes.


Comprehend the extremes of the rules, create the rules so as to create the world, maybe in the future, I will be a god, the **** who can control a world! "


When Ning Xuanji said this, he was supposed to be extremely heroic, but when he said it, there was a sense of complacency, which ruined the atmosphere.


Chu Xiu changed the topic: "Then what are we looking for in the East China Sea, senior?"


"It's to find the fragments of the original formation of the lower world."


Ning Xuanji didn't hide it either, and explained it to Chu Xiu in detail.


"The current lower realm was formed after the destruction of the upper world and the fusion of the lower world.


This fusion must have an initial point. The fusion of the two sides will inevitably produce some fragments of the world left by the collision. What I am looking for is that thing.


Since you want to create a world, you must understand how that world came into being.


According to my calculations, the rules of that place must be extremely chaotic, even more chaotic than Daluo Shrine.


That's why I called you here. At that time, I will use the power of the anode source in you to break the chaotic rules and enter it. "


Chu Xiu hesitated and said, "If you want to simply borrow the power of the anode source, it may not work. I still have the source of magic in my body. The two have been combined and started to circulate, so I can only use them at the same time."


The matter of Chu Xiu's destruction of the Tianmen cannot be concealed, so the people of Daluotian must know that there is a positive source in his body sooner or later.


So this matter doesn't matter. Anyway, he is now "bringing Dugu and me to threaten everyone". For the origin of an unusable and unrefined source, those top powerhouses in Daluotian are not worth taking this risk.


And now Chu Xiu can be sure that Ning Xuanji has no need for Yuanyuan, so he told about the Yin-Yang Yuanyuan.


Ning Xuanji looked at Chu Xiu in surprise: "You kid has amazing luck, the source of yin and yang is in your hands.


This doesn't matter, as long as I use the power of the source to break the chaotic rules, both Yin and Yang are fine, both are better. "


At this moment, Chu Xiu suddenly said: "By the way, Senior Ning, what does luck represent? Are those forces in the lower realms of Da Luotian all fighting for luck?"


Due to his strength, Chu Xiu didn't know much about the secrets of some peaks, and he was in a state of confusion most of the time.


He happened to be with Ning Xuanji right now, and Ning Xuanji seemed to be in a good mood. If he could find out more information, he would ask as many questions as possible.


Ning Xuanji said indifferently, "As for luck, it doesn't matter if it's important.


By the way, Xiang Lu Fengxian next to you is the person who is favored by luck, and even has a longer natural luck than you. He can be said to be the person with the strongest natural luck I have ever met. The future of such a person will be It will be much smoother.


But this is just a person's natural luck. If you want to occupy the world's great luck, you must stand at the real peak.


In other words, when you are really at the top, luck is just the icing on the cake, not the help.


As for the idea of ​​Da Luotian's gang, I'm not too sure, they have their plans. "


"Then, senior, are you going to fight for the luck of this lower realm?"


Ning Xuanji sneered: "Those are all the rest of Daoist's game. Five hundred years ago, I and Dugu Yui shared the fate of the lower world equally, but so what? Haven't we been able to take the last step yet?


There is only one lifetime of luck. I took the luck of 500 years ago. Even if I want to fight for the luck of this era, I have no share. "


Chu Xiu Ning Xuanji's words are good because they see through the essence of luck, but if they are bad, they are pretending to be coercive.


What about the equal division of the lower realm's luck? You have already become one of the only two superpowers in the lower realm. Even if you go to Da Luotian, you will have no opponent if you fight alone. What else?


Of course, Chu Xiu didn't dare to say these words directly, he just mumbled in his heart.


After arriving at the east coast, Ning Xuanji suddenly stopped.


Chu Xiu looked at Ning Xuanji with puzzled eyes, not knowing what he meant.


Ning Xuanji pointed forward and said, "Boy, I'll leave it to you."


Chu Xiu was taken aback: "What did you give me?"


"Of course, it's to find the location of the beginning of the two worlds."


Chu Xiu said in surprise: "You don't know the location of that place?"


Ning Xuanji said of course: "Calculation is not a prophet, I can only deduce the initial position of the fusion of the world, but the East China Sea is so big, how can it be accurate to that place?


You are the master of the Kunlun Demon Sect in the lower realm. Don't tell me, you don't have the slightest power in overseas places.


Dugu Wei and I didn't do it myself. I only sent a Demon Venerable out to subdue the entire overseas martial arts forest. You kid won't even recover the overseas land, right? "


Chu Xiu touched his nose and said, "It's considered a recovery. Senior Ning, don't worry, I'll leave this matter to me."

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